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Showdown 5/13/01

Tonight on Showdown, we have a couple matches for you, and the Hardcore title will be on the line. The Tag Team Championship will also be on the line for the first title defense.
Commentary Team Change

The Art vs. The Real JB

Ring Announcer - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 275 pounds, from Gainesville, FL, The Real JB!!! (crowd boos *****)

[The Real JB comes to the ring. ]

Ring Announcer - and his opponent, weighing in at 218 pounds, from Media, Pennsylvania a member of Team 2Xtreme accompanied by The Puma, The Art!!! (crowd boos ****)

[The Art walks to the ring. Tim White is the referee for this contest. The Art gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from The Real JB. The Art checks out the ring. (ring, ring, ring) The Art gets thrown into the turnbuckle. The Real JB comes over and smashes The Art's head into it. ]

Mike C. - Headsmash into turnbuckle!

[The Art double underhook faceslams The Real JB hard to the The Real JB. They lockup. The Art sends The Real JB to the corner of the ring. ]

Tazz - The Art executes a weak move.

[The Art trys for a superplex but is unable to lift The Real JB.The Art executes a headlock takedown. The Art punches The Real JB repeatedly. The Art gets sent into the turnbuckle while The Real JB hits him with a splash. The Real JB sucks chants start in the crowd. ]

Mike C. - That splash was very good.

Tazz - The Real JB is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[The Real JB gets sent into the turnbuckle while The Art hits him with a splash. ]

Mike C. - My God!! What a match!

[The Art trys for a dragon screw but is unable to lift The Real JB.The Real JB executes the jumping sidekick on The Art. The Art gets back to his feet. The Art chops The Real JB. ]

Tazz - The Real JB takes a chop.

[The Real JB short lariats The Art. The Real JB knees The Art and rolls back to his feet. The Art trys for a brain buster but The Real JB avoids it. The Art drags The Real JB to the floor. Tim White starts the count (.1) The Art throws a chair at The Real JB. The Puma punches The Real JB repeatedly. The Real JB springboard DDT's The Art onto the floor! The Real JB gets up. (..2) The Real JB sends The Art into Tim White he goes down. The Real JB climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on The Art. The Real JB moves back to his feet. The Real JB does a handspring and hits The Art with a bodyblock, what a move! The Real JB sucks chants start in the crowd. The Real JB gets back to his feet. The Barbarian comes to ringside. The Barbarian chokes The Real JB with a microphone cable. The Barbarian clotheslines The Real JB. The Barbarian slaps The Real JB. Ordered is restored. Tim White gets up. The Art and The Real JB move back into the ring. The Art clotheslines The Real JB. The Art sucks chants start in the crowd. The Art grabs The Real JB's head and DDT's him on the mat. Now The Art standing. The Real JB gets back to his feet. The Art grabs The Real JB, lifts....and ART BOMB, ART BOMB. The Art covers The Real JB. Tim White counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Mike C. - We've got ourselves a winner!

Ring Announcer - The winner of this match, The Art!!!

Mike C. - What a match, what a match, the Barbarian has destroyed the Real JBs chance of ever having a shot at the top.

Criss-10 vs. Money (DAWEF Women's Championship)

Ring Announcer - This match is a Standard Match for the DAWEF Women's Championship title. On her way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 180 pounds, from Newark, Delaware she holds the DAWEF Women's Championship title belt, Criss-10!!!

[Criss-10 comes to the ring. ]

Ring Announcer - and her opponent, weighing in at 130 pounds, from San Antonio, Texas accompanied by The Kinger, Money!!!

[Money walks to the ring. Tim White is the referee for this contest. Criss-10 drops Money with a Gorilla Press Slam on the mat. Money executes a pumphandle suplex on Criss-10. (ding, ding, ding) Criss-10 legsweeps Money. ]

Tazz - What a leg-sweap!

[Now Money standing. Criss-10 kicks Money in the groin. Criss-10 bounces Money off the ropes and faceslams her onto the mat. Money goes for a dragon suplex but Criss-10 dodges the attack. Money trys for a tilt-a-whirl powerslam but is not strong enough to lift Criss-10. Money drags Criss-10 to the floor. Tim White starts the count (.1) (..2) Money comes from behind and bulldogs Criss-10. (...3) Money stomps Criss-10. Criss-10 gets up. (....4) Criss-10 gives Money a reverse neckbreaker. Criss-10 climbs to her feet. (.....5) Money takes Criss-10 into the ring. Money uppercuts Criss-10. ]

Tazz - Uppercut!

