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After watching the three seasons of "Forever Knight" over and over again, it soon became clear that Mr. Parriott's wonderful characters were only partially explored. More stories cried out to be heard and displayed as they deserved. The three seasons were unparalleled, but they were only an appetizer, and we were still left hungry. And as Nick could tell you, the hunger can be a very difficult drive to deny.

This story began a few minutes after "Last Knight" was last aired. Even though I usually go through a two day bout of depression each time I view this final episode, I am convinced that both Nicholas and Natalie survived. This series was too magic to end! So as dozens of scenarios passed through my mind while trying to explain away my pain, I heard a song by Barry Manilow that inspired this story. So pay no attention to USA’s version of Nick and Nat’s fate for as the song I was listening to proclaimed, they are still going on burning bright "Somewhere In The Night."

This fan fiction piece takes place after "Ashes to Ashes" and before and including "Last Knight." This story came about as I desperately tried to understand what it was that was going on in Nick and Nat's lives that would allow them to be receptive to trying this last ditch attempt at Nick’s cure.

This is a Nick and Nat story, make no mistake. Sorry Immortal Beloveds, but I was going with cannon and Janette had already been re-vamped by Nick and had taken off by this time. The same is true for Vachon, who as far as Tracy remembers has moved on.

A very special thanks to my beta reader Rosemary for her help, insight, and good nature. And for giving so generously of her time.

Also I wish to express my gratitude to my husband Neil for his patience during all the times I zoned out while watching the story play out in my mind. And for his support, encouragement, and enthusiasm for my writing. Thanks for inspiring me and allowing me to grow.

Archive Permission: Permission to archive to Mel's FKFanfic Archive, and the FK Ftp site IS GRANTED. All others must ask permission.

Disclaimers: The Forever Knight characters belong to Columbia Tri/Star. No copyright infringement is intended. This story and all other characters are copyrighted by me.

Please send all comments to:


Lightning Always Strikes Twice


Gwenn Musicante

September 30, 1999

© 1999

Looking up at the cloud filled skies, Natalie closed her eyes in disbelief. There had been rain off and on for a week now, and it was not helping her mood. It was already eight o'clock in the morning, but it looked as though it were twilight. This was supposed to be summer, but the dreary grayness was more reminiscent of a winter's day. Glancing across the Supermarket's parking lot, she noticed that all the street lights were still lit verifying that she was correct about how little light this new day was bringing. Standing under the protective awning of the store's entrance, she tried to estimate how wet she would get if she just made a mad dash for the car. The rain was gentle, and she only had a few small bags to carry. How wet would she get if she ran straight to the car? Why hadn't she tried to find a closer parking place? Placing all her groceries in one arm, she rummaged for her keys in her coat pocket with her free hand. Her fingers clasped around the keys as she removed them from her pocket and repositioned her purchases. Glaring at the annoying rain, she now knew that she had everything she needed to rush to the car. Everything except the motivation. But, that was not unusual, lately. There did not seem to be motivation for anything. Going to work each day had become an exercise of just going through the motions. Simple pleasures like eating were gone. Nothing seemed interesting on television or at the theaters 'Oh G-d, would they ever stop playing The Phantom?' The most frightening thing of all was that finding the solution for Nick's cure was also becoming a chore that made her cringe each time she thought of it.

The wind suddenly shifted, and a gust of wind blown rain swept against her. Feeling resigned, she looked down over her now dripping coat and sighed. "Oh well, now I can ride home wet." She silently thought how strange it was that even this annoyance did not matter much. Since how wet she was did not matter anymore, she slowly walked to the car as she watched others, with their umbrellas, trying to avoid becoming wet. There was no desire to even pull her coat closer together as the others were doing. What did it really matter if she were wet? So what! No one cared, she didn't care. The world would go on even if Dr. Natalie Lambert were wet, even if she did not go to work, even if she did not find Nick's cure, and even if she did not live. Who really cared?

Finding the keys to the trunk, she mechanically placed the bags in their usual place, and moved to the driver's side of the car. One last quick glance at the sky in an unrealistic hope to find the sun just caused her to sigh as the raindrops touched her face. "Okay Lambert, you accomplished the shopping, now let's see if you can drive home and get some rest." Opening the door, she threw her purse across the seat to the passengers side. Looking all around herself, she couldn't stop the feelings of sadness and loneliness from taking hold of her. Nothing ever seemed to change, this was not any way to live a life.

The drive home was silent except for the sounds of the windshield wipers moving from side to side, and the rain beating against the windshield. Only one week in darkness, and she felt like it was swallowing her alive. How did Nick survive century after century like this?

After arriving home, she went back to her trunk to retrieve her packages. The bags were still wet and seemed significantly heavier as she pulled them out one at a time. Dragging her shopping order and herself up the stairs, she looked as if she gone for a swim with her clothes on. One bag tore apart as she fumbled with her keys, unlocking the door, just in time to cause all the groceries to spill through the now opened door. Although everything seemed to be going wrong, at least Sidney would be happy to see her although she would not be much company today. Sidney ran straight for the can of cat food that had escaped the torn bag, and purred loudly.

"Okay Sidney, give me a few moments to put away these groceries and I'll open a can for you." Holding up the can, she scrutinized her pet.

"So, this is what you really want, and I thought you loved me for myself."

Sidney was still eating when she went to change into a nightshirt, and collapse into bed. Closing her eyes, she hoped that this dismal day would clear up by the time she awoke this evening when she would once again start the same monotonous routine again. Sighing, her thoughts drifted back to how much her life had changed since she discovered Nick, and all that science could not explain. Nothing in her life felt right anymore, something was missing. In every part of her body, she could feel that the time for change would have to be soon. What the change was going to be she did not know, but it was clear that it would be between her and Nick. It was impossible to be so near to him all the time, and not be a part of his life in every way. As she drifted off to sleep the rain fell, and a gentle breeze played with the curtains on her opened window. The many indistinct images of her thoughts began to dance in her head as they all blurred into the beginnings of an exhausted sleep.


Twisting her hand to see the face of her watch, Natalie took a quick glance at the date. It was Tuesday, and she had told Nick that she would stop by and get some more samples of his blood for another round of experimental chemicals she was testing. There really was nothing new, but it was important to check occasionally to see if any of the other treatments such as the cutting back on blood consumption, were effecting his physiology. Probably not, but there was nothing left to try. Leaning against the side of the elevator on the way up to the loft, she yawned as the door slid open. Stepping out, she stood frozen as her eyes began to scan the empty loft. Searching with her eyes in every direction, she suddenly began to panic.


The only response was the echoing sound of her own cries for Nick. She ran to the stairs, and was up them in a few seconds. The bedroom was bare. There was no black sheeted bed or furniture. She turned to look at the opened closet door, which exposed a desolate interior.

"Nick, Nick, Where are you!"

Her only answer was silence. Running down the stairs, her heart pounded frantically, and she could feel herself begin to shake. Tears began to slide down her face more rapidly than she could catch them.

"Nick, Please don't frighten me like this."

The weight of her sorrow made her feel as if she were hundreds of pounds, and she sat heavily on the bottom step. As she glanced around the vacant loft, she held a hand over her mouth as her breathing turned to a frightened pant. He was gone. He had moved on. How could he leave, and not say anything to her? But, hadn't this almost happened before? So why was she so surprised? So hurt?

"No, this could not be happening. This is just a mistake. Somehow, this is only a mistake."

The tears would not stop.

"Please Nick, I can't be without you. You are the only reason I go on. Please Nick come back! Please come back."

Thunder crashed loudly, and lightning lit up the room as she sat straight up in bed, and gasped to take in some air. Rubbing at her eyes, she tried to stop the images of her nightmare and calm herself by regulating her breathing and by quietly repeating,

"It's only a dream, It's only a dream."

Yes it was only a bad dream, but it was the fourth time this nightmare had occurred in the past week. The fear would not stop flooding her, as she hugged her pillow tightly against herself and cried. Turning to look at the clock, she saw that the power had gone out, so she reached for her watch. The time shocked her, she could not remember a day when she had slept so long. It was certain now, she was definitely showing all the signs of clinical depression. A chill swept across her, and she began to shiver. What if Nick really moved on? Would he tell her? Or would she just wake up one day to find him gone?


Smiling, Andy sat in his one room apartment listening to the rumbling of the distant thunder. It had been almost a week since the storms had delivered their first message to him from his Mother. Each night he had waited patiently for instructions that would lead him to the redemption he so avidly sought. By the sacrifices of their lives, they would be delivered from their sins. With the anticipation of the oncoming storm, he would soon be directed to who would be the next, to make amends. Today he had lost his third job in only two months, but that really did not matter now. There was so much to be accomplished, and a job would only have gotten in the way. It was not as if it was a good job anyway. They had put him to work in the back of the warehouse where no one could view his grotesqueness. Having a decent job was never an option for him. There was never any money for him to go to College, so what was there to expect? As the realization of knowing that he would never have a successful career tore at him, it was the loneliness that really hurt. No reasonable girl would ever consider being seen with one as mutilated as him, and he could never fault them for that. Walking over to the broken mirror on the wall, he peeled off the eye patch to see better. The removal of the patch allowed for a small amount of light to enter, but that was all. The burns had destroyed too much of the eye to ever allow it to see images again. His stomach turned as he got closer to the mirror to view the deformed eye. So little could be done to save the eye, the patch merely shielded the world from the sight of the scorched eye with no eyelid. The physical pain was now gone, but the emotional pain of the scars his face bore burned as fiercely today as they did that horrifying night so long ago. That was the time that had left the markings of a night filled with so much terror that it would forever change him both physically and emotionally. Did they really think that he had just forgotten how they had hurt him? Had they thought that he would be able to go on unaffected because he was moved to a foster home? How could he ever walk by a mirror, and not be reminded of how his own Father and his friends treated him as though he was not human? A rush of adrenaline exploded inside him as the storm's intensity began to increase. Excitement mixed with his anger as he relived the fierceness of the flames that charred his flesh that night. When would these memories stop haunting him? Would he ever be able to live a normal life? It was clear that the one life that had been sacrificed had not been enough. The thunder crashed as the lightning flashes came one after another. The lights in the tiny apartment flickered, as the power went out. Now surrounded by complete darkness except for the flashing of the lightning strikes, Andy walked across the room to watch the storm through the window. The window fan blades still moved powered by the storm's high winds, as Andy waited anxiously to once again hear his Mother's words. Long bolts of lightning stretched across the darkened sky, the light almost blinding him. Thunder loudly cracked, and he screamed out just as he had done the night the flames had streaked across his face. Tightly closing his eyes, he recalled his past and he whimpered, "Please Daddy, help me. Why are they laughing?" Then he called for her, a mistake that would follow him for the rest of his life. "Mommy!" Frightened he watched as his Father's anger grew. How could he have been so stupid? He was never to say her name for he knew the consequences of an utterance said without thinking. However, he had only called out for her in a moment of terror, it was nothing more than that. It was not his fault that she had died, and left his Father with a child to raise. How could he blame him? If she were still alive, this never would be happening. The reasons for his Father's contempt did not matter now, his Father's pain of his own lost was being placed on him. Another night of drinking with his work buddies, had transformed into a night of horrors. With his eyes still tightly closed, he raised his hands to his ears and covered them with all his strength, trying to block out the laughter and his Father's words. Their laughter grew as his Father explained that it was now time to teach the boy why it is important to never play with matches. Clenching his teeth, he shifted his hands to cover his face as he again screamed out in horror. "Mommy! Mommy!" Could she hear him in Heaven? Their laughter surrounded him as the group of Firefighters took turns holding him so his Father would have easy access to his son. Terror seized him as he watched his Father roll up the nearby newspaper and light the end of it. He screamed as he recalled the flames that swept across his face, and the pain that burned him. As he opened his eyes. a large bolt of lightning reached down towards the ground and struck the tree in front of his window. It exploded before him, and began to burn. Finally, the long awaited message had returned. His Mother was again providing him with the answer to stop his endless torment. The redemption of Bryan Brett was not enough, there was more to be done. The time for more redemption had arrived, the time to kill had arrived. The answer had been so clear, if only he had known it sooner. Fighting fire with fire. How had he been so blind? The key to his salvation had been there all along. Standing by the window of the darkened room, he watched as the burning tree lit up the area. The fire that had destroyed his life was now the very thing that was to reclaim him. This was not only his victim's redemption, it was his. He had been waiting his whole life for this solution. The long familiar lightning had always been there, it had always been the answer. After tonight, he would be one step closer to having payment in full.


