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True Evil

I look into your teary eyes
As you beg and plead for me to stay
My heart is on my sleeve and my entire life
Is wrapped around you.
As I look deep into your eyes, you reveal
The true evils that have transpired
I listen to your pathetic story unravel
And your devious plans uncovered
For you and your male friend
You told me of your plans being foiled
Because of your monthly visit
How your and his love 'just happened'.
All the love I had for you, all the caring
Gone with all but the memories
My heart feels as though it's impaled.
So guys, look deep into your womans' eyes
And if there is any doubt, look again
For love is beautiful when you find that
'special one'.
But until then realize true evil could be
just around the corner.

© 1999 Rob Murphy

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