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Power Rangers Lightspeed Zone

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The Power Rangers Zone
Weekly Episode Guide


The Story:

The evil demon lord Diabolico and his family awaken from their imprisonment. They decide to make Mariner Bay their base from which they will conqeror the universe. To stop Diabolico and his family five young warriors assume the mantle of the Power Rangers. Their base the "Lightspeed Aqua Base". From there the rangers defnd their hometown of Mariner Bay and the whole universe.

Charactors and Actors:

1. Sean Johnson- Carter Grayson Red Lightspeed Power Ranger. Leader of the new power rangers. Also a trained Fireman.

2. Keith Robinson- Joel Green Lightspeed Power Ranger. Former Stunt pilot.

3. Sasha Williams- Kelsey Yellow Lightspeed Power Ranger. Loves adventure.

4. Allison Wynia- Dana Pink Lightspeed Power Ranger. Trained for 18 years as a paramedic. Brought the team together.

5. Mike Chaturantabut- Chad Blue Lightspeed Power Ranger. Former whale trainer.

Main Villian: 1.Diabolico


Main Zords for Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue.

1. Lightspeed Megazord: (Pyro Rescue 1, Aqua Rescue 2, Airo Rescue 3, Hazard Rescue 4, Med Rescue 5)

2. SuperTrain Megazord

3. Omega Megazord