The music stopped abruptly. If it were not for the silence, Nick would never have even been aware of the power outage. The candles were already burning, and none of the electrical lights had even been on this evening. The thunder's rhythm took the place of the disturbing CERK music. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise. LaCroix had been particularly bleak tonight, and had been depressing him with the gloom of his messages. Resting his head against the back of the sofa, he watched as the flashes of light illuminated the loft as he had never seen it. Blinking as the flashes of intense light stung at his sensitive eyes, he still welcomed the small taste of light into his world of darkness. Trying not to flinch at the brilliance of each lightning strike, he desperately attempted to cling to each small token of daylight. The dark green bottle that stood on the nearby side table appeared almost translucent as the bold flashes struggled to pass through its concealing murky glass. Changing positions, he sat up and reached for the life sustaining fluid that filled one of his special containers. As he neared the vessel, his hand slipped causing the bottle to crash to the floor. The small remaining amount of liquid flowed out onto the carpet, and was quickly absorbed. Feeling surprised, he wondered how he could have misjudged a bottle that was easily within his reach. Sleep deprivation was certainly not an explanation for his clumsiness. Actually, he had been getting far more sleep than normal. It was early evening now, yet he could feel himself again gravitating to sleep after sleeping all day. If he were mortal, he'd bet he was sick but that was not possible for him. Maybe he needed to feed more, or maybe the cow's blood was just not providing enough nourishment anymore. After all, his body was set up to receive human blood, not animal. The thunder cracked again, and lightning flooded its blinding light throughout the loft. Suddenly, he felt something. He heard something. Someone was in the loft. Standing up quickly, he felt dizzy but caught himself from falling. A faint voice whispered through the roaring thunder.


Stumbling to move around the sofa, he called out through his haze of confusion.

"Who's there!"

"Nicholas, we can now be with each other forever."

"Who are you? What do you want? I can't see you."

"I still love you, Nicholas."

The lightning flashed, and there she stood by the window as beautiful as the day he married her. His head was spinning as he reached out to her.


She smiled lovingly, "If you want to be with me, you will need to come soon."

The lightning flashed again, but she was gone. Taking another step to where she had stood, he felt the room begin to spin and he slipped to the floor and slept.

The telephone had startled him awake as he crawled across the floor and used the sofa to help pull himself up. Still feeling quite groggy, he grabbed for the receiver and pulled it close to his face. Hoping that he was holding the receiver in the correct position, he pushed his voice to speak.

"Yeah, Knight."

"Where are you? Reese has been trying to get a hold of you for hours now. I told him that you had an important errand. I think he bought that, but it's not going to hold him much longer. So how about getting here already."

Rubbing at his eyes, he tried to remember the name of the person at the other end of the line that was lecturing him.


"Are you all right? You sound strange."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I must have overslept. Thanks for covering for me."

That's what partners are for, right?"

Nick tried to clear his head, but the memories of Alyssa's image returned, and he frantically turned his head in every direction trying in vain to locate her. The voice on the telephone commanded his attention again.

"Nick, are you still there?"

"Sorry Trace. I guess I'm still not fully awake. I'll be down at the precinct soon. Thanks again Trace."

Hanging up the telephone, he carefully scanned every inch of the loft. The digital clock on the CD player was now blinking the time in red. The power had been restored. Another nightmare, yet it had seemed so real. However, it couldn't have been, he must have been asleep. Why dream of Alyssa now? That was resolved. She just needed to know that he still remembered her, and what they had. And he did. A trick of light, that's all it was. This was becoming more explicable now, and he was late for work.

Rising from the sofa, his foot struck the bottle that had been carelessly dropped during the electrical storm. The small stain of cow's blood had already dried into the carpet. Bending down to retrieve the bottle made him recognize that his head still felt cloudy. Standing up made him feel lightheaded, as an overpowering hunger took hold of him. His hunger demanded human blood, but cow would have to do. It was his intention to improve himself, and it was the promise to Natalie to not consume human blood no matter how difficult the struggle, that compelled him to continue drinking the cow blood. As he turned towards the kitchen, he felt the hunger pangs intensify. They tore at him, driving him to move faster. His fangs descended before he had a chance to stop them, and he felt drawn to stalk the darkness. Quite naturally, he found himself searching out prey from his window. The sensations of the impeding hunt rushed throughout his body uncontrollably. Slowing his breathing, he opened the window and locked on to a heartbeat in the darkness. All his senses were sharp and alive to the point of near ecstasy as he watched a young girl as she waited by a bus stop near his building. Every beat of her heart called out to him, and he could feel or see nothing else. His eyes glowed red as the pain of his hunger embraced him as a lover, which demanded to be satisfied. Surveying the empty streets, he knew he could be out the window and possess her in a moment. The sweet smell of the air from the storm mingled with the fruit-like scent of the innocent's blood. His head pounded as her heartbeat beckoned him, her essence demanded that he drink of her now. The need to do this was strong, and the time to do this was now. Swiftly and silently he flew from his window towards his prey, and with this came the old familiar rush of excitement which came from swooping down upon a victim. Landing behind her in the shadows, he felt his anticipation grow for his unsuspecting waiting bounty. Quietly approaching her, he imagined how his fangs would penetrate her warm soft flesh, and how he would drink until all that she had would be depleted. When he felt himself to be close enough, he naturally locked on to her heartbeat, and she slowly turned towards him. Looking deeply into his eyes, she became lost to all thoughts but his. Standing only a few feet from her, he summoned his powers to draw her away from the streetlight, and into the shadows with him. His stare invaded her consciousness, all thoughts and feelings were willingly given to him as he spoke.

"Come to me."

As she took her first step, the bus stop suddenly became flooded with the light from the buses large headlights. That was immediately followed by the loud hiss of the buses opening door. The startled and confused girl looked up at Nicholas, then turned and rushed into the waiting bus. Her trance had been broken, and Nicholas turned away in pain and frustration. As he hid his face from the bus driver and the passengers, he desperately tried to regain control. The driver gently honked his horn.

"Hey Mister, you getting on?"

Feeling the burning glow of his eyes, he knew he could not yet turn around. As calmly as he could, he pushed out the words that he hoped would have the driver leave.

"No, I forgot something. Go on."

"Okay, but I'm the last route for tonight."

Gaining back his control, he painfully pushed down the vampire. Turning back to the driver, he smiled.

"Thank you, since the rain has stopped, I'll walk."

The noisy bus door slammed closed, as he watched the bus and the girl he almost killed drive away. Something was seriously wrong. Not only had he lost control, he had acted on it. It was vital that he see LaCroix for some answers. This drive to feed was reminding him of his first hunger. What if this happened while at work? Work! He had better come up with a good excuse, not that it would be hard after so many centuries of practice. The real reasons paraded through his head. He was late because the girl at the bus stop looked so good that he had decided to stop and drain her of every last drop of blood. He was also late because his dead wife of over 450 years had stopped by to pay him a visit. Well, at least those were probably two excuses that Reese had most likely not heard. He was sure that he would think of something when he got there. Tracy was waiting for him, and he really should get that drink before he went. This time the desired blood would come from a green bottle, and not the nearest mortal. A quick glance around, and Nicholas headed back towards his loft's open window and his refrigerator.


The drive to the precinct seemed endless tonight. Maybe it was because he had too much sleep, maybe it was all the rain, or was it that nightmare of Alyssa's return? Something was causing all his perceptions to act as if they had a mind of their own. But why would his mind conjure up memories of a ghost he had already made peace with? The last time he had seen her at the Kessel house, she had warned him that he was in danger of dying there and that he would not be able to join her because of his past. Replaying her words, made him relive the sorrow which she confirmed, that he had not repented enough to be considered worthy of redemption. Despite all he had done, he was still a long way from the heavenly forgiveness that was denied to him. Grief over the loss of Alyssa gnawed at his heart as renewed visions presented themselves to him. Alyssa, beautiful Alyssa. How differently things could have turned out that magical night. However, all his dreams of an eternal life with her were wiped away by his enthusiasm and inexperience. She trusted him, a fatal mistake, but her love for him blinded her good sense. So willingly she gave herself to him, and so foolishly he took her. He had loved her, as he had loved so many over the centuries. Even with all his evil, he found the capacity to love and loving mortals was his weakness. They contained a piece that he himself was missing. So many mortals he had loved, and so many he had destroyed with his type of love's expression. However, Alyssa was not supposed to be one of them. At that time, he was so infatuated with her that he had not wished to consider that bringing her across would also destroy her. He allowed his foolish love to allow the vampire to express his affection for her. There was no other way for him to love her. She had to become like him or he would have to let her go. In those days, he was too selfish to allow her a life without him. He could not do what he had coerced LaCroix to do for his sister 300 years before Alyssa had entered his life. Those were the times when he had wanted it all. Having eternity as a vampire, and loving a mortal too. It was too easy to feel like a G-d when he reveled in his immortality and his powers. Every wish, every indulgence was his to possess. It was his wish to possess Alyssa forever. If only she had not been his first attempt, if only he had the control to stop in time. The 300 years before he met her had provided so many opportunities to practice the subtle art of making another of their own kind, but the desire had never before presented itself. How could he have been so confident with Alyssa's life? How could he have been so sure of himself, so certain? LaCroix had instructed him in the beginning, but all he could think of then was whom his next meal would come from. Why would he abandon any of the glorious red liquid, and bring another across? Digging into his vast storage of memories, he thought about the time shortly after LaCroix had met and loved Fleur. Janette had been by his side as LaCroix declared that the time had arrived for them to learn more of the powers they possessed.

