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"Sunday Night Showdown"

Welcome to the first ever Sunday Night Showdown. Tonight we have some matches for you, as well as interviews conducted earlier containing feelings towards the premier of the show Wednesday Havoc, in which a lot of sweat and blood will be spilled over. The anticipation that has been built up for this event is incredible with matches like the Tag Team Championship Ladder Match that will take place between the teams of The Wizards of Cod and Team 2Xtreme. Another match that will occur is the Women's Championship Match, in which Criss10 will take on the determined Money. Then, a match that more verbal blows have been exchanged than any other, the "Punisher's Rules" Hardcore Championship Triangle Match between The Purple Pansy, The Punisher, and The Puma. And finally, the most desired prize of the DAWEF will be put up for the first time in a match between ShhhLong and The Art. Every wrestler has a lot on his or her mind, because it's one thing to be the champion, but it's another to make history by being the first champion in a division. All those matches will take place on Havoc, as well as a few other interviews. For now we have some matches as well as some interviews. Let the Showdown begin.

The Barbarian vs. The Real JB

Ring Announcer- This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 250 pounds, from Norway, The Barbarian!!! (crowd boos ****)

[The Barbarian comes to the ring. ]

Ring Announcer- and his opponent, weighing in at 275 pounds, from Gainesville, FL, The Real JB!!! (crowd boos *****)

[The Real JB walks to the ring. Tim White is the referee for this contest. The Barbarian executes a pumphandle suplex on The Real JB. The Barbarian gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from The Real JB. (ring, ring, ring) The Barbarian mule kicks The Real JB. The Real JB stands up. The Barbarian gets hit with a dragon scerw from The Real JB. The Real JB is back on his feet. The Real JB fist drops The Barbarian on the mat. The Real JB is back on his feet. The Real JB hits The Barbarian with an elbowdrop. The Barbarian climbs to his feet. The Barbarian uses a cradle suplex on The Real JB. The Barbarian gets back to his feet. The Real JB gets up. The Real JB gets hit with a back heel kick. The Real JB climbs to his feet. The Real JB executes a headlock takedown. Now The Barbarian standing. The Barbarian hits a spinning leg lariat on The Real JB sending him to the mat. The Barbarian knees The Real JB and rolls back to his feet. The Real JB gets up. The Barbarian hits The Real JB with an inverted atomic drop. The Barbarian drags The Real JB to the floor. Tim White starts the count (.1) The Barbarian throws a chair at The Real JB. (..2) The Barbarian executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Real JB. The Barbarian climbs to his feet. (...3) The Real JB gives The Barbarian a reverse neckbreaker. The Real JB gets back to his feet. The Barbarian is back on his feet. (....4) The Real JB gets picked up and dropped with the fireman's carry by The Barbarian. (.....5) They fight into the aisle. The Barbarian and The Real JB move back to ringside. The Barbarian and The Real JB move back into the ring. The Real JB gets elbowed to his midsection by The Real JB. ]

Mike C. - The Real JB takes a elbow to midsection.

[The Real JB goes for a inverted atomic drop but The Barbarian dodges the attack. The Real JB grabs The Barbarian's head and DDT's him on the mat. The Real JB covers The Barbarian hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 The Barbarian escapes. ]

Tazz - OHHHHHHH So close!!!

[The Barbarian is up again. The Barbarian picks up The Real JB and delivers a bone crunching shoulderbreaker. The Barbarian runs in and leg drops The Real JB. The Real JB is up again. The Barbarian executes the airplane spin and throws The Real JB onto the mat. The Real JB gets hit with a diving elbow smash from The Barbarian. The Barbarian gets back to his feet. The Barbarian with a falling splash on The Real JB. The Barbarian moves back to his feet. The Barbarian grabs The Real JB's arm, takes him down, and puts him in the armbar. Tim White is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... The Barbarian tightens the hold. ... (AHHHH!) ... The Real JB trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... The Real JB trys to escape. ... (AHHHH!) ... The Real JB is fighting the hold. ... The Real JB taps out. ]

Ring Announcer- We've got ourselves a winner!

