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Links to Other Sites

Here are some links to some of the many sites I enjoy visiting on the web.

This is my Mom's site. She has poetry, a few stories and helpful articles here.

Tribute to My Mother This is my cousin Nicki's site. It is a site dedicated to her Mother whom she lost to cancer.

Poetry for people that don't even Like Poetry and those that do. Short & To The Point Poetry about Heart-Felt Love, Life, and the Heart-Felt Pain that Love can sometimes bring, etc.

Rob's Poems and Such <--- This is my cousin Bob's site. Here he has poems that he has written and a page for Garth Brooks.

My Rambling Thoughts <--- Click her to read Rowena's pages. She has a great mixture of things that are sure to please everyone.

My World of Emotions <--- This is Ruths page. She is just starting out with a few poems, links to sites about abuse. Her site is still under construction so stop by often.

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