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Mighty Morphin

Power Rangers



The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were five teenagers chosen by Zordon and Alpha 5 to defend Earth against Rita and her evil minions(such as the Putties). Zordon and Alpha 5 resided in the Command Center hidden from evil. The five original rangers were Jason(the leader and the Red Ranger), Trini(the Yellow Ranger), Billy(the Blue Ranger), Kimberly(the Pink Ranger)and Zack(the Black Ranger) and they all lived in Angel Grove. The rangers were each given a Power Weapon: Red Ranger=Power Sword, Yellow Ranger=Power Daggers, Blue Ranger=Power Lance, Pink Ranger=Power Bow and Black Ranger=Power Axe. The rangers each got their powers from the mighty dinosaurs and so their powerful Zords mirrored each rangers power source: Red Ranger=Tyrannosaurus, Yellow Ranger=Sabertooth Tiger, Blue Ranger=Triceratops, Pink Ranger=Pteradactyl and Black Ranger=Mastodon. With the use of the Power Crystals the rangers could combine their Zords and make the Megazord.

For awhile the rangers did well against Rita until she created the Green Ranger. She put a spell on a new kid named Tommy. She then gave Tommy the Green Power Coin and the his mighty zord the Dragonzord(which he commands by using the Dragon Dagger). Eventually the rangers broke Rita's spell and Tommy joined the Team. With the Dragonzord the rangers could combine the zords and make the MegaDragonzord. Then with the addition of Titanus the carrier zord they could combine all the zords and make the Ultrazord.

Eventually Rita tried to reclaim the Green power but Tommy gave up being a ranger and stopped her plans. Later he returned as the Green Ranger but his powers were limited. Soon after Rita's boss Lord Zedd arrived and replaced her. Lord Zedds monsters(such as the Zedd Putties) were too strong for the Dinozords so Zordon created the Thunderzords using the mystical power of thunder. Red Ranger=Red Dragon, Yellow Ranger=Griffin, Blue Ranger=Unicorn, Pink Ranger=Firebird, Black Ranger=Lion. These cobined to form the Thundermegazord. Tommy's Green Ranger powers eventually fadded away so Zordon and Alpha 5 created a new power for Tommy form the purity of the white light. Thus Tommy became the White Ranger, took over command of the rangers and got the White Tigerzord. His weapon was a saber that was also a partner named Saba. The White Tgerzord combined with the other zords to form the White Tigermegazord. THen with the addition of Tor the shuttlezord the rangers could form the Thunder Ultrazord.

Later Jason, Trini and Zack resigned as rangers and were replaced by Aisha(Yellow Ranger), Rocky(Red Ranger) and Adam(Black Ranger). Then Rita came back and married Lord Zedd. Next Rita's brother Rito came and gave them the Tengu Warriors as a wedding gift. Rito then went to Earth with and army of monsters and destroyed the Thunder Megazord and the White Tigerzord. The rangers then went looking for the creator of the zords named Ninjor. Ninjor gave them new powers drawn from the ninjetti animals and new Ninja Zords. Red Ranger=Ape, Yellow Ranger=Bear, Blue Ranger=Wolf, Pink Ranger=Crane, Black Ranger=Frog and White Ranger=Falcon. The zords combined to form the Ninja Megazord and the Ninja Megafalconzord. Later Titanus came back and formed the Ninja Ultrazord.

At the same time the rangers retrieved the Shogonzords and were able to form the Shogon Megazord and Shogon Ultrazord. Next Kimberly leftt he rangers and was replaced by Kat(Pink Ranger). Then Rita and Rito's father Master Vile showed up and reversed time changing the rangers into kids. The rangers contacted Aquatar and got the Alien Rangers to come to Earth and fight Master Vile, Rita and Zedd. The Alien Rangers used giant Battleborgs to fight monsters. At the same time Billy created adevice that could revert the rangers back to their old age by using their Power Coins. Billy is able to revert to his former age but Goldar comes along and destroys both the machine and the Coins.

Then the rangers went through a time portal to retrieve the Zeo Crystal so they could restore time. While they retrieved the crystal pieces Aisha left and was replaced by Tanya. Once the Zeo Crystal was restored Rita and Zedd blew up the Comman Center.

End History


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