[Money goes for a double underhook superplex but Criss-10 dodges the attack. ]

Tazz - Are you enjoying this match?

Mike C. - Yeah, you know it.

[Criss-10 gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Money comes over and smashes Criss-10's head into it. Criss-10 knifehand chops Money. ]

Tazz - Money takes a knifehand chop.

[Money kicks Criss-10 in the stomach. ]

Mike C. - Money with a kick.

[Criss-10 stands up. Money trys for a inverted powerbomb but is not strong enough to lift Criss-10.Money executes the sleeperhold on Criss-10. Tim White is checking for a tap out. ... Criss-10 is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Money breaks the hold. Criss-10 kicks Money in the stomach and executes the sitdown face slam. ]

Tazz - Nice sitdown faceslam by Criss-10.

[Money is back on her feet. Criss-10 sends Money to ringside. Tim White starts the count (.1) (..2) Money gets elbowed to his midsection by Money. (...3) Criss-10 kicks Money in the head. Money moves back to her feet. (....4) Money double underhook faceslams Criss-10 hard to the Criss-10. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Money executes a corkscrew legdrop on Criss-10. Money is back on her feet. Criss-10 executes a spinning DDT, planting Money's head in the mat. ]

Mike C. - That spinning DDT was very good.

[Criss-10 is back on her feet. Criss-10 puts the chicken wing on Money. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Money is fighting the hold. ... Money is fighting the hold. ... Money trys to escape. Criss-10 breaks the hold. ]

Tazz - Money could use some help about now.

[Money stands up. Money slaps Criss-10. ]

Mike C. - Money executes a slap.

[Criss-10 sends Money into Tim White, and he goes down. Criss-10 slaps Money in the face. Criss-10 gets back to her feet. Criss-10 powerbombs Money. Purple-Pansey runs to the ring. Purple-Pansey sets Money up and DDTs her into the mat. Purple-Pansey executes a corkscrew legdrop on Criss-10. Purple-Pansey moves back to her feet. Ordered is restored. Tim White gets up. Tim White saw the interferance. Ring, ring, ring! Tim White calls for the bell. Money was disqualified. ]

Tazz - We've got ourselves a winner!

Ring Announcer - The winner of this match, Criss-10!!!

Mike C. -We are here now with Kinger. Kinger, what do you have to say?

Kinger- I don't want to see anybody picking on any women in the DAWEF, so I demand a match with the Purple Pansy tonight.

Mike C. - We'll try to find the Purple Pansy and get his reply.
Kinger -Thank you.

Team 2Xtreme vs. The Wizards of Cod

Ring Announcer - This match is a Standard Match tag match. On there way to the ring at this time, Team 2Xtreme!!!

[The room goes dark.....screen shows a signal coming in....BANG!!...pyro goes off as they enter. ]

Ring Announcer - and their opponents, the team of The Wizards of Cod.

[They come out to the ring dancing, with no music. Pansy places The Art on the turnbuckle and executes a front-layout suplerplex. The Art gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Shhhlong. (ring, ring, ring) The Art clotheslines ShhhLong. ShhhLong tags Pansy. Pansy knifehand chops The Art. The Art punches Pansy in the head. Shhhlong tagged in by Pansy. The Art executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Pansy. The Art knocks Pansy out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam. The Art executes a swinging bulldog on Pansy driving Pansy's face into the mat. ]

Mike C. - What a move!

[ The Art nails Pansy with an inverted DDT. ]

Tazz - Nice inverted DDT by The Art.

[ Pansy gets up. The Art and Pansy go to the floor Tim White starts the count (.1) ]

Tazz - The DAWEF is the only place for entertainment like this!

[The Puma does a handspring and hits ShhhLong with a bodyblock, what a move! ]

Mike C. - That handspring bodyblock was very good.

