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Marc McCullough


  • Top or bottom?
  • Over or under?
  • Crunchy or puff?
  • Pickles or no pickels?
  • Famous quote: Sweatstances are easy
  • Last words:
    • Nickname: n/a
    • Age: 16
    • Martial Status:
    • Things to do other than Skating: Chill
    • Fast food:
    • Car:
    • Music:

    Skating Stats

  • Years experence:
  • Skates: I don't even know anymore
  • Best place to Skate: Shady, MLK
  • Favorite trick: True Spins
  • Damage: Broken arm
  • Arested:
  • Park or Street:
  • Worst crash: Comp USA sweatstance to broken arm