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My Beautiful Woman

I could stay awake all night
Listening to your little whimpers and sighs
As you sleep so peacefully.
As we lay together, I feel your heart beat next to mine
I begin to wonder..can I rescue you once more...
Be your knight in shining armor?
I gently brush the hair from your face
As I caress your smooth, milky white skin
While you lay there so angelic like.
I softly place a kiss upon your head
And snuggle closer to your warm body.
Without warning, you wrap your arms around me
Drape your leg across my legs and kiss me
Oh so very passionately...
I smile and stare deeply into your eyes of brown
I think of our endless love.
A single teardrop falls silently from my eye
I close my eyes and fall fast asleep
In the arms of my beautiful woman.
© 1999 Bob Murphy

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