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Daddy's Anguish

I sit and think and mourn my loss
As my mind spins, I begin to wonder
Are all my thoughts self centered and in vain?
Altho I had no say, my heart feels conviction
and I share the blame...
It's as if I have my own private hell
Some say to let it go and in time my heart will heal
Yet how many have felt the anguish...
the emptiness inside?
I've gone to shrinks, even taken meds
But none of the doctors nor the mind altering drugs
Have given me serenity while I lay in bed thinking.
For now I just struggle with my tragic loss
And pray someday I'll have the chance to be
The daddy I've always wanted to be
And it will heal this daddy's anguish.
this was written after my ex aborted my child...
© 1999 Bob Murphy

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