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Awards Received

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This is the first award that I received.

Thank-you so much Lawanna
for this award.

Thank-you Michelle
For this wonderful award.

Michelle, Thank-you so much.
Your friendship has meant the world to me.

Devie,Thank-you very much
for such a beautiful award.

Thank-you Dawn,
for the honor of this award.

This was a
gift from Devie.

This is my Angel Baby Aaron.
Thank-you so much Devie!!!!
It is so beautiful.

Thank-You Katia,
It is lovely.

Thank-you, so much Theresa

Thank-you Shelly, It is such a pretty award.

The following are all from Bobbi
at Dreamsites and NoteCards and More

Thank-You for all these awards, Bobbi!!!

Thank-you so much Tracy for these awards!!!

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