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Sorry for the delay, but this will be a good show. Welcome to REDEMPTION. Four championships will be on the line. The first match will decide the new women's champion, each woman has a male representative for this cage match. The next match is a mixed "enemies" tag match that Criss-10 and Money will take on the Real JB and Barbarian. The following match will be the Hardcore invitational match between the entire active roster of DAWEF against the Punisher. If the Punisher loses, the winner will replace him in the Double Title match later on tonight, Punisher must pin every member of DAWEF to win. The next match will finally decide the Tag Team Champions. It will be the Puma and The Art against the Pansy and ShhhLong. If no winner is determined, the belts will be destroyed. And finally, the most anticipated match in DAWEF history, the Double Title match. The World Heavyweight Champion, ShhhLong, will take on the Hardcore Champion, The Punisher, or his replacement, in a one-pin, no DQ match for both titles. The Puma will be the guest referee for this match.

Purple-Pansey vs. The Kinger

Michael Cole - This match is a Cage Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 150 pounds, from Richmond, Virginia representing Money, The Kinger!!! (crowd cheers **)

[The Kinger comes to the ring. ]

Michael Cole - and his opponent, weighing in at 130 pounds, from Uranus, Ohio a member of The WIzards of Cod representing Criss-10, Purple-Pansey!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[He comes out dancing to no music. The Kinger places Purple-Pansey on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. Purple-Pansey executes a pumphandle suplex on The Kinger. (the bell rings) The Kinger punches Purple-Pansey in the head. Purple-Pansey gets hit with a dragon scerw from The Kinger. The Kinger moves back to his feet. Purple-Pansey climbs to his feet. Purple-Pansey with spinning headscissors on The Kinger send him hard to the mat. Purple-Pansey climbs to his feet. The Kinger gets locked in the painful STF. Referee Tim White is checking for a tap out. ... ... The Kinger trys to escape. The Kinger escapes. Purple-Pansey climbs the cage. ]

Jim Ross - The Kinger is much safer at side of the cage. Purple-Pansey can't get a pin there. Purple-Pansey makes it to the top of the cage. Purple-Pansey moves to the outside of the cage, and falls to the floor.

"We have a winner, the Pansy! Criss-10 is still the champion."

Money and Criss-10 vs. The Real JB and the Barbarian

Jerry Lawler - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On their way to the ring at this time, Money and Criss-10!!!

[Money and Criss-10 come to the ring. ]

Jerry Lawler - and their opponents, the team of The Real JB and the Barbarian.

[The Real JB and the Barbarian walk to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this match. Criss-10 tests out the ropes. Criss-10 gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from The Real JB. (ding, ding, ding) They lockup. Criss-10 sends The Real JB to the corner of the ring. ]

Jim Ross - Criss-10 with a weak move.

[The Real JB tags in The Barbarian. The Barbarian clotheslines Criss-10. ]

Michael Cole - This is just awefull! Criss-10 is being double teamed!

[Now The Barbarian standing. The Barbarian slaps Criss-10. The Barbarian makes the tag to The Real JB. Criss-10 does a cartwheel and kicks The Real JB in the face. Money tagged in by Criss-10. The Real JB gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Criss-10. ]

Tazz - Come on ref! Do something!! The Real JB is being double teamed!

[Criss-10 rolls onto The Real JB connecting with a knee. Criss-10 hits him with a back fist. Money makes the tag to Criss-10. Criss-10 uses a closed fist on The Real JB. ]

Tazz - Come on ref! Do something!! The Real JB is being double teamed!

[Criss-10 executes a ropeflip hiptoss on The Real JB. The Real JB makes the tag to The Barbarian. The Real JB suplexes Criss-10. ]

Jim Ross - Criss-10 is being double teamed!

[The Real JB grabs Criss-10's head and DDT's him on the mat. The Real JB climbs to his feet. Criss-10 is locked in the elbow submission by The Real JB. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... (AHHHH!) The Real JB breaks the hold. Money tagged in by Criss-10. The Barbarian rolls onto Money connecting with a knee. Money tags Criss-10. Criss-10 gets hit with a diving elbow smash from The Barbarian. The Barbarian brings in The Real JB for The Real JB and the Barbarian. Criss-10 clotheslines The Real JB. Criss-10 delivers a kick to the head of The Real JB. The Real JB brings in The Barbarian for The Real JB and the Barbarian. The Barbarian pokes Criss-10 in the eyes. The Barbarian gives Criss-10 the cobra clutch suplex onto the mat. The Barbarian gets back to his feet. ]

Michael Cole - My God!! What a match!

