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Well, as you already know, my name is Stanya. I was born Oct 11, 1978. I am the proud mother of my son, Thomas Walter Fox Jr whom we all call TJ. That of course is us in the picture. I am 5' 5" and weigh about 100 pounds. I have light blue eyes and natural blonde hair that looks almost white in the summer. Naturally I have to put up with all the blonde jokes so it's a good thing I have a sense of humor!

I still live at home with my parents, Debbie and Stanley (that's where mom got the name Stanya). I have two brothers, Donnie and Sam. I have three sisters, Ali, Armanda, and Brandi. Donnie and Ali are off on their own but the rest of us are still home.

Unfortunately, back when I thought I knew it all, I quit school... three months til graduation and I decided I didn't need school anymore. Yeah, real stupid, I know.. My mom tried so hard to talk me into staying, but I've always been headstrong and thought I knew what was best for me. (Hate it when mom's are right ;o) I hope someday to go back and get my GED. Thankfully, I am still able to live home and have my parents and family to help out.. I am more fortunate than others in my situation.

A lot of family and friends call me Bonesy. That name was first pinned on my Mom then passed down to me from my Uncle Tom. My mom never calls me Bonesy.. she sticks with Ruf or Rufus. She gets that from my middle name Ruth.

I love all kinds of music and I'm a big wrestling fan. I love to watch WWF. I also enjoy basketball (Bulls) and football (Raiders).

On January 18, 2004, I gave birth to my beautiful daughter Madisyn Marie Hunsinger. She was 7 lbs 12 oz and 19 1/2 inches long..

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