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Lightspeed Rescue Zone

February 12, 2000; episode #1 "Operation Lightspeed":

Three nomads releash the evil Diabolico and his men from centuries of imprisonment. Diabolico then heads to his ancient Palace only to find that the city of Mariner Bay was built on top of their sacred ground. Captain William Mitchel has his daughter Dana go out and recrute Joel a stunt pilot, Chad a whale trainer, Dana an adventure seeker and Carter Grayson a fireman. She brings them to the Lightspeed Aqua Base where Captain Mitchell tells them of the danger Diabolico and his men pose to Mariner Bay. He then asks them, his daughter included, to become the Lightspeed Power Rangers. Just then a monster attacks the city and the five get their Lightspeed Jackets, jump into their Yellow Humvee and head out to help the people. When they reach the monster they are attacked by Battlings while tryin to rescue the people. The five are no match for the monster and the Battlings so they are told to morph! The rangers morph and use their Five Lasers to destroy the Battlings and blow up the monster. When they head back to the Lightspeed Aqua Base they are greeted by a celebration but Captain Mitchell tells them this only the beginning and its goin to get alot harder.

February 19, 2000; episode #2 "Lightspeed Teamwork":

Diabolico wants to destroy the rangers so he asks Loki where the rangers headquarters are. Loki tells him that the rangers base is under water and that theres now way they can get to the base. Then Diabolico tells Jinxa to send a monster to Mariner Bay and destroy it. At the smae time Joel is late for a meeting w/ Captain Mitchell when he runs into(literaly)Ms. Fairweather. He quickly falls in love and runs out to by flowers completely forgetting about the meeting. Then Capt. Mitchell introduces the other rangers to the scientist who created all the powers and weapons; Ms. Fairweather. Just then a giant meteor crashes into Mariner Bay and transforms into a giant monster. Capt. Mitchell tells the rangers to use their new Rail Rescue's just as Joel runs in w/ flowers. Joel hides the flowers and joins the other rangers in their Rail Rescues. The rangers take the Rail Rescues to where the monster is and deploy their Rescue Zords. Carter then locates three people traped in a burning building. Joel wants to his zord solo to rescue them but is informed by an unknown scientist that his can't handle the task alone so they must work together. Then they put Aqua Rescue on top of Hazard and Med Rescue so they can clear a path to the building. Then Carter uses Pyro Rescue's extender arms to get him, Dana and Kelsey into the building. Their they find the people trapped on an elevator and have to call in the new Rescue Bird which gives Carter the Rescue Drill. They then rescue the people and get out of the building. Then Capt. Mitchell tells them to form the Rescue Megazord. The rangers form it and use the Power Thrust to throw the monster back to the crash site and blow him up. Back at the Lightspeed Aqua Base Joel tells the guys that he promises to focus more on teamwork and then runs up to Ms. Fairweather. He gives Ms. Fairweather the flowers and complains about this scientist who told him what her could and couldn't do w/ his zord. Ms. Fairweather throws the flowers back at Joel and then the other rangers tell him she was that scientist.

February 26, 2000; episode #3 "Trial by Fire":

The rangers go through a practice drill where Carter recieves the lowest score. Then Vypra creates a plan by which she'll destroy Mariner Bay through earthquakes. Next the rangers go to stop her and Carter is forced to fight Vypra. During the fight Vypra causes a fire in a parking garage. Carter then sees the roof collapsing and wants to save the people but Capt. Mitchell tells him to put the fire out 1st. Carter puts the fire out but a young boy is injured by falling debris. Carter is mad at Capt. Mitchell and goes to visit the boy. While visiting the boy Carter recounts the time when a fireman saved his life as a child and that was the reason he decided to become a ranger. Then Carter goes back to the practice drill place and finds explosive canisters. Then at the fight scene he found gasoline. He realizes now that if he hadn't put out the fire everyone would've been hurt. When the rangers call him for help Carter is unsure that he can be a ranger but Capt. Mitchell has confidence in Carters so Carter morphs and goes to help them. Underneath Mariner Bay Carter arrives to stop Vypra and the rangers destroy her quake stakes. Foiling her plans she races outside the cave. There Jinxer and Loki unleash a giant monster. The rangers call in the Lightspeed Megazord and finish off the monster with the Lightspeed Sword. Then Carter returns to the injured kid who tells him he wants to grow up and be like Carter.

March 4, 2000; episode #4 "Riding the Edge":

Kelsey saves a young womans dog. The woman is named Nancy and later Kelsey finds out that Nancy is flying the space shuttle. At the same time Diabolico unleashes a powerful monster called Whirlwind to destroy the rangers and the city. While Whirlwind is inside a huge tornado the rangers appear on the scene and blast him out with their Five Lasers. Then Whirlwind calls out some Batlings to occupy the rangers. THe rangers defeat the Batlings but Whirlwind gets away and causes another tornado. Just then Nancy's shuttle begins to enter the city and is hit by the tornado. The rangers called out the Rescue Bird and converted it to weapon mode. Then a huge blast blew Whirlwind up. Unfortunately the tornado damaged the shuttle and it was going to crash. Kelsey forms a plan and the rangers call out their rescue zords. Medi rescue is used to clear the freeway while Aero Rescue levels the shuttle off. Then the shuttle lands atop Haz Rescue and Kelsey fully reverses the engines to stop the shuttle. Then Jinxor makes Whirlwind grow so the rangers form the Lightspeed Megazord. They use the Power Thrust attack on Whirlwind and then throw him but he isn't destroyed. So finally they call on the Lightspeed Sword to destroy Whirlwind. Then Kelsey and Nancy chat and everyones happy.

March 11, 2000; episode #5 "A Matter of Trust":

Capt. Mitchell informs the rangers that they are to protect a scientist whos invented a powerful new fuel cell. Dana however is sent to pick up a friend of Capt. Mitchell's. Diabolico learns of the new fuel cell and has baby Impus make a monster. The monster attacks the scientist and learns that he doesn't have the cell. Then Dana discovers that Capt. Mitchells' friend Earl has the real fuel cell. She succesfully gets Earl to the Aqua Base and together the rangers destroy the monster.