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(2000)Chasing Rainbows takes place in the second season, and was written so as to fit comfortably with the other episodes in that time frame. The characters of Nicholas, Natalie, LaCroix, Janette, and Schanke will all be joined by a long lost vampire brother of Nick and Janette named Roland.

In this novel, Nick will become acquainted and deeply moved by a faith healer that he is assigned to protect during her stay in Toronto. Nick will come to believe in her powers despite the skepticism that he faces from both Natalie and his partner. But he is not alone in his beliefs, his brother Roland is also a believer. Roland will try to befriend Nick while trying to persuade him to kill the faith healer and use her blood in the ritualistic jade cups so that they may both shed their hated vampire existences and become mortal again. Will Nick be able to resist his brother and his own desire for this cure?

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