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Hopelessly in Love

I had this dream where I am standing in the rain
Holding hands with a beautiful woman
She tells me I am her one and only man...
Tell me if I dream too much..
It's just the way I am
Sometimes I just need a tender touch
Hold me when I hurt so bad
Clutch me when I frown
Show my eyes what you see
Tell my ears you love me.

I'm in this dream, snow is falling
Yet I feel so warm inside
A beautiful woman harbors all of me
Inside her loving embrace.
Tell me if I feel too strong
My heart is on my sleeve
Wake me up when I sleep too long
Tell me this is not a dream.
Laugh for me when I cannot smile
Hold tight to me all the while
I know this cannot be a dream
I feel your love deep within me.
© 1999 Rob Murphy

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