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This piece of fan fiction called "Hope" was a labor of love that was a natural extension of a series that had not been as fully explored as it deserved to be.

What bigger compliment can there be to a series than for devoted fans to feel the undeniable need to perpetuate it through fan fiction. What greater enjoyment can a devoted fan have than to write about the characters they adore, and for a brief time become a part of their lives.

For a series that never had higher than a PG rating for sexual content, these classic episodes could never have been more sensual. No "human" character from any show has shown more emotions than did these creatures of the night, who supposedly were soulless.

This story, if it took place, would be somewhere between the second and third season, before Vachon, Tracy, and Reese showed up. It will answer the question of whatever happened to Daniel from "Father Figure." Both Immortal Beloved's and Nick and Nat packers should be satisfied. Although Nicholas stars in this production, of course, both LaCroix and Schanke have regularly appearing roles.

Special heartfelt thanks to a talented "Forever Knight" fan and beta reader, Debby, who took the time to turn my ideas into something readable.

To my husband, Neil, who not only introduced me to the computer, but continues to help me every step of the way. He also patiently read each section as it evolved over the months.

Thanks to my family for putting up with me while I wrote, and for their forgiveness in advance, for I will most likely do it again.

Archive Permission: Permission to archive to Mel's FKFanfic Archive, and the FK FTP site IS GRANTED. All others must ask permission.

Disclaimers: The Forever Knight characters belong to Columbia Tri/Star. No copyright infringement is intended. This story and all other characters are copyrighted by me.

Please send all comments to a very nervous first time writer at:



Gwenn Musicante

© 1999

"Mr. Knight, Mr. Knight. You have to leave now while we prep her. Don't worry, she'll be fine. If you'll just follow me, I'll show you where you can wait."

Nicholas stared at the young girl who was calling his name. She was smiling, and talking softly as she tried to get Natalie into a more comfortable position. He really did not want to leave, especially with a nurse who must have attended her prom last week. Nicholas looked at Natalie with pleading eyes hoping that she would insist to the nurses that it was necessary that he not leave her side. Natalie looked to be on the verge of collapse, but she managed a weak smile.

"Nick, please listen to the nurse. I'll be all right, and I'll see you in a little while."

Nicholas couldn't believe it. How could Natalie agree with this child? She had to be delirious from the medication. He went to the edge of the bed, and reached in between the side rail bars for her hand. He wrapped his hand around hers, but mostly he was touching the IV tube which was covered in white adhesive tape.

"Nat, I'll be right here. I will not leave you."

He could feel his heart beat a couple of extra times. He could not remember a time when he was as frightened.

Glaring at Nicholas, the young nurse was becoming more frustrated by the minute.

"Please Mr. Knight, you are in the way, and don't disturb the IV tube." She hurriedly went around the bed, and re-checked Natalie's IV. " I am leaving, and you are coming with me."

Nicholas released Natalie's hand, and stepped back to get a better look at this incredibly obstinate child who was somehow in charge. He reminisced about how he used to handle such frustrating annoyances. Wondering if he could just hypnotize her into leaving without him. He would enjoy just having her go take a nap about now.. In the past, he could drain someone for a lot less. Natalie began to moan, and that put an end to his nostalgic daydreams. Natalie was in a lot of pain, but she was more concerned about how Nicholas was handling not being in control. They had made considerable progress, and she could not have Nicholas lose it all in a moment of anger.

"Please Nick! I need you to stay calm or you will be of no comfort to me."

Nicholas closed his eyes briefly, and took in a deep breath. He knew he could not let Natalie down. Moving to the top of her bed, he bent over to lightly kiss her forehead.

"I will be with you as soon as I can." His words were calm and strong, but his thoughts made it hard for him to fight back the tears. He felt panic begin to seize him. 'What if she did not make it? He would be nothing without her. Had there ever been a time when he was this helpless?' Nicholas gently let the back of his hand slide down the side of Natalie's face. She glanced up towards him, but Nicholas could tell that she was concentrating on the pain, and did not really see him. He turned to follow the young nurse from the room. Nicholas did not look back as the door closed behind him. The hospital corridor was brightly lit, and almost empty. Their footsteps echoed from the tile floor and walls as they walked to a nearby room. The nurse opened a large wooden door, and ushered him into a windowless waiting area.

"You can wait here. I'll return when you can see her."

She walked into the hall leaving Nicholas alone to watch the door swing closed behind her. He stared at the door for a moment, then turned to explore the room. Walking over to one of the long rows of attached plastic chairs, he sat down, but immediately jumped up when he thought he heard someone coming. He rushed to open the door, but there was only an orderly walking by. After slowly re-closing the door, he turned his attention back to the room. Feeling much too restless to sit again, he moved to where a stack of old magazines lay on the table. Mindlessly picking up each magazine one at a time, and then replacing them to the table. A television that was suspended from the wall above his head was blaring the voice of an offensive salesman. The salesman was trying to sell the latest and greatest screwdriver. He reached up and located the on/off switch, and with great satisfaction watched as the screen turned to black. He was beginning to feel like a caged animal. Did they really expect him to just calmly wait at this time? Nicholas attempted to stop his incessant worrying, and sat down hard on one of the chairs. Leaning his head back against the wall, he stared at the ceiling. There were no arms on the chairs, and his arms lay loosely on his lap. His thoughts began to race again, and he lifted one hand to cover his forehead and eyes as he tried to remember how much his life had changed in the past year. He rubbed at his temple, it had been a while, but he was sure that he was having a headache. His head felt heavy, it was filled with a kaleidoscope of scenes of recent events. Listening to the low hum of the vent above him, he sat motionlessly. Outside the waiting room door, he could hear the rushed voices of doctors and the sounds of beds and carts being wheeled down the hall. All the sounds blurred into the background as he felt himself drift back to the time before all this began...........

* * * * * * * *

He had slept very little that day. Each time that he had dared to sleep he would dream of Daniel, and his failed attempt to rescue him from the eternity of darkness. Over and over he recalled Daniel's innocent face as he tried to hypnotize him into escaping. As much as he treasured the idea of being a parent, he knew that it was only one more sacrifice that was added to the list when he had traded eternity for his soul a long time ago. Daniel had been much too young when he crossed over to fully understand how eternal life would destroy his youthful innocence. In reality, there was no way he could have changed Daniel's destiny. The moment Daniel was discovered lurking in their residence, he was doomed to become their possession. The boy had been clever enough to charm Janette into taking him in, and LaCroix found him to be an interesting diversion at that moment in time. He had to admit that he was also taken by this child, who appeared to have no other family to care for him. In fact Daniel had been so refreshing, that he failed to see that Daniel's fate had already been sealed by LaCroix, and his efforts were too late. Janette's needs to feel motherly along with his own desires prevented them from seeing the jealousy from which LaCroix hatched his plan. LaCroix knew that all of Daniel's innocence would be destroyed as a vampire. He also knew that all his mortal fascination would be diminished by his first hunger. To LaCroix this would be a no lose situation. He would present Janette with an immortal child which she adored, and wipe away Nicholas's love for this child at the same time by turning him into a monster.

Nicholas cringed as he vividly remembered the image of Daniel proudly baring his new found fangs to him. Somehow LaCroix had managed to hunt Daniel down only to claim him for his experiment in eternal youth. An experiment of which he would soon tire, and leave for Nicholas to clean up.

Nicholas could not shake the memories of Daniel from his conscious state either, as he closed the Caddy's door, and leaned heavily against the car's body. He could see Schanke pulling his car into the almost deserted parking lot in front of the Coroner's office. Nicholas was impressed at the speed with which Schanke had arrived, for he had called the loft from the precinct, less than 30 minutes ago. Everyone wanted to see this crime solved rapidly. Murder was difficult enough to accept particularly when a young child was involved. This total disregard of youth, and this destruction of innocence was the reason his subconscious was dredging up visions of Daniel. He tried to rub the weariness from his eyes, and when he looked up he could see that Schanke had spotted him and was on his way over to greet him.

Schanke was out of breath by the time he reached Nicholas's car.

"Hey Knight, why did you park so far away? Did you have trouble finding a parking spot?" Schanke laughed sarcastically.

"I, for one, found a great spot right up front. Hey, why do you think that the morgue's parking lot is so empty in the middle of the night? Isn't this the hottest night spot in town?"

He closed his eyes, but when he re-opened them Schanke was still there with that same familiar smirk on his face.

Nicholas sighed , "I thought I was still having a bad dream, but I guess not. Is there any reason why you had me meet you here tonight?"

Schanke just smiled at Nick's comments and pulled out his notebook.

"Yes there is a reason to give you a few extra moments with your favorite Medical Examiner. Natalie called and said that she might have something on that Hathaway case that we could use. She said to call you, and that we should both get here as soon as possible. So sorry if I disturbed your beauty sleep, and by the way you sure look like you could have used it."

Nick rolled his eyes, then brought his forehead down into his hand and made one more wipe across his eyes.

"You are right Schank, I really did not rest thinking about this case. Let's go see Natalie, and hopefully wrap this up."

A light rain began to fall as the two detectives made their way across the darkened parking lot.

Nicholas startled slightly as the bright florescent lights of the Morgue assaulted him as he entered first with Schanke right behind him. Going from the deep darkness to the cold and artificial lighting was always stressful on his sensitive night vision. This drastic change of lighting was as difficult to him as staring at the sun was to a mortal. He blinked several times while trying to adjust to the instant artificial daylight. He looked back, and noticed that even Schanke was having trouble adjusting to the brightness.

Nick pushed open the inner door to the morgue, and saw Natalie typing at the computer. She swung around and smiled at the detectives.

"Hi Guys, well I think I got your first lead. I ran a complete blood serum analysis, and I found traces of GHB in her blood. I almost missed it with all the alcohol she consumed. The alcohol tends to break down the chemical composition and makes it difficult to identify."

Schanke's pained expression faded into a quizzical expression, "GH - what?"

Natalie stood up, and walked over to where Schanke was standing and looking very confused.

She took a deep breath and explained, "GHB or gamma hydroxybutrate acid, Schank. It's a drug that renders its victims helpless, though it usually is not fatal in moderate amounts. You can't go into your neighborhood pharmacy, and pick this stuff up. Whoever did this probably mixed the chemicals himself, but he sure gave her enough to make sure that she didn't wake up. She was probably so out of it that she never knew she was raped."

Schanke leaned back against the cold tiled wall. "Guess that is one bright spot."

Natalie raised her eyebrows as she looked at Nick then back to Schanke, "Well, I don't know. It is also what poisoned her. It is called the date-rape drug."

Natalie folded her arms across her chest, and bit her bottom lip. Schanke stopped leaning against the wall and straightened himself as his anger grew.

"Do you mean this guy poisoned a child so he could have his way with her? I call that cheating! What kind of a loser...."

Nicholas who had been silent until now interrupted Schanke and with bitterness in his voice he said, "Not a loser Schank, a killer!, and we better find him before he tries this again."

Schanke just stood stunned as Nick began to turn to leave. Natalie took a closer look at Nicholas, and realized how tired he appeared. She reached over to Nicholas and put her hand on his shoulder causing him to turn back towards her.

"You look terrible Nick, have you been getting enough rest?"

Nick smiled at her concern, and Schanke decided to wait in the hall as Natalie consoled Nick.

Nicholas smiled warmly at Nat, "I have had a lot on my mind recently, and I think this new case just stirred up some bad memories."

Natalie studied Nicholas for a moment trying to figure out what moment in his long life had been touched by this crime. Going closer to Nicholas, she whispered, "Are there any good memories?"

Nicholas smiled at her obvious insight into his past. "Yes there are good memories too, starting with the day I met you here."

Natalie blushed, but immediately regained her demeanor, "That reminds me Nick, you are due for some follow up tests. I have been meaning to come by and get some samples of your blood and tissue. You know the usual."

Nick reached over and took Natalie's hand in his, "If you want to stop by the loft after your shift, I think I will be able to accommodate you."

Schanke poked his head through the door, and loudly cleared his throat, "Ahem Knight, time to bid your fair maiden ado."

* * * * * * * *

Returning to the loft, never felt so good. What was needed now was at least twelve hours of uninterrupted sleep. Pulling his body up the stairs towards the loft's bedroom, he wondered if flying would take less energy. Too tired to feed, he peeled of his jacket, and threw it over the chair near the bed. The thought of changing into something more comfortable to sleep in, was exhausting to him. Falling onto the bed, he let each tired muscle relax as he closed his eyes.

"I can't stand by and see you hurt. You have to go.. Your life is in danger, Daniel."

Daniel did not understand why Nicholas had changed his mind about him staying with them. He was hurt that he again was no longer wanted. Nicholas could see the pain in Daniel's eyes as he pleaded with him to stay with his new family. There was no way to explain to Daniel what LaCroix was considering doing to him. There was also no time to explain. If Daniel was to escape, he must do it now while the sun was still high in the sky. The sun would give Daniel the time needed to find a new place to live before the cover of darkness would allow LaCroix an opportunity to steal his soul. Daniel had no idea how difficult this was for him. In the few short weeks that Daniel had been a part of their lives, he had come to love him as a son. If only LaCroix did not wish to raise the stakes. If only LaCroix would allow Daniel to live with them as a mortal in peace. No, LaCroix had no desire to have a mortal around for long, and he certainly did not want a mortal around that gave himself and Janette so much pleasure. The time was growing shorter, and Nicholas knew that despite the pain that the both of them felt over Daniel's departure, there would be no convincing Daniel of the unseen danger in staying. He picked up Daniel's heartbeat, and with all his strength he repeated his warning.

"You want to leave this house, Daniel"

"You want to run!"

"You want to run for your life!"

Daniel had understood his words through the hypnosis. Although confused, he knew what he must do to be safe. Nicholas pointed towards the door, and without any further protest Daniel escaped into the daylight. The pain of seeing Daniel leave tore at what he imagined was left of his empty soul. He knew this relationship could never be. Had he been wiser, he would never had allowed Daniel to become a part of his life in the first place. Though the loss seemed great, he knew that everyone including Daniel, would be better off living their own lives. At that moment Nicholas heard the heart wrenching cries of Janette who with LaCroix had witnessed Daniel's departure.



"Where is he?"

He had considered Janette's reaction, but the welfare of Daniel had to come first. He was sure that Janette would not see over her own selfish desire for the child. He was not even sure if it was she that advised LaCroix to bring Daniel across. As much as this hurt her, he was certain that later they would agree that freeing Daniel was the best way to proceed. He quickly went to the window, and carefully drew back the heavy curtains just enough to make a tiny opening. Watching as Daniel vanished out of sight into the daylight, he then turned back to Janette and LaCroix. His words were harsh and firm, "He's gone."

Nicholas stirred restlessly in his sleep, and awoke abruptly to brush the blood sweat from his forehead. He had been asleep for less than an hour, and it was still early in the morning. If he did not rest soon, he would not be able to function. It was important to be at his best to catch this murder who felt a child was no more than a toy to be played with and then discarded. Just as LaCroix had done with Daniel. Maybe if this case was solved, he could get Daniel off his mind. It was still raining outside, it had been very overcast before he had gone to bed.

Nicholas got out of bed and slowly walked down the stairs towards the kitchen. A deep hunger stirred within him, and he went quickly to the kitchen to find some blood in which to calm himself. He stopped and stared at the refrigerator debating on whether or not to satisfy the beast. He hesitatingly opened the door, and emerged with a corked green bottle in his hand. He gazed at the bottle for a few moments, then lifted it towards his face. He held the bottle against his face, allowing the coolness of the bottle to wake him.

Thoughts of the dream of Daniel returned, as he made his way to the window. Nicholas picked up the remote, and he pushed the button that allowed the blind on the window to open halfway. The rainstorm had made it appear as night outside, and Nicholas was able to stand by the window without fear of the light. He watched as the rain fell on the cars and the buildings as he lifted his bottle to drink. Removing it from his mouth only after it had been emptied it of all its contents. Laying the empty bottle against the window, he watched as the storm strengthened in force. A prisoner in his own home. Imprisoned by daylight, encircled in a cage without bars, yet just as inescapable.

While watching the occasional stray raindrop bounce against the window's glass, Nicholas contemplated the life of the young vampire child. Too young to understand his own mortality, and too immature to make decisions regarding eternity. Even he, as a man in his thirties, had not fully contemplated all that eternity would require of him. When he chose to live as a vampire, he had never considered the lives of countless victims. Victims of his insatiable hunger. A tear rolled down Nicholas's cheek, and then another. He saw his reflection in the dark glass, and watched as the raindrops slid down the glass. His own tears seem to mirror that of the rain. 'Daniel if only you had chosen another home in which to take shelter from the bombs, how differently things would have turned out.'

The storm began to pick up again, and the raindrops beat hard against the glass. The view from Nicholas's window blurred, and he placed his hand against the glass as if to touch the rain. He slowly slid his hand down the smooth surface of the glass, as if to clear it. The view of the street below had all blurred like an abstract painting. The car's headlights and the traffic lights in the distance added light and color throughout the framed picture that was his window. The heavens were crying for the vampire's victims, as was he.

No, Daniel had no idea what lay in store for him the night he chose to hide in their home. 'Why Daniel, why did you have to find that house?' Nicholas was still clutching the remote with his other hand, and he pressed the button to close himself off from the world. The empty bottle began to fall as the blind came down. Nicholas caught it only to take it and throw it hard against the fireplace. If only he had gotten to Daniel before LaCroix. More regrets, and now he was so tired. He would soon be hallucinating, and then he would be no good to any one. The broken glass would wait until tonight, he had to get some sleep.

He recalled Natalie's call just before he had fallen asleep. She had planned on seeing him before he slept, but the test results she had been working on had been misplaced, and now she wouldn't be dropping by until evening. After Natalie's call, he had gone directly to bed, something he was about to attempt again with better results he hoped this time. The rain was slowing now, and he was having trouble thinking straight. Sleep would come quickly now, he only hoped it would come without dreams of Daniel.

* * * * * * * *

Nicholas opened his eyes, and with tremendous relief realized that he had slept peacefully through the day. Finally, the much needed sleep had come. Although the blinds were tightly closed, he could feel that it was well after sundown. With the refreshing sleep came the confidence that he could now handle the crime that was destroying his mental stability.

Nicholas went to shower and got ready for Natalie's arrival. After the shower he rushed to dress. It was important that everything looked great when Natalie arrived. Running, he saw Natalie just as she was getting off the elevator. He had overslept, and had no time to make the loft look its best. It was dark, and he rushed to put on some lights. As Natalie took her first step out of the elevator, Nick turned towards her and couldn't help but smile. She was his only reason to smile, she was his sunshine in all the darkness. Natalie walked over to the dark leather sofa, and placed her medical bag on the floor. As she removed her raincoat, she glanced around the room.

"Are you all right, Nick? I've been trying to call you for the last hour."

Natalie looked concerned," The last time I saw you, you looked so worn out. I was...."

Natalie stopped in mid sentence when she saw the broken glass in the fireplace. "Ah Nick, is there something you want to talk about?"

He gave Natalie a confused look until he noticed where she was looking. He rushed over to the fireplace, and began to gather the pieces of green glass.

"It's not what you think Nat, I was going to to clean all this, but I sort of ran out of time. Well, maybe it is what you think, but I'm really much better now. Nat? Are you listening?"

Natalie was calmly listening to Nicholas ramble about the broken bottle. She was trying to figure out why he was over reacting about something as trivial as breaking a bottle.

"It's fine Nick, really it's fine. I'm glad you are feeling better now ."

Natalie was shaking her head, and grinning at Nicholas's awkward attempts at picking up the glass. She walked over just as one of the broken pieces he held in his hand cut his finger. Nick looked distressed as he lifted his cut finger to his mouth.

"Nick, Nick"

Natalie tried to get his attention away from his rapidly healing wound.

"Do you have a dust pan around here?"

Nick almost jumped straight up.

"Yeah, I do, I'll get it."

Nicholas was back in a moment with the dust pan in his hand, and he started to unsuccessfully sweep the glass into the pan. Natalie just grinned and shook her head as she found it difficult to comprehend how a man could live for 800 years, and not know how to clean up broken glass. Natalie tapped Nick on the shoulder.

"Can I do this please? I would like you to have some blood left for my samples."

Nicholas handed Natalie the dust pan feeling very embarrassed. He watched as Natalie cleared away the mess in a few quick sweeps. When she was done, Natalie stood up feeling satisfied with her work.

"I'll be right back as soon as I empty this. Go and have a seat by my bag."

Nick decided to let Natalie run this show. Things were not exactly working out as he had planned.

Natalie appeared suddenly behind him, "Nick, do you know that it has been over a year since you had a complete work-up? The last time was right before the Litovuterine B. I'll need to know if anything has changed."

Nicholas had intentionally been putting this official medical visit off for some time now. Natalie was grasping at straws in her search for a cure. For four years he had been cutting down on his blood consumption and drinking protein shakes to compensate. He had swallowed garlic pills, and spent time using tanning beds. At times he felt he had given Natalie enough blood samples to start her own vampire blood bank. After all these attempts only one thing remained clear -- he was still a vampire, and mortality was as unattainable a dream as ever. Nicholas decided that now was a good time to talk to Natalie about being less active or even stopping this pointless pursuit.

"Listen Nat, we have been taking samples and running tests for how long now? I have not changed, I still drink blood." Natalie began to protest, but Nicholas held up his hand and she backed down. "I still get sick when exposed to garlic, and crosses are barely tolerable. Oh yes, and the sun. Well, they still have not developed the sun block that will allow me to be in the sun without setting off smoke detectors for miles around. In other words, I am still a vampire, and I have made little progress, if any, since we first began."

Natalie looked solemn, and she felt as if her heart were broken. Picking up her medical bag, she walked to where Nicholas was sitting and sank down beside him. She clutched her bag as if it were a life preserver, that kept her from sinking.

"Nick, are you saying that you want to give up? You are the only one who can make that decision. I told you back when we began that I would help in your return to mortality, but you have to want it. All the tests and experiments are meaningless unless this is something that you really want." Natalie turned her head away from Nick.

Turning towards Natalie, he placed his hand beneath her chin, gently guiding her face back towards him. Natalie raised her tear filled eyes and looked deeply into Nicholas's blue eyes. She searched his face, and tried to probe his expression with hope that it would reveal that her worst fears were not coming true. She couldn't believe it. Was this the end of their quest? Maybe he had had enough of false hopes and failures. How many times can one have their hopes dashed? He probably wanted to quit long ago, and she just hadn't seen beyond her own selfish motives. She knew the real reason she desperately strove to help him to become mortal. It was for herself. So she could be with him without the fear of him hurting her. She wanted a chance for a life with him. His quest had somehow become her quest for a life with him. Now, he wanted to stop, and he had every right. He was correct, they were not getting anywhere. What did she expect? That he would go on indefinitely without positive results? Indefinitely -- what was she thinking? It would only be a few more years, at the most, before he would need to leave anyway. All was hopeless, and she knew it. Now it seemed that Nick knew it too. A tear rushed down the side of Natalie's face, and Nicholas rapidly whisked it away. Nick removed the medical bag from Natalie's protective grasp, and coaxed her closer until he was holding her tightly in his arms. She was not crying outwardly, in fact she was dead silent. The pain of this quest ending was numbing her.

She had never felt more empty, more alone. She silently wondered if a knife had been pushed through her heart, and she just hadn't died yet? She wasn't sure she was breathing, and she consciously took in a breath. Everything seemed unreal as she struggled to take in another breath. She felt afraid to move. Nicholas was holding her now, but when he let go she feared that he would tell her that he was through trying. She was certain he was about to tell her that he could no longer go on this way. He might even be considering moving on. She always knew that could happen without warning, but she was good at managing to not think about that as a possibility. How would she handle what was to come next? She had no back up plan, she would be devastated. Natalie vigorously clung to Nicholas. She was afraid that if she let go she may never regain this closeness again.