Ring Announcer- The winner of this match, The Barbarian!!!

An interview with The Art

"Jim" the interviewer- We have just caught up with The Art. Art I have a couple questions for you. Do you mind?

The Art- No, go ahead, ask away.

"Jim"· We have seen in the past couple of days insults passed back and forth between you and ShhhLong, are you prepared, both mentally and physically, for this match on Wednesday Havoc, Art?

The Art- How dare you ask such a question as that Jim. Your
damn right I'm prepared. It takes only a few seconds to get mentally prepared
when going against someone like Shhhlong. And i'm always physically prepared.
No matter what the situation is.

"Jim"· Are you at all worried about the possibility of ShhhLong not fighting fair? He didn't want any stipulations added to the match, do you think there is a reason behind that?

The Art- Hell yeah I'm worried about Shhhlong not fighting
fair. He knows he can't beat me fair and square in the ring by following the
rules, so he used this little idea as a diversion to make you think I'm the
one that's gonna cheat.

"Jim"· You have two matches tonight, the first will be a punishing ladder match for the Tag Team Championships, do you think that this match will take a lot out of either of you, possibly determining the outcome of the World Heavyweight early?

The Art- Do I think that the ladder match will take alot out
of me for the Heavyweight Championship Match? Hell yeah. But I know that
after Team 2Xtreme is done beating the daylights out of The Wizards of Crap.
ShhhLong will probably not even be able to walk out to the ring and it will
just end up being a no contest. But if he does end up coming out to the ring
then, I'll be ready to kick his ass and become the first ever DAWEF World
Heavyweight Champion.

The Art- Are there anymore questions?

"Jim"- No, thank you Art for sharing your feeling with us.

Criss-10 vs. The Kinger

James Ross - This match is a Standard Match. On her way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 180 pounds, from Newark, Delaware, Criss-10!!!

[Criss-10 comes to the ring. ]

James Ross - and her opponent, weighing in at 150 pounds, from Richmond, Virginia, The Kinger!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[The Kinger walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. The Kinger gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from Criss-10. Criss-10 gets nailed with a charging axhandle bodyblock from The Kinger. (ring, ring, ring) Criss-10 bounces The Kinger off the ropes and faceslams him onto the mat. The Kinger knifehand chops Criss-10. ]

James Ross- The Kinger executes a strong knifehand chop on Criss-10.

[The Kinger gets elbowed to his midsection by The Kinger. ]

Mike C. - Criss-10 retaliating with a elbow to midsection.

[Criss-10 takes The Kinger off his feet with a short-arm clothesline The Kinger is back on his feet. The Kinger dropkicks Criss-10. The Kinger's chants start. The Kinger gets back to his feet. Criss-10 gets up. Indian deathlock applied by The Kinger. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... The Kinger tightens the hold. Criss-10 escapes. The Kinger drags Criss-10 to the outside floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) The Kinger gives Criss-10 the cobra clutch suplex onto the floor. (..2) (...3) The Kinger climbs back into the ring, jumps from the second rope and hits Criss-10 with an elbowdrop. ]

James Ross- What a devastating elbowdrop!

[Now The Kinger standing. Criss-10 stands up. (....4) Criss-10 knifehand chops The Kinger. (.....5) The Kinger and Criss-10 move back into the ring. The Kinger chops Criss-10. ]

Mike C. - The Kinger with a chop.

[Criss-10 gets hit with a dragon screw from The Kinger. The Kinger gets up. The Kinger executes a swinging bulldog on Criss-10 driving Criss-10's face into the mat. The Kinger moves back to his feet. Criss-10 slowly gets back to her feet. The Kinger short lariats Criss-10. The Kinger rolls over Criss-10 connecting with a knee. The Kinger fist drops Criss-10 on the mat. ]

James Ross- What a bunch of cheap shots! She's a woman you jerk!

