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My Baby Brother

Hi, My name is Joseph. I am now 5 years old.
I had a baby brother named Aaron.
Aaron, is still my best friend. I tell everyone that.
Aaron died right after I turned 3. I miss him so much.
I wanted to help my mommy make
a page for My Baby, from me.

This is My Baby Aaron, our Nanny and me.

I was so happy when he finally came.
And so sad when he went away.
On Aaron's first birthday we sent balloons to Heaven.
I wanted balloons to send to Heaven on my birthday too.
So mommy and Daddy got me lots
of balloons, and we let them go.
It makes me so happy to send things to Aaron.
I send him Hugs and kisses
every night in my night time prayers.
I love you Baby Brother Aaron in Heaven!!!!!!

~~Where Do Balloons Go Mommy~~

Where do Balloons go Mommy, When You set them free?
Do they float into the clouds or get stuck in a tree?
Do they fly High in the sky or get popped by a Bee?
Do they soar with the Birds and the bugs in the Air?
Or stay close to the ground and get chased by a bear?
Does the wind blow them out over the Big Blue Ocean?
Or do they climb up and over Small hills and Big Mountains?
Do they go into space and circle the Stars?
And fall back to earth after travelling so far?
Or does GOD collect them all in a Big Bouquet...
And give them to the children in Heaven each day?
Where do Balloons go Mommy, when you set them free?
I Hope they Go to Heaven....As a Gift from Me!

~~Author Unknown~~

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