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Be Careful

Be careful of the heart you play
For the next heart played may be your own
Take watch young man cause you're heart's in danger
The temptress will elude you with her enchanting ways
The temptress will permeate your senses with her perfumes
And intoxicate you with her kisses
She will let you taste her nectar.. bask in the beauty of her flesh
Yet her fangs, poisonous like the cobra
Her claws like the great fearsome grizzly
Ripping your still beating heart from your chest.

Take watch young women, for you are also in danger
The devil will decieve you... lie to you
Prey on your sympathetic ways
The devil will hold you, comfort you
Promise to be yours forever.
Then like a vulture preying on a prairie mouse
He'll strike and fly off quickly to another
He will drain you of compassion and your emotions
Leaving you what will seem to be lifeless
So be careful of the heart you play
For the next heart played might be your own.
© 1999 Rob Murphy

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