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Can You Hear Me

Hello? Can anybody hear me?
It's so dark in here...
I hear voices, yet I see no one
I feel pain, but have no wounds
I have so many hands on me poking and probing.
In the distance I hear my aunt, my mother
and my sister
They are crying uncontrollably
My head throbs as my temperature drops
Dad! Is that you?? Oh, Dad!
Oh Dad, you really do love me, don't you?
Or is your sick mind just glad to be rid of
Your life time disappointment, your burden?
I can feel the blood running from my head
I hear my brother somewhere... it's ok bro
I know you were busy and I know you love me
As my brother's tears fall against my skin
I feel my grip loosen on my steel resolution
As I start to fade away...
© 1999 Rob Murphy

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