Well, this has sure been a challenge for
me! There were times I wanted to delete
the whole thing and give up....but, I
had this friend who would not allow it.
I met her in alt.discuss.hpo, and she was
the catalyst of it all. So Penny, I`m
thanking you publicly! You put up with
my whinning and moaning and groaning,
but you stuck by me thru it all! God
bless you...†
Next is to my friend, Lurline J., who
was kind enough to offer to be my proof
reader. She really had her job cut out
for her. Thanks, Lurline.
For my online "family" you all know who
you are, thanks for your support, and
for all the nice things you wrote in
my guest book. You are the people who
made this worthwhile.
Thanks once more to Lurline and Mary J. for help with Christmas pages!
Thanks Regina-7-30-01
7-24-01~~Thank You, Patrice!!
For Childrens Stories
For Poppa`s Page
For Anecdote`s Page
Another for Poppa`s Page
Thanks Tina
Thanks Lashine
Thanks Pat
My 1st Award For Xmas Site
Thank You, To All My Friends At HPO
Thank you, Patsy
Thank You, LOU!
What An Honor, Thank You Trudy
Thank You, Teresa
Best Remembrance Of Christmas
Award for Years 2000 and 2001
Thank You, Bob Clarke
Thanks Regina: 6-2-01
10-21-2001~Thank You Marvaline~
Thanks Spider, a Christmas award in August, WoW...8-11-01