**** Flashback ****

LaCroix sat absorbed in his own thoughts as he and Janette playfully entertained each other with teasing nips at each other's necks and arms. The night was so young, and somehow eternity seemed too short a time to discover all the unknown pleasures that awaited him. He felt blessed to have been chosen to receive so many endless years, and equally grateful to spend those years with Janette. Their laughter and wistfullness soon transformed itself into the intense sensual desire that they so mutually shared for one another. Eagerly desiring privacy, he stood and pulled Janette into his embrace, then he began to escort her from the room.

Abruptly, LaCroix stood up and commanded the insatiable lovers to remain.

"Nicholas, come here! I have decided that even though you are still quite the novice, that it is time for you to explore one of your innate yet unfamiliar skills."

Although he had shuddered at first at LaCroix's authoritative tone, he dismissed the importance of any studies, regained his composure, and turned back to face Janette. Cupping her face in his hands, he bent towards her to tenderly kiss her. Then pulling away, he reached down and swept her off her feet and into his arms as she screamed and laughed in delight. Turning towards LaCroix with Janette giggling in his arms, he confronted his Master.

"I have more important matters on my mind right now LaCroix, There will be time for my schooling following my attention to a more pressing concern."

Picking her up higher so as not to step on her long flowing gown, he moved closer towards the door. Unaffectedly, LaCroix watched as his disciple declined to submit to his will.

"So the son rebels against his Father with no regard as to the consequences. Really Nicholas, it would seem as if there is more than one lesson to be learned here tonight."

This time LaCroix's words penetrated him as he felt the icy chill of his implied threat cut through him so deeply as to numb his spine. Gently releasing his attentive lover, he graciously helped her down until she had regained her balance. Cautiously, his eyes never left his teacher as he lifted Janette's small hand towards his lips. After the slightest whisper of a kiss, he freed her hand and prepared himself for his Father's wrath as he hoped to spare Janette the same fate. Although he was only a fledgling, he could easily distinguish the vibrations that his Master exuded when he was angered. Not wishing to provoke him any further, he tried to calm his own fear knowing how effortlessly LaCroix possessed his once private emotions. As his excitement diminished, the words of what his mother had once told him repeated themselves in his mind. 'Nothing is without cost,' she had once told him, and now he realized how wise her words had been. However, he was still new, and most likely there would soon be a day when he would be free of LaCroix and be able to do as he pleased. Briefly closing his eyes, he envisioned the time when he and Janette would eternally roam the world in blissful togetherness. For now, he must endure whatever LaCroix desired, and protect his beautiful sister.

"I beg your forgiveness LaCroix. I was, as I am sure you can appreciate, irreversibly distracted. I vow to give you my complete attention, and I will accept and understand any outcome which you deem fit for me."

Stepping closer to his Master, he hoped that by being further from Janette he would spare her from being in the path of LaCroix's first blows. But surprisingly, LaCroix stepped back to look at his new son and smiled.

"Your chivalry is as unparalleled as it is amusing. Do you really think that I would hurt Janette in my attempts to discipline you? Let me assure you that my aim is quite accurate, and if I desired her punishment there would be nothing you could do to stop it. Although, I suspect that you might die trying. I have no plans for the punishment of either of you, but I can guarantee you that this act of defiance will not go without some penalty."

He could feel the relief sweep over him as Janette once again rejoined him.

"What is this power that you wish for me to examine?"

"As you are already aware, there is a way in which we can make others of our own kind. This act will require you to abstain from draining the mortal, and will demand tremendous restraint. The line between eternal life and death is very tenuous and once we cross over this line, we cannot return."

"LaCroix, is Janette also invited to learn?"

"If she so desires, but I have never known her to be one who would be inclined to possess such a skill."

Turning his attentions back to his lover, she once again began to caress his face and neck.

"Janette, will you learn these lessons also?"

Seductively, she ran her fingers across his lips then slowly trailed her hand down the front of his neck and chest.

"Why would I need another my Nichola? Why would you need another? Am I not more than enough for you?"

His desire for her burned as she traced her alluring message of temptation into his core. Mesmerized by her beauty, he found himself rapidly becoming enfolded in her passions. Breathlessly, he responded to her.

"That you are. You are so much more than anyone could wish for." Turning back to LaCroix without thinking he rashly confronted him.

"LaCroix, we do not need these lessons."

If his Master's glare could have burned through anyone, it would have been him at that moment.

"You will need to know! I will teach you now, and you will learn now! There will not be another time. Pay attention, both of you. Even if you never bring another across, you will need to know how to prevent it from happening unintentionally."

Feeling his fear of LaCroix's rage return, he began to back away. But Janette continued to pursue the issue with her Father.

"We drink our fill, and the mortal is done for. What else is there to know? We have never had any trouble, you worry too much LaCroix."

"Yes, so far your hunger has far exceeded your prey's supply. However, there are many reasons why you may leave your meal incomplete."

A smile crossed her face as she turned to look at Nichola, and then back to her Father.

"I promise to finish every drop."

It was immediately clear that she had pushed LaCroix too far, and Nicholas reached out to her to pull her closer to him. She squinted her eyes and pressed one ear against Nichola's chest to protect her sensitive hearing from LaCroix's outburst.


After a moment, to pace the floor, he turned to them with most of his anger subdued.

"I am your Master, your Father, your Teacher. You are like candles that are eager to light up the night. I am the flame that will allow you to burn, but I must hold my flame to you and stay with you until you can burn by yourself. You are not yet ready to stand alone, there is so much yet to learn."

The room around them fell quiet, and holding Janette's hand tightly they walked closely to their Master. With belated sincerity he spoke.

"We are ready to learn."

The light turned green, and the car behind him roused him as the driver leaned on the horn. What had he not learned that night? What did he still not know? Was an incomplete lesson the penalty that was paid for their disrespect? Pulling the Caddy into the Precinct lot, he saw his partner walking towards her car. Lightly tapping on the horn, he got her attention and drove slowly along side her and stopped. There seemed to be no trouble in her recognizing the large green vehicle, and she genuinely smiled at her partner's arrival.

"I wasn't sure if you were ever going to show up."

"I know, neither was I. Where are you off to?"

"The Carnival, I mean the crime scene. It's at the Carnival. We got a call from the 88th, and we've both been assigned to it. So should I meet you there?"

"Hop in, and you can fill me in on the way there. I'll clear things up with the Cap. when I get back."

Tracy opened the door, slid into the seat, and turned to him.

"I think that you may be doing that a little sooner then you think. The deceased was a close personal friend of Captain Reese, and he is already at the scene."


The rain had stopped, but a light breeze was still sending down showers of rain on the Caddy from the tree's leaves. The clouds were very dense, and completely covered whatever there was of a moon. The Caddy came to a sudden stop only a few yards from the Carnival's entrance. A large tree had fallen across the road, and someone had already erected flares to warn of its dangers. A fire fighter was redirecting all the police and emergency vehicles towards a clearing off to the side. Nick sharply turned the steering wheel, and pulled close to a fire truck that was struggling to free itself of the mud and move closer to the smoldering building. Sinking into the mud as he stepped out of the car, he watched his partner as she tried to find a stable place to exit. With her first step out, she immediately sunk into the mud and very audibly groaned.

"That's it! I'm so glad I decided to get dressed up tonight. Nick? Do you think you could give me a hand? I think I'm stuck."

Negotiating in the mud was not easy, but he managed to reach Tracy without too much trouble. One shoe was already freed by the time he got to her, and with his help she hobbled out towards drier land.

"This is really disgusting, Nick. I can not even imagine how many bacteria are clinging to the dirt that is drying on me right now."

"Sorry about the car's location, but I just didn't see another place to park. And I still don't understand why we have been called in here."

"I don't know either. Reese just said to get down here with you as soon as you arrived when he spoke to me at the Precinct, and then he took off. Collins at the desk told me that the victim, Chief Glen Norris and the Captain go way back."

"Okay, let's go find the Captain, and hopefully this will not take too long. I'm not happy having mud dry on my skin either."

A fire truck pulled away as the detectives made their way towards the crowd of emergency personnel. The Captain was sitting off to the side quietly consoling an elderly fire fighter who was wiping the soot from his face. Looking up, Reese caught a glimpse of his two overdue detectives coming towards him. Nick saw the look of pain and despair that covered his Captain's face as Reese gestured for them to approach. Looking down at the watch on his wrist, Reese then looked up at Nicholas, but Tracy cautiously interceded.

"Captain, we got here as soon as we could. We had a little trouble with the downed trees and the mud."

Reese just sadly shook his head.

"Yeah, that was some storm. There is still no power around here for miles around." He turned to the fire fighter by his side, and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Lou, I want you to meet two of my best detectives. This is Detective Nick Knight, and his partner Detective Tracy Vetter."

The fire fighter stood up and smiled as he reached for Tracy's hand.

"VETTER! VETTER! You can't be little Tracy Vetter. Richard Vetter's little girl? I don't believe it! Remember me? I'm fireman Bagley."

An embarrassed smile flashed on Tracy's face as she looked at the Captain first and then at Nicholas. Nick smiled and gestured for her to turn back towards the waiting fire fighter. Another reminder to all her coworkers of the nepotism that helped her secure her position. She briefly closed her eyes, and took in a breath as she turned to her Father's old friend.

"I'm sorry, I don't seem to recall...," she broke off.

"No, you were too little when your Dad and I used to get together. He was not even a Captain back then. He was moving up, and so was I. I guess being so busy we just drifted apart. We both had a lot of up hill climbing to do in the career department."

The fire fighter's short reminiscence caused her to blush.

"Well, it's nice to meet you........again, Chief Bagley."

Nicholas immediately extended his hand to the fire fighter.

"Nice to meet you sir. I'm sorry it's not under better circumstances."

Hastily Bagley reached over and shook Nick's hand, and without even looking over at Nick, he turned his attention back to Reese.

"Glen didn't deserve this, you know that Joe. He's got the best record around. I'm counting on you Joe to find out who did this, and to find out quickly."

Again pointing to Nick and Tracy, Reese smiled confidently.

"Well like I said before, you are looking at my best team right in front of you."

Ignoring Reese's praises of his detectives, Bagley looked back at the burnt out building.

"I know that you'll give this priority status. We're all in this together. Police or Fire department, it makes no difference. There's a bond here. This is not just your ordinary case. Top billing, right? I'll be in touch with Commissioner Vetter on your progress."