[The Kinger stands up. The Kinger goes for a pin. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Criss-10 escapes. ]

Jay Law - The Kinger should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

[Criss-10 stands up. The Kinger executes the jumping sidekick on Criss-10. Criss-10 slowly gets up. The Kinger hits Criss-10 with an atomic drop. The Kinger drags Criss-10 to the outside floor. ]

Mike C. - The Kinger can't get a pin at ringside.

James Ross- I don't think that's what he wants to do.

[Earl Hebner starts the count from the outside. He is telling them to get back into the ring. (.1) The Kinger sends Criss-10 into Earl Hebner he goes down. The Kinger climbs into the ring and onto the topturnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Criss-10. Now The Kinger standing. The Kinger does a series of running leg drops on Criss-10. The Kinger chants start. Money runs to ringside. She picks Criss-10 up to her feet. Money sends Criss-10 to the corner of ringside. Money takes Criss-10 into the ring, she sets Criss-10 up on the topturnbuckle. Money puts Criss-10 on her shoulders and.....ROADKILL!

James Ross- Money has just taken Criss-10 out with the Roadkill! Criss-10 has to be done.

Money slides out of the ring. Ordered is restored. Earl Hebner gets up. The Kinger heads back into the ring. The Kinger grabs Criss-10's head and DDT's her on the mat. The Kinger moves back to his feet. The Kinger climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Criss-10. The Kinger stands up again. The Kinger hits Criss-10 with the King's Edge. The Kinger goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Jay Law - We've got ourselves a winner!

James Ross - The winner of this match, The Kinger!!! Of course with a little help from Money.


An interview with The Wizards of Cod.

"Jim"- I am here now with the Wizards of Cod, and I am about to ask them some questions.

"Jim"· Both of you have developed a hatred towards the members of Team 2xtreme as well as The Punisher, what are each of your exact feelings toward each wrestler.

The Wizards of Cod- Well, The Punisher is what we like to call "Our B-", he's a little
upset right now cause he's not used to the concept of being our b-, but
give it time and he will fall in place. He wants to act cool and rebel
against the rules and try to screw us over, and maybe just try to screw, The
Greatest Tag Team in the World, The Wizards of Cod. I mean, Punisher, what
the hell is wrong with you? First you're a wife beater, then you're single cause
you beat your wife too damn much, just like you beat something else too damn
much, then, you turn gay and want to give it to guys up the...

"Jim"- Alright, onto the next question...

"Jim"· I would like to thank you for insulting me and The Punisher, but do you think that there will be any interference from The Punisher as a result of you guys saying we are gay lovers, in your tag team title match?

The Wizards of Cod
- We'll literally have to watch our backs in our tag team match just to make sure that
the punisher does in fact know, that a man's asshole is an exit only. Maybe all those years in a prison helped mold the Punisher into a tough guy, but it also made him desire other men. Now, there is nothing
wrong with being gay, I mean, the Art is gay and I'm willing to wrestle him,
just as long as he knows not to be...

"Jim"- Relax with the Homosexual subject, you sound like male teenagers who are not gay, but are willing to learn.

The Wizards of Cod- Alright, We're sorry. So we guess we
will be expecting interference from the Punisher in the tag team match, but I
know that the Pansey will look out for me and make sure that no one will get
in our way as we become the tag team champions.

"Jim"- Thank you. Good Luck in your next match with the Punisher.


The Punisher vs. The Wizards of Cod

James Ross - This match is a "Punisher's Rules" match. On his way to the ring at this time, The Punisher!!!

[The Punisher come to the ring. ]

James Ross - and his opponents, the team of The Wizards of Cod.