[Criss-10 stands up. Criss-10 hits The Barbarian with an earringer. Criss-10 makes the tag to Money. The Barbarian executes a corkscrew legdrop on Money. The Barbarian is back on his feet. The Barbarian hits Money with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. The Barbarian gets back to his feet. Money makes the tag to Criss-10. The Barbarian executes a headlock takedown. The Barbarian knees Criss-10 and rolls back to his feet. The Barbarian tags The Real JB. The Real JB is back on his feet. The Real JB climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Criss-10. The Real JB sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

Jim Ross - Good diving headbutt by The Real JB.

[Criss-10 brings in Money for Money and Criss-10. Money clotheslines The Real JB. Criss-10 suplexes The Real JB. Criss-10 piledrives The Real JB. ]

Jerry Lawler - The Real JB is being double teamed!

[The Real JB rolls onto Criss-10 connecting with a knee. The Real JB makes the tag to The Barbarian. The Real JB leg drops the throat of Money. The Real JB climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Money. ]

Jim Ross - Come on ref! Do something!! Money is being double teamed!

[The Real JB fist drops Money on the mat. The Real JB hits Money with an elbowdrop. ]

Tazz - elbowdrop!

[The Real JB gets back to his feet. The Barbarian tags The Real JB. Money trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift The Real JB.Money is back on his feet. Money sends The Real JB to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]D
Jim Ross - The DAWEF is the number on wrestling program on television.

[(..2) Money trys for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift The Real JB.(...3) Money comes from behind and bulldogs The Real JB. Money climbs to his feet. (....4) Money gets thrown into the turnbuckle. The Real JB comes over and smashes Money's head into it. (.....5) Money takes The Real JB into the ring. Money does a cartwheel and kicks The Real JB in the face. They lockup. Money sends The Real JB to the corner of the ring. The Real JB tags The Barbarian. Money bites The Barbarian's arm out of desparation. ]

Jim Ross - Money executes a arm bite.

[Money pokes The Barbarian in the eyes. The Barbarian hits Money with the belly-to-belly suplex. The Barbarian sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

Michael Cole - If The Barbarian keeps using moves like that belly-to-belly suplex he could win the match!

[The Barbarian moves back to his feet. Money is up again. Kneelock submission applied by The Barbarian. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... The Barbarian tightens the hold. The Barbarian breaks the hold. The Barbarian dropkicks Money to the knee. Now The Barbarian standing. Kneelock submission applied by The Barbarian. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... Money is fighting the hold. Money escapes. The Barbarian drags Money to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) The Barbarian leg drops Money. The Barbarian takes Money into the ring. Money brings in Criss-10 for Money and Criss-10. Criss-10 punches The Barbarian repeatedly. They lockup. Money sends The Barbarian to the corner of the ring. ]

Tazz - The Barbarian is being double teamed!

[Money gets hit with a diving elbow smash from The Barbarian. The Barbarian hits Money with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. The Barbarian moves back to his feet. Money climbs to his feet. Money pulls The Barbarian's hair. The Barbarian hits a spinning leg lariat on Money sending him to the mat. Money tagged in by Criss-10. Money is up again. The Barbarian executes the German suplex on Money. The Barbarian puts Money in the double reverse chinlock. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Money is fighting the hold. ... Money is fighting the hold. ... Money escapes. Money tags in Criss-10. Criss-10 piledrives The Barbarian. Money clotheslines The Barbarian. ]

Michael Cole - This is just awefull! The Barbarian is being double teamed!

[The Barbarian executes a corkscrew legdrop on Money. Money gets back to his feet. Criss-10 makes the tag to Money. Money bounces The Barbarian off the ropes and clotheslines him. The Barbarian makes the tag to The Real JB. Money slaps The Real JB. The Real JB picks Money up and side slams him to the mat. ]

Tazz - Nice side slam by The Real JB.

