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Wonton Soup

Ingredients :

1 potato cut into tiny cubes
1 carrot cut into tiny cubes
a few french beans cut finely
1 small onion chopped finely
4-5 spring onions chopped finely
3-4 cloves garlic
2 green chilles
salt to taste
1 tsp black pepper
aji-no-moto - a pinch
1 cup white flour
1 tbsp oil
3 cups chicken stock

Method :

1. Add some salt to the white flour & knead it to a dough. Keep aside.

2. Take oil in a pan, add onions. Add garlic & green chillies.

3. Add potato, carrots, beans, salt, pepper, aji-no-moto, spring onions. Stir fry for 5-10 minutes till done.

4. Make small balls out of the dough. Roll like a roti. Cut the roti into a semi-circle. Again cut the semi-circle into half (ie. Make 4 parts out of 1 roti).

5. Take 1 part. At the corner of the piece, put 1 tsp of the filling & start rolling it towards the circular edge. When you reach the corner of the circular edge, then join both the sides of the center together to make a shape of the wonton.

6. Boil the chicken stock. Add the wontons to the chicken broth & cover & cook for 15 to 20 minutes on a low flame. Serve hot.

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