Nicholas was trying to help Natalie in the only way he could think of, by letting her know that he was there for her. She was holding on to him so tightly, that he was glad that he did not need to breath regularly. Not that he minded, in fact, her closeness was very comfortable to him. Surely she had recognized the fact that they had not gained any ground for a very long time. There had been no permanent advances towards a cure. This road she had been traveling down with him, was going nowhere. As a scientist, wasn't she aware that there were times to stop and re-evaluate the procedures? Since he had never heard of a vampire who had regained their mortality, maybe at this time there was no more that could be done. It was not fair to ask Natalie to accomplish the impossible.

Nicholas gently pulled away from Natalie. She looked so vulnerable as she gazed down at the floor.

"Natalie, you have been so quiet. What is wrong? Surely, I have not said anything that you do not already know? I am only saying that what we are doing now is not working. I guess that I have been a vampire for so long, that I don't know how to be anything else. Natalie, Nat - Please - what would you have me do?"

With apprehension, Natalie looked up at Nicholas's willing and understanding face. She swallowed hard.

"I can't give up Nick. You mean too much to me. If I stop trying, everything will slip away."

Nick looked bewildered as he repeated, "Everything will slip away? Nat, you are not making sense. What will slip away?"

Just then Natalie seemed to renew her strength, and she began to talk excitedly.

"I can help you Nick, but you got to want it. You have to trust me."

Nicholas was becoming concerned, "I trust you. You know that. I have trusted you with the knowledge of what I am."

Natalie took a deep breath.

"Then give me a little more time. Are you sure that you want mortality without any reservations?"

"Yes, without reservations."

Natalie felt hope return. "I just need a small amount of time. Will you give me that?"

Nicholas stood up and walked thoughtfully over to the window. He spotted a small piece of green glass that Natalie had missed. So much anger had caused him to throw that bottle. Anger over what he was, and what he thought he could never be. Anger over all the suffering the beast that held him prisoner had brought to this world. Whatever he was, he knew it was time to accept it. It seemed that Natalie however was not yet ready to accept what he was. If Natalie wanted to try a little longer, than he would not stop her, but eventually both of them would have to come to terms with what he was. Nicholas turned to an anxious Natalie.

"Yes Nat, a little more time if you feel that you need it."

Natalie sighed in relief. Nicholas only hoped that Natalie would be able to accept him if he could not change.

Nicholas's telephone and Natalie's beeper simultaneously broke their silence, and Nicholas went to answer the phone.

"Yes Captain, she's here. I'll tell her. Okay. I'll stop there first.. Thanks Captain, and let Schanke know that I'll meet him there."

Nicholas put down the telephone, and turned to Natalie.

"It looks like that date-rape murderer has found another victim. The Captain wants us both at the scene as soon as possible."

* * * * * * * *

Fortunately, Natalie had her own car in which to travel to the crime scene. Tonight had been filled with some very unusual conversation, and Nick was pleased to have some time driving alone to clear his mind. 'What had just happened in the loft? What made Natalie react like that?' Maybe he was just used to things not working out. This was, after all, Natalie's first time for failing at finding a cure. Even so, she was acting very strange. She seemed to go from depressed to exuberant in only a few moments. She insisted on having more time. What did she expect to happen during this additional time? Maybe she just needed more time to adjust to the new arraignment. No, there was something else. Something that she was not telling him. She had something in mind, and that was why she needed more time. Did she need the time to explore a new avenue? It did not matter, whatever she was contemplating would not work. Nothing worked. Endless years had been spent in pursuit of this non-existent cure. The vampire within him was too strong, much too resistant to any therapy. He would give her the time she needed, and then she would have to concede just as he had always done. She would have to learn to live with what he already lived with for centuries. This was something that he could not change, something that she could not change. Nicholas sighed and wondered how much longer Natalie would need to know what he already knew. Vampires stay vampires, and nothing could change that. He was so tired of fighting this battle to regain his mortality that he had begun to re-evaluate his life recently. Over the centuries so many things had changed, and being a vampire today was very different than it used to be. No longer did he need to kill to feed his hunger, and anything he wanted to do could now be done at night. The world did not stop after dark, there were always places that were open all hours of the night. Between the 24 hour non stop days, and the Internet, he found that everything could be accomplished at any hour. Aside from not being able to get a sun tan, he could find this new world to be very comfortable. A lot of good work could be done with his powers. Maybe LaCroix was not completely wrong about life as a vampire, anyway he was tired of hitting his head against a brick wall.

Nicholas reached over to turn on the car's radio, wondering what the topic of the evening would be tonight. There could not think of a better thing to listen to than LaCroix while on route to a murder scene.

LaCroix's mellow words filled the car as Nicholas drove on the rain covered roads through the darkness.

"I've a bed time story tonight my listeners. This is for all of you who wish to be something other than what was intended for you to be. This story comes from the Bible, so pay attention."

"It states in the Bible that when the sun and the moon were first created that G-d made two great lights. One great light to rule the day, and one small light to rule the night. But how can this be, you say. Is this not a contradiction? First you say two great lights and then later one great and one small. The answer is my friends that originally both the sun and the moon were the same. But the moon complained that it did not want an equal partner, and that only one can truly rule. So G-d agreed with the moon, and responded to its complaint by reducing its size.

This again upset the moon, and it began to protest. "Why should I lose because I was logical?" So G-d gave the moon all the stars to keep it company, but the moon was not satisfied.

The moral of this story my friend is do not complain about what you are or you too may end up with less than what you started with. Be satisfied with what you have and be happy with what you are...... "

LaCroix's voice disappeared and was replaced by his usual selection of haunting music, and Nicholas again reached over to the radio except this time to turn it off.

Nicholas figured that this was LaCroix's way of telling him not to become like the moon, complaining and ending up with less. Nicholas looked up at the moon through his windshield.

"Looks like we have something in common. So is it so bad being up there with all those stars? I don't think you have it too bad. No,!"

Nicholas pulled his car into the high school's parking lot which was already filled with police cars parked in every direction. The colored flashing lights were reflecting of every surface that was still wet from the steady all day rain storm. Nick pulled directly behind Schanke's car and parked. It was good to see that Schanke had gotten his message, and was already gathering facts.

Nicholas began to make his way through the maze of cars, just as Natalie arrived. Natalie was used to the confusion of the crime scenes, and it did not take her long to add her car to the chaos. Nicholas watched as Natalie turned off her headlights, and got out of her car with her medical bag. Natalie appeared very professional, and it was difficult to believe that she was in tears in his arms only a half hour ago.

The static from a call from one of the police radios brought him back to the present. He decided to let Natalie do her job, and turned to continue through the haphazard collection of parked cars. A crowd had gathered around the tape that marked off the crime scene, making it difficult for him to get through. Schanke was talking to a couple of uniformed officers, and he had to push his way past the spectators to climb over the temporary yellow taped fence. Schanke looked up and lifted his arm to give Nick a short gesturing wave to come over to him. Acknowledging Schanke's signal with a nod, he approached the three men. Nicholas noticed that Schanke was visibly shaken, and he looked quite pale. Getting close to Schanke, he patted him on the back.

"It looks like the whole department is here. What do we got Schank?" Schanke turned away from the two other officers, and shook his head in disbelief.

"Not much yet. I just got here. Nick, she's real young, not much older than Jenny." Nicholas could see the pain in Schanke's eyes. The pain of knowing that the victim could just as easily been his own daughter. Schanke pulled out a tissue to wipe some of the sweat from his face, and deeply sighed.

"The school's janitor found her when he was taking out the garbage. He's over there giving Collins his statement. He said he thought he saw a doll under the trash bin. We're still looking for her clothes."

Nicholas closed his eyes, and tried to calm the anger he felt building. When he felt the beast ease up on him, he opened his eyes and looked towards Schanke again.

"Did he see anything else? Are there any witnesses?"

Schanke shook his head.

"He doesn't seem to know anything else, but I told Collins to take him back to the precinct when he's done and get his statement in writing. Oh Nick, do you

see that girl over there crying?"

Schanke pointed to a petite girl with long blonde hair who was wearing tight jeans and a pink cotton T-shirt. "She says she was just at the victims house for a sweet sixteen party."

Nick stared at the small girl who was crying into a tissue on the other side of the barrier tape. This wasn't going to be easy for her, but he had to see if she could provide them with some clues. By the way she was reacting, Nick knew that she had been close to the victim. Nicholas brought his gaze back to Schanke.

"Did you get a chance to talk with the first officers at the scene?

Schanke was just acknowledging the two other officers need to leave. He turned his attention back to Nicholas.

"I was just about to do that."

Nicholas gave Schanke another pat on the shoulder.

"I'm going to talk to the girl. I'll meet you over by Nat soon. Thanks Schank."

Nicholas looked over the crowd that had gathered, and wished that they would all go back to their homes and make his job a little easier. He wondered if any of them could have been responsible for the girl's death, and was hanging around to watch all the excitement that was generated. Carefully scanning every face, he hoped to find something that would give the perpetrator away. Nothing stood out.

His gaze drifted back to the crying girl that Schanke had pointed out. He had to speak with her, but he wasn't looking forward to it. This looked like the second murder that they knew of from this maniac, and they desperately needed some answers.

Nicholas went over to where the girl was standing, and with a softened voice said, "Hi, I'm detective Knight of the Metro Police, do you think we can go to a quieter place so you could answer some questions?"

The girl looked up with red puffy eyes, and studied him for a moment. With tears running down her face, she gave him a silent nod. Nicholas guided her towards one of the empty squad cars that still had its flashing lights throwing colors over the crowd. Nicholas opened one of the doors, and gestured for her to sit down. She declined and instead rested against the car in complete exhaustion. Smiling at the young girl, he with hoped to relieve some of her stress. Maybe with this small amount of privacy, she would feel more comfortable.

"My partner tells me that you knew the deceased?" The girl angrily looked up at Nicholas.

"Her name is Melinda, Melinda Pryor, and she's my best friend."

The tears began to flow heavily again as Nicholas tried to comfort her.

"Miss, excuse me Miss. I'm sorry for your loss. I want to find the person that did this and make him pay for it. I want to stop him before he does this again to someone else's friend. I know that you want that too."

The girl glanced back to where all the people were gathering around Melinda's body, and she stood mesmerized by the sight. Nicholas tried to regain her attention.

"I know how hard this must be for you. Just a few questions for now, Okay?"

Nick smiled reassuringly at her, even though he hated the idea of questioning the young girl. A young girl who should never have been exposed to this tragedy. A girl who should be talking about clothes and boys not gruesome murder details.

Nicholas began again, "Did you give the officer your name and address?"

She pushed herself to answer as calmly as she could.

"Yes, to that man over there."

She pointed to Officer Salin who was taking statements from the neighbors. She continued, "I'm Jennifer Linger."

Nick smiled warmly.

"Jennifer, can you think of any reason why Melinda would be here after school hours?"

Jennifer thought for a moment.

"No, not really, but she might have come back to pick up some homework assignments. She wasn't in school today."

Nicholas quickly asked, "Was she sick?"

Jennifer thought for a moment again, "No, I don't think so. She said she had some place to go. There's nothing else that I know."

Nicholas could see that Jennifer was about to break down again. This would have to be enough for now. He moved away from the car and pointed to officer Salin.

"Listen, I want you to tell that officer that Detective Knight would like him to give you a ride home. And Jennifer, I may have some more questions for you later, but I want to thank you. You have been a big help."

Nicholas's concern for her was obvious to Jennifer, and she weakly smiled as she left to walk over to officer Salin and all the flashing lights in the night.

Nicholas looked around, but he could not find Schanke. Now would be a good time to see if Natalie had any better luck than he had. He again had to get through the crowd and back into the taped off area. He had not even seen the victim yet. Natalie must have had enough time to do some of the preliminary work. Maybe they would get lucky tonight and find that the perpetrator had left them a great big clue - like his wallet - that would be nice. He wanted this guy. He wanted to know why he did this. He wanted him to die. Nicholas took a deep breath. His anger getting the better of him. A luxury that he could not afford. He had to remain in control, and do whatever he could to solve this crime.

Nicholas could now see Natalie in the distance examining the victim. As he got closer, Natalie stood up and turned to him.

"Sorry Nick, Not much now. Maybe when I get her back to the lab."

Nicholas couldn't believe it. How could this monster not leave anything behind that would point them in the right direction? No one was perfect. There had to be something that would give him away.

Nicholas sighed, "Anything Nat? There must be something. This is real hard for Schanke,..... for me."

Natalie heard the desperation in Nicholas's voice, and she thought again.

"Well, there's not that much I can tell you now. I'd say TOD was between two to six hours ago. She looks almost perfect. No signs of bruising or of a struggle. But I did get a positive on the phosphate. She was raped. I will not know if she was alive during the rape until I get her back for testing. She looks almost perfect, like she just fell asleep. Sorry Nick, you're just going to have to wait."

Natalie closed her bag and looked up just in time to see Schanke coming towards them. Nicholas looked at the young girl who would never experience life lying on the ground in front of him, and he softly said, "I know Nat, it's just not much to go on." Natalie turned to him and placed her hand on his arm,

"It's a start. Has anyone reported her missing? Someone's waiting for her Nick. Someone's waiting for their little girl to come home."

Nicholas thought about what Natalie was saying, and knew she was right.

"Well, see what you can do so I'll have something to tell them when I see them." Natalie closed her eyes briefly and nodded that she understood.

Schanke was on his way over to Natalie and Nicholas, and was not so sure he wanted another look at the murdered girl. He told Nicholas that he would meet him there, and this was their case. He would have to push past all the feelings that threatened to drown him. Schanke saw that both Natalie and Nicholas had seen him approach, and he got closer to see if they were successful at getting some useful information.

"Hi guys. Anything?"

Natalie sighed, "No, not yet. How about you?"

Schanke just looked up to the sky, and folded his arms across his chest.

"Well, Salin said that he spoke with a woman who was walking her dog. She said she saw a couple around here, but that it was too dark to see clearly."

Natalie put a tag on the body as the morgue crew came to bring it back to the lab. She turned towards the detectives and said, "Well, I guess it's up to me. So I better get started. Come by later I should have more."

Schanke watched as the body was being put into the Coroner's van. "Nick, who would do this? I don't think that I'll ever understand."

Nicholas looked down at the ground.

"You don't want to, Schank."

Schanke nodded his head. "Yeah, I guess so. Hey Knight, they got a positive ID on the girl. We have some parents to talk to. Do you think that they can send over a couple of uniforms to do this?"

Nicholas looked down on the ground, then to where she was being loaded onto the van, and then back to Schanke.

"Let's go Schank, we shouldn't let them wait longer than they have to." Schanke nodded, and pulled his coat tighter around him.

"Let's go. Man o man, do I hate this part of the job."

Nicholas stood quietly, he gazed up towards the stars. This all seemed very familiar to him.

* * * Flashback * * *

Nicholas had been all over London looking for LaCroix's latest fledgling. The long eerie blast of the air raid siren caused him to reflexively look towards the sky for enemy planes, but the only thing to see was a sky full of brilliant stars. He scanned the darkness of the park he had landed in with his special night vision, and began to walk deeper into the park. Daniel was nearby, he could sense him. He and Daniel now shared a special bond. Daniel was not only a vampire, he was his brother. LaCroix was father to both of them. The bond was strong between them even though Daniel was unaware of it. He glanced back at the park's entrance to see if they would be disturbed, but all was painfully still. The streets were empty. All the terrified residents were waiting in bomb shelters until the all clear signal would be given. There were no lights in the city, not even a candle flickered in the windows of the nearby homes. No one would leave a light that may be spotted by a bomber pilot.

Nicholas could not understand how LaCroix could be so careless about Daniel's whereabouts. It had been only a week since Daniel was brought across, and both LaCroix and Janette were already bored and impatient with their new addition to the family. Daniel's youth, the very thing that made him interesting, was now gnawing at LaCroix's endurance limits. Although Daniel was now a vampire, he was still a child. He would remain a child forever, he would never grow up physically or mentally. Now, with his increased powers, he was unstoppable. Janette had very quickly lost interest in him. For as a vampire Daniel did not need a mother or sister, he needed a teacher. A teacher to guide him about not only being a vampire, but being a vampire with the mind and behavior of a child. LaCroix found Daniel to be extremely annoying, and let him loose on the already terrified citizens. Daniel would not sit still long enough to learn the lessons of the vampire. He was a child, full of energy and impatience that was heightened by his new acquired lifestyle. LaCroix had no desire to chase down the vampire brat. To him this newly made vampire was no better than a vampire that had gone insane. In his experience it is better to allow the crazed vampire to be eliminated by their own ignorance.

Nicholas knew that it would take Daniel a long time before he would become acquainted with all the powers that he possessed. Attempts had been unsuccessful to try and teach Daniel of the dangers of being a vampire. It was not even clear that Daniel had heard him about the importance of avoiding the sun, sharp sticks, and fire. LaCroix should have taught him, but he was more interested in the shock value of bringing one so young across. He was a novelty to LaCroix, and he rapidly grew tired of him.

Neither LaCroix nor Janette had helped Daniel with his first hunger, both thought it would be more fun to watch how Daniel would handle this overpowering drive to feed. In this instance Daniel did not disappoint them. Daniel soared straight to the orphanage that had abused him and discarded him, and satisfied himself on the two caretakers that ran the place. Nicholas later found Daniel at the orphanage laughing and rolling around in the undrunk blood of his victims. It was up to Nicholas to clean up after this child so that the code would not be violated. He had left Nicholas quite a mess in that orphanages office. Daniel had nearly torn the heads off this couple while viciously feeding from them.

Now, each night was the same. There was no stopping Daniel. He was out the door the minute the sirens sent their warning. If only the people knew that it was far safer to take their chances with the planes than be on their way to the fallout shelters with Daniel on the loose. After his first hunger, Daniel began to hunt children his own age or younger. He always had his pick during the confusion of the bomb raids. He was a natural at luring frightened children from their parents, and taking them to an isolated place to feed. Nicholas was becoming exhausted with the nightly ritual of locating Daniel, and hiding the mutilated bodies that he abandoned. Daniel was killing innocent children as they ran frightened from their homes. He was always there waiting in the turmoil to take advantage of the situation.

Now Nicholas could feel that Daniel was in this park, and he was hoping to catch him before his next kill. He stopped and carefully listened for Daniel's vibrations to direct him to his place in the park. Suddenly Nicholas could hear laughter coming from the play area of the park. He now knew the direction to go, and he easily locked on to Daniel, but Daniel did not sense him even with their close relationship. Surely Daniel could feel the vibrations as Nicholas approached, but he did not understand what they meant. He did not realize all of his potential, and he did not realize the nearness of his sibling. Nicholas found him sitting in the middle of a large sandbox. He was picking up fists full of sand, and pouring them over a sand castle that he had created.

The scent of blood was everywhere, and it caused Nicholas to feel the stirrings of the vampire inside. He worked hard to ignore the hunger and concentrate on the problem of the vampire child. Daniel began to hysterically laugh as the sand from his hand slipped through his fingers onto the large crumbling sand castle. Daniel's fangs were covered in fresh blood that reflected red with each turn of his head. Nicholas was quiet as he approached Daniel. It was not until he was directly behind him that Daniel's vampire senses caused him to turn suddenly, and greet his brother.

"Hello Nicky, did you come to play with me? It is the best time you know. We'll have the whole sandbox to ourselves." Then Daniel's voice got very quiet and he mischievously whispered, "Everyone else is hiding."

Nicholas walked around the sandbox until he was standing in front of Daniel. His expression was pained and solemn as he evaluated this youthful vampire that played before him. Nicholas scrutinized each of Daniel's words. He tried to analyze Daniel's behavior. The smell of fresh blood again permeated the air, but Nicholas could not discern whether or not it was coming from Daniel.

He looked up at Nicholas with large brown eyes. This beautiful child that he loved was gone. He was just as drained as his victims. They were drained of their blood, but he had lost so much more by LaCroix's hand. His goodness had lost its value. All of his value purged by the thoughtless act of LaCroix to make room for the vampire. If only the inspiration would come that would save Daniel from himself, but there was none. Daniel was gone, and in his place resided an animal. An animal that satisfied himself on the guiltless and the naive.

Daniel waved at Nicholas when he did not answer his invitation to come play. His beautiful brown eyes began to glow, and his laughter stopped. A darkness seemed to fall over Daniel as a fanged smile spread across his face.

"Have you ever had the blood of a child, Nicky? You really should, they are much better than grown-ups. Did you know that?"

Nicholas closed his eyes half out of disgust and half to block out the vampire that appeared before him. There was only evil left. Daniel the perfect child had been distorted by LaCroix's thoughtless actions. Nicholas pushed aside his revulsion of what Daniel had become, and held out his hand.

"I've come to bring you back home. The sun will be up soon. Do you feel the night calling you to find shelter?"

Nicholas remembered how LaCroix had taught him to perceive and use the special senses of the vampire. These were invaluable tools that Daniel would need to survive. Daniel did not reach for Nicholas's hand, instead he defiantly turned back to the sand castle.

"But I don't want to go back there. I want to play. Come closer Nicky, and see what I have done."

Nicholas looked down at the ground, and struggled with the words that would convince Daniel that his actions were not appropriate. He took a long breath in, and gathered the strength to once again try to teach this child that the freedom that he now felt was only an illusion. Nicholas knew all too well that the supernatural powers of the vampire were not true strength, being in control of himself was the real power and strength. No freedom had been gained in this transformation. This child had now become a slave to the beast that invaded his body and soul.

"Oh Daniel, I am so sorry for what has happened to you, but you now must learn a new set of rules in order to survive. Your old survival skills helped you conquer the streets, but they are no longer needed. You now must dwell in the world of the creatures of the night. You must discard these old lessons and begin anew. You do not need to kill, it is only the hunger that drives you to feed on others. I will show you how to satisfy this drive, and to control the lust. Come, let's go home. You have much to learn."

Daniel became frightened as Nicholas turned to leave. Tears began to fall as he pushed himself further back into the sandbox and further away from Nicholas. He looked like the frightened child that he was. His voice was part anger and part fear as he fought to hold back the tears.

"Do not make me go back, Please Nicky. They do not want me. I heard them making plans to leave without me. I am an orphan again. You are the only one who comes to look for me. It is only you who cares what I do."

Nicholas looked at Daniel, and felt a overwhelming desire to hold him and tell him that everything would be all right. He looked so fragile sitting in the sandbox alone. He was so frightened, and he needed him. Maybe he had said too much. There was no need to hurt Daniel, and he was sure that somehow they could work this all out. Nicholas's tone softened.

"Whatever anyone has said or done, I can not change. You are one of us now. We share a bond for eternity if we are careful. I have been told by our father that this is a gift. I think that it would be wise of you to believe this right now. You must always remember that being a vampire does not free you from rules. You have only taken on a new set of rules. If you stay with me, I will help you. You need not fear. I will not leave you."

Daniel's crying stopped. Moving closer to his sand castle, he looked at it with admiration. He rocked his body back and forth as he patted his creation. A calmness came over him, and he smiled at his work. Suddenly, he looked up at Nicholas and with renewed enthusiasm shouted.

"Come Nicky, see what I have done."

Daniel held his hand out to Nicholas, and he decided to accept. The touch of Daniel's hand confirmed what Nicholas had thought. Daniel's hand was covered in blood. The sand was stuck to his hand as though the blood were glue. The scent was beckoning him to release his inhibitions and taste the sweetness of its youthful owner. He could tell that the blood had been very young. It was a young life filled with the unending energy of youth. The scent filled him, and caused him to tremble with pleasure. He managed to get control of himself, and tried to pull away from Daniel's grasp. Daniel had expected Nicholas's reaction, and used his new vampire strength to surprise Nicholas and unexpectedly knock him off balance. Nicholas stumbled into the castle that Daniel was building, and Daniel began to laugh uncontrollably again. Daniel was laughing so hard that he found it difficult to speak.

"It's a surprise Nicky. She was so sweet that I wanted you to taste her too. I have saved the last for you."

Nicholas felt sick as he realized that the blood he had been sensing was right in front of him all along. He frantically began to remove the sand from the small child that lay buried in Daniel's sand castle. He could barely hear her faint heartbeat, and she was hardly breathing. There was blood everywhere, and the sand stuck fiercely to her soft skin. Daniel had been over-zealous in his feeding again. Her throat had been torn to shreds making it barely recognizable. This was the blood that he had smelled when he first arrived at the sandbox. Daniel smiled as he watched Nicholas examine the girl's damage.

