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Power Rangers

In Space


T.J., Cassie, Carlos, Ashley and Alpha 6 are given a space shuttle by NASADA and take off into space to find Zordon. Justin stays behind so he can be with his dad. Meanwhile King Mondo, Queen, Machina, Rita Repulsa, Lord Zedd, Master Vile, and Divatox are called to a meeting by the evilest being in the universe; Dark Spectre. There Dark Spectre announces that he has captured Zordon and is slowly draining his powers. The Red Space Ranger broke up Dark Spectre's meeting so Dark Spectre sends the evil Queen Astronema to destroy him. Astronema has the Dark Fortess as her base and uses Quantrons. She is protected by Ecliptor who was also the one who raised sice she was a child. The Red Space Ranger makes it back to his spaceship called the Astro Megaship and is told by the computer D.E.C.A. that the earth rangers had boarded the ship. After a heated debate the Red Space Ranger reveals himself as Andros a human from the planet KO35. His planet was attacked by Dark Spectre and his sister Karone was captured long ago. Andros gives the earth rangers Astro Morphers making them Space Rangers; T.J=Blue Space Ranger, Ashley=Yellow Space Ranger, Carlos=Black Space Ranger, Cassie=Pink Space Ranger. Each Space Ranger has a special weapon; Andros=Spiral Saber, Ashley=Star Slinger, Carlos=Lunar Lance, Cassie=Satelite Stunner, T.J.=Astro Axe. Alpha discovers that by combining the Astro Megaship with the NASADA shuttle they can form the Astro Megazord.

Then Andros finds out that his sister was kidnapped by Darkonda. Also Phantom Ranger tried to find Zordon but did not succeed but he did give Andros the disk that gave the rangers control of the Delta Megaship. The Delta Megaship was controlled by the Battilzer that Andros wears on his wrist which can give Andros energized punches. The Delta Megaship transformed into the Delta Megazord. The Delta Megazord could combine with the Astro Megazord to form the Astro Delta Megazord.Next Andros won Zordon's keycards that gave the location of the Mega Vehicles and gave them the power to use them. Andros=Mega V1 "Robo Voyager", Carlos=Mega V2 "Shuttle Voyager", T.J.=Mega V3 "Rocket Voyager", Ashley=Mega V4 "Saucer Voyager", Cassie=Mega V5 "Tank Voyager". Together the Mega Vehicles formed the Mega Voyager.

After that Andros' best friend Zhane awoke from a deep freeze aboard the Astro Megaship. Zhane was the Silver Ranger and for awhile his ranger powers were failing so he charged them up with lightning. Then, after saving refugees from KO35, he was given the Mega Winger zord. The Mega Voyager could combine with the Mega Winger to form the Winged Mega Voyager. Next Zhane fell in love with Queen Astronema but do to their opposing sides they were forced to break up.After that Andros and Queen Astronem discovered that they were brother and sister. Queen Astronema went over to the rangers side and began calling herself Karone again. Unfortunately Darkonda captured her again and turned her evil once more.

Then Astronema created the Psycho Rangers; Psycho Red, Psycho Pink, Psycho Blue, Psycho Pink, Psycho Black. The Psychos were evil duplicates of the Space Rangers and twice as powerful because they drained the power away from Dark Spectre. The rangers eventually begin to beat the Psychos: 1st Psycho Pink, 2nd Psycho Blue. Then the combined strength of the Astro Delta Megazord, the Mega Voyager and the Mega Winger destroyed Psycho Red, Yellow and Black. Then the Psychos return but are defeated again by being turned into Data disks. Then Andros discovers that the Battilizer can morph him into the Red Battilized Ranger. During the next couple of battles the Delta Megazord and the Mega Voyager are destroyed.

Finally all of Dark Spectres' plans are revealed as he launches a full assault on the universe with the help of the Machine Empire, Rita, Zedd, Divatox, Havok, Master Vile and Queen Astronema. Gold Ranger, Phantom Ranger, the Alien Rangers and the Blue Senturion were all captured in the assault. The Mega Winger was defeated and the Space Rangers were forced to retreat. Then Darkonda and Dark Spectre die battling each other leaving Queen Astronema in charge of the universe with earth as the only resistance. Andros then decides sneak onto the Dark Fortress and try to turn Queen Astronema back to the side of good. While he does that the other Space Rangers are forced to reveal their identities to the universe to save the people of earth and begin to fight Astronema's forces. Andros fights Astronema and defeats her. Next Andros finds Zordon on the Dark Fortress and is told to break Zordon's tube so that evil can be destroyed. After much hesitation Andros breaks the tube releasing a shockwave of energy that destroys all evil except; Divatox, Rita and Zedd who are turned into good normal people. Astronema turns back to the good Karone but Zordon is dead. The rangers help return the refugees of KO35 home and then they all head home to earth.

End History


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