Directing his eyes at his detectives, Reese sighed. The implications of Bagley's last statement was evident to all of them. No one was going to have any peace until this one was solved. And Bagley knew all the right people and was making sure that they knew it. Noting how uncomfortable Reese felt, Nick spoke up and directed the attention away from his Captain.

"Captain, can we speak to you for a moment before we begin?"

Reese eagerly jumped at the chance to get away from Bagley's intimidating words. Patting Bagley once more on the shoulder, he started to walk towards the fun house where Natalie and numerous other technicians from the Coroner's office were finishing with some last minute details with the body. After trudging through the mud for a moment, Nick paused and placed his hand on Reese's shoulder to stop him.

"Why have we been called in Cap? Tracy said that a fireman died in a fire. Isn't this something that should be handled by the arson unit? "

Looking frustrated, Reese took out a handkerchief to swab the sweat from his face.

"Don't believe everything that you hear, Nick. Especially, when you don't have all the facts. The fire fighter that was pulled from that fire was Glen Norris, and it wasn't any fire that killed him. Actually, it was the 88th who called us in on this because it has the same MO as the fire fighter we found last week. The Brett case. They both died the same way, and both were discovered after a storm."

Walking slightly closer to the fire trucks, Reese pointed to the nearly extinguished fire.

"That fire there tonight was an afterthought or a finishing touch, and it did not kill him, just like in the Brett case. Someone made certain that he was dead, and the two of you are going to find out who. Glen Norris helped me out when I was a rookie, he really got me out of a jam that would have ended my career. I owe him, and this is how I'm paying him back."

Reese started to take the remaining few steps towards the Coroner's van, and towards the victim while Nick and Tracy followed silently behind. He leaned down over the body opposite Natalie who was removing some skin samples from the victim's face. Sighing, Reese stood up, and looked across at Natalie with sorrowful eyes.

"What can you tell me?"

Realizing that this was a difficult situation for the Captain, Natalie put down her notebook and gave Reese her full attention. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a clean instrument, and used it to point to the hole in the body's forehead.

"As you probably already know, he did not die as a result of the fire. Looks like a single shot at close range. It killed him instantly, just like the last victim."

Bending down, Natalie began to probe with the instrument at several areas on the victim's face. Tracy began to hold her hand over her mouth and cringe as Natalie indicated one place after another.

"See these burns? They were not from this fire. In fact, he is hardly burnt at all other than his face. I can not tell for certain yet, but I think he got these burns before he was shot. Again, just like the other fire fighter, it looks like he was also tortured."

With a disgusted look, Reese turned away for a moment then watched Natalie as she stood up.

"How long has he been dead?"

Drawing in a deep breath, Natalie sighed.

"That's going to be a real hard call. The heat from the fire kept his body temperature up. But judging from other factors, I'd say he died sometime tonight."

Frustrated, Reese rubbed his hand against his forehead.

"Can't you get any closer than that?"

"Not right now. I will have more if I get ever get him back to the lab. In case you do not know, burn victims are not my favorite job. I can tell you that it looks like that bullet is still in him. When I get in there I will be able to tell you the caliber of weapon that was used."

With not much to go on, Reese looked resigned as he turned to face his detectives.

"Okay Knight, Vetter, I want you to look around and see what you can come up with. Dr. Lambert? Please let them know as soon as possible on that bullet. I want them to follow through on ballistics."

Grabbing a couple of uniformed officers as they passed, Reese had them relinquish their flashlights. Then turned to give one to both Tracy and Nick.

"It looks like your going to be doing a grounds search with these. No power remember?"

Approaching her as she directed the technicians about the handling of the body, Nick gently stopped her.

"Was it execution style?"

Natalie looked up from the body. "Yes"

Nick reassuringly patted Nat on the shoulder as she readied herself to leave. When Nat left, he turned to walk with Tracy to investigate where the body was found. Tracy was still feeling uncomfortable stepping over branches and sticking to the ground with each step.

"Nick, with all this mud, forensics has to be able to come up with a decent set of footprints of the killer."

Looking at the ground, Nick let the light from his flashlight skim across the wet dirt.

"Wish that were true, but there must be over a thousand different prints from all those who were at this Carnival before the fire. There is no way we will be able to tell which is the killers."

Stopping at one of the fire trucks that was still around, Nick pulled out his badge and spoke to one of the fire fighters.

"I'm Detective Knight and this is Detective Vetter. What can you tell us about the fire?"

The fire fighter began to pull off some of his heavy protective clothing.

"This was no accident, I can tell you that. Lots of accelerates poured around the place. It was a hard one to fight. It's almost like whoever did this knew just which chemicals were the hardest to extinguish. I guess you're here about Glen. Great guy. Why would anyone do that to him?"

Shaking his head slightly at the fire fighters question, Nick tried to answer.

"Maybe we'll be able to answer that. Do you mind if we have a look around?"

"I don't mind, but be careful. The buildings not too stable. Probably have to tear it down. Wish I could get you some more light, but, well, you know."

"Yeah, the storm, thanks."

Both of the Detectives began to walk towards the front door, but Nick stopped suddenly.

"Trace, why don't you let me go in, and you'll do a search of the grounds around the building? That way we won't be bumping into each other in the dark."

"Sure, fine with me. I don't even like going into these places during the day. Be careful."

"I will."

He looked back and watched as Tracy tried unsuccessfully to avoid stepping into large puddles and mud. Then he turned his attentions back to the fun house. Checking above the door, he read the words as the colored flashing lights of the fire truck swept across the letters. It said house of horrors. Great. Now he knew why Tracy did not argue about searching outside in the mud. Aiming his flashlight into the darkened building, he carefully stepped inside trying not to disturb anything. The flashlights long white ray reflected off the walls as he walked. Its light was a distraction, for he was able to see just fine without it. But he couldn't be seen wandering in the dark during a search of the premises. Everything inside was wet, and the smell of smoke was everywhere he turned. Walking deeper into the maze of rooms, he thought he heard something, and aimed his flashlight at the sound. The beam bounced back at him and then from wall to wall. The room was filled with mirrors. Almost all of them had been shattered, and the many fragmented lights surrounded him. A weak voice penetrated the darkness.


Rapidly, he brought the flashlight to the source of the sound.

"Come to me my love."

Squinting, he tried to make out the figure of the image that appeared to surround him in the mirrored walls. The memories of her recent visit flooded his thoughts.

"Alyssa? Is it you?"

"Nicholas, I've come to accompany you my love. The time of your redemption is near."

Walking further into the darkness, Nicholas reached out for the white robbed image.

"Why now? I'm not ready."

"Nicholas, you said that we would be together forever. Is this no longer your wish?"

"But my soul will be damned if I go with you."

"Come Nicholas."

The figure reached for him. His eyes remained fixed on her form, while her words enticed him to draw closer. Fighting to resist the temptation of her offer, he struggled to utter a few words.

"But I will not be with you."

"Come Nicholas, we will be eternal."

The sweetness of her voice embraced him. The desire to be with her, enchanted his every sense. Suddenly she appeared so bright, so warm that the need to become a part of her world was irresistible. With great anticipation of his redemption with her, he walked towards her radiant glow, and in blinding joy he called to her.

"We will be eternal."

"I still love you, Nicholas." Her voice faded

"We will be together forever."


A hand came from behind, and pulled him back towards the door and onto the floor. Coughing, Tracy pointed towards the interior of the room.

"Are you blind? Didn't you see those flames? You looked like you were going to walk right into them! Let's get out of here! We have to let the fire fighters know that the fire is not completely out."

Helping her still stunned partner from the floor, Tracy guided him through the darkened rooms and out of the building. Still coughing, she called out as she dragged Nick with her.

"Someone! We need some help here, and that building is still burning inside."

The fire fighters rushed back into the fun house with hoses and chemicals. One approached Nick who sat near the truck encased in a blur of emotions. His eyes locked in a confused gaze. The fire fighter placed an oxygen mask over Nick's mouth and nose.

"Sir, are you hurt?"

With a lethargic glance towards the fire fighter, Nick's reply was barely audible and still very disoriented.


"Are you going to be okay? Would you like the Paramedics to take a look at you?"

"No, no. I'm fine."

"You sure? You don't look too well."

Trying to clear his head, he spoke slowly, composing his thoughts. Looking up he saw both Tracy and the fire fighter scrutinizing him, and he gave them a quick smile.

"Yes, I'm sure, thank you."

Pulling the mask from his face, he stood up and watched as the building was once again ablaze and darkened smoke bellowed into the night sky. Staring into the fire, he again became dizzy and stumbled. Tracy was at his side in a moment and steadied him.

"I'm not sure you're fine Nick. Why don't you let them check you out?"

"No, I'm fine. I'm just a little shaken."

"I'd say that you are a lot shaken. Who were you talking to in there?"

"I was talking to someone?"

"Yes, you were saying something about being together forever."

"I was?"

"Nick, I'm worried about you. If I hadn't been there to pull you back, I think that you might have walked right into that fire."

Confused and distracted, he looked into Tracy's concerned eyes, and then back to the fire. As one of the fire fighters exited the burning building, he caught him by the arm.

"The fire was out, how did it start again?"

"This sort of thing happens all the time. We thought we got it all, but sometimes a tiny ember rekindles. That's why we always stick around after the fire is supposedly out."

Another wave of dizziness flashed across Nick as the fire fighter's words reminded him of LaCroix's words the night Alyssa died. The memory of LaCroix's visit after he had taken too much from Alyssa streaked into his mind. Reliving LaCroix's words and the pain of losing his bride, he held his forehead as his Master's voice thundered inside him. 'Life is a fire Nicholas, it can be rekindled from the tiniest ember...' Shaking the consuming sensations from himself, he confronting the fire fighter.

"Are you sure? Could someone have deliberately re-started it again?"

"Detective, you were the only one in there. Listen, why don't you sit down for a few more minutes?"

"Could someone else have come in a different way?"

"Not unless they were a ghost, and could walk through walls or fly. Why don't I help you sit down?"

"No, I'm fine."

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. He reopened his eyes to the stares of his partner and two firefighters. They were watching him as if he were about to explode. Their stares made him feel as if he were from another planet. So feeling very self conscious, he relented and sat down on the edge of the truck.

"Okay, I'm sitting down. Would it be all right if I finishing sitting in my car? I promise not to drive until my partner here feels it's safe."

A quick smile crossed Tracy's face as the fire fighter's nodded their approval, and Nick allowed her to help him up. As they struggled to the Caddy through the mud, two more engines raced by them to get to the now, out of control, blaze. Neither spoke a word as she made sure Nick was securely behind the wheel. Closing his door, she then made her way to the passenger's side. The first thing that she noticed when she slid into the car was Nick's blank stare as he rested his head against the headrest. After silently watching him for a number of minutes, she decided to check for signs of life.

"Nick? Did you see someone else in there? Is that who you were talking to?"

