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Richelle Simpson

Richelle's Fun Facts

Full Name: Richelle Aiko Simpson
Birthdate: November 16th 1982
Nicknames: Riche , Buddy , Rockhound
Began Gymnastics: at age 3.5
Favorite thing about Penn State: Atmosphere and campus
Favorite thing about Gymnastics: the excitement
Favorite Event: Beam
Most Memorable Penn State moment: Our team doing well at Big Tens
Best Gymnastics Memory(s): Placing 5th in the nation (Canadian National Championships, 2000)
Favorite Athlete: Lilia Podkopayeva
Favorite Food(s): Frozen Yogurt
UNfavorite Food(s): Cream cheese and celery
Favorite Movie(s): Jerry Maguire, Fight Club
Favorite TV Show(s): Friends, Frasier
Favorite Song(s): Hanging By A Moment, You Can Do It
Advice you would give younger gymnasts: Do gymnastics because you love it
School Major: Undecided
Future Goals: To make Super Six as a team

Richelle's Penn State Career High Scores
  • Vault
  • Uneven Bars
  • Balance Beam
  • Floor Exercise
  • All Around
* Denotes School Record