Below are some of the cutest, sweetest, most loved pets around.
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Pet Page 'Hall of Fame'
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Best Friend
Life Saver
4 Way shake
Danny we will always love you! You will be missed everyday!
Love Always, Daisy, Angel and Scott and all your friends on the page!
Madi and Rambo From Pennsylvania.
Rambo stood happy and loyal beside me for 14 years. When I was 7, I dressed him in doll clothes and he put up with it. When i was 17, I took him in the car everywhere with me, and he put up with it. He loved McDonalds Drive Thrus, orange tic tacs, poptarts (yes, he was a junkfood addict much like his owner.) He lived with and loved random other pets from hamsters to rabbits to other dogs, and was friendly with them all. He wasnt the friendlist dog in the world...ok, actually he was viscious...:) He tried to bite everyone in the house except me, I think...chased my sister around, growled at anyone who came within ten feet of him, and loved every minute of it...but he was still the sweetest dog I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. He woke people up when I was sick or had a fever, woke people up if he felt like playing with a sock or ball, and DIDNT want woken up when HE was sleeping. :) He liked to play under the couch and howl along with music. We will all miss him forever :)
Meet our Best Friends From Missouri.
Danny is on the left of the chair, Daisy is on the right. Angel is on the ground. Angel is the daughter of Danny & Daisy. She's a spoiled brat but I think she's smarter than Danny and Daisy both. They will routinely sit there and pose for pictures like this cause they are so smart and sweet and perfect. I wuv my doogies! Scott in MO.
Foxy was Diannes companion and best friend for 10 years. She filled the walls of our home with love and her beautiful big brown eyes melted the hearts of all she met. Despite her chronic back problems Foxy remained faithful at her owners side and always shared love and affection. Foxy is placed on the Pet Page Hall of Fame in remembrance of both Dianne, her owner, and Foxy the faithful companion. Barry, PA
The Wee Ones
Meet groucho....i dont have a story yet, Im just little, but i feel the little folk need to be represented! hehe PJ and Ray from PA
Introducing Cocoa
I'd like you to meet Cocoa, my little buddy. Without all the hair,
he's actually pretty small! Frank, Harrisburg.
Sydney and Tippy
Tippy on the right and Sydney on the left. Take a quick look at these 6 week old German Shepherd, Australian Blue Herder mixture they will not sit still for long. They are full of energy and spunk!
"Cool paw Luke or Luke pawwalker to friends"
Meet Luke he lives at Walters place!
He was rescued 20 minutes before the shelter euthanized him. He has the most adorable face and expressions. My new companion and most likely best friend.
This is "Kitty"
She is 11 years old, from Seattle, Washington, and likes to eat junk food with her owner Jenni.
In remembrance of Layla
Despite his suffering from epilepsy Laddie is a loving, happy, gentle dog. He loves kittens and other animals! And enjoys country music on the radio and baseball. Always ready for attention Laddie has a wonderful home at the Slagle's.
Very friendly, but protective Shepherd, owners Karen and Bill.
Your pet will be featured along with their story.
Even if your pet has passed away and you would like to share his or her wonderful past with us on the Pet Page Hall of Fame submit your donation and pet information to
Please include in your email,
Your name (as you would like it to appear as the pets owner)include your pets name, breed and other pertinent information such as age, special abilities, qualities, favorite games or foods anything you would like to share.
All proceeds benefit the Candi Cares Organization which provides educational information to consumers of the dangerous chemicals in our commercial pet foods and helps provide scholarships for students pursuing careers in veterinary medicine, with a holistic approach.
Visit our link below for more info on Candi Cares.
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