"No. There was no one else. I probably saw my own shadow. I'm sorry that I frightened you, but I'm glad that you came in after me. I think I just got lost in my own thoughts in that house of tricks. I never was much of a Carnival type of person."

"Me too. I prefer reality to fantasy."

"I'm feeling fine. Do you think that it's safe for me to drive now?"

Inspecting him closely, she smiled.

"Yeah sure. As long as you're feeling better."

The Caddy's engine hummed as he turned the key.

"Okay, then. Let's get back to the Precinct."


After spending thirty minutes in the bathroom rubbing mud from her shoes and stockings, Tracy walked back to her desk which happened to faced Nick's. Sitting down, she leaned back in her chair and watched her partner studying some papers.

"Any luck?"

Without looking up, he answered.

"No, still can not figure out the connection between the deaths aside from the fact that they were both fire fighters."

"No I didn't mean that. Did you have any success with the mud?"

Looking up, he smiled at the distraction she provided.

"No problem. I was just thinking that it has been a few hours since Nat's had the body. Why don't we go see if she has anything for us?"

As they walked out of the Precinct, Nick told the desk officer to let Reese know that they would be down at the Morgue. Within a few minutes they had parked the Caddy in the Morgue's lot and were in the door. Natalie was alone in the lab tonight, and she startled when they entered the room.

"I didn't know I was having company tonight. I was just about to go in on Reese's friend. Do you want to stay?"

Taking a deep breath, Tracy walked over to Natalie and held her arm back from beginning the autopsy.

"As much as we'd love to stay, we really just stopped by to see if you could give us a starting point."

"Well, you're in luck."

Walking across the room, Natalie picked up a small evidence bag and handed it to Tracy.

"That's the bullet that I just removed, and it's from a .22 caliber pistol. It matches the one I removed from Bryan Brett last week. Find me the weapon, and I'll make you a match."

Pulling Tracy closer to the body, Natalie uncovered the victim's face.

"You too Nick, come here. Do you see this slightly red area around his left eye?"

Both Nick and Tracy leaned closer, but were having trouble noticing anything. Walking back to her desk, Natalie picked up a magnifying glass and handed it to Nick.

"Look closely. See those tiny white specks?"

Looking questioningly at Natalie, Nick handed the glass to Tracy.

"Sorry Nat, there may be something there. What is it?"

"At first I wasn't certain, but then I remembered where I had just seen it. Bryan Brett had the same remnants of this residue around his eye also. Both had an adhesive patch over their eye when they were burned, and in both cases, the patch was removed most likely after their death."

"So we are looking for?"

" Well, I don't know. But I asked some of the fire fighters if Mr. Norris or Mr. Brett ever wore an eye patch, and no one remembered ever seeing them with one. These patches were put on them before they were tortured."

Nick looked hard at Natalie for a moment trying to make sense of what she was telling him. Concentrating intensely, he spoke to Natalie.

"The killer tried to protect the one eye. Why?"

"One eye and not the other. I believe that falls under the category of motivation. I think that's your department."

"Anything else Nat?"

"Actually yes, a couple of things. First, the burns. At first I thought that they might have been of a chemical nature, but as in the other case they are not. Who ever did this, held something that was burning against his face. I doubt it will be important, but I will be able to tell you what he held when I get some results back. The second and more interesting issue is the note. We found the same note from the killer in his pants pocket."

Picking up another evidence bag, Natalie read the message through the plastic.

"And he will turn back to G-d the hearts of Fathers with their sons and the hearts of sons with their Fathers. And he was gathered to his people."

Natalie handed this bag to Nick, and sighed.

"It sounds biblical to me. What do you think he's trying to tell us?"

"It is biblical. It refers to what will happen when one will come who will bring redemption to the world, but he is definitely perverting it. Nat, have you determined if torture was definitely involved?"

"Oh yeah. All these facial burns took place before he was shot. The killer wanted this man to suffer before he killed him. I'd guess it was personal."

"It's beginning to look that way to me too."

Looking up into Natalie's face, Nick saw the dark circles around her eyes. Remembering her aversion to burn victims, he cautiously walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"How are you doing, Nat? I know how you feel about cases like this."

"Not too good, but it's not because of the burns. It's something else." Quickly, she brushed away a stray tear. "It's nothing. Go find this murderer. I have work to do." She pulled away from him, but he stepped closer and placed his hand over hers.

"Nat, if there's anything I can do....." he broke off.

"No, I'll be fine if you both just go and let me do my work. Now go."

Pointing towards the door, she put on her best fake smile which was rapidly diminishing what was left of her strength. Nick's hand slipped from hers as he turned to follow Tracy who was already on her way out of the door. As soon as the door swung closed, Natalie closed her eyes. A deep longing ache ripped at her inside. She had pushed him away again when she so desperately needed him to hold her in his arms. One tear after another slid down her face. No attempts were made to catch the tears from falling on her sterile surgical gown. Opening her eyes, she stared at the door where Nick had just exited. She incredulously felt resentful of him and of the ridiculous idea that he should somehow know how depressed she felt. Scolding herself, she thought, didn't he just tell her that he wanted to help? But she still felt that he could do more. What did she really want? He was a vampire, not a mind reader. He was also a man, the only man she had ever loved. Her thoughts pleaded for him to come back. To come back and tell her that he loved her, and wanted to be with her forever. Her eyes remained fixed on the still door. So empty inside, and so alone in the quiet of the Morgue in the middle of the night.

The summer's night air was refreshing as both Nick and Tracy got into the Caddy for the ride back to the Precinct. The ride was quiet until Nick reached over to turn on the radio, and Tracy intercepted his hand.

"Oh no you don't. Don't you think that we are all a little too down to listen to that creep?"

"Sorry, I guess it's an automatic response."

"I thought it might be. Anyway, I think we should talk."

"Okay, we can talk."


A long silence elapsed until Nick looked over, and gave Tracy a questioning look.

"Nick? Did you notice how upset Nat seemed when we walked in?"

"It's this case. It's hard for her to deal with burn victims."

"No, there's something else. She seems so far away when she talks. So distant. Like she's isolated herself from everyone around her. I think you should talk to her."

"You're wrong Trace. Natalie is fine, and as soon as we solve this case.." Tracy interrupted him.

"She was like this before this case. Something is wrong. Promise me that you'll talk to her. You know, I had a cousin who was acting just like her before she..." she lingered.

"Nat's not like that! She loves life. She's so full of life."

"Not right now she isn't. Look at her closely. Try to step away, and look at her."

The car became silent again as Nick tried to integrate all that his partner was telling him. Nat was a bit quieter, but there did not seem to be anything more. It had been a while since they had last seen each other outside of work. Giving her a call later was a possibility, except he would rather not see her until he could figure out what was going on with himself. He had come far too close to killing a girl at a bus stop less than ten hours ago. The hunger was unusually strong, and the self control was gone. If he got too close to Natalie, he could not predict what would happen. Yes, he would talk to Natalie, but he would have to be sure it was safe. Turning to Tracy, he smiled as the Caddy pulled into the Precinct's lot.

"I'll speak with her Trace, but I'm sure that nothing is wrong."

A relieved smile spread across Tracy's face, but his thoughts drifted back to Alyssa.


Nicholas was frustrated that he was stuck remaining in his loft while he should have been on his way to see LaCroix about all the strange incidents that were happening to him. He glanced out the window to see if Nat had arrived, and was parking her car. Still not here, and soon it would be too late to get to the Raven before work. This was Tracy's doing. Somehow, she had managed to convince him that he should be trying to assist Nat work out some problem that she imagined existed. If Tracy only knew that the real problem sat next to her in the car as they went about their work. After last night he couldn't be certain that he would not turn on her as well, and this time there may not be any bus to save her.

Walking towards the kitchen, he threw away the empty bottle he had just drained, and went to get another. It would be much better for Nat if he was well fed before she arrived. Really wishing that he could be out driving and thinking, he decided to do the next best thing that helped him sort out his thoughts. Walking towards the piano, he took a long drink from the bottle, and placed its remainder on top near the half burned down candle. Leaning against the piano, he lifted the candle and blew softly at it. Its flickering entertained him and caused him to smile. What sport to play with his enemy, so small and powerless on the wick it danced. How dangerous an adversary for the vampire. One of the few true ways to end his eternity. Blowing at the flame again, he glowed over his mastery of this destructive force. A wave of dizziness swept across him, and he put down the candle and picked up the bottle to stay his hunger. After finishing the second bottle, he unsteadily moved towards the piano's bench and sat down. Closing his eyes, he allowed his mind to put in order all the bizarre occurrences that had been happening as he became absorbed in the sound of each note that his fingers stroked. The sounds surrounded him as his fingers came down heavily on the keys. Stopping abruptly and opening his eyes, he turned to see Nat walking towards him slowly clapping her hands.

"Very, very dramatic! It's not often I can get up here without you knowing about it."

"I guess I was distracted. I wanted time to think."

Removing her raincoat caused him to rise, and reach for it.

"No, please continue playing. It was beautiful."

"Some other time. I was hoping that we would be able to talk."

With a suspicious glance, she folded her coat over her arm.

"Sure, we can talk."

Walking towards her, he removed the coat from her arm to hang it up.

"Did it start to rain again? Your coat is dripping."

She looked exhausted as she spoke in a worn out voice.

"Does the rain ever stop? I can't remember the last time I've seen the sun."

Placing her hand over her mouth, she couldn't believe that she had said something so thoughtless.

"Oh Nick, I'm so sorry."

After hanging up her coat, he walked towards her and smiled.

"It's okay Nat. Yeah, it has been a little while for me too. But I do believe that you are the first to apologize for saying it."

He pulled her into his arms, and playfully hugged her. Then pulling away, he gestured towards the sofa.

"Let's sit down for a moment."

Leaving his embrace tore at her heart. Couldn't they linger just a few seconds longer? The need to have him near was so great now that the brief show of affection was far too inadequate in satisfying her.

Watching Natalie turn away and move towards the sofa, he noticed the sadness that Tracy had mentioned. She was different. There was something missing. Her enthusiasm and passion was absent. But her beauty had not diminished. The flowing white skirt and white blouse made her appear angelic as she slid onto the sofa and waited for him to join her.

Thunder grumbled as the storm became more intense. Flashes of light began to reach into every dark corner of the loft.

Moving to be by her side on the sofa, made him dizzy, and he almost lost his balance while sitting next to her. Steadying him, she placed her hand on his forehead.

"What's wrong, Nick? Do you need to feed?"

Looking over, he shook his head as he tried to focus on her through blurred vision.

"No, that's not it! I had more than enough, but you're right, I do feel the need to feed."

All at once he pushed her back and yelled.


Determined to help, she helped herself back up and rushed to the refrigerator to quickly remove a bottle to bring him.

"I won't go. Let me help you."