[They come out to the ring dancing, with no music. ShhhLong gets nailed with a fist to the face from Punisher. ShhhLong executes a pumphandle suplex on The Punisher. (the bell rings) They lockup. The Punisher sends ShhhLong to the corner of the ring. The Punisher piledrives ShhhLong. ]

Jay Law - Come on ref! Do something!! ShhhLong is being killed!

[The Punisher is up again. The Punisher punches ShhhLong in the head. Purple-Pansey tagged in by ShhhLong. ShhhLong chops The Punisher. Purple-Pansey punches The Punisher repeatedly. The Punisher laughs and then ShhhLong hits The Punisher with the crotch slam from behind. ]

James Ross - This is just awefull! The Punisher is being double teamed!

[The Punisher knifehand chops ShhhLong. Purple-Pansey punches The Punisher repeatedly. Purple-Pansey hits him with a back fist. Purple-Pansey makes the tag to ShhhLong. The Punisher executes a ropeflip hiptoss on ShhhLong. ShhhLong is up again. ShhhLong leg lariats The Punisher, sending him to the mat. ShhhLong's chants start. The Punisher punches ShhhLong repeatedly. ShhhLong gets hit with a dragon scerw from The Punisher. ]

Mike C. - This is just awefull! ShhhLong is being man-handled!

[ShhhLong uses a snapmare takeover on The Punisher. The Punisher is back on his feet. ShhhLong measures The Punisher up and punches him with a closed fist. ShhhLong stands up. His fist is killing him. ShhhLong tags in Purple-Pansey. Purple-Pansey sets The Punisher up and DDTs him into the mat. ShhhLong piledrives The Punisher. ]

Jay Law - This is just awefull! The Punisher is being double teamed!

[The Punisher punches ShhhLong repeatedly. The Punisher executes the jumping sidekick on ShhhLong. The Punisher gets hit with a back heel kick. He slowly climbs to his feet. The Punisher knocks Purple-Pansey out with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam. The Punisher executes a headlock takedown. The Punisher nails Purple-Pansey with a belly-to-back suplex. ]

Mike C.- This is just awefull! Purple-Pansey is being punished!

[Purple-Pansey tackles The Punisher. Purple-Pansey executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Punisher. Purple-Pansey knees The Punisher and rolls back to his feet. Purple-Pansey hits The Punisher to the mat. Purple-Pansey is back on his feet. Purple-Pansey gets taken down with a corkscrew armdrag. The Punisher hits Purple-Pansey with the crotch slam. ]

Mike C. - This is just awefull!

[ The Punisher executes a ropeflip hiptoss on Purple-Pansey. Purple-Pansey makes the tag to ShhhLong. Purple-Pansey clotheslines The Punisher. ]

Jim Ross- Come on ref! Do something!! The Punisher is being double teamed!

[ The Punisher hits Purple-Pansey with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

James Ross - Purple-Pansey takes a elbowdrop.

[ The Punisher gets up. He measures Purple-Pansey up and hits him with a closed fist. Purple-Pansey gets back to his feet. The Punisher goes for an inverted atomic drop but Purple-Pansey dodges the attack. Purple Pansey goes for a DDT but The Punisher dodges the attack. The Punisher and Purple-Pansey go to the floor ]

Jay Law - Purple-Pansey will have to watch out for weapons at ringside.

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) The Punisher rakes the face of Purple-Pansey in attempt to make a come back. (...3) The Punisher short lariats Purple-Pansey. Purple-Pansey is back on his feet. (....4) Purple-Pansey trys for a belly-to-back suplex but is unable to lift .(.....5) and Purple-Pansey moves back into the ring. The Punisher follows and gives Purple-Pansey a reverse neckbreaker in the ring. The Purple Pansey tags ShhhLong. The Punisher climbs to his feet. ShhhLong executes the guillotine choke on The Punisher. ]

Mike C. - ShhhLong executes a guillotine choke.

