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Tandoori Potatoes / Paneer Tikka / Chicken Tikka

Yummy Tandoori!!!

Ingredients :

3 potatoes half-boiled & cubed / paneer / chicken
1 tbsp ginger-garlic paste
2 cups yogurt
3 tsp tandoori masala
2 tsp chaat masala
2 tbsp butter

Method :

1. Sprinkle chaat masala on the potatoes.

2. Mix the rest of the ingredients in the yogurt & then add the potatoes / paneer / chicken. Marinate for 5-6 hours. Then put it in the refrigerator till needed.

3. Cook in a pan or in the oven. Add butter to it when it is being cooked.

4. When done, arrange lettuce leaves in a dish & put the tandoori potatoes / chicken /paneer in the center.

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