[ Pansy gets up. (..2) The Art hits with the double arm DDT on Pansy into the floor. The Art chants start. Pansy is back on his feet. (...3) Pansy knocks The Art into Tim White taking out the referee. Pansy executes the jumping sidekick on The Art. The Art moves back to his feet. The Art gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. The Art moves back to his feet. The Punisher runs to ringside. The Punisher punches The Puma repeatedly. The Punisher executes a headlock takedown on The Art. The Punisher chokes ShhhLong with a microphone cable. The Punisher knees Pansy and sets him up for the Apocalypse. The Puma now standing and gets the Pansy out of the Apocalypse. The Punisher hits The Puma with the double arm DDT into the floor. Now the Pansy standing. The Punisher gets Pansy up in the air, and the APOCALYPSE. Ordered is restored. Tim White gets up. The Art and The Puma move back into the ring. The Art shoves Tim White for tripping him. Ring, ring, ring! Tim White calls for the bell. Team 2xtreme was disqualified. ]

Ring Announcer - The winners of this match, The Wizards of Cod!!!

Tazz- We'll that match didn't solve anything.

Mike C.- Purple Pansy, what do you say about Kinger's challenge.

Purple Pansy - I'll do what I want, and Kinger, I'm going to do...(falls down from aftershock of the Apocalypse)

Purple-Pansey vs. The Kinger
Ring Announcer - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 150 pounds, from Richmond, Virginia accompanied by Money, The Kinger!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[The Kinger comes to the ring. ]

Ring Announcer - and his opponent, weighing in at 130 pounds, from Uranus, Ohio a member of The WIzards of Cod accompanied by ShhhLong, Purple-Pansey!!! (crowd cheers **)

[He comes out dancing to no music. Purple-Pansey gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from The Kinger. Purple-Pansey executes a pumphandle suplex on The Kinger. (ding, ding, ding) The Kinger short lariats Purple-Pansey. The Kinger covers Purple-Pansey hooking the leg. Tim White counts the pin. ...1 Purple-Pansey kicks out. ]

Tazz - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Purple-Pansey.

[Purple-Pansey rakes the face of The Kinger in attempt to make a come back. Purple-Pansey gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. The Kinger covers Purple-Pansey hooking the leg. Tim White counts the pin. ...1 Purple-Pansey escapes. ]

Mike C. - The Kinger should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Purple-Pansey is back on his feet. The Kinger executes a headlock takedown. Purple-Pansey gets up. Purple-Pansey trys for a backspin DDT/Miavia Hurrcane but The Kinger avoids it. Purple-Pansey drags The Kinger to the floor. Tim White starts the count (.1) (..2) Purple-Pansey slaps The Kinger. ]

Tazz - Purple-Pansey executes a slap.

[(...3) The Kinger hits a spinning leg lariat on Purple-Pansey sending him to the floor. Purple-Pansey stands up. (....4) Purple-Pansey delivers a spinning backbreak to The Kinger. (.....5) They head back into the ring. Purple-Pansey gets thrown into the turnbuckle. The Kinger comes over and smashes Purple-Pansey's head into it. ]

Mike C. - headsmash into turnbuckle!

[The Kinger chops Purple-Pansey. Purple-Pansey uses a belly-to-belly suplex. The Kinger is down. Now The Kinger standing. Purple-Pansey sends The Kinger to ringside. Tim White starts the count (.1) Purple-Pansey chokes The Kinger with a microphone cable. ShhhLong clotheslines The Kinger. ]

Tazz - The Kinger could use some help about now.

[(..2) Purple-Pansey hits The Kinger with the back of his elbow. ]

Mike C. - Purple-Pansey with a back elbow.

[(...3) Purple-Pansey with an Aztecan suplex on The Kinger sends him to the floor. The Kinger stands up. Purple-Pansey executes a swinging neckbreaker on The Kinger. Purple-Pansey chants start. ]

Tazz - Good swinging neckbreaker by Purple-Pansey.

[(....4) ]

Mike C. - I wish every match could be like this!

[(.....5) Purple-Pansey takes The Kinger into the ring. Purple-Pansey rolls onto The Kinger connecting with a knee. Now The Kinger standing. The Kinger hits Purple-Pansey with the back of his elbow. ]

Mike C. - The Kinger executes a back elbow.

[The Kinger executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Purple-Pansey. ]

Tazz - The Kinger executes a ropeflip hiptoss.

[Purple-Pansey is up again. Purple-Pansey executes a jawbreakeron The Kinger. Purple-Pansey stands up. Purple-Pansey measures The Kinger up and drops a closed fist. Purple-Pansey gets back to his feet. The Kinger gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Purple-Pansey. ]

Mike C. - diving elbow smash!