[ ShhhLong tackles The Punisher. ShhhLong makes the tag to Purple-Pansey. The Punisher gets hit with a diving elbow smash from Purple-Pansey. ]

Jay Law - Get up Punisher!! The Punisher is being double teamed again!

[ The Punisher punches Purple-Pansey repeatedly. ]

James Ross -Wow. What a strong move.

Jay Law- Shut up James, you wouldn't be sarcastic if he was doing that to you.

[The Punisher punches Purple-Pansey in the head. Purple-Pansey tags ShhhLong. Purple-Pansey uses a snap mare takeover on The Punisher. ]

Mike C. -The Punisher is being double teamed! I'm starting to notice a pattern by the Wizards.

[ The Punisher connects with a flying knee. Purple-Pansey goes down. ]

Jay Law- Purple-Pansey takes a knee.

[Purple-Pansey gets back to his feet. ShhhLong makes the tag to Purple-Pansey. Purple-Pansey hits an inverted atomic drop. ShhhLong springboard DDT's The Punisher onto the mat! ]

Mike C. - This is just horrible!

[ The Punisher chops ShhhLong. The Punisher leg lariats Purple-Pansey, sending him to the mat. ]

Jim Ross- It's like Purple-Pansey is being double teamed!

[Purple-Pansey goes for a bridging back suplex but The Punisher dodges the attack. Purple-Pansey gets dragged to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ShhhLong executes a jawbreaker on The Punisher. (..2) Purple-Pansey knifehand chops him. (...3) Purple-Pansey trys for a tiger suplex but is unable to lift The Punisher.(....4) Purple-Pansey trys for a spinning backbreaker but is unable to lift him.(.....5) They fight into the aisle. The Punisher and Purple-Pansey move back to ringside. He takes Purple-Pansey into the ring, executing a swinging bulldog on Purple-Pansey which drove Purple-Pansey's face into the mat. Purple-Pansey is back on his feet. Purple-Pansey hits him with a rolling elbow smash to the face. The Punisher moves back to his feet. Th Punisher nails Purple-Pansey with a belly-to-back suplex, and then executes a split legged moonsault on to Purple-Pansey. The Punisher piledrives Purple-Pansey. ]

Jay Law - Come on ref! Do something!! Purple-Pansey is going to wind up in the hospital!

[The Punisher stands up. The Punisher hits Purple-Pansey with the belly-to-belly suplex. The Punisher applies an arm wrench to Purple-Pansey, and then rolls onto Purple-Pansey connecting with a knee. The Punisher then hits Purple-Pansey with an elbowdrop from the second turnbuckle. ]

Mike C. - Get up you Pansey!!

[Purple-Pansey punches repeatedly. Purple-Pansey gets thrown into the turnbuckle. Punisher comes over and smashes Purple-Pansey's head into it. Purple-Pansey spinning mule kicks The Punisher. ]

James Ross- The Punisher takes a spinning mule kick.

[The Punisher is back on his feet. Purple-Pansey trys for a fisherman suplex but is not strong enough to lift The Punisher.The Punisher gets locked into the headscissors submission by Purple-Pansey. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... The Punisher is fighting the hold. ... ... (AHHHH!) ... (AHHHH!) Purple-Pansey breaks the hold. ShhhLong spinning mule kicks The Punisher. ]

Jay Law - ShhhLong is interfering!

[Purple-Pansey trys for a back suplex but is not strong enough to lift The Punisher. Purple-Pansey and The Punisher go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Purple-Pansey chops The Punisher. (...3) Purple-Pansey rakes the face of The Punisher in attempt to make a come back. (....4) Purple-Pansey rakes his fingers across The Punisher's back. ]

James Ross - What a back rake!

Mike C.- Would you please shut the hell up James!

