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Thomas Walter Fox Jr

This is my son TJ. He was born 6:49 pm on Tuesday, March 31, 1998. He weighed in at 8lbs 4 oz and he was 21 inches long. He came home to a loving home with his Mommy, Daddy, Gramma, Grandpa, Aunts and Uncles. I was really lucky with him because he had such a sweet disposition and hardly ever cried.

About the time he turned a month old, he started breaking out all over his body. Here started many trips to the peditrician and hospitals. We were given so many different types of medication for him while the doctors tried to figure out which one would work the best. As the months wore on he would clear up for a bit, just for it to come back in full force. He was finally diagnosed as having eczema. Believe me, just because they had a name for it didn't make it go away. It seemed the salves only worked for so long then he would be back to breaking out, scratching himself til he would bleed. There were times he looked horrible. We resorted to putting socks on his hands to try to stop him from itching. Eventually, one doctor put him on steroids, which cleared him up immediately. Unfortunately, because of his age, he couldn't stay on them for long. By now he can pull the socks off his hands, so he would dig and scratch at himself til his skin was cracking, bleeding and then pussing up. He had to go on antibotics. Thruout all of this you would think that he would be cranky and fussy, but he wasn't. Finally, when he was about 15 months old, the doctors had him sent to Giesinger Medical Center in Danville, PA. There they were able to run extnesive tests on him and put him on medication that cleared him up. It was so strange to see him cleared up finally. He went the summer being able to play outside and be a regular little boy. We were warned that as the cold weather set in, the ecxema would probably come back and it did. It didn't get as bad as it once was and we are hopeful that he will soon outgrow this.

Although he will be 2 at the end of the month, he still doesn't talk. He understands everything that is said to him, he is very smart, he just doesn't talk. People say some kids are just late talkers and that once he starts, we won't be able to keep him quiet. I'll wait a few months and then if he's still not talking, I will call to have him tested for his speech.

He loves to watch Teletubbies and they are his favorite toys. He loves Lala. He has all the Teletubbies tapes and he watches them all the time. He has his own little basketball hoop and makes his baskets... he is so proud when he does this that he will even clap for himself. Put on any kind of music and he will dance like no other baby I have ever seen.

TJ is my pride and joy. I love him with my whole heart. I'm hoping to get a scanner where I can put a few more pictures of him on this page.

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