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Jeremy Fisher


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  • Famous quote:"live fast ,die young,leave a good looking corpse."
  • Last words:
    • Nickname: Jer
    • Age: 18
    • Location: Pittsburgh
    • Things to do other than Skating: Snowboardin and fishin
    • Fast food: sssuubbbwwaayyyyy
    • Car: 00civic si
    • Music: a whole bunch of shit

    Rollin Stats

  • Years experence: 4
  • Skates: right now elliot with red 50/50
  • Best place to Skate:gateway center "The Green Ledge"
  • Favorite trick: backside farve too truspin fishbrain
  • Damage: huh?
  • Arested: Nope
  • Street or park street
  • Worst crash: I hate falling it pisses me off