[Money tags in Criss-10. Money clotheslines The Real JB. They lockup. Money sends The Real JB to the corner of the ring. ]

Jerry Lawler - The Real JB is being double teamed!

[The Real JB leg drops Money. The Real JB hits Money with an elbowdrop. The Real JB moves back to his feet. The Real JB measures Money up and drops a closed fist. The Real JB stands up. The Real JB climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Money. The Real JB sucks chants start in the crowd. The Real JB is up again. The Real JB kicks Money in the stomach, and drops them on their face for the JB-Factor. The Real JB goes for a pin. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jerry Lawler - The winners of this match, The Real JB and the Barbarian!!!

The Punisher vs. The Entire Active Roster of DAWEF

Jerry Lawler - This match is a Hardcore Match elimination match. On his way to the ring at this time, the Hardcore Champion, The Punisher!!!

[The Punisher comes to the ring. ]

Jerry Lawler - and his opponents, the Entire Active Roster of DAWEF.

[They all come to the ring, pretty confident. The Real JB gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Punisher. The Real JB checks his boots. (the bell rings) Punisher clotheslines The Real JB. ]

Tazz - Punisher, kicking ass, and taking names, I like it.

[Punisher executes a ropeflip hiptoss on JB. Punisher fist drops JB on the mat. Punisher hits a spinning leg lariat on JB sending him to the mat. Punisher rolls onto JB connecting with a knee. JB gets back to his feet. Punisher gets snap suplexed by JB. JB gets up. JB wraps his legs around Punisher's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... Punisher trys to escape. ... Punisher is fighting the hold. Punisher escapes. Punisher moves back to his feet. Punisher gives JB a reverse neckbreaker. Punisher moves back to his feet. Punisher hits JB with an elbowdrop. ]

Jim Ross - What a dominating elbowdrop!

[Punisher moves back to his feet. Punisher measures JB up and drops a closed fist. Punisher moves back to his feet. JB trys for a back suplex but Punisher avoids it. JB wraps his legs around Punisher's neck and puts him in the figure-four sleeper. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) ... Punisher trys to escape. ... Punisher escapes. JB and Punisher go to the floor Dreadman trys for a hotshot but Punisher avoids it. Punisher dropkicks JB in the face. ]

Tazz - Punisher with a dropkick.

[Punisher leg drops the throat of JB. Punisher throws some thumbtacks at JB. JB is bleeding as a result. Punisher knees JB and rolls back to his feet. Punisher hits JB with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. Punisher knees JB and rolls back to his feet. Punisher hits JB with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. JB is back on his feet. JB picks up Punisher and executes the cradle DDT. JB gets back to his feet. ]

Tazz - Did you see that last move?

Jerry Lawler - Oh yeah!

[JB piledrives Punisher into the floor. The Real JB with a falling splash on Punisher. JB clotheslines Punisher. JB bounces Punisher off the ropes, Punisher with the APOCALYPSE. Punisher with the pin, (1..2.3.) JB was eliminated by Punisher. ]

Jim Ross - What a mercifull count. Dreadman is out of here!! Who's next?

The rest of the members of DAWEF look at eachother, Kinger volunteers Criss-10, by throwing her into the ring.

[Criss-10 smiles nervously at the Punisher. They lockup. Punisher sends Criss-10 to the corner of the ring. Punisher springboard DDT's Criss-10 onto the mat! Punisher stands up. Criss-10 is back on her feet. Punisher hits Criss-10 with the back of his elbow. Punisher takes Criss-10 down with a knee. Punisher locks Criss-10 in the kneebar. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Criss-10 is fighting the hold. ... Criss-10 is fighting the hold. ... ... ... Punisher tightens the hold. ... ... Criss-10 trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... Criss-10 taps out. Criss-10 was eliminated by Punisher. ]

Tazz - Criss-10 has been eliminated!! Now who's next?

[They look at eachother, and unanamously vote on the rookie, Flamer.]