"Go ahead Nicky, taste her. Don't let her go to waste."

Nicholas was aware that the child was rapidly dying. He could do nothing to save her. It was most likely her youth that had kept her alive until now. He lifted the girl's body completely out of the sand, then placed her near lifeless body in front of Daniel. Nicholas glared at Daniel and demanded,

"Why Daniel? You didn't need to take this young life. You knew that I would get you all the blood you need. This has to stop! You will no longer kill!"

Daniel looked at the dying girl, and then at Nicholas.

"Of course I will kill. I will kill them all. I am what you are. I am a vampire, and I will be satisfied by their blood warm and sweet. They will fill me with their goodness. I will kill, Nicky, and you will do nothing to stop me."

Daniel stood up in the sand, then took flight. Knowing that Nicholas would not follow him, he left him the job of cleaning up again. Nicholas watched as Daniel disappeared into the pre-dawn sky.

As the last shadows of night were fading, his attentions turned back to the small girl. She began to choke on the small amount of blood that was left in her. She gasped for her final breaths, and he could hear that her heartbeats were almost non existent. With great difficulty he watched as she struggled to survive. He knew that this was a battle that she would not win. He also knew that he could not take any chances that she might come across. Settling near her, he lifted her body towards him as she began to violently convulse. Her mortal life was near its end. It was time to put an end to her suffering. He quickly twisted her tiny head so that her neck was broken, and she lay still in his arms. He would hide her among the other victims of tonight's raids. He had to move quickly, the sun would be rising soon. There was no time to track down Daniel. He indulged in the thought that maybe Daniel would not make it home before the sun rose. That would certainly make life a lot easier for everyone. Again he looked up to the sky, following Daniel's path with his eyes. Something would have to be done with this vampire child, and it looked as if he was the only one to accomplish this task.

He stood up with the girl's limp body in his arms. Gazing up at the sky, he took flight with the young body into the night's endless display of stars.

"Knight? Helloooooo? Is anyone home?

Nicholas broke the trance that was holding his gaze towards the sky.

"Come on Nick, it's cold and I really want to get out of here. The family's probably waiting, and the Captain will be waiting too."

Nicholas watched as the coroner's van pulled away, and then he turned to Schanke, "Yeah, let's get out of here Schank."

* * * * * * * *

Nicholas had really wanted to stop at the morgue first, but he knew that the Captain would need to hear their report from the crime scene. Schanke and he had taken extra time at this latest victim's home to try and break the tragic news the best that could be done. Melinda Pryor had wonderful parents with a perfect home and two younger siblings. She was an honor student with many friends. Somehow she crossed paths with a serial killer, and it was his job to figure out how and why. Schanke was right about this being the worst part of their job. They could do nothing to bring back their daughter, and restore their once happy lives. Their lives would be changed forever by the inhumane acts of another. They had a difficult new path to follow. A path that would only end when they themselves would die. Nicholas could still hear the sobs of Melinda's mother in his head. This was a pain that no parent should ever have to experience.

How had this child been in such mortal danger, and no one had been aware of it? There must have been some connection between the two deaths. He could not believe that these girls were random targets. There were just too many similarities. This killer was a hunter, and he set traps for his unsuspecting prey. This knowledge was more than a guess, it was an instinctual feel. Having been a hunter, he knew all the signs. He knew that half the enjoyment came from choosing the right one, and waiting for the right time. It was a game that his victims never realized that they were playing. This time however this little game of amusement was going to end. This time this child murderer would be hunted himself by one who was well versed in the sport of pursuit, and as his victims he too would be unaware until it would be too late. Nicholas knew that there had to be a clue somewhere that they were overlooking. Returning from the latest victims house had taken a lot out of both of them. Schanke was still shaking his head as he walked into the precinct with Nick.

"How do they do it? I mean how are they going to survive? It's just not supposed to be like this. Life is so unfair. Life is too short without this crazy killing." Schanke sighed deeply and sorrowfully. "Life is just too short, right Nick?"

Nicholas was still thinking about the best way to hunt a hunter, and he was only half listening to Schanke's thoughts about their latest case.

"Short, right."

Schanke shook his head in disbelief. He was starting to feel both ignored and frustrated. "I was saying how short life is. Were you listening to a word I said?"

Nicholas tried to recover. "Yeah, a short life, right?"

Schanke just sighed and rolled his eyes, and Nicholas looked surprised.


Schanke decided to give up on his shocked partner and change the subject slightly.

"Cohen's probably waiting for us. What do we got? Two dead girls, and no suspects. She is going to be fit to be tied."

They both hardly reached their desks when Captain Cohen tore out of her office.

"Knight.. my office."

Cohen didn't look happy. But then again she never looked very happy. She had a difficult job, and rarely was the news good. Not only did she have a thankless job, she always saw the worst of humanity. She never even glanced at them as she summoned them into her office. She was strictly business, and she demanded nothing less from her detectives. As she disappeared through her door, Nicholas and Schanke exchanged worried looks. She was not going to be happy with what they had. Hell, they weren't happy with what they had.

By the time Nicholas and Schanke entered her office, Cohen was reviewing a folder at her desk. She looked up as they walked in.

"Did you both just get back from the scene?"

Schanke spoke up first, "Yeah, Captain."

"Well, what did you get?"

Schanke glanced at Nick and started, "Boy Captain, There's just noth......" Nicholas knew what Schanke was going to say and tried to cut him off.

"There may be a witness" Cohen sat back in her chair and studied Nicholas while Schanke stared at his partner in disbelief.

"We will check out her story. Also Dr. Lambert. I'm sure she'll have something for us."

Cohen rubbed her chin, and took a few moments to answer. "Good try Knight, but what you're trying to not tell me is that you have nothing. Is that right?"

She pushed back her chair, and stood up as Nicholas and Schanke looked at each other in silence.

"Okay. Do what you can, and get back to me as soon as you have anything."

Nicholas nodded his head as Schanke breathed a sigh of relief and headed for his desk. By the time Nicholas reached his desk, there was a message from Natalie. Picking up the paper, he waved it at Schanke.

"Nat wants to see us. Do you feel like taking a trip over to the morgue?"

Schanke stretched and rubbed his tired eyes.

"After everything else tonight, that offer doesn't sound that bad."

Nicholas picked up his jacket, and gave Schanke a knowing smile.

* * * * * * * *

Natalie was waiting by the door for the detectives to come by so she could share some potentially helpful news. It would have been possible to have given them the information over the phone, but her night passed so much better when she had a chance to see Nick. Opening the door slightly, she peeked down the hall. She was having a hard time controlling her enthusiasm. Nicholas was coming down the hall, and she felt her heart skip a beat. Was she more excited to give him her news or just the fact that she would be near him again? She was sure that her research had brought her to a possible cure, but she had not worked up the courage to approach him yet. The other night convinced her that she had better act soon or Nick would lose all interest. She was too close to finding the answer to stop now. He meant everything to her. If he would give up then all her research, hopes, and dreams would be lost. She was drawing too near to have all this slip away. The last time at Nick's loft was uncomfortably near to his withdrawing from this quest for mortality. It was important to act fast no matter what the consequences might be.

Nicholas and Schanke cautiously opened the morgue's door, and walked in. Natalie had grabbed a few glass slides and was pretending to be busy and startled as they approached her. She turned around suddenly.

"I'm so glad you were able to get here. I put in a call to a coroner friend of mine in Quebec about the information on GHB. It is a good thing that I made that call. He told me that they had three similar cases two months ago that were never solved. One of the young girls did not die. She had gone into a coma, and she's on life support now, but she's conscience and can talk. She was not able to help their case, but I figured with our additional recent information we may have more of a complete picture. I have the name and address of her family."

Natalie held a piece of paper out to Nicholas.

He took the paper, and then handed it to Schanke.

"See where this takes you, I want to go back to Jennifer Linger. I have a few more questions that I would like her to answer."

Nicholas turned to leave when Natalie called him back. She was nervous talking in front of Schanke, but she needed to pin Nicholas down to a time when she could retrieve more samples from him and discuss her idea for a cure.

"Nick, do you think I could come by tonight to finish that thing we were talking about earlier?"

Nicholas smiled nervously, but Schanke understood that Natalie was trying to talk privately to Nicholas. Schanke cleared his throat loudly and looked at his watch.

"It's time for me to hit the hay. I'll look into this Quebec case tomorrow. Let me know if you get anything good at the girl's house. See you guys."

Schanke waved good-bye and made his way to the door alone.

Natalie was just about to say something when the telephone rang. She motioned for Nick to stay as she answered the phone.

"Forensics Dr. Lambert speaking......... Really, Are you sure?........ Thank you. You may have been a great help. I thought that might be the case. I needed your verification. Thanks again Trudy. Bye."

A big smile crossed Natalie's face. "I think that this is the really big news we've been waiting for, Nick. That call was from one of the research labs at the University. I sent some samples of the braces the girls were wearing to them, and they are an exact match."

Nicholas looked unaffected by the news.

"Natalie, that's interesting, but I don't think that a couple of teenage girls wearing braces is all that incriminating."

Natalie stepped back, and gave Nicholas an all knowing smile.

"You would be right in most cases, but I noticed something different about these braces. They are special, and very expensive. They are not steel. They are ceramic. They are a very unique aesthetic braces meant for cosmetic purposes."

Nicholas was still uncertain of how this could help their case. "Nat, even if they were special, I don't see......"

Natalie stopped him from finishing his sentence.

"Only one company makes these, and only one Orthodontist is using them. Both victims used the same Orthodontist. I looked him up in the book. His name is a Doctor Joseph Sarrison."

Nichola's mood picked up, and he ran over to Natalie and kissed her on the forehead.

"Nat, you are a genius. Call Schanke and tell him the information. I'll be back later. And Nat, I owe you dinner." He gave her another quick kiss and was gone before she could blink.

She yelled after him anyway.

"I'm going to hold you to that invitation."

Grace heard her yell, and came into the room. She looked at Natalie and raised an eyebrow. "I sure hope you're talking to me, cause I don't see anyone else."

Natalie smiled. "I was just talking to Nick, I mean Detective Knight."

Grace laughed as Natalie blushed. "Next time girl try it when he's in the room. You'll get better results."

Natalie looked around self consciously and embarrassed, "He was here." she insisted.

Grace just smiled and shook her head.

* * * * * * * *

Nicholas had barely made it to the loft before the sun was up. He had been talking to Jennifer and her parents about every movement the two girls had made in the weeks proceeding Melinda's death. He knew that this Dr. Sarrison was involved, but he needed some hard evidence to bring him in. The conversation had gone well, and Jennifer was able to recall when the two of them had learned about these new braces. Melinda had been dreading the idea of all the name calling that she was going to have to endure when her braces would be inserted. She was practicing trying not to smile in anticipation of the flashy silver tracks that she would need for almost two years. When she and Jennifer saw Dr. Sarrison's booth at the Mall's health fair, Melinda was sure that the answer to her prayers had arrived. Jennifer remembered how excited Melinda was when she discovered that she could wear braces that were virtually invisible. This was every teenagers dream, braces that were impossible to detect while they made you look great.

This was how the doctor targeted his victims. Nicholas contacted the first victim's parents. They confirmed that their daughter had also learned about this product at a Mall health fair.

Last night had been a very productive night, but very tiring as well. It looked like they were close to solving this case, and putting this criminal out of business. One call to Schanke, and he would be off to bed.

Reaching for the bottle on the table in front of him, he tilted the bottle as he watched the dark red liquid slowly fill the glass. Settling back in his leather chair with his glass, he felt quite satisfied that this case would soon come to a close. He wasted no time finishing this first glass, and quickly refilled the glass again. One more detail, he needed to call Schanke so that he could talk to their prime suspect during normal working hours . This was the perfect job for Schanke. Not only was Schanke an expert at questioning suspects, and seeing through their lies, he could accomplish this at a time when the sun was still too much of a problem for vampires. If this doctor was hiding anything, Schanke would know it.

Nicholas sat forward in the chair and grinned. Things were going smoothly for once. He felt needed as a police detective, and that he was making a difference. He even felt secure in his status as an elder in the vampire community. He had done it. He had made it in both worlds, and he felt fulfilled. He even felt like paying a visit to some of his family down at the Raven. It must have been a few months since he had spoken with Janette or LaCroix. He smiled again, they will be surprised to see him come for a social visit, and not ask for information of the darker side of life in Toronto. It had been too long since he had seen beautiful Janette, and experienced her seductive touch. Since he was going to be a vampire for a very long time, he should probably enjoy it, and Janette was the best way he knew to enjoy the vampire life. It was becoming difficult remembering all the reasons he wanted to leave his vampire family and struggle as a mortal. The telephone rang, and his answering machine picked up. After the beep, he could hear that it was Natalie leaving a message.

"Nick, I'm sorry to be calling you now. You're most likely asleep, but could you call when you get up? With all the excitement earlier, we forgot that I was supposed to come by and get some samples. Do you think I could come by tonight? Call me. Bye."

Well, now he could recall one very important reason that mortality seemed so appealing. Natalie was enough of a reason that he really didn't need any others. There was still so much to consider. Sometimes he wished that he could have eternity and Natalie too. If only things could be that simple. He would miss his family if he ever became mortal. After 800 years, being without them would leave a tremendous gap in his non-existent soul. Leaving them behind would not be an easy matter. He did not want to think about all the complications of becoming mortal right now. He still had not spoken with Schank, and he was becoming more tired by the moment.

He stood up and walked over to the telephone, and dialed Schanke's home number. Schanke picked up the phone, and Nicholas started the conversation.

"Hi Schank. Did you speak with Natalie? Yeah, me too. Listen, do you think you could get over to Sarrison's before your shift tonight?......Let's catch him Schank. Also, we'll need to check Quebec about Sarrison's whereabouts. He's only been in Toronto about a month........ Okay. I am going to get some rest...I'll see you later today. Bye Schank... and Thanks."

Nicholas put down the phone. Everything was great. A calm swept over him. This case was almost solved, and he had not used his vampire powers even once. Of course Natalie had been great. She was invaluable at times. Aside from an occasionally drink of blood, he hardly felt that he was an outsider in the mortal world. Nicholas climbed the steps to his loft bedroom. Being a vampire or a mortal, there just did not seem to be much of a conflict right now.

* * * * * * * *

Schanke pulled up in front of the row of expensive historical homes that had been converted to medical offices. For a doctor that had only been in town for one month, he sure seemed to be doing well. Schanke sighed as he figured out how many life times he would have to work as a police detective to afford a place like this. Guess he picked the wrong profession. He looked down at the piece of paper that had the information that Natalie had given him, and located the matching address. As he walked the steps towards the ornately carved door, he wondered how a man who was supposed to be dedicated to helping children could actually be involved with killing them. He also wondered how he was not going to forget procedure, and knock this scumbag into the wall fifty or sixty times. Pushing open the door, he walked into a wide opened space filled with teenagers waiting to be seen. Schanke looked all around as he approached the large semicircular desk that covered half the room.

A young dark haired woman looked up and motioned to the page of names on the counter. "Sir you'll have to sign in and take a seat."

Schanke pressed his lips together, smiled and shook his head. "No, I don't think so!" He pulled his police badge out, and dropped it on the sign-in sheet. "I'm here to speak with Dr. Sarrison. Let him know that I'll speak to him here or at the precinct." Schanke turned away and replaced his badge. He began to whistle as he examined the art on the wall.

The young woman immediately became somber, and picked up the phone near her chair. Within a few moments a young man emerged from a back room, and began to whisper to the receptionist while their eyes followed Schanke's movements. The receptionist spoke up, "Detective, this is Mr. Mason. He'll direct you to Dr. Sarrison's office." Schanke looked pleased as he gave the receptionist a small salute, then proceeded to leave with Mr. Mason. They walked down a wide hall that was covered with a colorful oriental carpet. There were large rooms on each side, each filled with an anxious teenager and a parent. Mr. Mason guided him to the end of the hall, where there was an elevator hidden in the corner.

He pressed the top button as Schanke tried to act unimpressed. The door immediately opened, and both stepped inside. He couldn't believe it, there was even soft music playing as the elevator glided smoothly upwards. Mason pressed the button on the panel that had no number on it, but he could tell that they had gone up at least two floors. The elevator chimed as it came to a stop. Mr. Mason suddenly produced a key, and inserted it next to the button causing the door to slide open. They walked out into a large open area with an intricate floor design and a large crystal chandelier suspended from the ceiling. Schanke stopped and shook his head in disbelief. The last time he'd seen a room like this was when Jenny made him watch Cinderella at the ball. Mr. Mason continued to move forward, and Schanke picked up his pace. He led him to the end of a hall where two extremely large wooden doors stood, and easily opened them as he gestured for Schanke to enter before him. He tried not to be overwhelmed with the majesty of the room. There was a large, polished wooden desk in front of a row of several windows that began at the floor and ended at the ceiling. The view was breathtaking, and he realized he must be higher than the third floor. The entire skyline of Toronto could be seen as the sun was setting. He was sure there were some colors that he had never seen before. The windows must have covered the entire front of the house. The rest of the room was covered in wood. There was a wooden floor, wood wainscot, a carved wooden ceiling, and wooden bookcases filled with medical books. Mr. Mason softly spoke to Schanke trying to direct his attention away from the room.

"If you'll have a seat, Dr. Sarrison will be with you shortly. Can I get you anything? A drink?"

Schanke sat down in the huge wooden chair that was covered in a rich silk fabric. He looked up at him with his mouth partially opened.

"Ah, Nooooo. I'll be fine. This is some nice place the doctor's got here. Is he easy to work for?

Mason smiled at Schanke, "I have never known a better man, but you are here to speak with him so you'll see for yourself." Mason reached over the desk, and picked up one of Dr. Sarrison's business cards and handed it to Schanke.

Schanke took the card, and pushed it into his suit jacket pocket. "Nice cufflinks Mason. What are they?

"Tiger eye."

Schanke examined the different shades of colors. "That's different, I like them."

"They were a gift from my sister. Her birthstone. If there's nothing else, I'll be leaving now."

Walking back to the huge wooden doors, he left a very awe-struck Schanke wondering if he were in the wrong place. After he left, Schanke took a few moments to glance around the room. This guy had more antiques laying around than Knight. Picking up an ivory chess piece from the desk, he began to admire the work that went into the carving of the piece. Suddenly he placed the piece back, and began to mutter under his breath.

"Okay Schanke, get a grip. So what if he's rich. That doesn't prove anything. Remember why you're here."

A tall tan man walked in just as Schanke was finishing his conversation with himself. His stomach did a flip similar to the time he had eaten Myra's honey fried sausage creation. He hoped that he hadn't been heard, it was not a good way to start an interrogation.

He walked straight to where Schanke was sitting, and extended his hand.

"Hello, I am Dr. Sarrison. I hear that you wish to speak with me."

Schanke stood up still feeling slightly uncomfortable, and reached for the doctor's hand.

"Yes, I'm Detective Schanke, Metro Police."

He noticed that Dr. Sarrison had a very dry and firm handshake, and seemed very eager to discuss matters. Schanke thought to himself that this guy really knows how to play it cool. Dr. Sarrison gestured for him to sit down as he glided behind his desk to recline back in a comfortable looking leather chair. Pulling his chair in, he placed his arms on top of the finely finished oak desk.

"Did Mr. Mason offer you anything?"

Schanke waved his hand to show he was not interested.

"Okay then, what can I do to help you Detective Schanke?"

Schanke took a deep breath and said to himself, 'Remember the two girls. Think about what he might have done in Quebec too..' Schanke willed himself to forget his surroundings, and he became as professional as he had ever been.

"Dr. Sarrison. Do you know Melinda Pryor?"

Sarrison clasped his hands together, then steepled two fingers together and touched them to his lips. He took a couple of moments, and appeared to be contemplating Schanke's question.

"Yes, I do believe that she is one of my newer patients. Is there a problem with her?"

Schanke was becoming skeptical.

"Yeah, there's a problem... She's dead!"

Sarrison put his hands back down on the desk, and pushed his chair away from the desk.

"How? What happened?"

Schanke ignored his questions as he glanced around the room, paying particular attention to the medical books.

"You must have access to a lot of drugs, huh Doc?"

Dr. Sarrison stood up angrily.

"Detective, are you suggesting that Melinda's death is somehow related to my work?"

Again he ignored his question and pushed even harder. Although he already knew this answer, Schanke asked,

"Did you also treat Cindy Hathaway, Doctor?"

Sarrison sat down feeling very shaken. He spoke softly.

"Yes, is she also dead detective?"

Schanke felt like he had worn him down a bit, and he sprung up from his chair.

"Dr., Where were you last night between six and eleven p.m.?"

He shook his head, then placed it in the palms of both hands.

"Am I under arrest?"

Schanke just stared at him in silence until Sarrison looked up from his hands.

"I want to contact my lawyer. I have nothing else to say now." He turned around in his chair, and stared out at the magnificent sunset that was descending on the city. Schanke began to leave, but then turned back to Sarrison.

"I think you better call that attorney as soon as possible. If I find out that you're involved........." He stopped, but his voice sounded like a warning. "Just don't leave town Sarrison."

Schanke turned and found that Mr. Mason was waiting by the door. Sarrison must have buzzed for him some time during the questioning.

"Detective, if you'll follow me." He straightened his coat, and left the room with Mr. Mason. Dr. Sarrison never responded to his parting comments or moved from his chair.

Schanke walked out of the elaborate building, and looked up into the colorful sunset. The view was every bit as spectacular from down here. He took in a deep breath of the evening air, and he felt glad to be out of that showcase, and even happier to see his old car waiting for him. Next time, Knight could visit these ritzy folks, he spoke their language better. He was much more at ease with the everyday people.

Looking down at his watch, he saw that there was still another hour before his shift started. He had the strongest urge to go home and kiss Myra and give Jenny the biggest hug she could handle. Standing by his car, he decided that instead of going home, he would do something special for his daughter. If he went in early, he could find the time to get some work done on that speech for Jenny's school. Jenny was a great kid, and she deserved to be proud of her Dad. This was going to be the best speech that school ever heard. Opening the door, he got behind the wheel of his car. The key turned, but the car sputtered and stalled. He pushed his foot hard on the gas pedal, and tried again. Black smoke poured out of the tail pipe as the car struggled to start, but then caught on. Schanke smiled.

"Yeah, this feels just right."

* * * * * * * *

Nicholas pushed opened the Raven's door and walked in. Both the music and the dancing seemed slower tonight. Reaching up, he pulled off his sunglasses to get a better look at the crowd. He could sense that they were all young vampires who came tonight to drink and dance the night away. There were so many of them as he comfortably eased his way towards the bar. They were his extended family, cousins in a way. Looking at all the young ones, he suddenly felt his age, and needed to be near one who had experienced the centuries as he had. He spotted LaCroix slowly sipping from a crystal glass at the end of the bar. LaCroix was calling for him, and he could feel the vibrations in every part of his body. But it was Janette that he needed to be with, but he could not feel her. The bar tender placed a glass in front of Nicholas as he approached LaCroix's seat.

"Where's Janette?"

LaCroix looked up from his drink.

"Nicholas, I am honored or should I say, that we are all honored that you found the time from your mortal schedule to glorify us with your presence."

"LaCroix, I would like to see Janette. Could we not play this game?"

"A game? Oh I see. When you are with us, we play games. And what is it you do with your mortal friends? Are they beyond doubt? What is your reality Nicholas? Is it Janette? Is she your truth? Janette has been in Paris for the last month."

Nicholas realized that he would only have LaCroix for company tonight, and he reluctantly sat down next to him.

"I'm not unhappy tonight LaCroix, and I would prefer to remain that way. I'm not as out of touch with the family as you believe me to be. I listen to your Nightcrawler monologues every night even though I don't know why."

LaCroix called Miklos over to refill his drink, and ordered one for Nicholas at the same time.

