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Lost Galaxy Finale

December 16, 1999; Episode 43:

"Journey's End Part 1"

Deviot manages to survive the destruction of Capt. Mutiny's castle and arrives on the Scorpion Stinger. Trackeena realizes Deviots treachery and has Villamax kill him. During the battle Deviot and Trackeena are thrown into the cocoon. Trackeena emerges more evil and more powerful than ever. Back on Terra Venture, Commander Stanton has finally lead Terra Venture to the new world. The people of Terra Venture rejoice at the news that they have finally arrived at the new world. The rangers look at the new world and have only one regret; that Kendrix couldn't see it with them. The next morning Terra Venture prepares to land on the new world but Trackeena has other plans. As Terra Venture begins landing procedure the Scorpion Stinger attacks Terra Venture and destroys the last remaining engine. Damon and Leo quickly devise a way to stop Trackeena. Meanwhile Trackeena continues her assault on Terra Venture and destroys all its systems. Leo and Damon grab an exsplosive, morph and then lure Trackeena to them. As the Scorpion Stinger attacks them Leo places the explosive on the Scorpion Stinger. The exsplosive detonates and blows a piece right of the Scorpion Stinger. Unfortunately its too late because Terra Venture crash lands on a moon that circling the new world. As everyone surveys the damage to Terra Venture the dome surrounding it cracks open and Commander Stanton is forced to evacuate Terra Venture. Just as they prepare to evacuate Trackeena sends in her entire army of stingwingers and attachced to each one is a bomb. "They will destroy everything they get near." Trackeena says.

December 17, 1999; Episode 44:

"Journey's End Part 2"

The people of Terra Venture continue to evacute as the bomb-sting wingers approach. Stratoforce and Centaurus Megazord are sent out to stave off the sting wingers. Hundreds of stinginwingers begin clinging to buildings in Terra Venture and then detonate destroying them. The stingwingers also begin clinging to the megazords wating for Trackeena's signal. Meanwhile Villamax has gone to Terra Venture to survey the attack that he is still opposed to. While Villamax is there a nearby building is destroyed by stingwingers and a young girl is in danger of being killed by the debris. Villamax rushes over and saves the girl. The girl ask Villamax to find her mother which he does and then the girl gives him a small flower. After that Villamax returns to the Scorpion Stinger. Meanwhile Trackeena has the stingwingers detonate their bombs on the megazords completely destroying them. The last of the shuttles are loaded-up and head for the new world. Trackeena orders Villamax to destroy the shuttles but he refushes saying that it has no honor. Trackeena attacks Villamax but he refushes to defend himself. See quickly destroys him and then prepares to destroy the shuttles. The rangers arrive with the Astro Megaship and destroy the Scorpion Stingers weapons. Then the rangers prepare to fire again but Trackeena rams the Scorpion Stinger into the Astro Megaship destroying every system. Leo decides the only way to beat Trackeena is to self-destruct the Astro Megaship. They quickly grab Alpha and jump into their Jammers. As the ship explodes Alpha is thrown out of the jammer as the others loose control. Meanwhile the Scorpion Stinger crashes onto the moon along with Leo in his damaged Jet Jammer. The other rangers(along with Alpha) land on the new world. At the same time Trackeena slowly inches her way to the cocoon so she can finally destroy the rangers and the colonist.

December 18, 1999; Episode 45:

"Journeys End Part 3"

Trackeena, remembering the words of her father enters the cocoon and emerges more powerful than ever before! Leo(demorphed), meanwhile, struggles from the wreakage of his Jet Jammer and is unable to contact the others. He slowly walks over a hill and finds the wreakage of the Scorpion Stinger. There he finds a trail of foot prints that could only be Trackeena's. He follows the trail to the remains of Terra Ventures dome and goes in. Trackeena reaches the control center of the dome and uses her staff to repower Terra Venture. She then lifts Terra Venture off the moon and sets a collision course for the colony. Leo locates enters the control center and his attacked by Trackeena. Trackeena knocks Leo out of the building and he is forced to morph before he hits the ground. Leo trys to beat Trackeena but is no match for her new powers. Back on the colony the people watch Leo battle Trackeena throgh a video link-up with Terra Venture. The other rangers morph, get into their Jet Jammers and head for the dome. Once there the five rangers fight Trackeena but she is too powerful. The rangers then pull out their Quasar Launchers and blast Trackeena. Unfortunately Trackeena easily deflects the blast back at the rangers. Then Leo uses the Red Capsular Cycle to blast her but all it does is knock her to the ground. Finally Leo uses the Red Power Ranger Armor and blasts Trackeena at point-blank ranger. An explosion follows and Trackeena is destroyed. Leo manages to survive but his helmet is cracked. But the rangers are too late because there is no time to slow the dome down. Amazingly the Galazy Megazord shows up and crashes the dome into a mountain. The colony thinks the rangers dead but they show up on the Galacta Beasts. They then shake hands with the colonist but are lead into the forest by the Galacta Beasts. There the rangers find out that they are actually on Mirinoi! Maya then uncovers the stone from which the Quasar Sabers were pulled and replaces hers saying that they have full filled their destiny's. The four other rangers do the same and an engery wave comes out of the Sabers. The energy changes the people and area from stone back to normal. Finally the energy brings Kendrix back to life. Kendrix then thanks Karone for taking her place as the Pink Galaxy Ranger. Finally everyone, the Galacta Beasts included, rejoice as fireworks are set off. Leo, Kai, Kendrix, Mike, Maya, Damon and Karone have beaten the evil and full filled their destiny as the Galaxy Rangers!