[Punisher climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Flamer. Punisher climbs to his feet. Punisher measures Flamer up and drops a closed fist. Punisher climbs to his feet. Flamer is up again. Punisher sends Flamer to ringside. Punisher grabs Flamer's head and DDT's him on the floor. Punisher gets back to his feet. Punisher climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Flamer. Flamer is smacked over the head twice by Punisher with a chair. Earl Hebner asks Flamer if he quits. ... ... Flamer is fighting to go on. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... ... (AHHHH!) ... Flamer trys to stand. ... Flamer trys to stand. ... Flamer trys to straighten up. ... Flamer's legs break into compound fractures. Flamer was eliminated by Punisher. ]

Jerry Lawler - Flamer is out of here!! They are taking him out on a stretcher!!

[Money starts to walk sneakily to the back, but Punisher grabs her and brings her back to the ring.]

[Punisher hits Money with an elbowdrop. Punisher gets up. Punisher leg drops the throat of Money. Punisher drags Money to the floor. Money stands up. Punisher gores Money. Punisher sets Money up, grabs her by the neck, and....she counters. Punisher sets her up again...APOCALYPSE!!! Money taps out while on the ground. Money was eliminated by Punisher. ]

Tazz - Money is out of here!! Both women have been sacrificed, who's next?

[Punisher climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Purple-Pansey. Punisher is back on his feet. Purple-Pansey climbs to his feet. Punisher nails Purple-Pansey with a double underhook suplex. Punisher and Purple-Pansey go to the floor They fight into the aisle. Punisher runs in and leg drops Purple-Pansey. Punisher climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Purple-Pansey. Punisher is back on his feet. Punisher lifts, and hits Purple-Pansey with the APOCALYPSE!. Punisher covers Purple-Pansey. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 Purple-Pansey was eliminated by Punisher. ]

Jim Ross - Punisher decided and Purple-Pansey is out of here!!

[Punisher leg drops the throat of ShhhLong. Punisher climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the flying dropkick to ShhhLong on the ropes. Punisher gets back to his feet. Punisher sends ShhhLong to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Punisher runs in and leg drops ShhhLong. Punisher climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on ShhhLong. Punisher gets back to his feet. Punisher grabs ShhhLong's leg and takes him down, then locks his leg. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Punisher tightens the hold. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... ShhhLong trys to escape. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... ... Punisher tightens the hold. ... ShhhLong taps out. ShhhLong was eliminated by Punisher. ]

Michael Cole - ShhhLong has been eliminated!! How will he fight tonight?

[Punisher measures The Art up and drops a closed fist. The Art is up again. Punisher nails The Art with a barb-wire 2x4. Punisher sends The Art to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Punisher hits The Art with a steel chair from the second turnbuckle. Punisher gets back to his feet. Punisher knees The Art and rolls back to his feet. Punisher lifts, and hits The Art with the APOCALYPSE!. Punisher covers The Art. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 The Art was eliminated by Punisher. ]

Tazz - The Art is out of here!!

[Punisher executes a suplex on The Barbarian. Punisher leg drops The Barbarian. Now The Barbarian standing. Punisher sends The Barbarian to ringside. They fight into the aisle. The Punisher gets hit with a dragon scerw from Barbarian. Punisher fist drops The Barbarian on the floor. Punisher stands up. Punisher lifts, and hits The Barbarian with the APOCALYPSE!. Punisher goes for a pin. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 The Barbarian was eliminated by Punisher. ]

Jim Ross - Holy Sh*t! The Barbarian is out of here!!

[Punisher leg drops The Kinger. Punisher climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on The Kinger. Punisher gets back to his feet. Punisher and The Kinger go to the floor Punisher rolls onto The Kinger connecting with a knee. Punisher measures The Kinger up and drops a closed fist. Punisher stands up. The Kinger climbs to his feet. Punisher puts the ankle lock on The Kinger. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... ... ... ... Punisher tightens the hold. ... The Kinger is fighting the hold. ... ... The Kinger is fighting the hold. ... The Kinger taps out. The Kinger was eliminated by Punisher. ]

Tazz - The Kinger has been eliminated!! There are only two guys left!

