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About Me

As you already know, my name is Bob... Bob Murphy. I was born in PA on Feb. 19, 1974. Right now I am going to night school twice a week working towards getting my GED. Yahoo!!!!! I have finished and recieved my GED!!! I'm a single guy, 5' 10" and weigh about 260 lbs. I have blue eyes and blondish hair. I love to cuddle and take walks. I hope someday to find that special someone that I can lavish with all the built up love inside me. I generally look for love in all the wrong places. (Well, they must be wrong, I'm still single).

I'm an easy going guy, doesn't take much to please me. I listen to most kinds of music, but tend to lean towards good ole country and western. Garth Brooks is my #1 favorite.

When on the computer, I can usually be found in the AOL cowboy chatrooms... I have met many fine people this way.

I started writing poems a few years ago. I was inspired to do so by my aunt. I found writing can help my body and soul. It is a great way to rid your mind of thoughts that may other wise keep one from going forward in life.

I am always interested in meeting new people, with or without my same interests.. ya know, opposites attract.. lol. I believe people can become friends even without liking the same things.. Differences of opinions can make some great debates and widen a persons' horizons to new levels.. So if you want a friend, just drop me an email.. If there is anything else you would like to know about me, drop me an e-mail. I will answer all letters. Bob

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