"It's not cow, but I'm getting the feeling from you that it doesn't matter. I know that you are listening to the show Nicholas, and it makes me happy. You are my son, my favorite, but you have always known that. What you do not know is that now is the time that you are ready. We have waited so long Nicholas."

Nicholas stared at LaCroix as if he were mesmerized by his words. Words that he longed to hear. Words that he knew to be true. He did not say a word as LaCroix soothing spoke his magic words to Nicholas.

"As much as you isolate yourself from your own kind Nicholas, you are never alone. Like it or not, you share a bond with us, and we are your family. And families are always there for each other, for we are the only ones who truly understand all you have experienced. What we have in common is something special, that no mortal can ever be a part of. Our lives are not to be possessed, for we are to be the possessors. The ties that bind us can only be broken through death. Never desert us Nicholas, for when you disregard us then you shall truly be lost. Be reclaimed. Come back to us. Do not deny what you are any longer. You are not like them, though you desperately try to be. They will never accept you, for they can not. They do not really know you. You are nothing like them. We will always take care of you, and always be with you. They can never make such a claim - and this you do know. Cling to your true nature, for all they have to offer will fade and die, and you will be left to watch it happen. Our bond will never end, you must accept this. The sooner you do accept this the easier it will be for you and your mortal friends. You can not change what you are, just as you can not stop the sun from rising. Would you try to stop the sun Nicholas? To do so would only cause you to burn. I know you not to be so foolish. Yet you persist in this impossible journey of yours to obtain the unattainable, when the result is the same. You can only expect to burn."

A siren raced by Nicholas's loft, and he startled awake. He had overslept again, but his dream did not disturb him. In fact, he felt strangely calm. LaCroix's words from his dream were playing over and over again in his head. The words were sweet, they were truth, they were good. As soon as he wrapped up this case tonight, he would stop over at the Raven and see his real family. A thought struck him. He was supposed to call Natalie about her mortality experiment. He decided against it, it would have to wait. There was no time to call her back now. Maybe he would see her at the precinct...

* * * * * * * *

By the time Nicholas arrived, Schanke was well into writing his speech for Jenny's school. He was staring into space with a frustrated look and absent mindedly tapping his pencil against the desk. Nicholas quietly approached his desk, and hoped that he slipped in without being detected. There was still the same stack of paper work waiting to get done, and he had not heard any information from Quebec yet. Schanke was supposed to have followed that lead, but this did not seem like the best time to ask him if he had accomplished that. Schanke was in another world, he still had not noticed that he had come in and was at his desk directly in front of him. Schanke was sweating even though he had his jacket draped over the seat, and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. There were two pencils that were broken on the desk, and a third was now being bitten in half as he watched. Schanke's wastebasket was overflowing with balled up papers. There was at least as many discarded papers on the floor as there was in the garbage. Finally, Schanke looked over to Nicholas.

"Hey Knight, what's another word for strung out junkie?"

Nicholas watched Schanke searching for the words that eluded him. He was swamped with paper work, and he really wished that he could get the information from Schanke on the date rape case before they both would be hearing from Cohen again. Nicholas had no idea what Schanke was talking about, so he decided to find out so he could get Schanke back on track.

"Okay Schank, I give up. What is another word for strung out junkie?"

Schanke looked puzzled at Nicholas.

"Knight, do you find this funny? Do you really find that my life falling apart is humorous? Instead of being a good partner and helping me out, you are taking advantage of my misfortune to amuse yourself?"

Nicholas just stared at Schanke, and shook his head. He did not mean to upset him, he just was trying to figure out what was his partners problem was.

"Schank, I would really like to enjoy this torment of your life. How about giving me a clue as to what you are talking about."

Schanke pushed his fist against his forehead, then pinched the bridge of his nose before looking back up at Nicholas.

"Oh come on Knight. You know I have to go to Jenny's school, and do this presentation thing about saying no to drugs. After that field trip her class had to the precinct, her principal would not let *me* say no-- to an anti-drug lecture." Schanke suddenly looked as if a light had turned on over his head.

"Hey Knight, I was just thinking how this is right up your alley."

Nicholas did not even flinch. "No Schank. Besides Jenny will be proud to see her father speaking, not me."

Schanke released a big sigh. "Yeah, I sure hope you're right. You have no idea how much you want your kid to be proud of you. Well you know, you just want the best for them. This is so important to her. Geeze, I'd do anything for that kid."

Nicholas felt the pain of so many lifetimes, and never a child to look up to him. Someone that he could love and protect as Schanke did for Jenny.

"Schank, whatever you do, I'm sure it will be great, and Jenny will be the proudest girl in school."

Schanke smiled at Nicholas's words.

"Yeah, what am I so worried about? Thanks Nick. You know, you should get your act together and settle down and have a kid of your own."

Nicholas forced a smile though his heart ripped at Schanke's words.

"You know me Schank. I'm too unstable to settle down. It's only the wild bachelors life for me."

Schanke did not believe a word of what Nicholas was saying, but he decided to just accept his words. He gave Nicholas a half smile, and decided to not pursue this touchy area of Nick's life.

"So are you going to help me here or what?"

Nicholas laughed, "What would you do without me?"

"I don't ever want to find out partner."

This time Nicholas knowingly teased Schanke. "So what is another word for strung out junkie?'

Schanke sighed, "Come on Nick, help me out here."

Nicholas walked around to Schanke's desk to help, just as Cohen came out of her office, and did a quick glance around the room." Knight ...... Schanke.... I'd like to see you in my office."

Schanke looked up at Nicholas.

"How do you always manage to get out of helping me?"

"I'm good Schank, just accept it."

Schanke rolled his eyes as he rose from his desk, and pushed Jenny's speech to one side.

* * * * * * * *

"That went pretty well." Schanke looked over at Nicholas as they closed Cohen's door, and walked back to their desks. Cohen was happy to hear about all the progress that they had made in only a few short days. All they needed was some small amount of physical evidence to link Sarrison to any of the crimes, and they could issue a warrant. If they could somehow get him to unknowingly give them a DNA sample they would have it made. But it did not look like that sample was going to be that easy to get. This guy had lot of money and clout that he would use long before they could get near him. For now Dr. Sarrison would be on his best behavior. He was being watched, and he knew it. So one way or another the killing was going to stop. Schanke was pleased at the good detective work that went into solving this crime. Just a little patience, and they would be able to reel this fish in. He confidently walked over to the table to pour a cup of coffee, and sipped at it while he was still standing there. The desk officer turned around, and held up his phone.

"Hey Schanke, You got a call on line three."

Schanke gulped down the rest of the coffee, and made his way back to his desk. He sat down heavily into his chair, picked up the receiver, and pressed the flashing light on the telephone.

"Hello, Schanke here."

Schanke furiously rose to his feet, sending the speech he had written for Jenny flying in all directions across the precinct's floor. His face turned red, and his knuckles turned white as he fiercely held the receiver and listened to the voice that was igniting his passions. His voice suddenly exploded into rage.


Schanke picked up the receiver above his head, an violently slammed it back down onto its base. He picked it back up again and bitterly yelled. "DAMN, DAMN, DAMN" as he rammed the receiver into his desk over and over again. Schanke picked up both hands, and placed them against his temples. Standing there for a moment dazed, he felt as though all his strength had been drained from him. Then he faintly murmured.

"Oh G-d, He said he's going to kill Jenny."

Everyone at the precinct had become silent, and watched as Schanke slid down exhausted into his chair. Nicholas motioned to the desk officer who had taken the incoming call.

"See if you can get a trace on that last call, and make sure that I have a copy of that conversation on my desk in the next few minutes."

Voices and movement began to slowly return to the precinct, but still each person remained careful and only whispered. The desk officer busily started the procedures to get Nicholas the requested information as fast as was humanly possible. Cohen came out of her office just as Nicholas reached Schanke's side. Schanke sat at his desk looking helpless and crushed. His elbows were on his desk, and he dropped his face into the palms of his hands.

"What am I going to do Nick? That son of a bitch just said if we don't stop pursuing this date rape case, he'll kill Jenny."

Nicholas stood behind Schanke, and placed both hands on his shoulders.

"Schank, we'll protect her. She'll be fine. There is no way I would let any one hurt her."

Schanke looked back at Nicholas, and gave him a worn out look.

"I'm scared Nick. Maybe someone else should take over this case."

Nicholas looked away from Schanke, and glanced around the room at the other officers who were carefully watching how he was handling this tense situation. He knew that he could never imagine the pain and the fear that Schanke was going through. He never had a mortal child. The closest he had ever come to that was when Andri his nephew had come to live with him after his sister's death. That had been so many centuries ago, and he had rarely seen his nephew nor even known him as he had grown. He never shared the special bond that only a parent has for their child. A bond deeper and stronger than anything he could compare in his many lives. Right now, he could only be there for Schanke, and try to make Schanke realize that he would not rest until this monster was either dead or behind bars. He would do all that was more than humanly possible to make sure that Jenny would be safe. Nicholas released his grip from Schanke's shoulders, and moved around in front of him and sat on top of his desk. Cohen had made her way to Schanke's desk by this time, and she was looking extremely concerned. Nicholas struggled to calm himself before speaking to Schanke. He spoke gently, but still probingly.

"Schank, do you think you can remember what the caller said?"

Schanke shook his head. His words came out half in tears.

"He said we either get off the case or Jenny will be next. There's nothing else, Nick. What am I going to do?"

Nicholas looked up at Cohen. He knew that this was only the beginning of a terrifying nightmare for Schanke's family. He did not want Schanke to burn out now. He needed him to stay focused no matter how difficult this was. The caller who wanted them out, had only pushed them deeper into this investigation. By personally threatening Schanke, had now made it impossible to not be involved. He couldn't let Schanke break down. This would not help anything or any one. Nicholas tried again to review Schanke's conversation with the caller.

"Did he say if he wanted anything?"

Schanke just stared out past everyone with a defeated grin.

"Yeah, I told you. He said to drop the investigation or we'll be investigating Jenny's death next."

Nicholas turned back to the desk officer, and anxiously demanded.

"Do you have anything on the call yet?"

The desk officer sheepishly turned to face Nicholas, and shook his head apologetically.

"I sorry Detective Knight. We have everyone on it, but nothing yet."

Nicholas frustratedly accepted his reply, and turned his attention back to Schanke as he looked up at him. Beads of sweat had formed on Schanke's forehead as his voice became dark and methodical.

"You got to get him Nick. You got to kill that bastard. I don't care how you do it, but just do it - or I will."

Nicholas had never seen Schanke so frightened, so helpless. Seeing Schanke like this caused the vampire to stir inside him. The fierceness of Schanke's anger, called to him for vengeance. There was no way he would let his partner down. If only Schanke was as aware of that fact as he was. Nicholas looked at Cohen and then back to Schanke.

"I'll get him Schank. I swear to you, I'll get him."

Nicholas walked back to his desk and sat down. Captain Cohen was at his desk in an instant.

"Knight, I want to see you in my office, NOW!"

She turned and headed for her office without waiting for any response from Nicholas. Nicholas watched her walk away, and thought it best that he follow even though he was sure that he was not going to be happy with her orders. As soon as Nicholas entered the office Cohen closed the door. She had been standing by the door anticipating trouble, and she was not about to put up with it. She stood facing Nicholas with her arms crossed across her chest.

"Knight, I know how you must be feeling now. Schanke is your partner. But we have procedures around here that * will* be followed. We'll get Jenny the necessary protection. But, I will not have you personally taking the law into your own hands. If you have any reasonable suspicion about any one, then bring him in. I do not want you to act on your own. In fact, it might be a good idea to have the both of you off this case as of now."

Nicholas stood stunned for a moment. Would she really take them off this case? He realized that he had most likely come on a little too strong when he had spoken to Schanke. This case could not go to any one else. It was too close to being solved or at least he had thought so only twenty minutes ago. He would do what he wanted involving this case, but he could not let Cohen know that. Taking a deep breath, he gathered his strength.

"You're right Captain. I'm sorry. I guess I got carried away for the moment. I will do everything by the book. You have my word. I know you will make sure that no harm comes to Jenny. The case is still ours, right?"

Cohen gave Nicholas a distrustful glare.

"I know you will do this by the book Knight. You will handle this the correct way. I'll be closely watching your every move. Now go back and work this out with your partner."

Nicholas walked slowly back to his desk, never looking away from Schanke who was hunched over his desk. He was determined to make sure that this mortal killer would be brought to justice. Just what justice, he was not sure yet. Mortal or vampire justice? It would be a decision that he was sure he would be comfortable with either way it went. He just could not think of one reason why when he caught up with this man that he should not be drained of every last offensive drop of blood. Nicholas knew that they had their work cut out for them. Two young Toronto girls dead, and now Schanke's daughter the target of this man who was responsible for this reign of terror. So many feelings were flooding his thoughts. Feelings that he had kept at bay for the last 100 years. The vampire was trying to resurface, it pulled at what was left of his fragmented soul. It cried out for justice. To satisfy the emotional pain with the taste of this criminal's vile blood. Why should he debate with what the vampire demanded? Why should this evil he longed to destroy be allowed to exist? His body ached to just allow the vampire to take care of the problem. He could hear LaCroix's voice enticing him to give in to the need. Wouldn't the world be a better place? Wasn't this his goal? Nicholas stood up. He knew he needed to get out and get some air. He grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair, and walked over to Schanke.

"I spoke with the Captain. She's going to make sure that there will be someone watching Jenny until we catch this guy. I don't know what you want to do or even what you are up to doing, but I am going to continue with the case. He knows we're close and on to him or he wouldn't be making threats. Go home and talk with Myra and Jenny now, and let them know what to expect until he's caught. You should be with your family now, Schank. I'll handle things here." Nicholas bent over closely to Schanke and whispered in his ear.

"Remember what I said. I'll get him!"

Schanke smiled and nodded. He knew his partner meant every word he said. Patting Nicholas on the arm, he sat back in his chair, and gestured for Nicholas that it was fine for him to leave. It was time to make himself strong, and go home and not let Myra or Jenny know how terrified he really was. The best thing to do was to make sure that they knew that there was a threat, and that all threats were to be taken seriously. A police unit would be assigned to watch their house for a while until this was all cleared up. It would probably be good to have Jenny stay home from school also, just to be on the safe side. Jenny would have the best protection the department had to offer, and Nick would keep his word. He was confident of that. Schanke watched as Nicholas walked out of the precinct. Picking up the battered receiver of his phone, he dialed his home number.

"Hi Myra, I'm going to be coming home early tonight..........Yeah, I'm fine. Wait up for me, okay. We have to talk. I'll be home soon. Bye."

* * * * * * * *

Nicholas had just unlocked the Caddy when he realized that he had again broken another appointment date with Natalie. She was just going to have to understand that something else had come up. He could drive over to the Morgue, but it was better that she not see him in his present mood. He felt dangerous now, and was in no mood to discuss any pie in the sky ideas right at this time. Time was needed to think. Something did not seem right about this case from the beginning. It actually was too easy. The clues had been too obvious. His instincts gave him the feeling that he was headed down the wrong path. He was close, but something was not adding up. He just could not put his finger on it. He had wanted to stop by the Raven tonight, but felt it would be more important if he could get home to his computer and spend some more time looking at all the information, one more time. His family would have to wait a little longer. There was not enough time. This case was too personal.

He got into his car and started it. It was time to think, and driving always helped him with that. It was a warm summer night, and he thought that no one would think it strange for him to have the convertible top down. Very little brought as much enjoyment as the breeze blowing at him as he drove. It was almost as pleasant as flying, he so enjoyed the feeling of freedom. Driving allowed him the unrestricted range that he so desired with all the other areas of his life. If mortals only knew how close to flying they really were when they drove. The time in the car was his time alone, and he felt the power of the freedom of driving surge through him as he pulled the Caddy onto the highway. After he had driven a few exits past his ordinary route, he felt that his mind was clear enough to hear what lecture LaCroix was delivering tonight. Turning on the radio, he listened as LaCroix's words soothingly poured out.

"Good evening gentle listeners. There's something different in the air tonight. I know that you are looking for answers to calm and appease your tormented soul. You already know what you must do. You'll have no peace until you satisfy this loathing that you harbor. Remember to take no prisoners. You must avenge or your wounds will never heal. Do not doubt your true feelings. Trust in yourself and retaliate. This is the only way my friends. There is no malevolence in forgiveness. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. This is the absolution that you seek. I know, for I am the Nightcrawler reminding you to follow your true nature."

Nicholas was not surprised that LaCroix was again right on target about his emotions. It sounded as if LaCroix was quite aware of his latest backsliding. He was sure that LaCroix was finding his dilemma to be a very agreeable change of pace. He was still uncertain about how to handle matters no matter how enjoyable LaCroix was finding this. Nicholas listened to the Nightcrawlers special selection of music, and decided that he was too distracted to go home and work on the case just yet. Turning the Caddy towards the off ramp, he sped to the next turn that led to the exit that would take him to the main highway. There were no traffic lights there, and he could fly with his car into the darkness of the night.

* * * * * * * *

Nicholas finally arrived back at the loft's garage. He had spent the entire evening driving aimlessly, and listening to the Nightcrawler's sermons. He rode the elevator to the loft, but as he got off he noticed how quiet everything seemed. He felt so alone, but the loft was exactly as he had left it. Except as the daylight approached, the emptiness crept into his soul. Thoughts about Jenny, Myra, and Schank would not stop. What right did anyone have to take this family apart? What type of monster could be so devoid of feelings as to only indulge in their own agenda.

Then it hit him, no wonder this had gotten to him so strongly. He was describing himself. This was like his own past actions, his own lust for blood. It did not matter who suffered, as long as he satisfied the vampire. Was he any better than the man he desired to tear to pieces? It was not the emptiness of the loft he felt, it was his own reflection of the man he sought. His own lost and desperate soul.

Still, the anger in him rose as he dared to imagine Jenny's innocence being defiled. If this barbarian would so much as touch her, he would be grateful to only be drained and his throat ripped out. A menacing growl escaped as Nicholas devoured the brute in his mind. He closed his eyes tightly.

"No, ..... not now," he tried to appease the vampire. "But this time I will let you have your way with him." It had been too long since he last fed. Walking to the refrigerator, he helped himself to a bottle of bloodwine. Bringing the bottle up towards the light, he smiled at its rich contents.

"This will have to do for now, but take solace my insensitive demon. You will be satiated, and I will have the justice that is due."

Nicholas raised the bottle to his lips, and drank deeply. Soon he would get some much needed rest. Soon there would be no safe place on earth for this murderer to hide. Smiling, he acknowledged that this evil would soon be taking its last breaths, he then opened the refrigerator door again to retrieve another bottle.

* * * * * * * *

Nicholas awoke to the smiling face of his father sitting on the chair in his loft. He was downstairs on his sofa. Feeling a little stiff, he knew he must have fallen asleep in his living room this morning. There was one empty bottle that had rolled under his table, and another near empty bottle was still clutched in his hand. Slowly sitting up, he placed the bottle he had held all day as he slept on the table. Rubbing at his temples, he did not even look up as he grumbled.

"What are you doing here?"

LaCroix just grinned.

"You never were much of a morning person."

Nicholas shifted to a more comfortable position, and squinted at LaCroix.

"How would you know what kind of a person I was?"

LaCroix looked amused.

"You are quite right Nicholas. It was only an expression. Rather touchy aren't we?"

LaCroix stood up, and walked across the room picking up papers that Nicholas had left out about the case. Nicholas distrustfully watched LaCroix's every movement very closely.

"What do you want, LaCroix? I'm busy."

LaCroix looked up from the crime information in his hand with a slight smile.

"Yes, It appears so, but you're never too busy for your favorite father - I'm sure. You know Nicholas, I sometimes think you've forgotten one of your past convictions. Let's see, honor your father. I do believe that to be the fifth of your commandments. Do I have to continually remind you that it was I who gave you the gift of eternal life? A gift so precious that you can never repay your depth of gratitude."

Nicholas sighed, "Does not the father owe any respect for their child? Doesn't the father owe his child the right to live his own life. The right to freedom?"

LaCroix put down the papers, and walked towards Nicholas's ornately carved mantle. He stroked at the carved beast that protruded its wooden head over the center of the mantelpiece.

"Oh yes, This is again about you, and your feelings. You think that I do not understand your need for independence, your need to live your own life, and you resent me. But you're wrong, I do respect your right to choose. Your right to choose as the vampire that you are. You are not human Nicholas, as much as you refuse to accept that fact. I made you what you are, and even if you believed my motivation to create you was less than sincere, you should be forever expressing your thanks to me. I am your father, and you should be eternally grateful, even if I turn against you. Although you believe I enslave you, you should not despise me, for I have bestowed upon you the greatest kindness. The kindness of bringing you into this eternal world. Your honor, is the least you owe me."

LaCroix turned towards where Nicholas still sat, and walked over to the empty bottle that he spotted on the table. Picking up the bottle, he sniffed at the aroma of its former contents. He closed his eyes and shook his head as a slight smile spread across his lips.

"Chacun a son gout" (everyone to his own taste)

Nicholas's anger was beginning to build from LaCroix's unexpected visit.

"So this is why you have come? To critique my choice of menu."

"No my Nicholas, a critique of cuisine would first require something worthwhile to critique. But there *is* something in you lately that shall we say has been......entertaining. I have come to inquire to what I owe this most pleasant diversion."

LaCroix walked back to the case reports that lay scattered near the computer. He gently pet the papers with his long slender fingers as Nicholas nervously watched. LaCroix closed his eyes, savoring the moment.

"This bitterness that you exude...." He released a long deep breath. "I feel your rage." LaCroix opened his eyes and stared directly at Nicholas.

"My My, such venom. And how do you plan to discharge these emotions, Nicholas?"

Nicholas glared angrily at LaCroix for his invasion into his personal turmoil. He had touched too closely to his suffering. His perceptions were well grounded.

LaCroix quickly noticed Nicholas's lack of protest regarding his accusations.

"So I am correct. You do plan to purge these sensations with violence." He took in another deep breath to relish the impact of Nicholas's passions. "Yes, you are exquisite. Like ambrosia."

His mood became serious as he approached his son, and his voice became preaching. "Savor this Nicholas. *This* is what we are! Remember what.... you..... are!" LaCroix again changed his mood as he placed a finger against his lips .

"I guess I did not do such a bad job in raising you after all."

Nicholas suddenly looked up at LaCroix, and bitterly hissed.

"Don't flatter yourself."

Unaffected by Nicholas's comment, LaCroix moved behind him and spoke softly.

"We shall see then. The proof does lie in the act n'est pas?"

Before Nicholas could turn to respond, LaCroix was gone, but his words still stung. His words had been well founded, and Nicholas knew it. LaCroix could sense what he had coursing through his veins. Old feelings stirred up, but temporarily suppressed until the time was right. And the time would be right, he had promised the vampire. This time the vampire would not be denied.

* * * * * * * *

Natalie had waited in vain for Nicholas to return her call, and her patience was wearing very thin. She had even hoped that he would be by with Schanke to pick up more of the autopsy results that were complete, but time had come and gone and neither of them had dropped by. Lately, there never seemed to be the right time to discuss her plans with Nick. "What was happening with him? Why was he avoiding her?' Tonight was his night off, so ready or not, she was going to stop by and pay her favorite vampire a house call. Since there was never enough time, she was going to make the time. "It's now or never Nick," she announced as she picked up the telephone to call up work, and schedule a day of vacation time for this evening.

After calling in at work and freeing herself for the evening, she went into the kitchen to fix a light breakfast. No need to skip any meals now, she was going to need all her strength tonight to promote an extremely unorthodox cure to Nicholas.

Over and over, she had gone through the various ways to present this to him, and still no way seemed quite right. She closed her eyes, and desperately tried to think of the perfect proposal, but there was no way this was going to be easy. 'What would be the best approach?' She could suggest that they have a quiet evening just watching videos, and then when everything was calm she could spring it on him. That sounded good aside from the fact that it would not be fair to Nick, and it also would be the chicken's way out. No, that was really not her style, she was too honest to do anything like that. 'Damn, why did she have to have so much integrity?' She had thought about crying and begging, at least these emotions would be authentic. However, this was way too emotional, and not the way that it should be handled. Then there was the scientific approach. This was definitely within her expertise, but it was too cold. Great, she had been thinking about this conversation for almost a month now, and she still could not produce one satisfying sentence that would help put this cure into motion.

