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Steam it or fry it; kids will love it

Ingredients :

1 pack Keema
1 cup white flour
1 Egg
5 spring onions finely chopped
2 tbsp ginger finely chopped
2 tsp soya sauce
oil for frying
1 tbsp butter
salt to taste
2 tsp black pepper

Method :

1. Stir-fry keema in butter till cooked. Add salt & pepper.

2. Mix keema, egg, spring onions, ginger, soya sauce. Check for salt. Mix well. Keep aside.

3. Knead white flour with little water. The dough should be kneaded well & hard.

4. Make a long roll out of the dough. Make 1/2" pcs. Dust the pieces with a little white flour.

5. Roll with a rolling pin into rounds like a puri. Put the stuffing in the center, then fold like a semi-circle.

6. Put in boiling water. Cover & cook on a low flame for 10 mins.

7. Could also shallow fry it in a frying pan with a little butter.

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