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My Love for You is Gone

I wipe the tears off my cheeks
As she looks so coldly in my eyes
She murmurs the words I never wanted to hear
"My love for you is gone, I don't love you anymore."

Those cold nights in the living room
As she 'relaxed and played' on the puter
I sat and hungered for the slightest bit of love
I only wanted to love you, but all I heard is
"My love for you is gone, I don't love you anymore."

Then came the night I couldn't take it any more
I turned to my friends 'Jack Daniels' and 'Jose Cuervo
Drank until my mind was good and marinated
I passed out and dreamt of home and those who
really love me
But once again my mind was interupted with thougts of
"My love for you is gone, I don't love you anymore."

Now I'm home and 'love' has taught me a heart breaking lesson
Life goes on and so have I, I found love in family and friends
And hell, I've even given another shot at love
But I still have trouble coming to terms with those words
"My love for you is gone, I don't love you anymore."
© 1999 Rob Murphy

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