So, she didn't know what she was going to do, it would just have to work itself out when she got there. What she had to do now was to get herself over to Nick's, and get the proverbial ball rolling. She had already allowed for too much time to pass, and Nick was rapidly becoming disillusioned. Hopefully, there was still time to recover any faith Nick had lost in finding a cure. No need to be negative now. It was going to be a rather eventful night, no matter which direction fate would take them.

Natalie removed her breakfast dishes from the table, and placed them in the sink. It was funny how even an insignificant act like clearing away the dishes made her think of Nick and his return to mortality. She closed her eyes, and smiled at the thought of them sharing a meal together in their own home. When she reopened her eyes, there were only her own dirty dishes, looking as lonely as she felt. This was no time to start feeling sorry for herself. There was much to be accomplished. So why was she delaying this visit with destiny? Quickly filling her lungs with a breath of air, she released it before giving herself one final pep talk, and reaching for her raincoat. Looking around her apartment, she absorbed its contents as if it were the last time she would be seeing it. Her life was about to change. It would be different. The next time she would come back with the answers that might change their lives forever.

She walked over to the table, and picked up her medical bag. One quick look inside, and she would be certain that she remembered to bring everything that she would need with her. Closing her bag, she realized that she was ready to go. A wave of fear swept through her, but she shook it off. There was no turning back now, for if she did then her dreams would be forever lost. She reached again to retrieve her medical bag, and this time accomplished the act without the fear. Good, that was much better, she had the willpower to go through with it now.

She gave the telephone a quick glance, with thoughts of warning Nick about her unscheduled visit to his loft, but that idea was quickly rejected. The way things were going lately, he would only find some excuse for not seeing her. Never again would she would have the courage that she had gathered at this moment. She would never be more ready, it had to be now, and Nick would just have to adjust. Walking over to her front door, she opened it and walked out, while gently closing it behind her. The lock clicked securely into place, and she leaned back against the door for support. This door was closed now, as was any option of turning back. Time to leave the past, and to move forward. There was no reason to fear the future, surely Nick was meant to be part of her destiny.

* * * * * * * *

Although Nicholas had planned on visiting his family, the thought now sounded rather unappealing. LaCroix's wake up call was a good reminder of what he hated about his father, and what he hated about himself. As much as he would of liked to blame his current mood on LaCroix, he couldn't. The truth was that he was loosing control, and LaCroix knew it. Revenge was now more desired than the blood that sustained him. The will to avenge the young girl's deaths was consuming him. The thought of Daniel's young mutilated victim in the sand flashed across his mind. In his thoughts he could hear himself screaming out to Daniel, to this murderer -- 'WHY?' "What possesses you to wipe away the innocent?" At least Daniel killed to feed. He could almost understand the power that drove him to kill ones as young as himself. Through his own death he lost his ability to comprehend the devastation in taking a life so young. By devaluing Daniel's life, he had in return showed no value for other children. Life, all life, had become meaningless to him.

He walked over and grabbed the first CD he could find from his shelf, and thrust it into the CD player. His hand went immediately to the volume control, and pushed it to its limits. The rock music blasted into the room, as everything in the room began to vibrate from the loudness. If only he could make it loud enough to block out all the painful memories. If only it would drown out the thoughts of the danger Jenny was in.

His thoughts drifted back to his partners reaction to having his daughter threatened. There was a fear in him that he had only witnessed in those who faced death. Schanke had looked as if he were watching an accident take place in slow motion, and being totally helpless to do a thing about it. Thankfully, Schanke also had this evening off. He knew that he would feel better being with his family, even though a patrol car was stationed outside their home 24 hours a day. He was confident that Schanke would be able to handle any mortal situation, as long as he did not let his emotions get in the way. When they last spoke, it had sounded as if Jenny was handling the stress better than her adult parents. She had thought that it was cool that she could miss a few days of school without being sick or going to visit some out of town relative. Myra had been to the video store, and had rented nearly half the videos so that Jenny would remain entertained enough to not desire to leave the house. He was more concerned that Schanke was going to burn out. Although he tried to hide it, he had sounded terrible when they last spoke. Nicholas was not sure that Schanke had gotten any sleep since that threatening call at the precinct. Every time that he offered to help, Schanke would change the subject or say that everything was under control. How was Schanke going to handle his first day back at work tomorrow? He was going to have to leave Myra and Jenny with just the surveillance that Cohen had set up. Jenny could not be protected forever, this crime needed to be solved soon. Again came the gripping the feeling that something was not right. Something was missing. Somewhere they had overlooked evidence that would lead to an arrest.

Thoughts of Sarrison burned in his mind. If only he knew what the vampire had in store for him, then he would surely beg to be in custody now. It would be much better for Sarrison's health if the police would catch him before Nicholas's willpower caved into the vampire. What were the connections that were keeping them from putting this guy away? How many bodies would it take until they had enough proof to convict him? Would Jenny become part of the statistics?

Nicholas's eyes began to glow, and his fangs descended. His thoughts became focused on Sarrison's depravity. The hunger tore at him demanding to be set free. This problem could be taken care of right now, and Jenny would sleep safely tonight. It was within his power to make this misery go away. He could make Sarrison disappear. No one would ever find his body. One less trial, one less prisoner.

The hunger now viciously burned at him, and he knew that he had to ease the pain. Rushing to the kitchen with vampiric speed, he nearly pulled the refrigerator's door from its hinges in search for blood. He reached for one of the green bottles, but stopped. His hand moved down towards the freezer compartment, and picked up one of the frozen bags of plasma that he saved for emergencies. It was human blood, and he needed human now. Rushing to the microwave, he placed the desired contents on high for a few minutes. The minutes seemed like hours as he watched the plastic bag with its precious contents turning and warming. Soon the aroma was more than he could stand, he stopped the oven and pulled out its heated treasure. He tore off the top of the bag with his teeth, and felt his fangs ease into the warm red liquid. The sensation filled him completely. The liquid exploded with pleasure in his head and stomach at the same time. There could be nothing more intense. He had forgotten how much he denied himself by remaining on a diet of cow's blood. In a moment the bag was drained. It was not enough, he needed more. Returning to the refrigerator, he looked for more comfort. Grabbing at the bottles of cow's blood, he removed three at the same time. In his mind he divided them, two to drink and one to paint with.

The music continued to thunder as he stumbled towards his half finished painting with his bottles clutched in his arms. Staring at his recent attempt at art he opened the first bottle, and drank its bitter contents dry. His eyes never left the painting as the empty bottle slid from his grasp to the floor. The second bottle was half drained before he donated some of it to his paint. He was drawn to the color red, and he liberally mixed in the cow's blood. Searching through his brushes, he picked up a wide one and overfilled it with the red paint. Holding the brush in his hand in front of the painting, he watched as it dripped one drop at a time to the floor. The hand holding the brush began to shake. It looked so much like blood. He needed more to drink.

There wasn't much left in the second bottle, and it only took a couple of swallows to deplete it, and have it join the other empty bottle lying on the floor. Now he had the last bottle in one hand, and his red blood laden paintbrush in the other. Scanning the painting before him, he was disgusted by the bright yellows and oranges that he had previously applied to the canvas. His hand tightened around the brush's handle as he drew nearer to the painting. When he was close, he struck out at the colors over and over with the red brush until the brush no longer left its color because of its dryness. Throwing the unproductive paintbrush to the side, he laughed as he opened the remaining bottle, and poured its contents over the ruined artwork. When the bottle no longer put forth any liquid, he sat beneath the painting and watched the final drops of blood drip from the edge of the canvas. The music pounded as he lay down on the floor, and stared at the ceiling. Where had his morality gone? The same morality that he had confronted Janette with when Daniel had been part of their lives a half of century ago.

* * * Flashback * * *

"Do not bring your pathetic sense of morality to me Nichola. Daniel is doing quite well. He is one of us now. It is done. Just leave him alone."

Janette stormed to the other side of her bedroom, and picked up a crystal glass filled with the glimmering rich nectar which sustained mortal life. She was not happy to see that Nicholas felt it to be his right to barge into her private room whenever the mood struck him. She was still a woman, and he should respect her right to privacy. Why must he always be so over dramatic? He was always the knight fighting his cause. She pretended not to look at him as he crossed the room to stand in front of her.

"Leave him alone! Is that your idea of solving this problem? He is going to expose us, and get himself killed in the process."

Janette casually replaced her now empty glass onto the tray on the dresser, and rolled her eyes.

"Nichola, why do you always blame me when you are unhappy? You are overreacting. Daniel is just, how do they say?......Testing his new wings."

Janette turned and checked herself in the dresser's mirror. Nicholas stood behind her, and again tried to have Janette realize the importance of controlling this fledgling.

"You do not understand how dangerous he is Janette. He is flagrantly killing children, and not covering his tracks. He needs to be taught, and I can not do this alone. I can not chase after him indefinitely."

Janette spun around to angrily confront Nicholas.

"Then don't! He would do well to learn without your interference!"

Nicholas returned Janette's anger with a look of disbelief.

"Then what would you suggest? Daniel must be kept under control. What is wrong with you? Did you have him brought across only to watch him die? Why Janette? Why were you a party to this?"

Janette was not in the mood to argue with him. There was something more. Something that he would never understand. Why fight about this, when there were so many better ways to spend eternity. His words were becoming too harsh, and she wished to calm him. She held a finger to his lips, and gently slid it across his mouth. Reflexively he parted his lips and closed his eyes at her touch. It had been a while since he had felt her sweet caress, and he almost forgot his reason for being there. He would not let her distract him again. He clasped his hand around her wrist as she attempted to make a second pass at his lips. Holding her hand only inches from his face.

"This is important, Janette. Our security, and many young lives are at stake."

Frustrated and disappointed, she stared at where he was holding her hand captive.

"You do know that their lives mean nothing to me, but you Nichola are obsessed with them. I do sometimes believe this to be a sickness with you."

Nicholas rapidly discarded her hand from his grip.

Janette angrily glared at Nicholas. She rubbed at the spot on her wrist where the redness from his hold was rapidly disappearing. She turned to refill her glass, and finish another drink.

"I will help you with Daniel, I do not wish him to die. After he is trained, then he must leave. I wanted a child. I do not want him. He is not mine. You would never understand how much LaCroix's little experiment has hurt me. You are like him. You are a man."

Nicholas watched as Janette's face reflected the pain that she had held to herself for so long.

"Then tell me. Tell me why, after one thousand years, did you allow this drama to play out? What was it that you lacked that permitted this charade of a family to take place? Is this gift of LaCroix's, all you had hoped for?"

Janette felt her anger begin to rise, and she turned away so that he would not see the tears that were forming in her eyes.

"No! No! I wanted to have a child of my own. I wanted to feel the new life growing inside of me. I wanted a baby to hold and to rock. I wanted to sing songs, and watch it grow. I wished to hear my child call me Mama. I wanted to hold my baby. I wanted to hold a baby that I can never have."

She folded her arms across her chest, and threw back her head. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Nicholas's treatment of her, had hurt her more than she thought possible. Her last words still hung in the air of the silenced room. He had made no attempt to comfort her. A tear escaped and slid down her cheek. She made no attempt to catch the fleeing tear. She knew that if she raised her hand towards her face that he would know of her weakness. The last thing she wanted now was Nichola's pity.

Nicholas stood stunned behind her. She was hurt and angry, but he was not sure how to approach her. He had pushed her too far. Sometimes he could treat Janette so thoughtlessly. It was as if he had a double standard. One very lenient set of rules for mortals, and one for his vampire family. He was always judging his vampire family much harsher. To him mortality meant purity, and their mistakes were easily justified. Finding qualities redeeming in vampires was a mission he found to be impossible. Eternity had become a very simple game to score. Mortals were always good and vampires were always evil. But it really wasn't that black and white. It was never really that simple, yet he persisted in always reducing vampires into neat little evil packages. How could he not allow Janette the same consideration he would a mortal stranger. Beautiful Janette. Eternally beautiful. His sister to protect, not to ridicule. His lover for endless centuries. His comforter, when the entire world including LaCroix seemed to toss him aside. He could always count on her to hold him and be with him, even when it displeased LaCroix.

His thoughts shifted back to the pleasant thought of her gentle hand on his face, and the warm feeling that he had inside knowing that she cared forever. His eyes followed as she walked towards the large door that led out to the balcony. A breeze pushed at her skirt as she walked out into the night. He moved quickly to be near her, fearing that she might take flight without allowing him the opportunity to apologize for acting like a fool and not remembering how special she was to him. As he approached the balcony's door, he could see the dark sky before him. Every star glittered, each seemingly competing with each other to be the brightest. Silence filled the air, but neither of them attempted to speak. Maybe there were no perfect words. Maybe it was enough to know that they were together. That they shared a bond so special that not even time could dampen their love. Surely there were no words for their love. What mortal would ever dare to write a poem or express through music the uniqueness of a undying bond. Janette was still not facing him, she looked towards the full moon. Nicholas stood behind her, sensing her anguish. How could he have been so insensitive? He longed to hold her, and make everything between them all right.

Getting closer to her, he put his arms around her waist as they both gazed at the moon. Tonight the moon was a comfort, not a reminder of his darkness prison. He longed for the words to comfort her, but he knew there were none. Janette also knew that Nicholas could not take away her pain by mere words, but his closeness made her feel secure. They both wished for this moment to never end. She let the weight of her body press against him as she leaned back with the secure knowledge that he was there for her mentally, spiritually, and physically. A wonderful feeling of tranquillity swept over her entire body, and she smiled as she remembered her first encounter with her eternal lover. Yes, she had chosen wisely with LaCroix. A decision that she had never in the past several centuries regretted.

She turned to face him while still in his strong embrace. She gently wrapped her fingers around the back of his neck. Her thumb rested on his cheek as she pulled his face towards hers. Her lips slightly parted as she pressed his lips to hers. Her breath felt warm against his lips as he eagerly kissed her in return. His arm slipped behind her, and he pulled her closer. Savoring the scent of her blood, he could almost taste her already. The anticipation of her awakening the fire inside, and the beast reminding him of who he was and the needs that Janette could meet. He longed for her familiar taste. A taste that only improved through the years like a fine vintage of wine. Her voice caressed his ear, "Come Nicholas, we are eternal lovers." Her voice became breathless as she kissed his neck teasing and thrilling him. "We will always share this passion." Nicholas's breaths were also becoming more rapid as he kissed Janette again and again only releasing the kiss to find a new position in which to kiss her more deeply. His hands began to explore her, to caress her, to draw her even closer. With his passion for her rekindled, each kiss's intensity grew. Their love transcended time and mortality. They became immersed in each other as he knelt down and pulled Janette down on top of him. She gasped in pleasure as he pulled back her blouse, and tenderly licked her neck. She hungrily kissed him in return, as he rolled her onto her back and positioned himself above her. He could feel the urgency in Janette as she ravishingly plunged her fangs into his neck. The rapture was overwhelming as she drank of his blood. His fangs longed to pierce her neck, and he turned her head to the side and immersed himself in the sweetness of the drawn out blood. He could not remember a greater satisfaction as he reveled in her pleasure and rapture. No mortal woman had ever allowed for such ecstasy, such bliss. Their love for each other intertwined in their eternal dance. He held her near, savoring her closeness as he had just savored her blood. Saturated by her essence, he felt complete, and in the hush of the room they both drifted off to sleep embraced in each others arms.

They were awaken abruptly by the air raid sirens, and Daniel standing over them crying.

"I want to grow up, Nicky!"

Nicholas and Janette looked up from the bedroom floor. They had only been asleep for a few minutes, and it was still early in the evening. Nicholas slid his arm out from underneath Janette, and began to sit up and straighten his clothes. He watched as Janette struggled to wake from her brief peaceful sleep. Turning to his lover, he could see that the fang marks he had left on her from their love making had already healed. Still groggy, he tried to understand what Daniel was telling them.

"I saw what the two of you did. I was here, and I saw you."

Nicholas looked up at Daniel, but did not know what to tell him.

"I'm sorry Daniel, this was not meant for your eyes. There are many things that we must discuss, and of course this will be included."

Daniel's eyes began to glow, and his voice became frantic.

"Why do the two of you do this? I will never understand will I? I will never understand because I will never grow up ...will I? I will remain a child forever. The years will go by, but I will still be exactly as I am now. There is no one like me. I can have no friends. Mortal children are asleep when I can play, and there are no other vampire children. I am the only one of our kind. I am the only one. I am a freak."

Daniel began to cry heavily. Both Nicholas and Janette were sitting up by now. Nicholas knew that everything Daniel had said was true. He was truly alone. Daniel looked up suddenly from his tears, and pointed his finger at Nicholas.

"Why did you let him do this to me?"

Nicholas stood up, and tried to reach out to Daniel.

"I did not want this to happen, Daniel."

Daniel began to scream.


Daniel raced over to the balcony to avoid Nick's reach. Nicholas held back so as not to scare Daniel away. He did not want to force him to stay. He wanted to treat him gently, for he knew of Daniel's inner pain. He looked with pleading eyes at Daniel.

"I did everything I could. I'm so sorry, Daniel."

The air raid sirens blasted again, and Daniel began to smile.

"You had your pleasure, and now I will have mine. I am going to have my own party. I am going to have my own feast."

Daniel flew out the door of the balcony. Nicholas turned to Janette.

"Let's go, we have to find him and explain before he does something to hurt us or himself."

Janette looked sadly at Nicholas, and gently touched his arm.

"And when we find him Nichola. What is it that we are going to tell him?"

* * * * * * * *

Natalie pulled up in front of Nicholas's building, and could hear the music playing as soon as she stepped outside of her car. It sounded as though Nick was throwing a party, but she could not think of a less likely event happening at the loft. She reached for her medical bag, and began to worry about what to expect when she got up there. After locking her car's door, she looked up at the loft's windows. There was hardly any light coming from the top of the building. If it wasn't for the music, she would had thought that no one was there. She decided to try and ring the bell, and see if she could give him some notice that she was about to visit with him. The music must of been too loud, and she gave up after a few tries. She comfortably hit in the security code that Nick had given to her, and rode the elevator to the living area in his loft. The door opened, and she was almost physically pushed back by the booming waves of the music. She got off the elevator, and stood stunned as the door closed behind her. A quick examination of the room told her that she was right about the amount of light that she had seen from the street. One candle burned near Nick's painting. Nick's painting? It was covered in blood. What was going on here? Where was Nick? Something was wrong, and she was really starting to feel uneasy. She quickly went to turn on a light, and almost tripped over Nicholas who was still lying on the floor by his painting.

"What in hell is going on in here?"

Nicholas pulled himself into a sitting position, and looked up at her with a confused expression.

"Did I forget that you were coming over tonight?"

If she wasn't so angry about the condition she found Nick and the loft in, she would have felt guilty about showing up without advanced notice. This was not a good omen, he certainly did not look as if he were in the mood for one of her new proposals. Her head was beginning to throb at the same rhythm as the deafening music. She had hardly been able to make out the words of Nick's last sentence, and she shouted at the top of her lungs to be heard above the noise.

"I'm going to turn down the volume!"

Nicholas calmly watched as she walked towards the CD player, and searched for the switch that would end the racket. Although she had showed up uninvited, he was pleased to see her. No matter how bad things got, she somehow always seemed to remind him of the good that existed in the world. She located the volume control, and moved it down to a normal level, and then turned back to Nick who was still seated on the floor. Hoping that he was not upset by her impromptu arrival, she thought that maybe she could set the tone with a little humor.

"Let me guess....You were trying to wake the dead?"

Nicholas stood up, and grinned as he walked towards Natalie.

"Interesting idea, but I wouldn't dream of taking over your plans for a cure."

Natalie breathed a sigh of relief, he was okay with her being there. She smiled, and gestured at the appearance of the room.

"Nick, are you all right? I'm not sure what to make of all this."

Nicholas looked down at the empty bottles by his feet, and then at the ruined painting. There was too much on his mind to burden Natalie with, it was just nice that she was with him now.

"I'm fine Nat, really." He studied the effect of the blood on the painting then turned back to Natalie.

"Would you believe that I'm perfecting a new style of art?" He really wanted to drop the subject so he got close to her and reached for her hand.

"Shouldn't you be at work about now? I didn't think I'd be seeing you tonight."

Natalie gave his hand a short nervous squeeze then quickly let go. She held up her bag with both hands, and waved it in front of Nick as a reminder.

"I know how busy its been for the both of us lately, so I took the night off. I brought everything I need for some samples, but I think it would be a good idea if we could sit down and talk."

Nicholas smiled at the thought of her persistence in the search for his cure. He momentarily indulged in the fantasy of the two of them growing old together. Thoughts of a mortal life with her paraded before him. He dreamed of a home and a family of his own, and Natalie as the mother of his children. What a beautiful mother she would be.

Natalie was becoming impatient watching Nicholas daydream.

"How about if I take some blood samples first, and then we can talk?"

Nicholas yawned and stretched, and walked behind Natalie and slid his arms around her waist. He whispered into her ear, his lips softly touching her long dark wavy hair.

"Listen Nat, let's do something else. Something more fun."

His voice made her shiver with excitement, or was that anxiety? She didn't know, and at this moment, she didn't care. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to get lost in a rare special moment.

He teased her, "So what can we do for fun?" He held her tightly, and felt himself becoming intoxicated by her scent. The scent of her blood. Struggling to push the thought of his craving for her away, he again whispered,

"I want a life with you already Natalie."

Natalie pressed herself back against him, as he held her securely. His words repeated over and over in her mind. A life with him, this had been all she had thought of since the first time she saw him. There would be no better time than now. Now was the time to tell him what she had been working on. Praying that she would have the courage to reveal this new plan to him, she turned in his arms towards him.

Nick, I have been thinking about a possible way to bring you back across. It's only a theory. A weak theory. I don't know if you'll do it, and I don't know if you'll like it, and I probably shouldn't have even mentioned it and......"

Nicholas placed his finger over her lips.

"Nat.....Nat, calm down."

Easing her head towards his chest, he gently stroked her hair. He felt a warm glow inside. She was excited because of him, for him. In all his years he had no idea how much love it was possible to feel.

"Nat, tell me your idea, and we will talk about it."

Natalie pulled away slightly, and looked deeply into his eyes.

"This may be another dead end, Nick. I've tried to look at this from every angle, and I don't want to hurt you."

He pulled her close to him again. He loved that she dedicated so much of her time to him, but he also did not want to be disappointed again. He pulled away to look at her.

"Nat, tell me what you are thinking, and I will let you know if I am willing to try again....... Nat, do you hear what I am saying? This will be my decision, not yours."

Natalie's eyes began to fill with tears. She took a deep breath and softly whispered,

"This time Nick, it is *not* just your decision."

He lifted her chin as tears began to slide down her face.

"Nat, I don't understand. Who else would be involved? Is this a new drug or a protein shake? Nat, this is not making sense."

He became deadly serious. Something was really frightening her, and she was concerned how to tell him. Concentrating on her expression he firmly and directly asked,

"Who else Nat?.... Who else would this effect?"

Natalie stepped back, and dried away the tears as more came to replace them.

"Nick, let me explain the whole concept before you say anything. Promise me that you'll hear me out."

Natalie looked at Nicholas with all the hope in the world reflecting in her eyes. How could he refuse her? Although there was something very frightening in her tone. Taking her by the hand, he sat down with her on the sofa, and studied her for many moments. Doubting the sanity in pursuing this, he gazed into her frightened anxious eyes. Eyes filled with hope and longing. He broke the prolonged silence.

"Okay, I'm ready. What might make me regain my life? My soul. What is there left for me to do?

Natalie felt the despair in his voice. His questions were not only seeking out answers, they were cries for help. Natalie silently breathed a prayer. This was going to be a rough evening.

* * * * * * * *

Nicholas jumped up from the sofa with both hands holding the sides of his face.

"NO! NEVER! ABSOLUTELY NOT! I would never take that chance with you!"