[(.....5) They fight into the aisle. Purple-Pansey and The Punisher move back to ringside. They fight into the aisle. Purple-Pansey and The Punisher move back to ringside. Purple-Pansey takes The Punisher into the ring. Purple-Pansey hits The Punisher with a heart punch. ShhhLong tagged in by Purple-Pansey. Purple-Pansey executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Punisher. Purple-Pansey fist drops The Punisher on the mat. ShhhLong suplexes The Punisher. ]

Mike C. - This is just awefull! The Punisher is being double teamed!

[ShhhLong suplexes The Punisher. ShhhLong chants start. ShhhLong goes for a power move but The Punisher dodges the attack. Purple-Pansey and ShhhLong set up....Pansy Drop, Pansy Drop on The Punisher. ]

Jay Law - Come on ref! Do something!! The Punisher is being double teamed! They got the Pansy Drop!

[The Punisher stands up. The Punisher hits a spinning leg lariat on ShhhLong sending him to the mat. ShhhLong moves back to his feet. Purple-Pansey tagged in by ShhhLong. Purple-Pansey slaps The Punisher. The Punisher gets hit with a running powerslam by ShhhLong Purple-Pansey delivers a kick to the head of The Punisher. ]

Mike C. - Come on ref! Do something!! The Punisher is being double teamed!

[Purple-Pansey legsweeps The Punisher. Now The Punisher standing. The Punisher executes a swinging bulldog on Purple-Pansey driving Purple-Pansey's face into the mat. The Punisher moves back to his feet. Now Purple-Pansey standing. Purple-Pansey executes a jawbreaker on The Punisher. ]

James Ross - Purple-Pansey with a jawbreaker.

[The Punisher moves back to his feet. Purple-Pansey gets thrown into the turnbuckle. The Punisher comes over and smashes Purple-Pansey's head into it. Purple-Pansey trys for a crotch slam but is not strong enough to lift The Punisher. The Punisher throws Purple Pansey over the ropes to the floor ]

Mike C. - The Purple Pansey is much safer at ringside. The Punisher can't get a pin there.

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Purple-Pansey throws The Punisher in the ring, off the ropes, then rolls on the ground, comes back up and delivers a clothesline. ]

James Ross - If Purple-Pansey keeps using moves like that rolling clothesline he could win the match!

[(..2) ShhhLong executes a corkscrew legdrop on The Punisher. The Punisher is up again. (...3) The Punisher gives Purple-Pansey a reverse neckbreaker. The Punisher is back on his feet. Purple-Pansey trys for a head and arm suplex but is unable to lift The Punisher. Purple-Pansey hits The Punisher with a single arm DDT. Purple-Pansey chants start. They head back into the ring. The Punisher piledrives Purple-Pansey. The Punisher fist drops Purple-Pansey on the mat. The Punisher is up again. The Punisher lifts Purple-Pansey with one arm, then hooks the head in midair, nailing the Apocalypse. The Punisher covers Purple-Pansey. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 ...3 Purple-Pansey was elimintated by The Punisher. ]

Mike C. - Purple-Pansey is out of here!!

[The ShhhLong swallows hard as he makes his way towards The Punisher. The Punisher hits a tiger driver on ShhhLong. The Punisher gets up. ShhhLong gets back to his feet. The Punisher short lariats ShhhLong. Now ShhhLong standing. The Punisher hits ShhhLong with the back of his elbow. ShhhLong sets Punisher up for the Pansy drop, Purple Pansey runs in, The Punisher gets out. The Punisher chokeslams the Purple Pansey right out of the ring. The Punisher uses a swinging DDT to plant ShhhLong's head into the mat. The Punisher gets up. ShhhLong starts beating the hell out of The Punisher, ShhhLong swings, The Punisher grabs him....and.... APOCALYPSE!!! The Punisher goes for a pin. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ShhhLong was elimintated by The Punisher. ]

Jay Law - ShhhLong is out of here!! EXTREME PUNISHMENT!!!!!

Mike C. - We've got ourselves a winner!

James Ross - The winner of this match, The Punisher!!!