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In mid May my mother went to the Drs. due to having problems with menopause. Blood work came back and her bilirubin was rocketing. My Mom went for a CT scan and the DR's told us she had a pseudocyst of 8 mm big. They treated this with an aspiration almost immediately, which had no effect, the cyst was back in 4 days just the same size, so they did reconstructive surgery connecting the intestines to the cyst to have it drained at all time, which worked for the cyst but failed for the bilirubin. Not only did it fail but she started developing many other cysts through out her body. Meanwhile her bilirubin was getting higher so they put a shunt in the liver to help it drain. Everything started to fall into place shortly there after; everything was beginning to become normal again, until a month later the shunt became blocked. The same procedure was done one month later and a new shunt put in. The DR came out telling us there is nothing more they can do besides the whipple surgery which is one of most dangerous surgery done to man. We made the appointment to meet with their surgeon 3 days later and he said her body was healing itself...again my Mom was OK, but this time she could eat again and go back to work, all was looking up for her. Three weeks later my mother woke up very sick, called the dr, he thought she had a virus until 2 days later she woke up with strong, unbareable pains. Once again we rushed her to the hospital. Two days later they let us know that it was cancer located in her pancrease and her liver. There was nothing they could do for her. One and a half weeks later, i could not believe it and still have a very hard time believing it, there was my mother riding away in a hearse.

My mother left behind her mother, her husband, 6 children; 3 still at home, and 5 grandchildren. We will never know why it was this way. I honestly don't believe that the Drs. even know why it went this way. I was furious with everyone. If I had seen those Drs. in front of my face, only God could know what I would have done. With all that was done to my mother numerous MRI's, CT scans, 5 biopsy's, not being able to eat, bloodwork, and never once did they tell us she had cancer; they kept telling us it was not cancer.

Then it hit home; my mother was dying and there was nothing we could do to help her but wait and pray that our wait was not long, in which it was not. Then the thoughts came pouring out, what about my 14 year old sister or my 17 year old brother who is graduating in the year 2001? What about my mothers grandchildren who loved her so much? What where we to do and say to them? What about my Nana at 76, would she be ok? I can not imagine having to lay my child to rest in all my living days. Then, what about my father? What is he going do? How is he going take it? Can he actually make it with out my mother, the woman who had done everything for him for 25 years? My Mother's answer to all these questions was: "God's will is only for the good." Well, I've heard the saying only the good die young. My Mother was a wonderful person and loved by very many people. She had so much love for everyone and her love will live on forever. We love you Mom...

I want to give a very special thanks to Pat at VNA Hospice for all her help at this very trying time. I can't tell her how much I appreciate her help. Also a special thanks to the August J Haas funeral home... Gus is wonderful and helped us out so much during this hard time. I can't emphasize enough how much he helped us; how much I appreciate him being there for us.

Please take this dove and put it on your web is for the patient and familys of cancer.


*The midi being played was my mothers favorate count down by europe.

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