[Punisher climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and attempts a backflip on The Puma. The Puma moved as Punisher hit the floor. Now Punisher standing. Punisher runs in and The Puma smacks him in the face with a glass pitcher of water. Punisher is busted wide open. Punisher recovers and punches the throat of The Puma. Punisher hits The Puma with a baseball bat and it breaks in half. Puma is back on his feet. Punisher puts the chicken wing on The Puma. Puma laughs and reverses it into a Crippler Crossface. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... The Punisher trys to escape. ... Puma tightens the hold. ... ... Puma tightens the hold. ... ... ... (AHHHH!) ... The Punisher trys to escape. ... The Punisher trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) The Puma breaks the hold. The Punisher rolls up the Puma and grabs Puma's pants, (1..2..3) Puma was elimintated by Punisher. ]

Jim Ross - That will do it for The Puma. He's been eliminated! The Punisher grabbed Puma's pants for stability!

[Dreadman gets sent into the turnbuckle while Punisher hits him with a splash. Punisher executes a swinging bulldog on Dreadman driving Dreadman's face into the mat. Punisher sends Dreadman to ringside. Punisher fist drops Dreadman on the floor. ShhhLong runs back in. Punisher climbs to the top of the turnbuckle, and ShhhLong knocks Dreadman into the ref. The ref is out. THE BIG WILLY to the Punisher by ShhhLong. ShhhLong pulls Dreadman over Punisher. The Crowd is screaming....(1..2..3..) they scream over and over. The ref starts to move. The Crowd is screaming, the ref goes for the count.....(1..................2........................kick out! kick out! kick out by the Punisher! Dreadman is freaking out. The Punisher sits up. He looks at Dreadman and smiles. He grabs Dreadman by the throat, goes to the top turnbuckle, lifts Dreadman completely off the ground, and.....APOCALYPSE!! APOCALYPSE!! The Punisher lift Dreadman again and the APOCALYPSE!. Punisher covers Dreadman. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 Dreadman was eliminated by Punisher. ]

Michael Cole - Dreadman has been eliminated!!

Jerry Lawler - Punisher has won the match!

Jerry Lawler - The winner of this match, and still Hardcore Champion!!!

Team 2Xtreme vs. The Wizards of Cod for Tag Champ Determiner

Jerry Lawler - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On their way to the ring at this time, Team 2Xtreme!!!

[The room goes dark.....screen shows a signal coming in....BANG!!...pyro goes off as they enter. ]

Jerry Lawler - and their opponents, the team of The Wizards of Cod.

[The come out to the ring dancing, with no music. ShhhLong executes a pumphandle suplex on The Art. The Art checks out the ring. (ding, ding, ding) ShhhLong executes the guillotine choke on The Art. The Art moves back to his feet. ShhhLong delivers a spinning backbreak to The Art. The Puma tagged in by The Art. The Puma gets up. The Puma hits ShhhLong with the back of his elbow. ]

Jim Ross - The Puma with a back elbow.

[The Puma bounces ShhhLong off the ropes and clotheslines him. Now ShhhLong standing. The Puma brings in The Art for Team 2Xtreme. The Art kicks ShhhLong in the gut, takes a few steps back, and scissor kicks him to the mat. ]

Jerry Lawler - Good scissor kick by The Art.

[The Art and ShhhLong go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) The Art chokes ShhhLong with a microphone cable. The Puma punches ShhhLong repeatedly. ]

Jerry Lawler - Is this a great match or not?

Jim Ross - Yeah, you know it.

[The Art with a falling splash on ShhhLong. The Art gets back to his feet. (..2) The Art hits the handspring moonsault on ShhhLong. The Art gets up. ShhhLong is back on his feet. The Art takes ShhhLong into the ring. The Art hits ShhhLong with an atomic drop. ]

Tazz - That atomic drop was very good.

[The Art sends ShhhLong to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Michael Cole - My God!! What a match!

[ShhhLong gets up. (..2) ShhhLong hits The Art with the back of his elbow. (...3) ShhhLong hits The Art with a heart punch. The Art is up again. (....4) ShhhLong executes a jawbreakeron The Art. ShhhLong is back on his feet. The Art moves back to his feet. The Art executes the German suplex on ShhhLong. The Art climbs to his feet. ShhhLong gets back to his feet. The Art throws ShhhLong off the ropes, rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline. They head back into the ring. The Art shoves Earl Hebner. ring, ring, ring! Earl Hebner calls for the bell. The Art was disqualified. The Art was elimintated by ShhhLong. The Puma begs for Art to still be in, Earl looks at him, shaking his head. Puma offers a hundred dollars, Earl looks at him, and nods. ]

Jim Ross - The Art has been eliminated, but reinstated!!