Nicholas began to pace the loft as she walked beside him trying to calm him, but he could hardly tell that she was there. How could she suggest something like this? She had no idea what she was getting herself into. Hell, he had no idea, no one could. This had never been attempted. Even if it worked there were still too many questions that would need to be addressed.

"No Nat! I will not allow this! It is all too dangerous. I can not risk another's life on this quest of mine. Or should I say the risking of two lives if you are successful?"

He had begun to pace the loft, and lost all track of time. His only thoughts were of her incredulous words of the insane experiment that she proposed. His mind was a blur of thoughts, and his steps became heavy and quickened as he tried to make sense of her latest proposal.

His gaze was glued to the floor as his emotions tore him apart inside. Again the realization of Nat's words stung at him, and he tightly closed his eyes momentarily as he continued to pace. Trying to decide if the pain of walking into the sun could be any worse than what he was now experiencing.

Each time he closed his eyes, he slowly shook his head. There was too much at stake. Even if she could accomplish the impossible, no one could predict what the outcome would be. She would most likely never survive the process. What would it do to her?

Opening his eyes, he looked towards the loft's ceiling. Was he expecting G-d to help him with this dilemma? A G-d that he had forsaken long ago. A G-d that allowed for a creature like himself to even exist. He quickly looked back down towards the area carpet on the floor, ashamed that he had even allowed his face to be seen by the heavens. But Natalie believed in G-d, and she believed in him.

Again he shook his head, and his agitation increased. 'No there had to be another way.' He had waited this long already, he could wait longer. After all, he had all the time in the world. Again he closed his eyes, but Natalie didn't. She was not immortal. Each day she grew older. Four years since he had met her, and he had never aged a moment. Time would not stop for Natalie to develop a cure. Natalie would do as all mortals, she would grow old and die, and all the time he would remain young and a vampire.

Of two things, he was always certain. He would always be a slave to LaCroix, and he would never merit a place in the world to come. Ten thousand lifetimes LaCroix had promised him in exchange for his mortality. The temptation was too great for him. To be eternal, and to be with Janette. He would of thought himself to be a fool to not accept. LaCroix had not lied. His master had given him forever. He had seen the worst and the best of countless generations. A personal witness to a world ever changing. Observing great cities rise and then fall due to age or war. Silently watching as a generation was born, grew, loved, and died and then their children and grandchildren doing the same. During all this he never changed. LaCroix had truly delivered all that he proclaimed. His one short life seemed so small a price to pay for the gift of eternity. But, when he gave LaCroix his mortal life, he gave him everything he had of value.

His intrinsic value drained by LaCroix, an existence filled with nothingness. A body without subsistence. To live eternity with the constant awareness that he was nothing more than a shadow, an empty shell. Being alive, yet never able to live. To watch life, but never to be a part of it. Always on the outside watching, and always feeling the loneliness of knowing that he would never be a part of what life could offer.

Life. He chose this path because he wanted life never-ending. Limitless options, numberless years, innumerable experiences. To spend each day, each season, each year with no regard to finality. To have an endless amount of lifetimes. Yes, who could pass up this invitation?

When he met Janette and LaCroix, he was young and eager to travel this unknown path. To be there and watch as history unfolded. Unfortunately for him, LaCroix had failed to point out the cost of this utopia. A cost with a premium beyond his imagination. A charge that would eventually crush his soul. A price too dear to ever allow for tranquillity. The fantasy of life eternal gone only to be replaced by a life of desperation. Never knowing when the beast would erupt, and what innocent might be within its bounds. His constant battle for control with the beast always trying to take hold and be in power. For now he had the upper hand, and he knew the importance to never let the beast prevail.

A thousand questions raced through his mind, but he couldn't think clearly enough to verbalize even one. Her words repeated themselves in his thoughts, and again he protested.

"What if something goes wrong? Is there any reason to believe that this would work? Is there any logic to this theory?"

Natalie started to approach him, but he turned away angrily.

"This is not a solution. This is insanity. I will not have it!"

The pacing began to slow, but his pain and desperation were obvious. After unsuccessfully trying to keep pace with Nick, Natalie gave up and returned to the sofa. Studying him in silence, she watched him struggle with the implications of her idea. She was not afraid to try. Maybe it was the scientist in her, or maybe she loved him more than any possible risks. He was having a difficult time as she knew he would. She had been considering all of this for a very long time now. There had been many months to integrate all that she had just presented to him in only twenty minutes. She was prepared. He was just in shock. The disbelief, the questions, and the horror in his eyes was scaring her. Her words had upset him more than she thought possible. He needed time now, and she would wait. She would be there when the inevitable questions from him would begin. The loft echoed with the sounds of Nick's footsteps. The sounds of his footsteps only slowing to turn and start the pace again in the other direction. Natalie began to relax. His anger was subsiding now. It was obvious that he was trying to sort out all the new information. There was nothing she could do now but remain quiet and wait.

Natalie sighed as she watched Nicholas pace the loft. Without doubt, he would have an endless stream of questions shortly, or maybe he would only have objections. She looked up in disbelief of his obsessant pacing. The waiting was beginning to get to her. She wanted him to say anything, even out of anger. She could handle anger, or fear, or guilt, but his silent urgent walking was making her think that she would lose her mind. How much longer would he continue? Sighing again, she drew an even deeper breath than before. How did she get to this? Her thoughts began to drift away as the rhythm of Nick's footsteps faded into the background.

* * * * * * * *

"Natalie, lets go over to the frat house. There's going to be a great party, and I hear there's going to be a lot of new guys. They always have the best music and refreshments. Come on, you'll study later. The party starts now. Let's go before all the good looking ones get taken."

Natalie was barely listening to Ellen go on about the party. She was trying to do a little extra studying on the latest research in biochemical molecular genetics. The library was her favorite place to be. Everything was so readily available. So many recent journals, and all within easy reach. The reference materials were invaluable. There was so much that she wanted to learn, and she was so eager to absorb it all. There was never enough time, and she gladly went without sleep to spend some extra time for her own interests. Her regular medical studies took so much of her time, so she really appreciated these few precious moments that allowed her to go beyond the mundane medical classes. Ellen saw that she was not being very convincing at getting Natalie away from her studies or even getting her attention.

"Nat, you never do anything fun! Is this the only thing that you want to do for the rest of your life? Sorry, what am I saying? You don't have a life. You know, there's a world out there, and it's not all science. Don't you care?"

Natalie looked up from her book, and shyly smiled.

"Don't I care about what?"

Ellen stared and shook her head.

Well, I'm going with or without you. So what's your decision, Nat? Guys and some fun or another romantic night with...... whatever it is you're reading."

Ellen pulled the book out of Natalie's hands, and silently tried to pronounce the words on the front cover. She gave up, and placed the now closed book back on the table. Ellen looked defeated as Natalie just shrugged her shoulders, and reached for the book to re-find her place.

"Okay Nat, I do not even know why I try. You would think that I would have learned by now. Every one knows where your true love lies, and nothing else can quite compete. Can it?"

Natalie smiled at Ellen for almost understanding, but Ellen just rolled her eyes and sighed as she put on her coat to leave.

"You know what they say Nat, all work and no play......."

Natalie was still smiling at Ellen as she rested her head on her hand and leaned her elbow on the table. She watched her walk to the elevators, and then disappear behind it's doors. Maybe she should go to the party, and try to meet someone. She could make an effort, but even if she did find someone interesting she would never have the time for a relationship. She felt the pressure of being expected to try and socialize, but she could not justify loosing valuable time pretending to enjoy herself at a place she did not want to be. She already was right where she wanted to be, and she was doing what she enjoyed. This was her life, and she was comfortable with it. Science was everything. Nothing else could reach in and touch her heart, her soul, her very essence. One day she pictured herself doing research with all the latest equipment, and there was so much to be discovered. Science was like a buried treasure. She only needed the maps to guide her, and all the directions for the maps were hidden inside these books. The key to opening the treasure chest, and unlocking all that lie within it was waiting for her in the next book or the one after that. She could not leave the library, for here lied all the secrets of the universe. All the pieces of the puzzle were here just waiting for her to put them together in the correct order. The next piece could be right around the corner in the latest journal. No, she could not leave, her desire for insight was driving her to continue her studies. Here she felt truly alive. Here is where her passions burned. There was nothing else, she hungered to consume the next book. One day her research would benefit all of mankind. She could ask no more of life.

The slamming of the refrigerator door jolted Natalie back to reality. Nicholas had stopped pacing, and was now leaning against the refrigerator rapidly finishing off one of his dark green bottles. Natalie tightly closed her eyes while remembering her college days. Her dreams of changing the world and making it a better place now seemed overly idealistic. How could someone who was supposed to be so smart be so stupid. She had been so naive. Her hopes for a Nobel prize, had long since died along with her beliefs that she would one day have a life outside of the world of medicine.

Knowing now that there was more to life than books, she desperately wanted to have a part of that life. Before she met Nick, science was her only life, but now it barely sustained her. The only thing of value in her life now was trying to find a way to be with him.

She studied him as he finished the contents of the first bottle, and went back to retrieve another. Tempted to say something about drinking too much blood, she quickly rejected that idea. If there was ever a time when he needed help, this was it.

So, here she was. This is what her hopes and dreams had come down to. She was sitting in the home of a vampire in which she had fallen deeply in love with, trying to convince him that her latest cure for his mortality was within reach. Shaking her head, she watched him drink blood as he tried to assimilate her suggestions. 'If her friends could see her now,' she almost laughed out loud.

So there would be no notoriety in science, no Nobel prize, but hey maybe she could still be recognized by Rippley's Believe It Or Not - if she survived. Nick had paced for over an hour, and now he just silently leaned against the refrigerator and stared out into space. Not that it was unusual to see him stare off, but this time he really looked drained. She hadn't meant to shatter his hopes, if only he would talk to her. Her anxiety begin to rise as she sensed that his silence was coming to an end.

Nicholas turned his attention towards Natalie who had been sitting motionlessly on the dark leather sofa. As soon as she realized that he had broken his trance, she abruptly stood up. Standing frozen in place, she did not approach him. Barely breathing now, she scrutinized every feature on him grasping at anything that might indicate his thoughts. Her exploration brought her to his eyes. He closed them, and when he reopened them they had the saddest look she had ever seen. She thought she would collapse from the pain that his eyes generated. He looked broken, destroyed, so lost. She could not tolerate another moment. Relenting, she began to speak.

"Nick, I......."

He cut off her words immediately, his voice was controlled and emotionless as he slowly spoke.

"Nat, I think you should leave now. If you wish, we can talk later."

Nicholas turned away from Natalie's shocked gaze, and began to walk toward the stairs that led to his bedroom. He was half way up when Natalie's anger kicked in. She was not sure what was going on inside of him, but there was no way in hell that she was leaving until she understood what was happening. Of all the emotions she now was experiencing, her anger was the first to reveal itself. She reacted to his words as if he had struck her. She was infuriated, but when she opened her mouth to speak all that rushed out was a very firm, "NO!"

It was not a lot, but it stopped Nicholas in his tracks, and he turned and looked down the stairs at her in disbelief.

"No?......I do not remember asking you if you wanted to leave Nat. I said you *should* leave."

Natalie swallowed hard out of fear and anger.

"I heard what you said, and I said no."

The control that Nicholas was struggling to hold on to was beginning to slip. His eyes started to change to a golden blue.

What do you want, Nat? Do you want me to destroy you? Are you uncertain that there may be something left to my soul that LaCroix has missed, and that your plan will now crush?"

Nicholas flew down the steps in a flash, and landed uncomfortably close to Natalie, causing her to startle and reflexively jump back. She immediately regained her composure.

"I know what you are doing, and it won't work. You are not going to intimidate me with your show of power."

Nicholas's eyes glowed, and he snarled.

"Okay, want to stay and talk....then talk! Talk about the total destruction of everything in my life with any meaning. Tell me why I should allow this. And while you're at it, tell me how I survive if this does not work and I am left alone."

Natalie watched the vampire daring her to take one wrong step. She was disappointed in Nicholas for responding to her help in this manner. She had no guarantees, and he knew that. She decided that she wanted this confrontation with the vampire to end. Yes, they needed to talk, but not like this. Natalie gathered all that was left of her strength, and blinked back her tears.

"What we must discuss now is important. I am not forcing you to do anything. I am not even sure that I want to pursue this. But this will be discussed in an intelligent manner, not while under duress, not while the vampire threatens or intimidates."

Natalie sat back down on the sofa, and waited for Nicholas to regain control. He stared at her with defiance. If this was the vampire's game to see who chickened out first, then she was determined to win. She would not be bullied by his reign of terror. This issue was going to be discussed. One way or another, this was going to be resolved. There was no turning back now. Natalie remained seated and stared defiantly back, and bided the time until Nicholas would confront this affair.

The vampire's anger began to weaken, and was becoming replaced with Nicholas's interest. He quietly walked towards her, and sat next to her. With great restraint asked her,

"Is this a real possibility for all of us?"

Natalie looked back at him, and with great caution answered.

"I can not think of one reason why it wouldn't work."

Nicholas tenderly touched her cheek.

You would make yourself a human guinea pig for me?"

Natalie reached over, and took his hand in hers.

"This is not just for you. This is for me too."

Nicholas knew that she spoke from her heart.

"Natalie, there is so much about my past that would make you turn away from me in disgust."

Natalie was prepared for this. She knew that his guilt would be his first line of defense, but she had already accepted his dark past. She also knew that he had not yet come to terms with it. Now was the time to stop this incessant remorse.

"You know Nick, I have given a lot of thought to your past. You have done a lot of harm, and neither of us can deny or erase that. When I think about your evil acts, I put them into two parts. The first part is the intent to do harm, and the second is the actual harm itself. Since you have long since lost the desire to harm others, and you have truly regretted what you have done for hundreds of years, you have only good intent and thoughts. So your only reason to feel guilty is for the harm that has been done."

Nicholas was outwardly pained by Natalie's bluntness, but was clinging to every word for her justification of his past.

Natalie looked intently at him.

"You always think that you have destroyed only the innocent. Did you ever think that you killed those who were already destined to die? Maybe they would have done evil, and you stopped them. In a way, you have fulfilled G-d's destiny."

Nicholas stood up, and walked away. Again he began to pace. Trying to make sense of Natalie's words, but she was not finished and she also got up and confronted him.

I know this is no excuse, and that you had free will. But since it did happen, then maybe it was meant to happen. We all make mistakes Nick, everyone. The fault may be yours, but the result was meant to be."

Natalie stopped briefly to see if Nicholas was following her line of logic.

"Okay Nick, here goes. You have felt regret. You have been trying to make amends, and you do everyday. You plan on continuing this in the future. YOU HAVE DONE ALL THAT YOU CAN! You must now accept and realize that your becoming a vampire was all part of G-d's plan.

Tears began to roll down Natalie's face as her voice began to plead to him.

"Stop believing Nick that you are responsible for all the evil in the world! You are not! It is G-d who runs the world, and it is G-d who decides who shall live and who shall die. No matter what you have done Nicholas, G-d will forgive you, and make a place for you........for us."

For a moment it felt like the weight of the centuries had been lifted from him by her words. Although it was difficult for him to accept, he knew that she had exonerated all that he had done. If only he could pardon himself. Natalie's words seemed to make sense. Had he been too close to correctly evaluate himself? How long had he mourned for all those who died to feed his bloodlust even though he was powerless to bring them back. As much as he wanted to change things, he could not. He could not change the past, but he could control what he did now. Natalie's faith in him was extraordinary. How could he look at her and not believe that she was the result of G-d's plan. To be with her was to believe and to have faith. He understood what she was saying. It was now necessary to let go of his guilt for there was nothing he could do to erase what was done. He wanted to live now, and be with Natalie. Walking towards her, he dried the tears from her face, and pulled her towards him as she gently wept against him. Natalie pulled slightly away so that she could look into Nicholas's eyes.

"Nick you *can* conquer the vampire. You must never accept the bad. Never allow the bad to obscure the good in you that remains."

Nicholas tenderly smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, and drew her towards him. The CD player had long since stopped, and they remained together in the quiet of the loft. They closed their eyes, and held each other securely. They flowed together as though they were the only two left in the world. They were a part of each other. They were like one spirit. He could feel her warmth like a fire against him. He listened to the rhythm of each of her soft breaths, and let it wash over him like gentle rain. Her breathing soothed him. Time stood still as they clung to each other. Then it was like there was no time. There was only them, and what they had was eternal.

* * * * * * * *

It was difficult to leave Natalie without a definite answer, but there were still too many unanswered questions. Questions that may never be answered. He had accumulated much wisdom over the years from some of the greatest sages of the times, but he was sure that not even they could command a solution to his dilemma. This was the third time he had driven past the Raven while trying to decide on whether or not to go in. A parked car pulled out in front of him, leaving an available parking spot, and he automatically pulled in. He had no idea why he felt such a strong desire to be here. Something deep inside him made him feel drawn to be with his own kind, and it was this power that pulled him home. This was his home. All that he had of a family was here. Janette was here. If anyone would understand what he was going through, it would be Janette. It had been too long since he had seen or spoken with her. Getting out of the Caddy, he looked over at a few of the club's patrons that had not yet decided if they were going in. They seemed to be having a good enough time standing outside talking and laughing with one another. Two of the young girls smiled at him as he passed them by on his way towards the doors. He gave them a quick friendly smile then stared straight ahead as he pushed open one of the black doors that led into the Raven.

He scanned the crowd from the top of the stairs. The club was full tonight, and very active. Doing a quick appraisal of the noisy group, he estimated that there were at least as many vampires tonight as mortals. By appearance alone it was impossible to detect one from another. The mortals appeared to be as equally bazaar as their vampire counterparts. Their hair and clothes appeared to be a cross between the punk look and the fans from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

The music's beat was steady and strong, and the dancers moved their bodies trying to become part of it's rhythm. Streams of yellow and green lights changed to long rays of red and white as they flashed onto the bodies of the moving dancers.

He searched the crowd, and was grateful to find that Janette was alone. As he moved into the crowd, his eyes were only on Janette. She was as beautiful in the dim artificial light as she was in the moonlight. Her long dark hair was pulled back revealing her dangling black beaded earrings against her slender pale neck. One stray tress of hair trickled down loosely towards her black dress that glittered with black sequence.

Nicholas walked up to Janette, picked up her hand, and brought it to his mouth to kiss. Janette closed her eyes in ecstasy at his gesture.

"Bon soir Nichola. It has been so long since you have been by. You do not look well. What is it that troubles you?"

He looked around for a place that would allow them some privacy.

"I need to talk with you. Could we sit down somewhere?"

Janette motioned for Miklos, and waited for him to come near.

"Miklos, we will be at that table. Would you bring something for us?"

Miklos nodded, and Nicholas followed Janette as she moved to a secluded booth away from the dancers. He nervously glanced around them as they sat at their private booth.

"What is it Nichola? I have been feeling strange vibrations for the last week, and LaCroix has not been as cranky lately. In fact, I think I saw him smile once. Am I to assume that all this is coming from you?"

"Janette, do you remember Daniel?"

Janette gave Nicholas an annoyed and pained look.

"You know that I do. It has been so long Nichola. Why do you ask?"

"I have a case now that is reminding me of him, and the children he killed. There is a man who is raping and killing young girls. They do not have a chance. He is drugging them, and using them until they die or are ruined for life."

Janette closed her eyes in pain remembering her own mortal life filled with abuse from men.

"You know how I feel about men who will use us for their own pleasure or gain. It is the whole reason why I became what I am. Do you know who this man is?"

"Yes, he is a doctor, actually a dentist. They are his patients. We think that he picks out certain ones to become his victims. Two girls have already died here, and there are at least three more that were also his patients before he moved from Quebec. Lately, I have been feeling the beast's needs to resurge, and do away with this murderer."

Janette looked into his eyes with the understanding that he knew she would have.

"And that is why you come to me? To help you sort through these feelings that you have been having? And *this* is why LaCroix smiles. You are returning to us. This man is causing you to burn with the passion of the vampire. What do you expect me to tell you? You already know what you must do."

Looking away from her, he watched as the dancers twisted their bodies through the darkness and colored lights of the club. He let his eyes drift back to her.

"Janette, you know of the vow that I made to stop the killing, even the ones who seem guilty. Killing is still killing."

"So, you find it more agreeable to allow him to continue until he kills another child?"

Nicholas looked down at the table, and sadly whispered.

"Jenny, my partner Schanke's daughter. He says he will kill her next."

Janette could not figure out if she should feel sorry for his pathetic display of weakness or anger for allowing this to continue.

"Nichola, you can stop this, and yet you sit here and do nothing? Even if you are thinking only as a mortal, how can you stand back and permit your friend's daughters death? How will you live with yourself if he destroys her? Tell me which is more important. That this dentist lives or any of the Jenny's that are to be his next victims?"

Nicholas looked up again at her.

"He is being watched. I do not believe he will act. Sarrison would never be so foolish. I am sure that his threats are only a bluff to keep us away."

Janette looked sorrowfully at Nicholas struggling with his emotions, and sighed.

"And if you're wrong? Oh Nichola, I can feel that you know what you must do."

"It has been so long. I'm afraid to let go, to lose control."

"Do not be afraid Nichola. You are in control. You know what is right. Do not fight it. If you relax, it will all come back to you quite naturally. It is always there. It is a part of you, as you are a part of it. If this Sarrison kills again, it will be because you did not stop him. How many girl's lives must be destroyed before you will act?"

Reaching across the table, he held her hand tightly in his.

"Help me Janette. I do not know what is right anymore. I do not think that I could live with myself if I went back on my promise, and take another mortal life."

Janette took in a deep breath, and slowly released it.

"And do you think you could live with yourself if Jenny is killed by this mortal?"

Janette quietly watched Nicholas's anguish for a moment.

"She is only a child. I seem to remember a Nichola who felt that children are not to be killed even by another child of our own kind. Yes, I do see why you have been thinking about Daniel. Don't let another child die, Nichola. We have seen too much of that already, haven't we?"

He placed her hand down on the table.

"It's so easy for you."

"And it is easy for you too! Remember what is important. Yes, it is very easy!"

She stopped suddenly, and looked intently at him.

"There is something else you are not telling me. Why have you really come here tonight?"

She knew him too well. How was he going to tell her about Natalie's new cure?

"Janette, do you remember when Daniel was out of control? We were in your bedroom one night, and I asked you why you had LaCroix bring him across. You said that I would not understand. That I was like LaCroix. You cried about a baby that you would never have."

"Yes Nichola. I remember that night, and we did more than just talk, oui?"

Nicholas picked her hand back up, and smiled warmly at her.

"Yes my darling Janette, but we also spoke about being parents. You spoke of wanting your own child."

Janette pulled her hand away from Nicholas's grasp.

"It is impossible, Nichola. I spoke only the words that dreams are made of. We can not have our own children. We are immortal only as we live. There is no one to carry on after us."

"What if we could have our own children? What if we could be parents?"

"Stop it! What do you hope to gain by these fantasies? It is not possible."

"But what if it were possible? Have you ever heard of any of us who had a child with a mortal?"

Janette stopped and looked around them cautiously.

"It will not work. The mortal would be dead before the pregnancy could take place."

"Yes, but what if the mortal woman received the vampire's sperm through artificial insemination. Then she would not be killed by him."

"Are you insane? Do you really believe that a mortal can conceive and grow a child of ours?"

"Why not?"

"Why not! Why not! Because we are not like them. That is why not. It wouldn't work."

Nicholas repeated her words.

"Why wouldn't it work?"

Janette was rapidly becoming frustrated.

"I don't know! Why would you do this? If you must have a child, go and adopt one. Why would you take this chance?"

"Because the baby may also be the key to a cure for the vampire in me. The baby would be half vampire and half mortal. The baby would be a bridge between our two worlds."

"No, you are wrong Nichola. This union would never work. You will only cause pain for everyone. Do what you must do to help those girls, but don't make problems that we will all regret."

Nicholas reached out to tenderly caressed her face.

"Janette, don't you remember your own words about having a child of your own? I understand. I understood then, and I understand now. I want this chance! Don't I deserve this chance?"

