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"Why not, every party needs a drunk monkey running." -Kacyn
"Thats what Boner is for." -Moser

"The only thing to come out of Latrobe are queers, and bad beers." -Smitty hating rolling rock

"I got drunk, smoked weed, and some girl saw my wiener its time for me to go home." -Greenly at the Blood Tournament party

"No one told me I was still wearing sandles." -Missy in icing rain on a nice 30 degree night

"Your never to drunk to lick your own asshole." -Katie 3 in a row... some stop this girl from drinking

"If I was listening to this song and eating taco bell i'd probably crap my pants." -Katie talk about spring break 2003 favorite BOOM BOOM Dollar

"We just drank the bong water.. why???" -A mest up Katie after drinking what no one should

"I have tits, and I'm not afraid to show them!" -Kacyn about how she could get tickets to the Sold out Finch/Used show in Pittsburgh... Note if anyone has a ticket or two they'd wanna give up to see Kacyn's boobs IM her at klaylu28

"It doesn't matter I have boobs!" -Ang about I have no idea

"When your talking to me try not to rub your boobs on my arm, its making me uncomfortable." -Rugby Biff

"You wanna drink holy beer tonight?" -The newly ordained minister Bowl

"Hey guys, shove this up my ass." -Jonelle, trying to hind a bottle of alcohol

"I've got to sober up before I get drunk again today" -Clint

"Its like................ yeah" -A really stoned Kacyn talking about traffic

"Fuck that hillbilly i'll punch him and his bucktooth girlfriend!!!" -Rob yelling at a redneck in traffic

"I gotta take one hell of a dominos shit, 30 minutes or less" -Moser in the drunkest state i've ever heard

"I read everything perfectly fine and it all made sense, I just couldn't seem to fill in the little dots all that well." -Smitty talking about his way to early in the morning finals

"The world needs bitchs like you guys to make people like me look cooler" -Ruben about all of us the require sleep

"Hey, how much would we have to pay for you two to bang?" -Smitty
"That would never happen, never!" -Katie
"50 bucks." -Kacyn

"If you don't get drunk how are we going to have anal sex?" -Todd Walk pimpin hardcore style

"Come over here if you wanna makeout, cause i'm gonna passout real soon" -A really mest up Smitty doin his thing(Note he doesn't remember saying that)

"You're still here? I thought you guys left, I fell asleep in there" -Kacyn coming out of the shower still drunk at 12:30pm from the night before

"He seems to think he is gods gift to women, but personally, I'd like a refund" -The coolest girl in the world, Katie, about some dude

"I think i'm finally not drunk from yesterday" -A drunk Crossey that never went to sleep around 2pm saying he needs another beer

"You know Rob, if I were to piss myself right now it would cool me down." -Tim telling Rob that the heat in the van was out of control

"Party... no we're just looking to have a good time" -Todd ordering those strippers that come to your house

"I'm gonna get drunk before my final tomorrow. Me and the captian are going to make it happen" -Lisa Toth saying how to take a final the right way

"Jamie I think I drank myself retarded again" -Katie "I didn't sleep on the tolet" Pegher

"I want to be the pope. How do you become the pope anyway? Are you just born into popedom?" -Katie "But I don't understand" Pegher

"After that I was wallowing in my own cheesey utopia" -Moser about eating a bag of cheese squares

"So instead of being baried in a large box, you want to be burned and put into a tiny jar." -Bowl about Moser's clostrphobia
"No, i'm not going to be put in a jar, I want my ashes sprinkled over a porn set" -Moser leting us know what to do with his ashes.

"If I ever did meet Rachel Leigh Cook it would be the most embarsing moment of my life, cause i'd bust in my pants and fall over" -Dave Chlebda talking about Josie and the Pussycats

"There's just something about people that are 50% head that freak me out" - Smitty while watching the midget village part of Willo

Ya know a couple of months ago you jacked me for having that hair cut" - Smitty about Todds growing suelot
"Yeah but i'm a lot cooler than you" - Todd defending the bottle cap

"Hey check this out its all icey" -Bowl about a slippery puddle on the ground
"Thats oil you moron" -Moser

"Hey Rob feel this" - Smitty making rob feel his boner after pulling a rail ***note he really didn't have a boner

"Are you guys gonna be here awhile, cause I wanna go put my balls on that thing again." -A stoned Moser talking about a playstation controler that wouldn't stop vibrating