[ShhhLong clotheslines The Art. ShhhLong executes an over the shoulder stomachbreaker on The Art. The Puma is just watching with the Pansy. ShhhLong lifts up The Art, and doesn't attack him. The Puma looks at his partner, and at the Wizards of Cod, then back at his partner. The Puma bends down, and kicks the Art in the face with the morality check. The Puma and Pansy both hook one of The Art's legs and go for the pin. ring, ring, ring! Earl Hebner calls for the bell. Earl Hebner looks confused, he asks Puma what they're doing. The Puma grabs a microphone, and then starts talking. ]

[The Art is not a good partner, so I have joined the Wizards of Cod. I am sure The Art can do fine on his own wrestling the Real JB for the rest of his career, says Puma.]

[Him and I are champions together says Pansy as he throws the mic into the crowd. They walk off.]

Jerry Lawler - The Champs are out of here!!

Jim Ross - We've got ourselves a winner, but what, no why, did Puma ever want to join them?

Jerry Lawler - You should have been paying attention. The winners of this match, Pansy and Puma of The Wizards of Cod!!!

The Punisher vs. ShhhLong

Michael Cole - This match is a Double Title Match for the Heavyweight title and the Hardcore title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 224 pounds, from Tallahassee, Florida a member of The Wizards of Cod accompanied by Purple-Pansey he holds the Heavyweight title belt, ShhhLong!!! (crowd cheers **)

[He comes out dancing to the ring. ]

Michael Cole - and his opponent, weighing in at 250 pounds, from Media, Pennsylvania, The Punisher!!!

[The Punisher walks to the ring. The Puma is the referee for this contest. ShhhLong executes a pumphandle suplex on The Punisher. ShhhLong gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from The Punisher. (ding, ding, ding) ShhhLong nails The Punisher with a belly-to-back suplex. ShhhLong gets up. The Punisher executes a swinging bulldog on ShhhLong driving ShhhLong's face into the mat. The Punisher stands up. The Punisher hits ShhhLong with an elbowdrop. The Punisher gets up. ShhhLong hits The Punisher with the belly-to-belly suplex. The Punisher is up again. ShhhLong with a takeover suplex on The Punisher. ShhhLong gets up. The Punisher gets locked in the painful STF. The Puma asks The Punisher if he quits. ... The Punisher trys to escape. ... ShhhLong tightens the hold. ... ShhhLong tightens the hold. ... The Punisher escapes. ShhhLong sets The Punisher up DDTs him into the mat. ShhhLong swings a chair and hits The Punisher. The Punisher is bleeding as a result. Purple-Pansey executes the guillotine choke on The Punisher. ShhhLong fist drops The Punisher on the mat. ShhhLong gets up. ShhhLong knees The Punisher and rolls back to his feet. ShhhLong executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Punisher. ShhhLong gets up. ShhhLong delivers a kick to the head of The Punisher. The Punisher gets hit with a diving elbow smash from ShhhLong. ShhhLong climbs to his feet. ShhhLong measures The Punisher up and drops a closed fist. Now ShhhLong standing. ShhhLong knees The Punisher and rolls back to his feet. The Punisher stands up. The Punisher knocks ShhhLong out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam. ]

Jim Ross - If The Punisher keeps using moves like that tilt-a-whirl powerslam he could win the match!

[ShhhLong moves back to his feet. ShhhLong rakes the face of The Punisher in attempt to make a come back. ShhhLong legsweeps The Punisher. ]

Jerry Lawler - ShhhLong executes a legsweep.

[ShhhLong executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Punisher. ShhhLong moves back to his feet. The Punisher executes a split legged moonsault on to ShhhLong. The Punisher is back on his feet. The Punisher puts the chicken wing on ShhhLong. The Puma is checking for a tap out. ... ShhhLong is fighting the hold. ... The Punisher breaks the hold. The Punisher goes for a cobra clutch suplex but ShhhLong dodges the attack. ]

Jim Ross
- The ring is covered with blood from these fighters!

