This story is not intended to violate any copyrights held by MCA, Universal Studios, or Renaissance Pictures concerning Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. This story is for fun and no money was made from it.
Alcmene sat on the bench watching four-year old Iphicles as he played nearby. She looked into the basket beside her and smiled. Hercules, now a strapping six months old, yawned, looked at her with those corn-blue eyes and promptly went back to sleep.
Why can’t you sleep like that at night, she thought tiredly. He had had colic for the last three nights, keeping her up for most of the time. In desperation, she had decided to visit the apothecary in the village to get some soothing herbs for her baby. She sat, now, letting Iphicles burn off some excess energy before beginning her journey home. It was a beautiful day and, she admitted, she was enjoying this time outside, away from home. Lost in thought, she didn’t notice the woman who had approached. She did notice the little blond whirlwind who ran by.
“Iolaus, be careful! Stay away from the vendors’ carts!”
Alcmene smiled up at the rather haggard looking woman.
“Please,” she said, “sit down. There’s plenty of room.”
After a moment of hesitation, the other woman sat down.
“What a beautiful baby,” she said, looking into the basket.
Alcmene smiled proudly. “Thank you. I think so. He’s been colicky the last few nights, so I decided to try some herbs. We both need the sleep!”
“I’m Erythia, by the way. That’s my son, Iolaus.”
“I’m Alcmene. That’s my son Iphicles with Iolaus, and this is Hercules.” Alcmene reached into the basket and patted the baby, her pride showing in her eyes.
They both watched as Iolaus and Iphicles ran circles around the square, screeching in childish delight. Alcmene noticed the younger boy, who she judged to be about three, was small but well-built. He seemed to radiate energy and intelligence. Something about him seemed to draw her attention, calling her.
“Iolaus, come here this instant!” Erythia’s harsh shout at her son startled Alcmene, causing her to jump slightly. Iolaus left his game with Iphicles, unaware that his only crime had been straying too far from his mother.
Up close, Alcmene realized what a beautiful child Iolaus was. His unruly blond hair hung in curls around a face with well-defined features. It was his eyes she noticed the most. A clear azure blue, they already held wisdom well beyond his years, yet a hint of mischief and laughter. She realized she was looking into the eyes of a child with an old soul. The only other child she had ever seen with eyes like that was her own, Hercules. Iolaus smiled at her, the same brilliant smile that would break hearts all over Greece and beyond in years to come.
“What’s in the basket?” he asked, his natural curiosity causing him to look over into the basket.
“That’s my baby, Hercules. He’s just six months old but he’s a big boy. How old are you, Iolaus?”
Iolaus held up three fingers. “Almost that many. But I’m little, my father always says I’m little.”
Erythia glanced at Alcmene, a worried look on her face. If Alcmene noticed, she didn’t let on.
“Can I hold baby Herc?”
“Hercules, Iolaus.” Erythia corrected. “The baby’s name is Hercules. You may be too little to hold a baby as young as Hercules.”
“No,” Iolaus corrected, almost pouting. “Not too little. I’ll be careful. Can I hold baby Herc?”
Alcmene looked at Iolaus and realized that she felt no fear at the idea of him holding Hercules. She thought absently about Iolaus calling Hercules “Herc” and how natural it sounded coming from the youngster. Alcmene grinned at Iolaus, knowing somehow that what was happening here was only the beginning of something. Her heart told her it was something destined to be extraordinary.
“Yes, Iolaus. You can hold Hercules.”
Picking Hercules up out of the basket, she sat the basket on the ground next to the bench.
“Erythia, would you sit Iolaus up here between us, please?”
Erythia, despite her better judgment, picked Iolaus up and sat him next to Alcmene. The she sat down beside him, putting an arm around his waist to help hold him. Alcmene laid the baby in Iolaus’ outstretched arms, holding a protective arm against Hercules. She placed her other arm around Iolaus’ small shoulders. Erythia, seeing Alcmene had a firm grip on both children, removed her arm from Iolaus’ waist. But, Iolaus had wrapped his own arms around baby Hercules, powerful small arms that held his precious package safely against him.
“Baby Herc,” he crooned softly. “Pretty baby Herc.”
Hercules opened his own blue eyes and looked directly at Iolaus. There was a moment when both sets of blue eyes locked, both faces broke out in almost identical grins. Hercules had cooed at Iolaus, snuggling closer to the little blond. Then he had done something both women later swore no six month old baby could do. He had deliberately reached up, touching Iolaus’ face gently, first his nose then his mouth and cheeks and finally the long, blond curls.
“Iolaus loves baby Herc,” Iolaus said quietly to his new friend.
Hercules, unable to answer, had only hiccupped in reply, grinning a wide, toothless grin as he again snuggled against Iolaus, falling into a contented sleep.
Melinda is not online at this time, but if you would like to give her feedback on this story, email it to me, Quiet Wolf, and I will pass it on to her.
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