"Even in Boy Scouts it was be prepared, be prepared, be prepared, and then theres the army: here's your stick go get em." -Moser army bashing

"I cut my penis shaving, and my dog pissed on my foot, those were the highlights of my week" - Moser after having a bad week

"He's just saying that cause he wants some" -Jonelle after Mike Cottle said she had a nice ass

"Don't worry about me I had my penis to break my fall" -Smitty after landing on his junk at the skate park

"If the cops come you run, if they let that dog after you, you punch that fucker in the nose thats just what you do." -Bowl about ingaging in illegal activities

"No i'm not going to tell her, we'll let her learn the hardway" -Bowl about Jonelle burning cookies
"Yeah right then we don't get any cookies...fag" -Todd going to save the cookies

"Here take a bite it tastes like chicken" -Mike Cottle offering someone a peice of his chicken fingers

"What was that?? That doesn't look hard." - Jonelle about a huge ass bird flying through a 2 foot hole
"Have you ever tried flying???" - Mike Cottle

"If your gonna puke, puke in the grass so it won't splatter on me." -Moser to vary vary drunk Hanks

"letys go break stuff and kill people!" -Moser
"and you wonder why no girls want to hang out with you." -Smitty

"Your about as sharp as a bowl of mashed potatoes." -Moser to Jonelle about something

"How could you not like it? There are naked chicks dancing up there for you for a dollar. You can't get a pack of chiklets for a dollar." -Moser about the nudie bar

"Man my clothes smell like naked." -Bowl after a night at the nudie bar

"That looks like when Boner tries to talk." -Vasco watching the crying scene of SLC Punk®

"Dude I would give my right arm to do her, not just part either the whole thing." -Tim talking about Britney Spears

"I could explain the pycological aspect to you, but I don't feel like it." -Moser explaining stripers to Jonelle

"Hey Boner, Vasco said he needs someone in there to man rape." -Todd Walkowiak, talking shit on boner

"Oh thats a Dildo.... I thought it was jello or something" -Moser after seeing a dildo on the second Girls Gone Wild® Video Bowl got

"YOU BLEW IT YOU SHITHEAD, now i'm going to have to walk" -Bowl yelling at Smit after he missed a parking spot

"Dude why would you dye you hair...girls are aready all over you" -Smitty telling bowl not to dye his hair
"Not really man they tend to hover in this reigon" -Bowl circling his hand around his crotch

"Man it looks like that chicks pie ate a toupey" -Moser about some girl on the Girls Gone Wild® Video

"Dude if you can see the car you're going to hit it!!!" -Bowl about Smitty backing up in the new car

"You know if you ever did that to me i'd take a shit in a bag and throw it at you!!!" -Moser telling the Sperminator not to do to him what she did to Tim

"I don't care what Bowl says, he can sit in the back with the sperminator" -A highly pissed off Tim telling Bowl to sit in the back after taking a sip of his drink that had been sperminated by...... the Sperminator

"Smitty you have to see my ass" -Jonelle about something on her ass

"Dude if I could have my balls made out of anything it'd be silly putty. No for real just think if you didn't have time to read the paper you could just put you balls on it and read it later. -Moser talking about his sack

"Man I wonder if Rob's got stuck in the butt yet" -Bowl about our friend in the army

"Man I don't know about you but I think it'd be hard to ride a chick considering they don't have penises" -Bowl with a witty come back against another mom joke from Rob

"Man I saw a budda guy wearing a turban and a fubu shirt, it just blew my mind" -Moser

Rob if you ever had to eat me i'd want you to eat my grundel (If you don't know don't ask) -Bowl
"Suck my white ass bowl -Rob

No no ones going to tell me thier just going to let me fester in my stupidity- Moser after saying something that he didn't know really happened.....we didn't tell him either...hahahaha

"Man that ungrateful old asshole, no thank you, no werthers original, no nothing" -Tim bitching about the old guy that we pushed out of a snow embankment and just speed the hell away

"Ahhh... it must suck not to have four wheel drive, hmmm i'll just sit here eat my Chese Nips and smoke." -Bowl driving up a super snowy mountian with no hands on the wheel following a guy driving up sideways

"Man if that bus took that car over the hill it would be like... holy shit man...... bowl go around him" - Tim giving instructions on how to go about seeing a car accident

"Dude if I was a Hot Slut I wouldn't go anywhere near me" -Moser putting himself down again

