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-Never Good Enough-

Never good enough.
Too immature, too quiet.
Poor speech, horrid image.
Maybe too heavy, too thin.
Always making bad decisions
Based on what I want
Or feel I need.
I forgot about your checklist.
It’s about image,
Maybe about age.
My emotions are out of the question,
Remember, you’re the expert.
Everyday, you complain.
Come next to tears.
Frustration builds inside you.
Do I really need your advice?
Who did you end up marrying?
A man who you can’t stand.
Why do you think I need your help
When looking for my own?
Mother, I’m an adult now.
I don’t need you to hold my hand.
Don’t need your bitter remarks
Fear I’ll end up like you.
Let me go off
And judge for myself.
Your opinions are biased,
So nobody is good enough.
He jumps through your hoops
but you simply yawn.
He tries to better himself,
but you turn your back.
He’s not perfect.
Nobody is.
Don’t judge him so harshly.
Expect so damn much.
You’re not happy.
But please, let me be.
I can make my own decisions
Without ending up like you.