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Ode to My Mother

Sitting here on this stone wall
Surrounded by the serenity of nature
Thinking back on my younger years
And how much life I have lived...
The pains of the dysfunctional family
Pains of a love lost by my father
The hard times, the good times
The unforgetable and buried memories
I often wonder what it would have been like
If this dysfunctional family had stayed together.
Yet I know deep inside the unspoken pains
We all would have held deep inside
I watch mom make her living
Trying to give my siblings and I the best
that life has to offer.
I owe her so much, giving up her everything to raise me
marry my father
And giving me two beautiful siblings
We all carry hurtful, pain saturated feelings
And all were scarred by the past
But no matter what, til time stands still
I'll always love my mother...
dedicated to my mother...Nancy Murphy
© 1999 Bob Murphy

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