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  • Top or bottom? Either or
  • Over or under? Only pies go under
  • Crunchy or puff? Crunchy
  • Pickles or no pickels? Pickels suck ass
  • Famous quote: "It's your own life, live it for yourself"
  • Last words: You don't realize how important your arm is until you can't use it
    • Nickname: Smitty
    • Age: 20
    • Martial Status: Girls don't like skaters, i'm no different
    • Things to do other than Skating: Crusin, Snoboarding, 3rd year at UPJ
    • Fast food: Taco Bell, or Wendys
    • Car: Toyota Celica *DECEASED*
      A 1975 Oldsmobile 98
    • Music: 311, Zebrahead, Midtown, Punchline, A New Found Glory, Fenix*TX

    Riding Stats

  • Years experence: 4
  • Skates: Razor Creams
  • Best place to Skate: Comp Usa, Shady, Mckinley
  • Favorite trick: Negative Miszo, kind grind
  • Damage: Broken Ankle, dislocated finger, messed up rotator cuff
  • Arested: Nope
  • Park or Street: Street will always be what I like best, but park is the only thing I have time for anymore
  • Worst crash: Fakie to invert, came down over my skates, 7 feet straight onto my shoulder. I dislocated a finger missing a 270 stale at mckinley
  • ***NEW*** Check out some animated pictures