[The Punisher nails the bridging back suplex on ShhhLong. The Punisher climbs to his feet. The Punisher sends ShhhLong to ringside. The Punisher goes for a leg drop but ShhhLong dodges the attack. The Punisher applies an arm wrench to ShhhLong. The Punisher then lifts Shhhlong, and...The APOCALYPSE!!!]

Jerry Lawler - The Punisher executes an APOCALYPSE!!That has got to be it.

[The Punisher is going for the pin. The Puma counts (1.............2.........) Kick out by ShhhLong.

Jim Ross- It sucks for Punisher because he screwed Puma in the Hardcore title match tonight, and Puma just became a member of the Wizards of Cod with ShhhLong. He definitely has the cards stacked against him.

[ShhhLong rakes his fingers across The Punisher's back. ShhhLong tackles The Punisher. The Punisher gets hit with a diving elbow smash from ShhhLong. ShhhLong gets up. ShhhLong rolls onto The Punisher connecting with a knee. ShhhLong executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Punisher. ShhhLong measures The Punisher up and drops a closed fist. The Punisher nails ShhhLong with a double underhook suplex. ShhhLong is locked in the elbow submission by The Punisher. Referee The Puma is checking for a tap out. ... (AHHHH!) ... ShhhLong trys to escape. ... ... ShhhLong escapes. The Punisher climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on ShhhLong. The Punisher puts the chicken wing on ShhhLong. The referee is checking the situation. ... ShhhLong trys to escape. ... ... ShhhLong escapes. ShhhLong moves back to his feet. The Punisher is hit with a backward kick. The Punisher gets tiger suplexed by ShhhLong. ShhhLong is back on his feet. ShhhLong executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Punisher. ShhhLong is up again. The Punisher gets hit with a diving elbow smash from ShhhLong. ShhhLong measures The Punisher up and drops a closed fist. ShhhLong gets back to his feet. ShhhLong knees The Punisher and rolls back to his feet. ShhhLong rolls onto The Punisher connecting with a knee. ShhhLong measures The Punisher up and drops a closed fist. ShhhLong moves back to his feet. ShhhLong executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Punisher. ShhhLong is up again. The Punisher gets hit with a diving elbow smash from ShhhLong. ShhhLong climbs to his feet. ShhhLong rolls onto The Punisher connecting with a knee. ShhhLong measures The Punisher up and drops a closed fist. ShhhLong moves back to his feet. ShhhLong executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Punisher. ShhhLong hits the floor. The Punisher gets up. The Punisher climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on ShhhLong. The Punisher gets up. The Punisher sends ShhhLong into The Puma he goes down. The Punisher leg drops ShhhLong. ShhhLong is back on his feet. The Punisher executes the jumping sidekick on ShhhLong. The Art comes to ringside. The Art falls head first into ShhhLong. The Art gets back to his feet. The Art retaliates for earlier by attacking ShhhLong. The Art goes for it, and ART BOMB, ART BOMB on ShhhLong. Art flips off to The Puma and takes off. The Punisher is back on his feet. Ordered is restored. The Puma gets ShhhLong up. They head back into the ring. ShhhLong punches The Punisher repeatedly. ShhhLong picks up The Punisher and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker. The Punisher moves back to his feet. ShhhLong hits The Punisher with the BIG WILLIE. ShhhLong covers The Punisher hooking the leg. The Puma counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jim Ross - We've got ourselves a winner!

Michael Cole - The winner of this match, the new Hardcore Champion, and still Heavyweight champion, ShhhLong!!!

Wow, what a night! Criss-10 is still the women's champ. A decent match took place between the two teams of enemies. The whole damn federation got their @$$ handed to them in a doggy bag by the Punisher. The Puma turned his back on The Art, to join the Wizards of Cod. And the main event was a hard match between ShhhLong and the Punisher, the Punisher could not hang in there after a lot of interference took place. The ShhhLong may not be as hardcore, but he won using what he could.