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Story - 400 years after Shadowgate 64:Trials of the Four Towers. Magic has been banned in the land of Kal Torlin. Raven, a descendent of Lakmir, tries to go against the evil that is reawakening.
Shadowgate Rising has been cancelled at the moment. It was planned to make an appearence on both the Nintendo 64 and PC but neither version was released. According to Image Space, there was a running proto of both versions of Shadowgate Rising. They still considered releasing the PC version but the game was kinda rough and wasn't even in demo form. Now it is planned to be released on either Playstation 2,X Box, PC, or Dolphin. A PC version would be nice. If you want to read a comic based on this game, go to and look for the comic entetled Raven. It was going to be released in hardcover in comic stores but I don't think it ever was though. Its a shame too. The future of Rising is still quite a mystery so I guess we have to wait and see.