[Purple-Pansey stands up. The Kinger is up again. Purple-Pansey hits him with a back fist. Purple-Pansey uses a snap mare takeover on The Kinger. The Kinger gets up. Purple-Pansey hits The Kinger with a single arm DDT. ]

Tazz - If Purple-Pansey keeps using moves like that single arm DDT he could win the match!

[Purple-Pansey gets up. Purple-Pansey sends The Kinger to ringside. Tim White starts the count (.1) Purple-Pansey cuts The Kinger with a blade. The Kinger is bleeding as a result. ]

Mike C. - The floor is covered with blood from that injury.

[Purple-Pansey sends The Kinger into Tim White he goes down. The Kinger gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Purple-Pansey. Purple-Pansey gets up. The Kinger gets up. The Kinger is hit with a backward kick. The Kinger is back on his feet. Criss-10 runs to ringside. Criss-10 pump handle slams The Kinger to the floor. Criss-10 measures The Kinger up and drops a closed fist. Criss-10 climbs to his feet. Ordered is restored. Tim White gets up. Purple-Pansey and The Kinger move back into the ring. Purple-Pansey measures The Kinger up and drops a closed fist. Purple-Pansey is back on his feet. Purple-Pansey executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Kinger. Purple-Pansey gets up. Purple-Pansey tries to pick up The Kinger, but is too weak and drops him from three feet. The Kinger gets hit with the shooting star press from Purple-Pansey. Tim White counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Tazz - Purple-Pansey has won the match!

Ring Announcer - The winner of this match, Purple-Pansey!!!

The Punisher vs. ShhhLong (DAWEF Hardcore Championship)

Ring Announcer - This match is a Hardcore Match for the DAWEF Hardcore Championship title with the Punisher's Rules. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 250 pounds, from Media, Pennsylvania he holds the DAWEF Hardcore Championship title belt, The Punisher!!!

[The Punisher comes to the ring. ]

Ring Announcer - and his opponent, weighing in at 224 pounds, from Tallahassee, Florida a member of The Wizards of Cod accompanied by Purple-Pansey he holds the DAWEF World Heavyweight Championship title belt, ShhhLong!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[He comes out dancing to the ring. ShhhLong gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from The Punisher. ShhhLong executes a pumphandle suplex on The Punisher. (ring, ring, ring) The Punisher chops ShhhLong. ShhhLong gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. The Punisher hits ShhhLong with an elbowdrop. Now The Punisher standing. The Punisher fist drops ShhhLong on the mat. The Punisher applies an arm wrench to ShhhLong. The Punisher fist drops ShhhLong on the mat. The Punisher stands up. The Punisher hits ShhhLong with an elbowdrop. ]

Mike C. - ShhhLong takes a elbowdrop.

[The Punisher climbs to his feet. The Punisher applies an arm wrench to ShhhLong. The Punisher rolls onto ShhhLong connecting with a knee. The Punisher applies an arm wrench to ShhhLong. The Punisher hits ShhhLong with an elbowdrop. The Punisher fist drops ShhhLong on the mat. The Punisher rolls onto ShhhLong connecting with a knee. The Punisher measures ShhhLong up and drops a closed fist. The Punisher gets back to his feet. The Punisher knees ShhhLong and rolls back to his feet. The Punisher hits ShhhLong with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. The Punisher is up again. The Punisher grabs ShhhLong and applies an arm wrench. ]

Tazz - ShhhLong takes a arm wrench.

[Now ShhhLong standing. ShhhLong hits The Punisher with the belly-to-belly suplex. ShhhLong climbs to his feet. Purple-Pansey knifehand chops The Punisher. ShhhLong legsweeps The Punisher. ]

Mike C. - ShhhLong with a legsweep.

[ShhhLong measures The Punisher up and drops a closed fist. ShhhLong moves back to his feet. The Punisher is back on his feet. The Punisher gets hit with a back heel kick. ShhhLong rolls onto The Punisher connecting with a knee. The Punisher gets hit with a diving elbow smash from ShhhLong. ]

Mike C. - The Punisher takes a diving elbow smash.