Handing him the bottle, she watched as he grabbed for it with shaking hands. Holding her breath, she saw him empty the bottle in a moment and let it drop to the floor. She stared anxiously at him watching for any signs that he had repressed the vampire by feeding it. Seeing that his breathing seemed to be regulated, she again approached him.

"Are you all right?"

Reaching to touch him, she jumped as the thunder and lightning simultaneously tore through their silence. Again the lights dimmed, then the loft lost all power. Only the one candle burned on the piano. The loft became hauntingly dark as the candle threw shadows into the darkness in between the flashes of lightning.

Snatching her arm, he pulled her down onto the area carpet.

"Nick, What are you doing?"

"Shhh my love. I can make you immortal. We will be together forever."

"Nick, you're scaring me."

"Do you trust me Alyssa?"


Struggling to get out from underneath him, she pushed at him with all her strength. He sweetly kissed her on the lips and cheeks. Natalie broke away enough to get some air.

"Nick, I'm not Alyssa. Let me go!"

Smiling he covered her mouth with his, and kissed her deeply over and over again.

"Close your eyes, and give yourself to me."

Grabbing at her blouse, he pulled it down hard over her shoulder, and began to lick and kiss her neck, tasting her, relishing her.

"No Nick! I'm not ready!"

She fought fiercely as Nick closed his eyes then reopened them to her. They looked as though they were burning. Long fangs emerged as he continued to kiss her. Still screaming, she helplessly watched as his head reared back to strike. Thunder blasted into a deafening roar and startled him for an instant. This was the moment she needed. She caught him off guard, and knocked him off balance. Running for the door, she tripped over something in the dark, and cried out in pain and fear. Sitting on the floor, Nick tried to clear his head as he glanced across the room and saw Natalie on the floor near the elevator door. Thinking that she was hurt, he rushed to her, and helped her up. She surprised him by greeting his help with her cries and violently swinging out at him.

"Stay away from me! Let me go!"

Pulling her close, he tried to soothe her.

"Nat, calm down. What's wrong?"

Stopping to verify that it was the normal Nick that was near her, she took in a deep breath and started to settle down. Feeling frustrated and angry, she slapped his upper arm with enough force to make him realize that she meant business.

"What's wrong with you? And who's Alyssa?"

Shamefully, he looked down at the condition of Nat's clothes.

"What happened Nat?"

"Don't you remember?" She was still out of breath, but was calming down.

"No. You have to tell me what happened."

"Fine, but do you mind if we discuss this while I'm closer to the door?"

The pain of falling caused her to rub at her now bruised knee. Nick watched, and appeared to be in more pain than she was.

"Did I hurt you?"

"No, but you sure scared the hell out of me."

"I'm sorry Nat. We can discuss this wherever you feel safe."

"Well I don't know if that's possible. You're pretty fast and strong."

An involuntary reflex caused her to jump when he reached over to touch the spot where her blouse was torn, and he cringed.

"What did I do to you?"

"I think you were trying to bring me across, and you called me Alyssa."

"Oh G-d!"

"Who's Alyssa?"

"Nat, you may want to sit down for this."

Nodding, she let Nick guide her to the kitchen table where he lit a few more candles, and handed her a wooden stake. They sat at opposite ends of the table.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm giving you a fighting chance to protect yourself. Use it if this happens again."

"You've got to be kidding."

He stared at her intently without saying a word.

"You're not kidding are you? What is happening with you?"

"I don't know. I was hoping LaCroix might be able to help me with some answers. Tell me everything that just happened, it may help."

She sighed, "Okay, let's see. You looked as if you were about to fall, so I helped you regain your balance. I thought that you might need to feed, so I brought you a bottle. After you finished it, you grabbed my arm and pulled me down to the floor. You didn't seem to know who I was. It was as if we were in a different place, a different time."

"Did I say anything besides calling you Alyssa?"

Remembering she said, "Yeah, you said something about making me immortal. You told me to give myself to you."

Nick stood up and tightly closed his eyes as if he were in pain.

"I could have killed you."

"But you didn't."

"This time."

"I don't believe that. You would never hurt me."

His glare cut right through her as he spoke.

" I may destroy you, and not even realize it. I almost destroyed you as I did Alyssa. In the same way, and with the same words."

"Nick, who is Alyssa?"

"She was my wife almost 450 years ago."

His words became harsh and filled with bitterness.

"I killed her on our wedding night while trying to make her immortal. And now I almost repeated the same thing with you."

"Your wife? You were married?"

"It wasn't for long. Remember until death do you part?"

Thoughtfully, she repeated her own words.

"You were married."

"I've lived a long time, Nat. There is so much that you do not know about me."

"Did you love her?"

"Yes, I loved her then."

"But she died when you tried to make her immortal. Why? Why didn't it work?"

"I took too much. She trusted me, and I destroyed her in return."

Watching him caused her to feel his anguish.

"I'm sorry."

"It was a long time ago."

"Why are you thinking about her now?"

"She came to me last night, and asked me to join her. She said that I would be redeemed if I went with her."

"Go with her? You would have to ........"

"It would mean my death."

A frightened incredulous laugh escaped from Natalie.

"Nick, you're not considering this? What am I saying? Of course you're considering this. You think that this is your redemption. Don't you?"

"She said I would be able to be with her, but it would need to be soon. Nat, I promised an eternity with her, and this might be my chance."

"No, you're wrong! If she loved you, she would not ask you to die. You must be confused. You were just now, you thought I was her."

"I lost control just now. Something is wrong with me. It is not the first time. It happened last night also."

"Well whatever is wrong is the same thing that is causing these illusions. Alyssa doesn't want you to join her, she doesn't even exist."

"Nat what if this is my path to redemption? This is what I've been working towards for so long. How could I turn away?"

"You will be redeemed, but not by a ghost. It doesn't work that way. It just doesn't get handed to you. It takes a long time, and a lot of hard work like you're doing now."

"I used to think so too."

"Don't follow this ghost, Nick. She wants your destruction."

"Maybe it's the only way I can atone for all the devastation I caused."

"No, your destruction will not accomplish anything. Your redemption can not be reached by cutting yourself off from everyone. Promise me you'll not go with her."

Smiling lovingly, he reached for her hand to hold.

"I have to see LaCroix, and you should not be around me until this is settled."

"Just tell me you'll talk to me before you do anything rash."

Getting up from his chair, he walked over to her and gently pulled her up from her chair and into his arms, but he made no response to her request.


Stepping out of the Caddy, Nick looked up into the sky. The rain had stopped, but clouds still moved swiftly across the darkened sky. Three teenagers pushed ahead of him on his way over to the Raven's doors. If he was ever in the mood to visit his father, tonight was not it. The thought of LaCroix's certain lecture made him shudder. If he did not need some answers so desperately, he would be running in the other direction.

The driving beat, of the rhythm of the Raven's music, could easily be heard through the door as he stood outside and contemplated entering. After pulling open the door, he stood at the top of the stairs and made a quick assessment of who was patronizing the establishment tonight. The last person he wished to explain his presence there to, was Tracy. It wouldn't be at all surprising to see her there. After all, she still believed in vampires, and she might be keeping an eye out for Vachon. She always went to him for help in solving some difficult cases. The night that Divia had attacked Vachon, had been erased from her mind. But that he and other vampires still existed, was left to her as a gift. Tracy was left with only the good to remember, his own way of preserving the memory of Vachon.

So many mortals tonight. Between their most recent epidemic and Divia's threats, the Raven seemed more like an average club than a refuge for children of the night. Walking down the stairs, he kept his eyes on the crowd. The vibrations from the few other vampires in the room, reached out to him. Glancing in the direction of the sensations that assaulted him, he realized instantly that he did not know them. New vampires, young vampires. Their eyes followed him as he scanned the room searching out that one vibration that was always with him. The bond that had followed him into eternity.

With no trouble, he spotted LaCroix in his sound room. Watching his master at the controls, he smiled. How consistent in character for LaCroix to be the one running the show. How it suited him to be in control behind the scenes. Always the one with all the controls easily within his reach. Nicholas could tell that LaCroix was aware of his presence, and was in need of his assistance, yet there was no hint of recognition from the elder vampire as he began his broadcast.

"Good evening gentle listeners. It seems that the storm has delayed our evening chat. But now that our connection has been resurrected, the Nightcrawler would like to know - where were you when the lights went out? You were being good, weren't you? I am sure that none of you would take advantage of such trying circumstances. Although, should the opportunity to sin present itself, would your humanity prevail? A most interesting question. When your evil inclination raises its provoking head, is it good or evil that is victorious? Which will be triumphant?"

"Which brings us to tonight's most fascinating topic. The topic of evil. When trying to understand evil, where does one start? Well, what better place to start than at the beginning. How long did it take humanity to acquire and demonstrate their evil? Why not long at all really. It seems that the very first man and woman went out of their way to obtain this characteristic. They ate from a tree from which they were denied, and in doing so transformed themselves and all succeeding generations to have the attraction for evil. Their actions had them expelled from paradise, and made them mortal. They couldn't resist the temptation to taste of evil's seductive charms. To incorporate the knowledge of evil and to understand and appreciate it. By eating of this tree of knowledge they lost their chance to partake of the tree of eternal life, and they and all that succeeded gained a lifetime of everlasting struggle with this unrelenting guest they so eagerly invited."

"The evil they gained was passed right along to the next generation. Where no time was wasted in committing the first murder. What, my friends, is evil to you? We come from such a long heritage of evil. So....much....evil. Can the world ever rid itself of evil? In order to accomplish this, would we have to rid the world of ourselves as well? Call. Let's discuss. My my, a caller so soon. You hardly waited for me to finish. Have you called to speak of an evil? Is this an evil that was committed to you? Or one that you yourself have carried out?"

A deep but excited voice flowed through the connection.

"Nightcrawler? There is true evil in the world, and it must be purged."

A barely noticeable smile crossed LaCroix's lips.

"Oh really, and who pray tell is to accomplish this feat?"

The deep voice became even more sincere.

"I am. I know where the evil lives."

LaCroix's small hint of a smile converted into a wide grin, as he pulled himself closer to the microphone.

"Then you must give me it's address, so I can invite it to come and chat with us."

The man's sincerity turned to anger.

"You are mocking me about something that you do not understand."

Quickly becoming annoyed with this bothersome mortal, LaCroix's voice turned vicious.

"No my friend, it is you who does not understand. Go and fight your war with yourself somewhere else."

Pressing the disconnect button, LaCroix reached over to connect his next caller.

"I see we have another call. This is the Nightcrawler, and what is your evil?"

