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Dream Girl

As I lay my head down to sleep, I begin to dream
It is very serene in my dream world
Beautiful waterfalls, birds and trees
I sit on a rockface near the falls
I see a woman off in the distance
I watch her frolic thru the fields of daisies
Stopping to pet the deer and bunnies
Smiling as she goes along.
Her eyes shine as bright as the stars at night
As they lock onto my bashful blue eyes
A shy little smile forms on my face
And a warm fuzzy feeling fills my icy heart
She sits with me and holds me oh, so tight
She lets me cry, rant and rave...
I release all frustrations as she runs her fingers thru my hair
Brushing my tears away as she gently caresses
My tear stainded cheeks
She assures me I am safe in her angelic embrace
I feel as if so much burden is lifted from my heart
My belly begins to tingle as if filled with
Hundreds of butterflies
So sweet the moment, so sweet the woman.
As quick as the dream began, it is interupted
By the screaming of the alarm clock
Fumbling across the bed, I shut out the sound
Laying there in the semi-darkness
I stare at the ceiling, praying that my dream girl
Will someday become a reality.
© 1999 Bob Murphy

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