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Mommy Brain

If you've left the crayons to melt in the car
And forgotten just where the car keys are
There's a perfectly good way to explain
You see, you've come down with "Mommy Brain."

When you're not sure where the past 8 hours went
Or whether the phone bill check's been sent
If you've left the laundry drying in the rain
It's just---you guessed it---Mommy Brain.

If you find yourself chatting for hours on end
About diaper prices with your cyberfriends
You've just caught a particularly virulent strain
Of that affliction known as Mommy Brain.

If you left your bags at the grocery store
Or completely forgot what you went there for
If you called the cat by your baby's name
You can bet that Mommy Brain's to blame.

And if you know the words to Goodnight Moon by heart
Or you study your sleeping babe like a work of art
If you're always surprised by how time is flying
And the thought of that first birthday starts you crying

It's unavoidable girls and I feel your pain
For I, too, suffer from Mommy Brain
But I'll admit one thing---of this I'm sure
I hope they never find a cure.

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