The telephone went dead in Andy's hand. A loud irritating hum poured out of the receiver, making him feel empty inside. Glancing at the radio on the shelf, he listened to the sound of the words of the man he was just speaking to. Slamming the receiver down, he then picked up the entire telephone and threw it at the radio. The wire was torn from the wall by the force in which he threw it. His head began to throb. No one understood that this pain had to stop. The lightning had told him that it was up to him. Tonight the time had once again come for the evil one to repay. The lightning that had struck the tree outside his window was proof that the messages were for him. How long and how hard he had prayed that his mother would help him in his quest for peace. But the peace did not come with the first two's deaths, and with tonight's death of Lou Bagley he still had not erased the pain. The killing of this evil felt good for only the moment. How he hoped for relief, but the memories still haunted him. So much more to be done, and he was the only one who could do it. There had been some relief by the death of this evil one. Maybe the pain had eased for more than a moment. Yes, how wonderful the sounds of his victim's screams. He closed his eyes to savor it. He wondered. Does a man yell louder than a frightened child? Trying to remember his past screams, hurt his head, and he again held his ears tightly. Was his victim's terror any worse than the terror of his own that night? What did they feel when they learned that their redeemer was the helpless child of years ago who had returned to reclaim what was so ruthlessly taken. The storm was over, and now was the time to wait. Wait for the next signal from his mother. Time to wait for the lightning.


Listening to his Master's broadcast made Nick wonder why anyone would call to be ridiculed for their beliefs. It also made him wonder why LaCroix wasted his time playing with the minds of these obviously disturbed callers. Then the thought struck him, that here he was patiently waiting for the same opportunity to talk to him also. Strange that it seemed so clear that others should not be conversing with this unusual being and that he should. Doubting his sanity about coming to LaCroix for help, his eyes never left his father as he waited for his signal.

A small nod from LaCroix, and Nicholas knew it was a proper time for him to approach his father. There was no acknowledgment of his presence as he closed the sound room's door securely, and approached his father. There would be only silence until the moment when LaCroix would feel it to be the appropriate time to discuss matters. Standing motionless before his father, he watched and waited. Finally, LaCroix looked up.

"I feel it my duty officer to inform you that all these power outages are reeking havoc with by business. Are you aware that it is only within the last few minutes that I have been able to resume my broadcasts to your fine citizens?"

Ignoring his sarcasm, Nicholas spoke up.

"LaCroix, I need your help."

"And here I thought you dropped by for a social call."

"Do you remember Alyssa?"

A surprised expression passed over his face.

"Your blushing bride? Yes........ Wasn't it you who removed that blush from her? I couldn't help you then, and I certainly can not help you with her now."

"LaCroix, something is wrong with me. I'm sick."


"I have been seeing Alyssa, and she has asked me to join her and be redeemed."

"Really Nicholas, how far does your perpetual guilt go? Is there no end to it?"

"I have been losing control. I almost attacked a stranger, and tonight I nearly killed Natalie."

LaCroix turned to get a drink.

"And your problem is?"

"LaCroix, I need your help. I can not go on like this. I feel weak no matter how much I feed."

He held up his glass of human blood to Nicholas.

"Maybe you should consider a change of diet."

"No, it's not the cow's blood that's the problem."

He placed the glass of bloodwine down on the desk, and stood up to face his son.

"Are you certain of that? You know we are not designed to derive benefit from animal blood, Nicholas."

"Why would the cow blood bring up visions of Alyssa?"

"The cow blood is only weakening you, making you more vulnerable to your pathetic guilty conscious."

Nicholas looked away from his father.

"Drinking human blood will not take away my guilt."

"Do you really want my help Nicholas? Or do you just want me to tell you to go to your dead wife and be redeemed? Isn't that the only way you believe you can be forgiven? Are you asking my permission to die? Is this shame of yours that intense?"

Nicholas's voice was almost a whisper now.

"I can not change how I feel. This has always been my belief."

"Is this a belief of the mind and the heart? Is this an abstract concept that drives you, or has it penetrated you to the core of your cold heart? You don't know, do you? Then I guess that the only way left is to die. But before you commence on this journey into the next world, ask yourself this. Do you really believe that your G-d is interested in all your efforts? Do you believe that when you go on to the next life that you will stand side by side with the righteous? Or have you been standing too long in the wrong path? Have you wondered if you have made peace with your Father in Heaven? Have you merited G-d's pardon? Or are you confusing eternal damnation with salvation?"

Nicholas's voice now wavered as he felt his strength diminish.

"I was offered redemption. Can you not understand my desire for redemption?"

Sounding indignant, LaCroix's words became filled with contempt.

"Redemption? Redemption from what? What you do not understand Nicholas is that you already have the redemption you seek. You were redeemed by me the night I brought you across. There is no other world. You have what all mortals never even dare to dream of. You need never die."

LaCroix stopped and waited for his son to make eye contact with him, and then sighed and continued.

"So you presuppose the existence of another world beyond this one. You must, what else would explain why you would agree to sacrifice this world, and all that is precious to you? What are you looking for, Nicholas?"

Taking a breath, Nicholas looked seriously at LaCroix.

"I need to know that I will be accepted into the next world. Alyssa has come to bring me to that world."

The time to talk with restraint had ended as LaCroix became enraged.

"You are not mortal! This is the only world! We do not need a world fabricated by mortals to ease their suffering during their pathetic existence. How could you wish for this mortal redemption? You, who can live as a nobleman, with no fear of sickness or death. You, who have lived the life of royalty, who, has only dressed in elegant robes and never in the rags of the peasant. You Nicholas, have dwelled in carpeted and mirrored palaces, and have had servants to do your bidding with the slightest wave of your hand. I have watched as you have partaken of only the best symphonies which were produced by the most inspired and skilled violinists and pianists. These are the sounds that should be resounding in your ears, not the preacher's call for redemption. Redemption is a mortal folly. Something that they created to tolerate their lacking, miserable lives. Don't you see that redemption is their only way out of bondage? We, who live well and forever, have no such bonds. I can understand that you are intrigued by this unknown. But it is no more than the attraction of a new book or any unknown sensory impression. It seems to me that your guilt and your diet has brought you back to your true nature."

Closing his eyes as another wave of dizziness came over him, he extended his hand to steady himself by holding onto the table that separated him from LaCroix. Seeing his son's trouble, LaCroix picked up the glass from which he had been drinking, and handed it to Nicholas.

"Drink this if you want any chance to regain what you are now losing."

Holding the glass between two shaking hands, he struggled to bring the glass to his mouth. A calmness filled him with his first swallow. The weakness began to diminish as the red liquid in the glass decreased. Feeling stronger, he looked up to LaCroix, and saw Alyssa standing in the reflection of the sound room's glass window. Startled, he released the glass from his grasp, sending it crashing to the floor and shattering. He pointed for LaCroix to look and shouted.

"Behind you LaCroix, Alyssa is here!"

As LaCroix turned to look, Nicholas almost flew out the door. Turning back to where his son just stood, LaCroix shook his head.

"Nicholas, what have you done to yourself now?"

Placing another song on to play, LaCroix then traced his son's path into the Raven's crowd. Standing in the midst of mostly mortals, Nicholas frantically turned in every direction. LaCroix caught up with him as he began to push aside the dancers as he made a path through the chaos. Each stared at him as he cast them aside, and yelled for them to move. Violently, LaCroix seized his arm and turned him around.

"Nicholas, I will not tolerate this behavior. You are making a spectacle of yourself!"

Nicholas's voice rose even as he tried to control himself.

"I am not insane, LaCroix! See for yourself!"

Separating two nearby mortals, he revealed the back of a young vampire who was talking to another. Dragging her closer, he spun her to face him. He pushed back her hood, and cried out.

"Reveal yourself!"

The music played on as the crowd scrutinized the blonde stranger who silently glanced back at all the watchful patrons. Feeling bewildered, Nicholas turned back to face LaCroix who stared intensely back.

"This is more serious than I thought."

Turning away, the senior vampire made his way back to the sound booth, leaving Nicholas surrounded by the crowd and his own confusion. Returning to his seat by the microphone, LaCroix stopped the music and switched on the power to the microphone.

"I am back fellow listeners with these questions. What does redemption mean to you? How will you know when you have achieved it? Is it only through death that we can truly learn if we have achieved our redemption? And what is it that we are looking for? Absolution? Or an ending? Don't exchange the real and lasting for a mirage. Make sure that your perception has not been tainted and that it does not veil the truth with desires that do not exist."

LaCroix thought of Nicholas, and took a long breath before continuing.

"So tonight as we examine the haunting effects of guilt, we will ask to what extent we will go in order to achieve atonement. How many of you out there believe that as long as a spark of life flickers in you that you can repair your sinful ways? And has this apprehension to always do what is right brought out the best in you? Or has it brought you to your knees, only to have your guilt visit you incarnate? Is sacrificing yourself the only way to bring an end to your disturbing view of life? Is your search for redemption only another way for you to be haunted by your memories? How far will you go?"

Andy listened to LaCroix's words as he methodically scrapped the mud from his shoes. Redemption, how fitting a topic. Smiling, he thought about how much closer he was to fulfilling his pledge to make those responsible make amends. He was the facilitator of redemption.

"How far will I go? As far as I have to, Nightcrawler. Until the lightning tells me that the evil has been wiped away, and I will have my payment in full. This is the only way to my redemption, and to theirs."


Tracy waited anxiously for her partner to meet her at the Carnival. Talk about déjà-vu, she never thought that she'd be back investigating another murder at the same place within 24 hours. If only Nick would get there already. Where was he? This was the second evening in a row that he was late. Reese was already inside pacing like a caged animal. Not only had one old friend of his been murdered, but now a third decorated fire fighter had been discovered close to the same location. Not only were these murders personally rough on the Captain, but this could mean real trouble for him if this case was not solved soon. And by soon they meant yesterday. Glancing down the mud soaked road, she caught her first glimpse of the green car coasting towards her. Nick was surprised to see his partner waiting for him in the parking lot, and not already involved with collecting the details. Slowing the Caddy, he drove along side her, and rolled down the window to talk.

"Hi Trace. Do we really have another one?"

"By the way the Captain's acting, you'd think we had hundreds in there."

"I'm sorry I was late. Why don't you get in, and we can try to park closer."

"This is as close as it gets. We have to use the regular parking lot. The owner doesn't want too much commotion. He said it's bad for business. Like finding two dead bodies isn't a problem. The park has power, and he won't close down again. The fire engines were only in there long enough to put out the fire. But everything has been secured, so we should get over there before that changes too."

Easing the Caddy into a nearby parking spot, Nick took in a long cleansing breath hoping to clear his clouded senses. Although the air was heavy with humidity, its scent was crisp and sweet. Tracy accompanied him as they walked towards the blaring carnival music and the multicolored spinning lights that bordered the amusement rides. The rain had finally ended, and all the carnival goers impatiently waited in long lines at the rides and exhibits. Most of the people paid only slight attention to the area that was guarded and sectioned off as they approached. Captain Reese was the first to notice the two detectives approaching.

"Nice of you to join us, Nick. I've been having them hold off on taking the body away for almost an hour now."

He was so tired of lying, that he tried to think of the closest thing to the truth he could come up with.

