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Originally this section was designed to have some tips on it. However, it has kind of changed into stupid stories with a moral behind them. So enjoy our crazy antics!!!

The truth is that know one can tell you how to do a trick. Doing a trick requiers that you have the skill as well as the will power to learn it. If all you do is try and be like someone else all you end up doing is copying their style and really doesn't help you or anything else for that matter. In order to learn a trick right you must do it for yourself. The only advise people can really give you is how to get ready for a trick like: jumping earlier, or going faster. Don't copy someone else!!! Remember, have you own style even if it looks bad, at least you can improve you and not just try to be like someone else. Following that here are two little stories that everyone should benafit from:

Ticket Sclapers: The main point of this is to inform everyone out there not to trust ticket sclapers. A friend, who asked to have their name left off of this, was going to a concert at metropol and planned to buy their tickets at the door. About a block or so away they encountered a person who was willing to sell them tickets for 25 instead of the door price of 30. My friend thinking this was a good idea bought 2 of them. However he did not bother to look at the tickets until he handed the door man the tickets. This is where he learned that the tickets that he had bought for SLAYER were actually tickets for the circus. Even worse is that the tickets that this man sold my friend were actually the same tickets that the girl who was with him's roommate sold to some random guy in oakland. Isn't this world a small place. Moral of the story don't be a dumbass and trust street walking scum.

Sweatstances: First thing is first. Never, never, never say a sweatstance is easy before you try them. This only leads to diaster. Take Marc for example. All he was tring to do was a "simple" sweatstance and he broke his arm. Treat every trick like it's the hardest trick you know. When you get lazy and think things are easy thats when you get hurt!!!

Short cuts: Short cuts are a good means of getting around. However always know where your going!!! Never jump into someone's yard when it is dark. When you do, that is when you break your ankle. Take Smit for example. All he was doing was taking a short cut through his friends yard to avoid walking down and around the steps. However their was a tree stump in the darken yard and now he is out for a month. Even when you are not skating ALWAYS know where you are and whats goin on!!!

Crusin with girls: This is a lot of fun. A game of strip padidle use is what results from this which is good, but can have unforseen consequences. Now the other night we were crusin late night with some girls, no i will not put up names, and us guys were totally CRUSHING them we were up by like 50. So all is well crusin around we go up a hill then around a bend and what is right there maybe 2 blocks away??? A Damn soberity check point. There were a few "HOLY SHIT" and "GET DRESSED" and the cops totally knew what was going on, I think, and we managed to pull it off. Right now we are all laughing about it but this could have ended pretty badly so the point again is KNOW WHERE YOUR AT AND WHATS GOING ON!!!!!!! You might not be as lucky as us.

Drinking: First thing is first... drinking is cool. However, know whats going on. All seemed like a good evening of parting at a local college campus, when Dish (The names have be changed to protect the guilty that got away) found himself at a Soriety house. Things were still going well until the PA L.C.B. busted in. All was lost or so though Dish. Well someone happened to set a couch on fire. In the mad dash for the door that pursued Dish managed to escape as well as 2 other guys. However a great many others were not as lucky and got driving licenses taken away as well as mad fines. So the point is....... Well I guess there really isn't a point except avoid the L.C.B.

Being Stupid Late at Night: The other night (1/16/2001) Smitty, Bowl, Justin Moser, and Rob had nothing to do. Well with the influence of a video camera and having Jackass Being their favorite show the 4 had to think of something to do. At the 24 hour wal-mart in North Versallies the 4 bought 2 plastic swords each. The match was set. Beat the hell out of the other person was the plan. The first person to make a sound of pain lost. Well this was fun at the time but as I type this now (1/17/2001) I realize this was a totally fucked up idea. I mean damn my shit hurts like hell. Bowls fingers are all messed up, Smitty has some nice bruses and welts, and Rob has some good welts. The point to this one is simple.... DON'T BE A FUCKSTICK. Or in other words don't be a dumbass, idiot, stupidass, etc.....

Keep the faith: Feb 21, 2001 was going to be a good day. After school we all went down to Laga to see Newfound Glory with Less than Jake. When we got there we found out that the show was sold out. This was the worst news that we could have been told. We did everything, we offered to buy 3 tickets for $90, nothing worked. Well it was like two degres out side and we got cold very quick. We went inside the downstairs entrance to get warm. Here we encountered a man by the man of Cheese. He lead the way for me to get into the show for FREE. This guy really is my savior and I thank him totally. Just remember two things: first is keep the faith. Had we given up as soon as we heard it was sold out we would not have got to see this kick ass show. Second: BUY YOUR DAMN CONCERT TICKETS BEFORE YOU GO TO THE SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We really really REALLY got lucky with this. Their were a lot of people who did not get to see this one and it really sucks. So always remember that being perpared helps, and hey if you really don't like the band thats playing you could always sell you tickets to dumbass people like me and make a good bit of extra money.

Don't be a moron: Lets just say that for one time your driving down the turnpike at 2:00AM. now that is all perfectly fine, however the next thing you know is that your car is shaking. you pull over and your tire is flat. now this really sucks. Your in the middle of nowhere with a flat tire at 2 in the morning. so you finally get over how bad that sucks only to find out that when you go to put you spare on it is flat also. now how bad does this suck. well let me tell you from first hand experience on 6/13/2001 that it really sucks. As we were walking down the dark and mostly deserted turnpike to get a can of patch a flat for the spare tire it reminded me of all the old horror movies that i used to watch with teenagers in the middle of nowhere, like we were, with car trouble, like we had, getting killed. well no one got killed but it sucked nonetheless. Moral of the story:CHECK THE AIR IN YOUR SPARE TIRE BEFORE YOU DRIVE ANOTHER INCH!!!!!