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Power Rangers Zeo


As the rangers go over the wreak of the Command Center they fall through a hole. At the bottom of the hole Zordon and Alpha 5 introduce the rangers to the Power Chamber, an underground base. They use the Zeo Crystal to then restore the rest of the building. Meanwhile King Mondo and Queen Machina of the Machine Empire arrive and through Rita and Zedd off the moon. To fight King Mondo and his men(such as the Cogs) the rangers use the Zeo Crystal to become Zeo Rangers. Kat=Zeo Ranger 1 Pink, Tanya=Zeo Ranger 2 Yellow, Rocky=Zeo Ranger 3 Blue, Adam=Zeo Ranger 4 Green and Tommy=Zeo Ranger 5 Red. Billy cannot become a Zeo Ranger because there is only 5 crystal pieces and so becomes an assistant to Zordon and Alpha.

Zordon, Alpha and Billy create the Zeo Zords for each ranger; Pink=Zeo Zord 1, Yellow=Zeo Zord 2, Blue=Zeo Zord 3, Green=Zeo Zord 4 and Red=Zeo Zord 5. Billy then created the Red Battlezord for the Tommy based on the Alien Rangers Battleborgs. Later on the Gold Ranger appeared and began helping the rangers. His zord was Pyramidas the carrier zord and with it the rangers could form the Zeo Ultrazord. Gold Rangers weapon is the Golden Power Staff. Soon after that Billy began to age rapidly do to the affects of the aging device he ahd used on himself. To save him the Alien Rangers take him to Aquitar where the healing waters sav him. Then Billy decides to stay on Aquatar with his new love Cestria.

Then the Gold Ranger begins to loose his powers and his identity is revealed as Trey of Triforia. Triforians are people made of three beings and Trey could no longer keep himself together. To save the golden powers Jason(former Red Ranger) becomes the Gold Ranger. For awhile things go great then King Mondo uses the Damocles Sword to grow big but the Zeo Rangers zords destroy him. While he is being rebuilt Rita and Zedd come back in a Moble Home. They send a monster called Louie Kaboom to destroy the Earth but instead Louie Kaboom takes over the Machine Empire. Next King Mondo's eldest son Prince Gasket and his wife Archerina arrive and destroy Louie. Soon Mondo is rebuilt and Gasket and Archerina leave.

At about the sam time Tanya discovers that her parents were scientist. The rnagers find her parents and her parents give her a small Tiki. With a key she has she unlocks the Tiki and the rangers get the new ally Auric the Conqueror. Tanya gives Jaoson the key and Jason becomes the Guardian of the Key. After that Jason begins to loose the golden powers because they are meant for Triforians. Trey and Jason try a risky idea and are able to restore Trey's Golden Powers to him. Then Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, King Mondo and his family have a meeting. They both send monsters together at the rangers but the monsters are destroyed. Zedd then gives Mondo and his family a wrapped present saying that he acknowledges Mondo's great power. The box explodes wipeing out Mondo and his family till they can be rebuilt. Zedd and Rita take their men and take back their moon Fortress.

End History


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