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Mushroom Fantasy

An appetizer than you will relish. Its baked with a wonderful combination of ingredients.

Ingredients :

1 pack Fresh Mushrooms
2 tbsp onions finely chopped
1 tbsp spring onions finely chopped
2 tbsp red bell pepper finely chopped
2 tbsp peas
2 tbsp carrots finely chopped
1 tbsp cheese
1 tbsp bread crumbs
2 cloves finely chopped garlic
2 green chillies- finely chopped
1/2 tsp finely grated ginger
1 tsp lemon juice
2 tsp curry powder

Method :

1. Wipe mushrooms clean & cut off its stalks & chop the stalks finely.

2. Warm oil in a pan. Add onions, ginger, garlic & chillies.

3. Add curry powder & salt.

4. Add the stalks of the mushrooms, carrot, peas, bell pepper. Stir fry.

5. Finally add spring onions & put off the flame. Let this mixture cool.

6. Stuff the mushrooms with the filling.

7. Sprinkle bread crumbs & cheese over it.

8. Bake at 200 degrees F for 15 minutes or until the cheese melts & has a slightly brown colour.

9. Serve hot with corriander or mint chutney.

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