"Oh Nichola, you always want something that you can not have."

Sliding close to him, she put her head on his shoulder.

"Do what you must do. No matter what happens remember that I will be here for you, but you already know that or you would not be here."

He reached under the table for her hand. and held it tightly.

"Yes, I already know that. I have always known that."

They both watched the dancers who danced on unaware of their conversation, their understanding of each other, and their love.

* * * * * * * *

Nicholas watched as Schanke picked up the telephone to call home for the twenty fifth time in the past two hours. The whole precinct was aware that Myra was about to have their phone disconnected to stop her husband's harassment. Until they had this maniac behind bars, Schanke was going to make sure that Jenny's whereabouts were constantly monitored. Jenny's life had gone through some drastic changes since her father had received that threatening call. It probably was only a bluff to distract them, but there was no reason to not take a murderer's threats for anything less than serious. Nicholas thought that he'd give Myra a break, and try to distract her anxious husband.

"Hey Schanke, I hear you're taking off early tonight. Is something special happening?"

Schanke looked down at his watch there was still one and a half hours before he had to speak to an auditorium full of Teachers, Administrators, and half of the parents of Jenny's school. As if he didn't already have enough on his mind. He should have just called up, and called the whole thing off. How much pressure could one man take? But Jenny insisted that he go through with this presentation. She promised she would not complain about being locked in the house if he would not back out at the last moment. She was so excited about knowing that it was going to be her father that everyone was coming to see. He could see the pride in her eyes when she spoke to her friends on the telephone about what a great police detective he is, and how important it was that they all attend his lecture. As worried as he would be normally about this speech, knowing that Sarrison was out there somewhere making plans to kill his daughter was making him feel like he was going to burst.

"Come on Knight, give me a break. I know what you're trying to do, and believe me there is nothing that will get my mind off Jenny's safety."

"I know. I just don't know how to help you right now. I also do not want Myra to kill you, and end up investigating your death."

Nicholas tried to get a smile from him, but Schanke hardly heard him. He began to reach for the telephone again.

"Ah, Schank. Did you ever get me a printout on all of Sarrison's dealings while he was in Quebec?"

Schanke put down the receiver, and reached across his desk with a small stack of papers and handed them to Nicholas.

"This is everything. I was up all night going over them, but nothing stands out. Maybe you can find something."

Nicholas gently pulled the papers from Schanke's grasp, and looked back at an exhausted partner.

"Thanks Schank. So tell me how everything is going to be arraigned for tonight. Are you going straight from here to the school? If Myra and Jenny need a ride, I'd be glad to get them."

"No, no they don't need a ride. Gilson is watching the house tonight, and he's supposed to make sure they get to the school tonight and then stay there until the school event is over. I'll stick around here as long as I can. No use in me just hanging around the school making Myra and Jenny crazy. Besides I have got to get back to as normal a routine as possible. There's no telling how long this will be, but hey, thanks for the offer."

Nicholas looked at Schanke and smiled.

"Listen, you're going to be great tonight! I wish I could be there, but one of us has to do some work around here."

Finally, Schanke laughed.

"Like I need you there, no thanks. I can see it now, you being there taking pictures to display at the next office party. You could title it Schanke's most embarrassing moments."

Nicholas walked over to Schanke, and pat him on the back.

"I wouldn't need to take any pictures. Myra told me she has stacks of them for me to pick up whenever I need them."

Schanke turned back to look at Nicholas.

"You're kidding, right?"

"Yes, I'm kidding. Try and take it easy, Schank. I have to go and check on something. If I don't see you before you leave for the school, I want to wish you luck. I'm sure you'll have them screaming for an encore performance by the end of the evening. So you can start preparing for that next speech now."

Schanke looked panicked again.

"I was kidding about the encore remark, Schank."

"Yeah, I knew that."

Schanke looked a little more relieved, as Nicholas walked away shaking his head and smiling.

Nicholas walked out to where he had parked his Caddy in front of the Precinct. If he couldn't watch Myra and Jenny tonight, then he was going to keep an eye on Sarrison. He had one stop to make at the loft for some information about the case that he wanted to compare to the new information Schanke had just given to him. After that he would check up on Sarrison. If Sarrison was in the process of doing anything incriminating then he only prayed that the police part of himself would react before the vampire part.

* * * * * * * *

Nicholas knew that Sarrison had to be at his office. He had been watched around the clock, and nothing unusual had been reported. The patrol car that had been stationed to monitor Sarrisons whereabouts had reported that only the regular group of staff and patients had been see coming and leaving the premises. For his own peace of mind, Nicholas needed to drive over to make sure that Sarrison was far away from Jenny during her big night out. Pulling the Caddy behind Sarrison's house, he quietly got out of the car. He rather not explain to the patrol officer that he was checking up on him. It was not the best thing for morale to have the detectives not trust your abilities to watch a house. Anyway, the truth was that it was not the officer that he thought had any problems. It was his own obsessiveness, and the fact that if there was any problems, he did not need for everyone to know that he was there. Especially if he did something rash like lose control and destroy Sarrison.

Standing near the wall at the back of the house, he looked around. It was dark back there, and he was certain that no one would see him if he decided to rise up and look into Sarrison's office window. He looked up at a window that looked like it would give him a good view, and started to fly towards it. Carefully trying not to fly directly in front of the window where he might be seen by Sarrison. Finding a safe position to the side, he angled his head so he could see in. Everything sounded quiet, but there were some books and papers scattered on the floor. That must be unusual. Hadn't Schanke said that this guy had everything done to perfection? He listened closely. There was a heartbeat coming from inside the room. It was weak. It sounded as if someone was dying. Breaking through the window, he rushed to the sound of the slowing heartbeat. It was Sarrison, he was under his desk with a needle still stuck in his arm. It looked like an attempted suicide. He had to call it in.

He hesitated for a moment, but he couldn't justify letting him die like this. He wanted to know why he took all those innocent lives. The heart rate was becoming irregular, and as much as Sarrison deserved to die, he could not just stand there and watch without doing something. Pulling his cell phone from his jacket, he called for Paramedics. Then he called the Precinct to get them to send for a team to look over the room, and gather some evidence in case he would make it. They would need it for the trial.

After speaking with Cohen, Nicholas asked to be the one to break the good news to Schanke, but he had already left for the school. After hanging up with the Captain, he immediately dialed Schanke's cell phone number. Schanke picked it up almost before it rang.

"Schanke here."

"Schanke, I'm at Sarrison's office, and he's in bad shape. The Paramedics are just arriving now, but I can't tell if he's going to make it. It looks like he gave himself an injection of some drug. It may even be the GHB that he's been using. He probably did it because he knew it was only a matter of time before we had him. So let Myra and Jenny know that you can all breath a little easier now. You can give that speech to her school, and really celebrate and relax afterwards with your family. No more worries, okay? I'm going to stick around here until forensics is done, and see what I can come up with. Knock em dead Schank!"

Schanke was shaking his head and smiling as Nicholas spoke.

"Thanks for calling Nick. I can't wait to tell Myra and Jenny. Wow! What a relief. I guess I only have to face the hungry lions out there now. You know, somehow it doesn't sound that bad anymore. Thanks again partner, bye."

Schanke hung up with Nicholas, and dialed in his home phone number to tell Myra and Jenny the good news.

* * * * * * * *

Officer Troy rubbed at his eyes, and reached for the last of his cup of cold coffee. He was tired of getting assigned all the boring work. Baby sitting a house was not his idea of the exciting life of the police. The whole reason he chose this profession was so he wouldn't have to be stuck behind a desk. So now here he was stuck behind the wheel of a parked car.

He shuttered at the taste of the coffee dregs he had just consumed. He really should stop complaining. He had done his job well, and now that he had just received the report that Sarrison had done the right thing and solved their problem, he could get on to bigger and better things.

A few more minutes until his replacement would be here, and the only thing he could think of now was a relaxing shower and a good night's sleep.

He startled when his replacement wrapped on the window of the other side of the car. Reaching across the front seat, he rolled down the window to look at his replacement.

"Where's Gilson? I thought he was doing this last shift."

"Didn't they tell you that he called off for tonight? Some family problem I think. I'm Mark Donaldson, and I'm the one who's stuck with the baby sitting job."

Troy laughed, then stretched.

"Well don't take it too hard. It can happen to the best of us. Anyway I hear they're going to be pulling us. The case is solved. So after your shift, we'll be out of here."

"Yeah, I heard the same thing. So I guess I'll get started now so I can get this over with."

Troy smiled sympathetically, and nodded. He yawned, and put the cap back on his thermos.

"Okay, then I'm out of here. My cars right in front, so she's all yours."

Donaldson came around the car, and opened the door for Troy.

"Get some rest, you never know what tomorrow will bring."

Troy stopped and looked at Donaldson for a moment. Something about him seemed strange, but he was so tired he wasn't sure it was safe for him to drive himself home. He picked up his jacket that was lying over the back of the seat, and turned back to Donaldson.

"Yeah, thanks Donaldson."

Troy took one last look around, and walked slowly to his car. He found his keys and unlocked the door. He looked back at his replacement and waved. Then he shook his head to try and clear it for the drive home. That was the last time he would do a double shift.

Mason smiled as he sat in the squad car and watched Officer Troy pull away from the curb. He thought of Gilson's family problems. Well, if he did have any, he wouldn't anymore. He had injected enough GHB into him to put him on permanent disability. Mason looked at Gilson's uniform on himself. 'I might just keep this. I don't think Gilson would mind, after all I don't think he'll be needing this where he's going. By the time they find Gilson's body, Jennifer S. Schanke will also be history.' He slammed his fist against the steering wheel. He had warned them to drop the investigation. When Jenny dies maybe the justice system will take him seriously.

He stopped himself. He could not lose his temper. There was still too much to do this evening. A smile crossed his face, soon he would be escorting Jenny and her Mother to the school this evening for her father's big speech. In a few minutes, he would knock on the door, and tell them that he was there waiting for them. This was too easy. They were all too easy. But that's just how it was. Young girls could be raped or killed, and no one cared. People could easily get away with any injustice. Isn't that the lesson they wanted him to learn? Tears began to fill his eyes as he remembered how his baby sister's rapist smiled at them as he freely left the courtroom. That man had so much as killed her that day, and they let him just walk away. He picked up his hand, and wiped away the tears. He was thinking too much. Thinking would make it too hard to concentrate on all he had to do. There would be time to think after tonight, but he had to do this tonight.

* * * * * * * *

Here he was backstage with this great speech planned. Then why was he sweating more than when he was in the direct line of fire at the last shoot-out. At least he knew how to handle things when he was being fired at. This was more stressful. Jenny was out there counting on him. How did he get himself into this? One moment he has her class down at the precinct on a field trip, and the next thing he knows he's agreeing to an anti-drug lecture for the whole school.

He pulled back the curtains with a clammy hand. It looked like this was a sell out crowd. The entire auditorium was full. Myra and Jenny were in the first row. Thank G-d Sarrison was no longer a threat. It will be great to get back to a normal life. He tried to relax by taking in a couple of deep breaths. 'Yep. nothing to stop me now.' He reached down and turned the power off to his phone. He did not want anything to disturb his trend of thought.

* * * Sarrison's office and Flashback * * *

Sarrison's office was filled with police officers and the forensic team. They were carefully bagging potential evidence for use in a trial. Nicholas was relieved, but he still wanted an answer to his question of why anyone would kill innocent children. A Dentist, someone any parent without reservation would send their child into alone. A child killer, and the last one any one would suspect. His thoughts returned to Daniel. I guess Daniel would actually be the last one anyone would expect. Nicholas sat down in front of Sarrison's computer, and watched the screen saver burst into streaming lights of color. 'I do not know why this man murdered so many innocent children, but I do remember why you did Daniel.' He could remember his conversation with Janette as if it happened yesterday. He stared at the computer's screen

"Janette, go and get LaCroix! His sense of Daniel will be stronger than ours. Tell LaCroix what has happened, and that Daniel will most likely be irrational."

Janette watched as Nicholas ran to the edge of the balcony, and closed his eyes to concentrate on Daniel. He was trying to pick up the young vampire's vibrations, but because of Daniel's state of mind he would be difficult to track. She followed Nicholas outside, and stood next to him. She placed her hand over his on the balcony's ledge.

"Nichola, you will not be able to find him through our connection. We do not know enough to interpret all the irrational vibrations that are flowing from Daniel."

Nicholas instantly turned towards Janette. His voice sounded irritated.

"Then have LaCroix take care of this! He is more than powerful enough to find Daniel."

Janette looked up into Nicholas's anxious eyes.

"You really do not know, do you? LaCroix left last night. He said he was tired of your complaints and of the noise of the sirens. He left for America, he can not help us."

Nicholas looked resigned as he shook his head. LaCroix had deserted all of them. With great effort he gathered his strength, and tried to hold on to some control of the situation.

"Then the two of us must find him. It is up to us now. We will split up. If we each cover half the city, there's a small chance that we may locate him. In four hours we will meet back here. Are you ready?"

Tears began to cloud her eyes, and he moved close to hold her. She clasped her arms around him as they both pulled strength from each other. After a moment, she pulled back and forced a smile.

"Let's go Nichola. We need to save Daniel, and the night will not last forever."

Nicholas was the first to arrive back at their mansion to find that it had been the target of a missile, and was rapidly becoming consumed by fire. Finally, he could feel Daniel's vibrations. They were coming from inside the house. There was something else too. Crying. He could hear the cries of other children. They were also in the burning house.

There was little time. He scanned the skies for Janette, but could not even feel her nearby. As much as he feared the flames, he knew that he had to go after Daniel and the trapped children. Most of the house was in ruins. Flaming pieces of plastered ceiling rained down on him as he ran through the burning remains trying to home in on Daniel and their connection.

The huge house was barely recognizable, and the smoke stung at his eyes. The cries of the children were becoming louder. They were in the parlor. He could feel Daniel, but could not see him. The feeling was coming from behind the closed door ahead, but there was too much debris that blocked the way to saving them. He began to throw burning beams of wood and large chunks of plaster to the side. The flames were near his back, and terror seized him. Finally, an opening large enough for him to enter appeared before him.

He was covered in bloodsweat, and his clothes were torn when Daniel's fanged smile flashed at him through the smoke. Four terrified boys and girls were tied to their chairs that Daniel had arranged to form a circle. The heavy curtains that covered the windows were entirely on fire from the floor to the ceiling. All the furniture was on fire, and flames shot up through the wooden floor. It would not be long until the floor gave way, and they would all be destroyed.

Daniel danced around the tied children while singing a nursery rhyme. Nicholas screamed out,


Daniel stopped and looked confused at Nicholas, and then resumed to dance and laugh.

"We can't die Nicky. Don't you remember? We will live forever. Come, we are having a party. See, we are playing musical chairs. I knew you'd come."

Nicholas ran to the children, and began to frantically tear the ropes from them. Their cries were overwhelming him, making it even harder to work fast. As each child became untied, he pulled them towards him.

"Daniel, Please! We must run NOW!"

The children clung to Nicholas, and he shielded them from the heat with his cloak. Daniel backed towards the wall as Nicholas tried to reach for him. The children had to be taken to safety. They were coughing and gasping for breath. Daniel did not need to breath yet, and he could last a little longer as long as he didn't catch fire. He would have to come back for him.

Nicholas pushed the tearful children through the opening one at a time. He was struggling to not lose track of any of them as the floor gave way before them. He grabbed for one girl just as she nearly missed falling into the smoldering hole. Then he felt her. Janette was near! He yelled out to her,


Immediately he saw Janette before him. Her clothes were torn and dirty. Her hair was wet and wind blown.

"I know! I felt him!"

"Janette, go and get him, he will not come with me. You must go quickly. HURRY!"

Janette disappeared through the smoky opening. Nicholas pulled the children tightly towards him, and covered them again with his cloak. The room was impassable by foot. He lifted himself with the sobbing children into the air, and out to where a wall once stood. Two of the squirming children fell from his grasp just as they were landing in the landscaped yard. They had landed far from the heat, but he could still hear the crackling of the fire. The children seemed rattled, but they had survived. Nicholas reached out and found each child's heartbeat and locked on. Their cries slowed as he spoke commandingly to them.

"You are fine. You were caught in the missile fire. You will go home now and sleep."

Each child stopped crying, and dried their tears. They stood up and began to walk off the property towards the heart of the city. They looked dazed, but they would not remember their horror filled night with Daniel.

Nicholas watched as the young ones calmly walked away, until he was startled by a loud blast that made his heart sink. He turned towards the house and screamed.


Janette flew out of the house with Daniel in her arms, and fell down exhausted in front of Nicholas. Nicholas knelt down to hold Janette as she cried. Daniel was laughing as if this were a game they were playing, but suddenly stopped and jumped up. He tore back towards the collapsing house. He was screaming,



Daniel disappeared into the house as it totally collapsed onto him with one final explosion. Nicholas held Janette back as she struggled to get up, and go to Daniel. Nicholas closed his eyes as the bloodsweat ran into them. He pulled Janette's face into his chest as her heart wrenching screams filled the smoke filled air.

"Daniel! Daniel! NO PLEASE! NICHOLA, NO!"

She tried to turn and look at the devastation, but he held her head tightly to his chest so she would not see. He stared into the raging flames, and the light of the fire glowed on his face. He watched until the flames had consumed the house, and burned out.

"It's too late, Janette. There's nothing we can do."

Janette pulled away from Nicholas, and stood up. Nicholas also stood up, and put his arm around her shoulders as they stood mesmerized by the devastation. By this time, she had stopped crying. The blood tears had left streaks on her soot covered face. They both looked at the house. They would need to find shelter soon. It was almost dawn. Janette hardly breathed, and stared at where the house once stood.

"I can not feel Daniel anymore, Nichola."

He did not look at her, but pulled her close.

"Neither can I."

She began to walk towards the ruins, and Nicholas reached to stop her, but she pulled away.

"I have to know why. I have to know why he went back."

Nicholas tried to stop her, but she pushed on until they reached the area where he had been rescued from earlier. Janette reached down and picked up Daniel's cap and jacket. Underneath the jacket was the fire engine toy that they had given to Daniel before he became one of them. Janette started to cry again as she picked up the toy truck. She held it up to Nicholas, and then hugged it against herself.

"This is why he ran back. He came back for our present."

"Was there anything else Detective?"

Nicholas looked up from the computer, and stared into the eyes of a young man wearing one of the white uniform jackets of the forensic team. Glancing back at the screen, he saw the same colors of the fire that Daniel had perished in, streaking across the monitor. He needed to erase the sadness of Daniel's memory, and pressed the first key his hand touched. The colors disappeared, and were replaced with a list of employee's files. This must have been what Sarrison was working on before he injected himself. Nicholas sat up, and moved closer to the monitor. This didn't make sense. Why would Sarrison be working on employee files, and then suddenly decide to take his own life?

The impatient young man spoke up again.

"If that will be all Detective, the team would like to leave."

Nicholas looked up again very distracted.

"Yes, that's all. Thank you. I'm going to stay a while longer. I'll make sure everything is secure before I leave."

The young man nodded, and turned to leave. All the others had already come and gone, and he was the last to gather his equipment and head for the doors. Schanke had been right. This office was spectacular. It reminded him too much of the mansion his vampire family had inhabited while with Daniel in London. With the departure of all the police and medical personnel, quiet had returned to Sarrison's office, and Nicholas turned his attentions back to the information that the monitor now displayed.

The last thing that Sarrison was doing, was examining a file on an employee. He read the name out loud. "Keith Michael Mason." He touched a few more of the keys to read on further.

"Birthdate 05/19/70. Single. Parents deceased. One sibling. A sister. Sharon Ann Mason."

Nicholas scrolled down to find the long list of educational degrees. His only employer had been Dr. Sarrison. Keith Mason had been his sister's guardian ever since an accident that killed their parents. Sharon Mason was listed as Keith Mason's dependent. Nicholas continued down the same path that Sarrison had been only hours before. Then he suddenly lifted his hands from the keyboard, and read intently every word. There was a long list of paid medical receipts for a private hospital. The list contained all the dates that Sharon Mason had gone in and out of a very exclusive mental health hospital. Sarrison had given his new employee a generous advance so that his sister would receive the best mental help money could buy. The hospital that she was received at was the most renowned institution in the Country, and it was not a covered expense by the national health insurance. The list showed that Mason was far from finished paying back Dr. Sarrison the enormous debt he owed.

Nicholas began to type faster on the keyboard, and closely watched the screen as it revealed more information. Dr. Sarrison seemed to be meticulous about recording every detail on his employee's lives. He looked at the dates. Almost one year ago Mason's sister had been savagely raped. It looked as if she had been drugged, and was left for dead. She had spent almost a month in the hospital recovering. The next dates showed that there were six stays in a mental hospital for depression and attempted suicide over the following eight months. Then Nicholas noticed one final recording about three months ago from an emergency room at a hospital in Quebec. After that entry. he could not find anything more about Sharon Mason.

Nicholas sat back on Sarrison's leather chair, and stared at the computer. Again he wondered why this would be the last act of a suicidal man. deciding to find out more about Sharon Ann's rape. He located the icon to become connected to the Internet. He needed to log on to the precinct's computer files. He typed in his personal security code for official police information, and waited as he was granted access. Typing in Sharon's name, he again waited for the report to come through.

Immediately, the screen became alive with pages of words. The first entry was one about the rape trial. He scanned the information presented for anything that would stand out. In the middle of the court transcript he found the words he was looking for. He couldn't believe it. Sharon Mason had been given the drug commonly referred to GHB in her drink of soda by a friend of an acquaintance. She had been so heavily drugged that she could not positively identify her attacker, and he was found not guilty.

Nicholas decided to run a name trace on Sharon Mason. He typed a few commands into the computer, and soon had access to her life records. Sharon was only twelve years old when her parents died, and her older brother became her guardian. Nicholas pushed forward through all her academic records until he reached the date of the last entry for her that he had seen on Sarrison's files. The same date over three months ago. Sharon Mason had been admitted to the emergency room, and had died of an apparent drug overdose. A suicide. She was only fourteen years old.

Nicholas went back to the original screens that Sarrison had been viewing, and looked back over all the hospitalization dates at the mental institution. There was something familiar, but he just could not put his finger on it. Nicholas sat back on the chair again, and rested his arms on the chair's arms. The Quebec reports that Schanke had handed to him at the precinct, were still in his jacket pocket. He pulled them out, and started to read them over. Each murder was listed, and each matched the descriptions of the murders that had taken place near them. He rubbed at his eyes then looked back at Sarrison's screen. He glanced around the grand room while trying to put all the information together. There were so many wonderful antiques, and beautiful works of art to admire. He forced himself to look back to Sarrison's desk. His gaze fell on the calendar, and then everything made sense. Rushing back to the papers on the Quebec crimes, he compared those dates with the dates that Sarrison had listed for Sharon's dates of hospitalization.

The first three Quebec rapes were on the same dates as Sharon's first three dates of admission into the institution. He quickly tried to recall the dates of the last two murders and rapes in Toronto. They were a perfect match to two more of Sharon's hospitalization admittance's. There had only been one date that a rape or murder had not taken place on. That date was today. All this time they had thought it was Sarrison, and it was Mason. He was killing in retribution for his sister's suffering. Sarrison must have made the connection, and confronted Mason.

Nicholas abruptly stood up.


Today was the day Mason needed to complete his killing spree. Mason was out there, and he was after Jenny. Jenny was in danger, he had to get a hold of Schanke. Pulling out his cell phone, he dialed in Schanke's number. There was only a message stating that the person he was trying to call was unavailable or had traveled outside the covered area. He hung up his phone, and called Captain Cohen.

