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(2001) Changes in the Knight takes place after Last Knight,the final episode. The characters of Nicholas, LaCroix, Natalie, Captain Reese, Vachon, and Urs will travel together for five years as both Nick and Nat survive as mortals.

This novel explains how the characters aged as Nick must, at the end of his five year reprieve from vampirism, return to his vampire life.

While in the act of destroying his "closest friend," LaCroix discovers that Nick has become mortal. He explains to his son that he can save Natalie as a mortal under one condition. Nick must return to him. Nick soon learns that not only must he sell his soul for yet the second time to save his love, but that she will have no memory of him or other vampires. Nick will agree to LaCroix’s terms, but with the stipulation that his master waits five years to bring him back across. During those five years, Nick and Nat’s love will take separate paths, but fate will step in. This is a story of love and fate.

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