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"Lord, You Are The One"

Lord, You are the One, You are the One
Who saves me, saves me from sin.
Lord, You are the One, You are the One
Who sets me free, sets me free within.

I try so hard to do my best
But all I ever do is wrong
This constant wish for righteousness
Fills my heart, fills my soul and my mind.

Lord, You are the One, You are the One
Who saves me, saves me from sin.
Lord, You are the One, You are the One
Who sets me free, sets me free within.

The good I do is evil too
None compared to the life that You bring
Oh, wretched man that I am
Who will save me from this death

Lord, You are the One, You are the One
Who saves me, saves me from sin.
Lord, You are the One, You are the One
I truly Love.


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