[ShhhLong is back on his feet. ShhhLong executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Punisher. ShhhLong moves back to his feet. ShhhLong rolls onto The Punisher connecting with a knee. The Punisher is up again. ShhhLong executes a jawbreakeron The Punisher. ShhhLong climbs to his feet. ShhhLong executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Punisher. Now ShhhLong standing. ShhhLong measures The Punisher up and drops a closed fist. The Punisher gets hit with a diving elbow smash from ShhhLong. ShhhLong stands up. The Punisher gets hit with a diving elbow smash from ShhhLong. ShhhLong moves back to his feet. ShhhLong knees The Punisher and rolls back to his feet. The Punisher gets up. The Punisher nails ShhhLong with an inverted DDT. The Punisher gets back to his feet. The Punisher uses a closed fist on ShhhLong. The Punisher knifehand chops ShhhLong. ShhhLong gets hit with a dragon scerw from The Punisher. The Punisher gets up. The Punisher hits ShhhLong with an elbowdrop. The Punisher grabs ShhhLong and applies an arm wrench. Now ShhhLong standing. The Punisher uses a swinging DDT to plant ShhhLong's head into the mat. The Punisher gets back to his feet. ShhhLong is locked in the elbow submission by The Punisher. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... The Punisher tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ShhhLong escapes. The Punisher runs in and leg drops ShhhLong. ]

Tazz - The Punisher with a leg drop.

[The Punisher climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on ShhhLong. The Punisher stands up. The Punisher locks ShhhLong in the kneebar. Tim White is checking for a tap out. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... ShhhLong trys to escape. ShhhLong escapes. ShhhLong gets back to his feet. The Punisher is hit with a backward kick. ShhhLong executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Punisher. ShhhLong stands up. ShhhLong measures The Punisher up and drops a closed fist. ShhhLong moves back to his feet. ShhhLong executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Punisher. ]

Tazz - ShhhLong executes a corkscrew legdrop.

[ShhhLong gets back to his feet. ShhhLong rolls onto The Punisher connecting with a knee. The Punisher is back on his feet. ShhhLong slaps The Punisher. ShhhLong executes a swinging bulldog on The Punisher driving The Punisher's face into the mat. ShhhLong slaps the face of The Punisher. ShhhLong gets up. ShhhLong knifehand chops The Punisher. ShhhLong hits him with a back fist. ShhhLong kicks The Punisher in the head. The Punisher gets hit with a diving elbow smash from ShhhLong. ShhhLong fist drops The Punisher on the mat. ShhhLong gets back to his feet. The Punisher gets hit with a diving elbow smash from ShhhLong. ShhhLong gets up. The Punisher gets back to his feet. The Punisher knocks ShhhLong out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam. Indian deathlock applied by The Punisher. Tim White asks ShhhLong if he quits. ... ShhhLong is fighting the hold. ... The Punisher tightens the hold. ... The Punisher breaks the hold. ]

Mike C. - ShhhLong could use some help about now.

[The Punisher climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on ShhhLong. The Punisher runs in and leg drops ShhhLong. Now ShhhLong standing. ShhhLong hits The Punisher with a rolling elbow smash to the face. ShhhLong rolls onto The Punisher connecting with a knee. ShhhLong measures The Punisher up and drops a closed fist. The Punisher is up again. ShhhLong hits The Punisher with the back of his elbow. ]

Tazz - ShhhLong executes a back elbow.

[ShhhLong rakes his fingers across The Punisher's back. ShhhLong hits The Punisher with a heart punch. ShhhLong executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Punisher. Now ShhhLong standing. ShhhLong measures The Punisher up and drops a closed fist. The Punisher gets hit with a diving elbow smash from ShhhLong. ShhhLong is up again. ShhhLong executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Punisher. ]

Mike C. - The Punisher takes a corkscrew legdrop.

[The Punisher gets back to his feet. ShhhLong chops The Punisher. The Punisher springboard DDT's ShhhLong onto the mat! The Punisher knees ShhhLong and rolls back to his feet. The Punisher climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on ShhhLong. The Punisher stands up. ShhhLong climbs to his feet. The Punisher and ShhhLong go to the floor They fight into the aisle. The Punisher hits ShhhLong with the back of his elbow. The Punisher executes a split legged moonsault on to ShhhLong. The Punisher gets up. The Punisher lifts ShhhLong with one arm, then hooks the head in midair, nailing the Apocalypse. The Punisher goes for a pin. Tim White counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Tazz - We've got ourselves a winner!

Ring Announcer - The winner of this match, and still DAWEF Hardcore Championship champion, The Punisher!!!

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