* * * * * * * *

Mason stood at the back of the auditorium and watched as all the people found their friends and seats. The thought that all those that saw him in Gilson's uniform were most likely feeling more secure, was entertaining to him. He was pleased at everything he already accomplished so far tonight. Everything was running very smoothly. Jenny and her Mother were very obliging and grateful for the police escort to the school. They had had an illuminating conversation on the way over about the topic of tonight's lecture. A smile crossed his face as he considered the irony of his victim's father delivering an anti-drug lecture. He would had never dreamed of a more fitting tribute to avenge his sister's death. He began to feel the excitement of the anticipation to finally be able to compensate for Sharon's death. He knew that she would be satisfied after tonight, and that both of them could finally rest. After Jenny's death everyone would know how worthless the justice system was. He would be as free to walk away from the anguish he caused as was the man that destroyed Sharon's life.

He looked at Jenny who was happily talking to her mother. Sharon used to be like that before she was ravaged for a moment of fun by another. The rape had changed her into an old woman before his eyes. Each day she became more and more despondent as he watched her slow decline. She had pulled away from all her friends, even from him. Long before Sharon had killed herself, he had felt alone. The rape had left Sharon lost in her own private pain filled world, and as hard as he tried he could not reach her. The day she died he became aware of how empty his life was. All of his family was dead, he was the only one left. The only thing that allowed him to survive was the revelation that he would fill the void of her loss with the guarantee that he would make it up to her. He had promised her when their parents had died that he would always take care of her, and tonight he would be fulfilling that promise to her. This would be the crowning touch, soon he would reach his destination.

Mason calmly walked down the center aisle, and cheerfully approached Jenny and her Mother.

"Jenny, your father said that he would like to see you for a moment before the speech. He told me to accompany you."

Myra smiled at Jenny as she turned to her, and squeezed her hand.

"Go ahead. He probably needs a little extra encouragement. Give him a big hug for me."

Jenny was glad to see that her Mother was comfortable with her going off, and going somewhere without panicking. She sprang up from her seat, and blew her Mother a kiss as she followed Mason towards the back of the auditorium. Holding her hand securely, he guided her towards the auditorium doors.

Jenny looked up at the officer who was almost dragging her by her arm towards the main doors.

"I don't understand why we are going outside. I thought my Dad was backstage."

They passed a few kids and parents who were coming to hear her father, and be a part of the school's activities for the night. She tried to hurry her pace, so it wouldn't look like she had just been busted for drugs, and was being hauled off to prison. That wouldn't be the best image to give everyone who was coming to her father's anti-drug lecture. Still she was having a hard time trying to keep up. The officer was a lot taller than her, and was moving so fast that her smaller legs were having a hard time keeping up. She was starting to feel nervous. Something was not right. She stopped and tried to pull her arm away as they went further from the building. Mason pulled her harder when he felt her stop.

"Lets go!"

Jenny turned to run as Mason pulled her close and then pulled out the same cloth he had used on Sarrison and held it hard against her mouth and nose. They were far enough away from the last stragglers of late comers so as not to attract attention. Jenny fell limp as he held her against his side, and continued to walk into the darkness.

Finding an isolated area in a clump of trees, he began to remove her clothes. After half undressing her, he noticed that she was stirring slightly. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small glass bottle of a clear liquid. Then reaching back into his pocket again, he emerged with a sterilely wrapped syringe. After removing the paper from the syringe, he plunged the needle into the rubber opening of the bottle's turned up edge. He pulled back on the syringe until it was full, and could not pull back any further.

"Okay Jenny. I need you to wake up a little more so you will know what is happening to you. I want you to know how Sharon felt."

Holding the syringe up to the small amount of light that was filtering through the tree's leaves, he smiled at the glimmering liquid.

"And when we're done, then you'll just have to go to sleep for a very long time."

Mason poked at Jenny to wake her, and was becoming impatient.

"Wake up already! You have to be awake!"

He again picked up the full syringe to recheck its contents. The darkness was so dense that he was having trouble seeing the level of the liquid. Holding it up higher, he thought he saw some flecks of gold through the bushes. Then something rustled, and he turned back to Jenny. She still was not moving, and he was not about to wait much longer. A low growl startled him, and he looked up trying to find the direction it came from.

"There must be a dog nearby."

Damn, he didn't need any dog giving his location away. No more waiting, this was it. Even if she did not wake, it really would not matter that much. At least everyone else would know that she had been raped. Their pain would have to be enough. He began to pull away some more of her remaining clothes, than shuttered as he again heard the growling become deeper and longer. Cautiously looking up, he saw two glowing eyes directly ahead of him. He reached into his pocket again, and grabbed at the syringe as the beast pounced on him. There was not even time to utter a scream as he flew backwards onto the ground. The needle was completely submerged into his arm. He lay motionless as the moon overhead glowed brightly on his expression frozen in horror.

* * * * * * * *

Nicholas began to search the school grounds. He frantically used his night vision to search the area around the building. Then he stopped, and tried to listen. Hoping that he would pick up some sound that would direct him. He concentrated, and tried to pick up a heartbeat, a scream, or some cries, but he could hear nothing. There were too many others canvassing the area, and making it impossible for him by blocking out anything detectable.

Locating a deserted spot in an alley behind the school's parking lot, he took to the air. So many trees surrounded the school's property, that it was difficult to see. A familiar vibration swept over him, and he landed near its source. Janette! The scene he walked it on was unimaginable. There in the darkness was Janette, sitting on the ground and rocking Jenny in her arms. He could see Mason lying next to them, but there was no heartbeat. His attention turned back to Jenny. Her heartbeat was strong as she quietly cried into Janette's chest. Janette looked up at Nicholas with tears in her eyes.

"I saved this one, Nichola. I did it for us, for Daniel. This time I saved a child."

Nicholas stood over them and watched as they clung together. Each needing the other. Each knowing that everything was going to be all right. It was finally over.

He moved towards them, and bent down to take Jenny from Janette's secure embrace. As he stood, Jenny wrapped her arms tightly around him. He soothingly whispered to her.

"It's okay, Jenny. I'm going to take you back to your parents now. You're a brave girl."

He pulled the shawl that Janette had wrapped around Jenny, tightly around her. He gently kissed Jenny on top of the head, and turned towards Janette with new found respect and admiration.

"Thank You."

Janette smiled slightly then turned to leave. Nicholas reached for her arm and touched her causing her to turn back to him. He mouthed the words "wait here," and warmly smiled at her.

He held Jenny tightly as he and walked out into the night and towards the school building.

Natalie was the first to see Nicholas walking with Jenny in his arms. She began to run towards him with so many tears that she could barely see where she was going. As she got closer, she could see that he was smiling which meant that he had gotten to her in time. Natalie began to yell out.

"Myra! Nicholas is coming! He's got Jenny!"

Natalie was the first to reach Nicholas and Jenny, and she hugged them both and cried. Myra was behind Natalie in an instant, she was running and screaming out Jenny's name. Myra collided into the three of them when she reached them. Jenny heard her Mother's calls, and reached out for her as Nicholas released her into Myra's out stretched arms. Myra continued to cry and to call out Jenny's name as she laid her daughter on the ground, and held her as they cried together.

Nicholas pulled out his cell phone, and dialed in Schanke's number. Schanke picked up.

"We got Jenny, and she's fine. We're in front of the school."

Myra looked up at Nicholas through her tears as he spoke to her husband.

"Thank you! Thank you! We owe you so much!"

"You do not owe me anything, and seeing you together is the best thank you I've ever had."

Natalie reached for Nicholas again, and held him. He held her as she cried tears of relief.

Nicholas watched as Schanke arrived to make his family complete. He pulled away from Natalie, and signaled for one of the officers to approach. He pointed to Jenny.

"Have the Paramedics check her out. Thanks."

He turned back to Natalie.

"I have one more thing to do. I'll see you in a little while."

He kissed Natalie on the cheek, and walked back out to where he had left Janette. Janette was still standing near Mason's body when he rejoined her.

" You saved her, but how did you know to be here?"

Janette leaned back against a tree, and looked up at the moon.

"Remember the moon that night Nichola? The night we lost Daniel? It was the brightest I can remember for a hundred years. Do you remember?"

Nicholas walked over to Janette, and put his arms around her.

"Yes, I do remember as you do, but tonight Janette you saved a life. You saved Jenny."

Janette looked into Nicholas's eyes.

"Yes, tonight I was able to save a child. She will now be able to grow up, and have a normal life. It's what should have been for Daniel. Daniel knew it, but because of me he lost that opportunity."

Nicholas began to interrupt her.

"No Nichola, it's true. I know you never blamed me, but I did want Daniel so badly at first that I refused to see beyond my own desires. I didn't realize that I would lose Daniel the moment he was brought across. It was a mortal child that I had longed for, and Daniel was only a disappointing reminder of my complete failure at ever having a child. When you came to the Raven last night, and told me about Sarrison, I knew that I could destroy him and save Jenny. I also knew that you could not. So I went to Sarrison's office to kill him. But when I rose to his office window, I saw this other man. They were arguing, and then they began to struggle. I saw the man pull out a needle, and push it into Sarrison. I watched as this man wiped off the syringe, and left the office. I could hear that Sarrison still had a heartbeat, and I waited for a moment trying to decide what to do. But then you came crashing through the window on the other side. So I left, and followed this man to Schanke's house, and then to the school. I could not help Daniel, but I got here in time to help her."

She moved near Nicholas, and he rocked her in his arms.

"Yes Janette, you got to her in time."

They held each other with the shared knowledge that although the longing pain for Daniel would never end, tonight they did accomplish something of true value.

Janette looked up at Nicholas and brought her hand to his face, and touched him lovingly.

"Do you know Nichola that I have always loved you?"

Nicholas placed his hand over the one that touched his face. He pulled her hand towards his mouth, and kissed it tenderly.

"We have always been like one, my love."

Janette closed her eyes for a second and smiled.

"You must try to have a child of your own."

Nicholas stepped back, and closely examined Janette.

"I thought you said......."

"I was wrong. It would be wrong to not try. You have something very special with Natalie. She must love you very much Nichola. I do not know if this baby can be conceived, and if it can I do not know what it would be. But if this is your chance, I do not see how you can let it go by. I wish I could have this child for you. You will make a wonderful father. You can do the opposite of everything that LaCroix has ever done to you."

She laughed when she saw him smile.

"Go now, Nichola." Janette pointed to Mason.

"I think you will want to call someone to pick up this mess."

Nicholas smiled as he watched Janette take off into the evening sky.

He pulled out his cell phone, and gave the officer on the scene the location of Mason's body. As he put back his phone, he looked up at the star filled sky. It was still early, and the sky was made up of the many colors that would soon blend together to make the deep darkness of night. There was very little of a moon tonight, but he did not need the moon's light to see.

Looking down at Mason's body, he was surprised to find that he felt no hatred for this child killer. It was done. Time to let Mason and his victims rest. Time for him to also let another rest. "Daniel." Saying his name, brought a new calmness. The pressure of Daniel's tragic life had been lifted. He thought about the good parts of knowing Daniel. Thoughts of Daniel as a mortal, so happy to have them as a family, made him smile. He could remember him enjoying their food, and the attention they so happily gave to him. His excitement at the gift they had given to him. The precious memories of Daniel began to flow non stop. For a few weeks, they were a family. He had had a younger brother. Maybe this destiny belief that Natalie held made some sense. For had Daniel not become a vampire, Janette would never had been here to save Jenny. Jenny was alive because of what Nicholas thought was LaCroix's evil act of bringing across Daniel. So even LaCroix's evil brought about goodness. Maybe there is a reason for everything. Even vampires, .........even him.

Walking out from behind the bushes, he heard the squad cars approach, and guided them to where Mason's body lie. One of the officers grabbed the roll of yellow tape as he left his patrol car, and began to secure the area. He walked out before the area became sealed.

The Coroner's van was pulling up close to Mason's body. He glanced up in time to see Natalie approaching carrying her medical bag across the school's lawn. It was getting very noisy and crowded as the officers began to erect spotlights to illuminate the crime scene.

Nicholas started to walk rapidly so as to head off Natalie. She was still smiling and wiping away the last of her tears. He couldn't wait to be near her. He intercepted her about 100 feet before the newly sectioned off area. Standing directly in her path, he reached for her arm. She stood still as she watched him stroke her arm. Smiling at her, he waited for her to look up and make eye contact with him. She lifted her head, and saw a rare sight. A smiling Nicholas with love in his eyes for her.

"Natalie, I believe that I owe you an answer. Let's go for a walk."

Natalie began to protest, and pull towards the crime scene. He tugged in the opposite direction encouraging her to come with him.

"They'll be fine without you for a little while. This is more important. Come here."

He took the bag out of her hand, and placed it on the ground. His arm slipped around her waist as he directed her away from the sounds of the crowd.

After they had walked a few minutes, he suddenly stopped and faced her again.

"I want to talk now, just me - not the vampire. Will you tell me more about this cure? I understand that this will involve a child, but you never told me exactly how conceiving this child would change me."

Natalie looked deeply into his eyes, and saw his sincerity.

"Your cure Nick, is within you......your DNA. All of your cells contain a piece of DNA that makes you the vampire that you are. It's everywhere inside you, including the sperm samples that you have given me in the past."

He began to speak, but she stopped him.

"Let me continue. You asked me for an explanation, so please let me explain."

He nodded for her to continue, and she took in a quick breath.

"All my cells contain the parts that make me mortal. To cure you, we need to introduce mortal cells into your vampire containing cells. If we did this directly your cells, the vampire cells, would destroy my mortal cells as it would destroy any disease."

Nicholas turned away as she came closely behind him. He could see where this was leading.

"Is this why, we need the child?"

Natalie stepped in front of him.

"Yes, the child would contain the genetic composition of both of us. The child would act as a bridge between us. A messenger, that with its cells could deliver mortality to the vampire inside you."

Nicholas reached to Natalie placing both hands around her arms.

"Nat, What would this child be? A vampire? Mortal?"

She looked down at the grass.

"I don't know. We would only learn more about that as the baby grew.. but it would most likely have characteristics from both of us."

He waited for Natalie to look back up at him.

"This child would be half vampire, and half mortal. Is this what you want for your child?"

She did not hesitate a second to respond.

"What makes you think that this combination would be bad? Or are you asking me if I want a child that is part of you? I have always wanted a baby for as long as I can remember. I have also wanted to be a part of your life for as long as I've known you. Yes, this is what I want."

She stopped, and studied him. His serious expression had not changed.

"What about you Nick? Do you want to be a father?"

He was still holding her, but he looked through her as he tried to recall how often he had to dismiss the idea of ever becoming a parent. Even though he repeated Natalie's question to himself, he could not believe the words she had just said. Even if this child did not lead to his cure, he would be involved with humanity as he had never envisioned before. A baby.......his baby!

"Yes Nat, for as long as I can remember, which is a lot longer than you."

A large smile spread across his face as he grabbed her around her waist, and swung her around and around until they both fell on the ground laughing.

As soon as her dizziness stopped and the laughter subsided, she moved closer to him, and kissed him deeply. She pulled away after a moment. She did not want to arouse the vampire now.

"I've been watching my cycle. I will be fertile tomorrow. You'll need to get a fresh sample to me. I will stay at home. I think I should not be too close until after. I've never asked, but I assume that the vampire presents itself during the process?"

He smiled feeling very embarrassed.

"You assume right. I will bring the sample to you tomorrow evening."

Natalie picked up on his uneasiness. They were still sitting on the grass as she reached over to him.

"You are going to have to learn not to be shy with me. We are going to have a baby together. I think we can be a little more personal."

He stood up still feeling uncomfortable about discussing the subject as he helped her up. She easily got up with his help, and brushed away some of the dirt and grass her skirt had collected while on the ground. Reaching over he pulled a blade of grass from her hair, and became serious again.

"Nat, assuming you can conceive this child, can carrying a half vampire child be dangerous for a mortal? I can not have anything happen to you."

Natalie thought for a moment.

"About the conception part. From what I have seen from past samples, you appear to be fertile. Actually the cooler temperature of your body provide very fertile conditions for your sperm's development. You are only six degrees cooler than mortals, and men who are having difficulty with fertility are often told to use methods that reduce the normal body temperature."

Nicholas looked interested, but he was still concerned.

"Okay, so I'm fertile. Will you be safe?"

"I have to be honest with you, I don't know. We are sailing uncharted waters with this. Can anything happen? I would say yes, but that is true with any pregnancy. I would consider myself to be a high risk pregnancy, and I would closely monitor everything. If there was any real danger to my life, I would do what is best for all involved. Does that help?"

He began to calm down again.

I trust you to do what is right, Nat. Is there anything I can do besides the obvious?" He smiled.

Natalie playfully pushed him.

"Yes, tomorrow when you bring the sample, I would like you to be there when I inseminate myself. At least in the next room."

"I'll be there for you, Nat. Every minute, I promise."

"One more thing. In about four months, if all goes well, we will need to have a CVS test done. I will need the tissue to determine the babies growth, and to infuse you with its unique cells. So if my theory is correct then you will begin changing along with our developing baby. I will not be able to do this test by myself. You will need to come with me, and use some of those persuasive hypnotic skills of yours to retrieve the samples the doctor gets. The doctor must not examine the samples. They are for my eyes only. So, you'll help with that?"

He carefully thought. She really did have this well thought out. She had to.

"Whenever you need me, I'll be there. I do have one more question for now. Why can't we just wait until the baby is born to infuse me?"

"There are many reasons, but the most important one is that the baby's cells at this stage of development are in a state of constant change. They may be perfect for delivering the mortal message we need to be received by your cells. After the baby's birth, we can continue the infusions with only small amounts of the baby's blood. This will be an ongoing process that one day will hopefully be complete. It may take years."

He was beginning to feel overwhelmed again.

"Nat, I'm scared. This sounds like the things that science fiction is made of, even to me."

She shook her head gently and smiled lovingly.

"Don't be frightened. These are only the details. The big picture is that we will have a beautiful baby together, and this baby will probably be the key to making us a family."

He reached for her, and held her tightly against him.

"You're beautiful! There are no words to express how I feel about you...about us."

They silently held each other on the school's lawn as police lights flooded the area not far from them. The noise from the patrol car's radio and the many voices blended into the background.

* * * * * * * *

Nicholas looked up from the waiting room chair as the young nurse approached him.

"Mr. Knight, you can be with her now. Here are some hospital clothes. If you will just slip these on over your street clothes, you'll be able to go to her."

He reached for the green baggy clothes, and slipped them on in an instant. Then he followed the nurse out into the hall.

The delivery room was bright and alive with activity, but it felt cold. He smiled as he realized that this was the first time he had felt cold in nearly 800 years. He couldn't wait to tell Natalie, but not now. He had been anxious to be back at her side. The time in the waiting room had been the only time he had left since her labor began fourteen hours ago. One of the nurses who was standing next to Natalie smiled at him when he entered. Noting how lost and helpless he looked, she gestured for him to come near.

"It will not be long now. She's doing fine. You can come closer."

As much as Nicholas needed to be near Natalie, he was feeling intimidated by all the equipment and people who so casually seemed to know just what to do. He had no idea how he would do anything more than just get in the way. Natalie was still being prepped by the nurses. She was breathing rapidly now, trying to ease the last stages of labor. As they helped her place her legs in the stirrups, she saw Nicholas out of the corner of her eye still standing by the door.

"Nick, I need you!"

He immediately responded to her voice, and was at her side in a moment. He reached for her hand, and she rapidly took it. She tightly held his hand as though she were holding on for her life. Nicholas used his free hand to caress her face. Her long dark hair was dripping from the perspiration that covered her face. She began moaning, and pleading for the pain to stop.

"Help me Nick........please help me..... I don't think I can do this."

He looked up at the doctor.

"Isn't there anything you can give her?"

The doctor did not look up.

"I'm sorry, but she's too close. In a moment we will need her to help push. Just breathe Natalie, it will not be much longer."

Natalie looked panicked.

"I can't breathe. I can't do this anymore. I just want to forget this whole thing."

Natalie began to scream.

The doctor looked up at Nicholas.

"It's time to push. Nicholas I'll need you to help Natalie now."

Nicholas felt as frightened as Natalie looked, but he did not let Natalie see his fear. He looked directly into Natalie's eyes, and although he knew he could not hypnotize her, he demanded her attention.

"Okay Nat. Focus on my face.....on my voice. You need to push now."

She was exhausted. She looked at Nicholas with pleading eyes.

"I can't Nick, it hurts too much. I don't have the strength."

The doctor looked up again.

"Push Natalie now! You must push now. You are the only one who can help your baby. Nicholas have her push now."

Nicholas pulled Natalie's face to the side to face him.

"Now Natalie. Push now! Please Natalie. We've come too far to lose everything now."

She looked at him as the urge to push ripped at her. Somewhere she would have to find the strength. She could hear the doctor demanding her to push. The urge finally set in, and she reached for a strength that she did not believe existed in her. Nicholas was behind her now, so she could bear down and push harder. The doctor's command came again.

"Push Natalie, just once more!"

Behind her she could hear Nicholas repeating the doctor's words, and she pushed for all she was worth. She pushed for herself, for Nicholas, and for this wonderful new brightness that was trying to enter their lives. The pain lessened, and there was quiet. She was lying back down, and breathing heavily, when the most incredible sound broke the silence. A cry, a baby's cry, their baby's cry.

Natalie began to tremble, then laugh, and then to cry.

Nicholas came around from behind her.

"Hey, isn't this too soon for post partum?"

He gently kissed her, and had the biggest smile she had ever seen. He bent over, and whispered in her ear.

"You did great Nat. You are my hero."

She gave Nicholas an exhausted smile, and then became concerned.

"Dr. Samberg, Is everything all right?"

The doctor was busy checking the crying baby, but he briefly stopped to look up at Natalie and smile.

"Yes, we are just doing an APGAR score, and cleaning up your new baby. Just give us a few more moments, and you'll have your baby for the rest of your life."

Nicholas watched as everyone checked the baby for all the normal vital signs. Then the baby was cleaned, diapered, and securely wrapped in a clean white blanket. Within a few moments, one of the nurses walked towards Natalie with the baby in her arms.

"Are you ready for your baby?"

"Yes, please. I've been waiting so long."

Nicholas stood back as the nurses placed the new life in Natalie's arms. Natalie made cooing sounds to the baby to try and comfort the baby's cries. Nicholas couldn't help but think how beautiful Natalie looked, and how natural she was with the baby. Natalie glanced up from the baby searching for Nicholas. She smiled tenderly when she saw him.

"Nick, please come here. I want you to meet your daughter."

Tears began to form in Nicholas's eyes, and he shook his head as if to clear it. His daughter....his daughter. He doubted if he would ever tire of these words. As he stepped next to Natalie and his new daughter, he was overwhelmed by how beautiful this new life was - just like her Mother.

"Nat, she's beautiful."

Natalie felt tremendous joy.

"Nick, hold her."

As much as he longed to hold her, he hesitated, but Natalie refused to let Nicholas miss this special moment.

"Please Nick, hold her. You'll be fine."

Nicholas gently took the baby from Natalie's arms as the baby began to cry again, and he started to hand her back.

"No Nick. She needs you to hold her close, just like her Mom."

Knowing she was right, he swallowed, and took a deep breath. He pulled his crying daughter close to him. The baby was comforted, and he beamed with pride. As Natalie watched Nicholas with his new girl, tears of happiness began to slide down her face.

"She needs you Nick. You are going to have to be strong for her."

He had no problem with being there for her and for Nat, in fact he liked the idea. What a wonderful gift this child was. As he held her, he imagined all the wonderful stories he could tell her of the places he'd been and the things he had seen. Well, they would have to be just fairy tales to her. Then came the thoughts of the places he could show her, and the things they could do.

Natalie called him back to reality.

"Nick there is just one more thing. I've been thinking a lot about her name."

Nicholas looked at Natalie frustrated with himself that he had never considered the name. He turned his full attention towards Natalie as he held the sleeping baby securely.

"Nat, it's your choice. I will love whatever you decide."

Natalie smiled, and gestured for him to get closer. She pulled him close as she whispered into his ear.

"Because she is the symbol of our promise to overcome the vampire. Because of the chance you now have for mortality. Because of the faith and the love she has inspired in you, and for the future dreams that she may hold. I wish to name her Hope."

Nicholas turned towards the baby, and gazed at her peaceful face. He felt so loved and content. As clear tears streamed down his face he whispered.

"Welcome to the world......Hope!"

* The End *

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