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You Say You Love Me

You say you love me, but you don't even know me
I'm so different, yet the same and I don't feel free
I have such a passion and I feel so much empathy
Yet when I'm not focused, the pig comes out in me...
I never wanted to be like my dad and swore I'd never be
But I spread myslef thin, worrying about the woman's
Happiness and in the process forgetting about mine.
When you look into my eyes do you see my years of tears
When you look into my eyes do you just see a beast?
As you cry, I listen and feel your pain
I try not to judge as I have been judged...
Your pain becomes mine and I feel so much of you.
In this mad world sometimes I feel like an alien
Yet I feel I belong here with you.
You say you love me and ya know what? I love you too.
© 1999 Rob Murphy

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