"Man all they eat in Mexico is nachos" -Jill talking... well I guess shit on Mexico

"Man i'd rather sit here and look at the wall then go to boyce." -Smitty talking about the shitty local ski slope

"Dude i'd rather take a nice shit then go to boyce" -Bowl reiderating the fact

"Go to the middle of nowhere and make a left, then your at woodward." -Justin Moser giving us directions

"Is it me or does it feel like there should be a midget in the back shoveling coal" -Rob talking about bowls shitty jeep

"Man my goalie is the shit" -Bowl talking about his goalie in one of those plastic hockey acarde game things

"Man Smitty we're gonna turn you into a bad boy, all you need is a leather jacket and a bandana" -Bowl telling Smit he needs an image change

"Dude.. your supposed to drink not inhale" -Bowl telling Smitty how to drink iced tea
"Choke, cough, gag, gag, choke Fuck you Cough, gag choke" -Smitty choking on some iced tea

"Dude that chick has been in 137 porn movies??? I havn't even tried to have sex that many times" -Bowl about Some porn slut on tv

"I'm gonna eat a whole lot of shit so I can at least have something to look at when I'm sleeping on the toliet" -Rob saying how drunk he's going to get this weekend

"I've been drinking so much mountian dew I don't think I could get a girl pregnant" -Bowl talking about getting laid(or not getting laid I couldn't tell) this weekend

"My farts smell good man they smell like.....SSSHHHHIIIIIITTTTTTTT!!!" -Tim

"This song just makes me feel all nice and warm inside." -Smitty
"No dude thats the heat." -Bowl

"Why would you go there, Cleveland is like the asshole of the country." -Smitty's dad after we told him we were going to Cleveland
The opinion expressed above is from that of the speaker only...I Bear no ill will toward Cleveland

"Man its a really nice day out." -Bowl talkin about a COLD ass day
"Yeah nice if your a fuckin penguin." -Smitty

"I don't even remember all the times i've been to the nudie bar, it's just all formed together as one massive nudie experience." -Bowl trying to justify his addiction to the nudie bar

"Ya I gave the stripper a lot of money, but when the stripper gives you her phone number, ya give the stripper a lot of money" -Rob talking about yet another trip to the nudie bar

"You know your a redneck if you wear a camoflage hat" -Bowl talkin shit on some redneck wrestler

"cough, cough, choke, gag, Damn dude its like I have torretes syndrome" -Bowl choking on some iced tea that went down the wrong pipe.

"All this hot chocolate i'm going to have to hot piss in a couple of minutes" -Rob

"Feel this it's Shiney" -Bowl....just being stupid.

"Hi Ho, Hi Ho its off to the nudie bar we go" -A very Happy Rob telling me his plans for the night.

"That would have been cool if you could driven away fast so they couldn't see us" -Bowl, About Smitty "trying" to speed away after honking at the Wall Hotel.

"Dude that fry is like the Titanic its never coming back up." -Blake about losing another french fry in the cup of cheese.

"What!! A dollar!!! I could get a whole meal at macdonald's for a dollar!!!" -A pissed off Tim about the "cover charge" at some international food thing.

"What the hell are you doing? You think i'm standing here for my damn health??" -A pissed crossing guard yelling at Blake who couldn't wait to cross the street after leaving the food thing because of the bullshit cover charge.

"Dude thats not an A+. Thats more like a B-." -Smitty about the shitty little A+ Ferry now works at.

"It's butter???!!!???!?!!" -A bedazzled Mario pushing the selfserve mustard button

"Smitty doesn't need hip-hop. He's hip-hop in his own way" -Marc about Smitty's choice of music

I've seen a lot of things in my 17 years but that is just... WOW!!! -Tim about the guy in Eckerd without any pants

"Hanks do I knock over the candles in your house" -Joe Blasko
"NO but you Hump my Cat!!!" -Hanks

"I'm to strong for this...Im' like a cave man in a game of finess" -Tim after knocking another ball off the pool table

"I could be a nascar driver!!!" -Smitty
"Dude no you couldn't, you barely made that little bend doing 30" -Rob Martin

"Ron your goin get cancer from that nutrisweet" - Bowl
"Your telling me this while smoking a cigerette" -Ron

"I'll pull a 720 tonight just so I can be the best again" -Tim
"Bring the camcorder and i'll send it to Faces of Death" -Bowl