"Sorry Cap. I had something to do before my shift. Fill me in. How did this happen in the same place twice?"

Reese rubbed one hand across his eyes, and shook his head.

"Now that is an interesting question. It seems our killer was able to walk in unnoticed with a body, and start a fire again."

Turning around to see all the police and fire fighters, Nick became frustrated and his voice sounded irritated.

"This area was supposed to be secured. This whole park should not be open."

Reese felt helpless as he watched his detective's frustration with the situation.

"I don't have the authority to close him down, and by the look of things it seems like most of the people don't care anyway. I have gone over this a thousand times, and I just can not figure out why someone would do this. What's the motive? You know a lot of the fire fighters are calling these homicides the lightning murders. Looks like our killer works during electrical storms. It's just become even less safe to be a fire fighter."

Trying to let his Captain's comments sink in, Nick glanced around at the whirling carnival rides. Almost mesmerized by the colored lights, he watched as they appeared to melt together into long strips of glowing strands that encircled and surrounded themselves in time to the beating music. All movements, from the crowds, turned into fragmented geometrical shapes that seemed to want to reach out to him, and make him a part of their bizarre world. Shifting his sight away from the unusual optical illusions that his mind was playing out for him, he tried to concentrate on the reason he was there as he answered Reese.

"We'll find him Cap. He probably will not stop until we get him. Is Natalie still here?"

"She's still with the body. See what you can do."

Both Nick and Tracy began to walk towards the building that had been encircled with the yellow police tape. Stopping at the entrance, they looked up and then looked at each other. Nick gestured for Tracy to enter first.

"Horror ride, great. Well Trace, ladies before gentlemen."

"Thanks, at least we have lights this time."

As soon as they walked in, they knew that they had gotten there with no time to spare. The forensic team and Natalie were almost through, and were packing everything up to leave. Wasting no time, Nick walked straight to where Natalie was standing.

"Hi Nat, what have you got?"

"Well, besides a headache, I've got a fire fighter in his fifties with 3rd degree burns to the face except for one eye. Sound familiar? And a single gun shot wound to the head at close range, which with my best guess would be a .22 caliber again. Oh, one more thing. I think you may remember this guy. Take a look."

Turning towards the victim, Natalie unzipped the body bag on the gurney that was waiting to be wheeled out. A small gasp came from Tracy as she recognized the face and gently whispered.

"Oh my G-d, it's Chief Bagley from last night."

Natalie nodded and re-zipped the bag as she spoke to Nick.

"Looks like someone is pretty motivated to destroy fire fighters. Find him Nick, find the person responsible."

Signaling for the body to be removed, Nat walked over to Nick and pulled him off to the side.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better, but not too stable."

"Try to hold on. I'm working on your situation."

Following the morgue's assistants, Nat left the building with Nick watching as she left. If LaCroix was correct, about his problems being a manifestation of his guilt and his diet, then there really wasn't much that she was going to be able to do. As soon at Nat left, Tracy re-joined her partner.

"Did you get a chance to talk with her?"

Damn! He had invited her over to discuss her problems, and only ended up attacking her with his. They never had the opportunity to talk about what was bothering her, and now he told her to stay away from him. He turned to look into Tracy's anticipating eyes.

"No, not yet, but I will." Casting a longing look at the door from which Nat had just exited, he again tried to re focus his thoughts.

"Right now, we should look around here."

"Do you want to do that Nick? I was hoping to talk with the manager. One of the workers told me that his name is Robert Lacey. Maybe we are looking at this all wrong. Since two of the bodies were brought here, maybe this guy is trying to close down the carnival."

Nick looked intently at his partner and replied.

"Or send a message. Go and meet with him, and when I'm done I'll meet you back at the car."

Walking Tracy towards the door, Nick was able to see that Natalie was already in her car and following the coroner's van out of the park. Only a handful of officers remained to make sure that the crime scene was not disturbed, and they were busy talking to each other.

With the body gone, and the departure of the forensics team, Nick was able to get a closer look at the surroundings. The temporarily erected spotlights were over lighting the area causing huge shadows to fall wherever he moved. A commotion outside seized the attention of the officers, and they left to assist. Listening carefully, he was able to determine that a few kids had tried to sneak across the yellow barrier, to try and get a better look at the crime scene. As the officers began to question the youths as to the whereabouts of their parents, Nick resumed his investigation. There was nothing to be found where the body had been lying, and he started to walk towards the closest of the ride's cars. The car looked as if it had been pushed from it's tracks. Wondering if the original officer at the scene had disturbed the car or if their murderer had done so caused him to turn to inquire of the nearest officer. Just as he was about to summon the officer, he noticed that one of the boys that were being questioned was becoming frightened. Noticing the rise in the child's heart rate, he moved to intercede, but the child fainted. As everyone rushed to the child's aid, Nick could hear the boy's heartbeat return to normal, and he knew that he would come to shortly and be fine. Returning to the dislocated car, he noticed a small smear of blood on the side. It most likely was overlooked because of it's almost perfect match to the cars color, but he could smell it's tempting scent. Pulling out his pocket knife and a tissue, he scrapped at the drier parts of the blood until a few small flakes fell and were captured for later analysis. As he placed the sample in his pocket, he began to more closely examine the ride's car. Moving the heavy car effortlessly to the side allowed him to immediately notice a bandage type eye patch clinging to one of the car's wheels. Removing another tissue, he carefully wrapped the important evidence, and placed it beside the other sample as a new wave of dizziness assaulted him. Viciously, the hunger roared to life. He reached into his jacket remembering that he had luckily thought to fill a small flask at home to bring with him. No one was around as he retrieved the silver bottle with trembling hands and rapidly consumed its contents. The hunger dissipated, but his dizziness heightened. Feeling weak, he awkwardly clutched the car he had been searching while he desperately tried to remain standing. Again his finely tuned hearing picked up a sound in a different part of the ride. Someone else was there in the ride, he could feel it, but there was no heartbeat. Something very familiar was in there with him, and he ventured further into the darkness to confront it. Following the track on the floor, he curved around the corner and ducked as a roomful of plastic bats on strings fell in front of him. Laughing at himself for falling prey to such a lame attempt to frighten, he continued on. Just as he recovered from the prior unexpected trick, a large white ghost screeched towards him causing him to lose his balance and fall to his knees. It's long flowing sheets hovered above him as he forcefully swung out to remove the mechanical spirit from his field of vision. Realizing that he did not have the strength to stand, he crawled to the nearest car and tried to use it to pull himself up. The weakness was victorious over him, and he crumbled back to the floor. Unexpectedly, the ride came to life, and he became overwhelmed by the rapid and brilliant flashes of a strobe light. Bringing up one arm to protect his eyes from the pain of the harsh flickering lights, he squinted as a deluge of white lights and the screams and howls of a sound effects tape saturated his senses. Through the confusion, a familiar faint voice called to him.


Dazed and wobbly, he stood in the midst of the pandemonium and angrily shouted.

"Why do you come to me like this? What is it that you want of me?"

Gently and calmly her words surrounded him.

"It is you Nicholas who wants to be with me. I am here to show you the way."

His voice became softened by her serenity.

"Alyssa, I never thought I would see you again after the Kessel house."

"Nor I you, Nicholas. But circumstances have changed, and it is because of that meeting that you will now be allowed to join me. The time grows short, and this opportunity will not last much longer. Come now my love, and take my hand."

The strobe light now burned fiercely in his eyes, and he closed them as he tried to reach for her in his blindness. Barely parting his closed eyes from the overwhelming pain, he moved towards her and tripped over the tracks and fell backwards as a large sheet of sheet metal swept across the room and crashed into the wall opposite him. The strobe's flashing and the soundtrack both abruptly stopped as the room became illuminated by the dim glow of the overhead fluorescent lighting. Several officers rushed in to discover the source of the loud crash. As Nick began to pull himself up, he heard the yells of one of the officers after seeing him on the floor.


Struggling to stand, he called out to the officer.

"No, I'm fine. I just tripped."

Nick looked around as at least a half dozen officers began to examine the room. One approached him after a general examination of the surroundings.

"You tripped huh? Well you have got to be the luckiest guy around. I was just over there checking out that plate of sheet metal that's imbedded in the wall. If you had been standing up when that came loose... Well I hate to say it but I think it might have sliced your head clean off."

Reaching over to stabilize himself, Nick leaned his back and head heavily against the wall. Closing his eyes he rocked the back of his head from side to side. There was no strength to move. All his energy was being absorbed by the constant visions of Alyssa. As he leaned against the wall, one vision after another flooded him. Alyssa in the loft, Nat in the loft, Nat becoming Alyssa in the loft, and then LaCroix walking towards him with Alyssa in his arms. Tightening his eyes he could see LaCroix tempting him to drink of Alyssa. He could see Alyssa pulling him into the next world as LaCroix laughs and calls out that there was no other world. Then the vision intensified as the sound of LaCroix's laughter quickens as he called out to him that there is no redemption. Thoughts of LaCroix's words turned to thoughts of Natalie and her torn blouse. Envisioning the dark circles under her eyes, he then pictured her crying over his death.


The Morgue can be a pretty lonely place at four in the morning Natalie thought as she began to pull off the blood stained latex gloves. Lately she felt lonely wherever she was, even when she was with Nick. Picking up the plastic evidence bag, she studied the small metal bullet that ended Lou Bagley's life. The fine line between life and death never ceased to amaze her. Maybe that was part of the reason she was initially attracted to the vampire that was a part of Nick. The entire existence of vampires was incomprehensible. Creatures that were neither alive nor dead. Somehow, there existed a place between the world of the living and that of the non living. The undead, who because of what they were could survive in timeless eternity. To have a physical presence, yet never have to concern themselves with the physical problems of disease and death that plagued mankind. What a rare gift she had been given to be able to witness these miraculous beings. How many are given such a chance to observe and be a part of such super natural events and live to remember them? Surely, she was among the exclusive few to behold the wonders of their powers. It was impossible to imagine ever tiring of watching the rapid way in which Nick regenerated while healing. If nothing else, he would be a researcher's dream comes true. But of all the super natural abilities that she admired the most, it was the time table that they lived by that captured her interest. To live forever, with no time constraints, to know that there will always be a tomorrow. Turning back to the fire fighter's body, she clearly recalled how only the evening before he had been discussing this case with Captain Reese. Now, he was lying on her table about to be dissected. How fast life could be over without warning, it was frightening. The only thought more frightful was the one of living a life without meaning.

Pulling the sheet over her patient's face, she slowly walked to her desk while still clutching the evidence bag. After sitting down, she picked up the bag to again view it's contents and sighed.

"Well, at least I have some more evidence for Tracy and Nick."

"Nick," she sadly whispered his name to herself as she wondered where this life of hers was going. Was she deluding herself into believing that he felt the same for her as she felt for him? There definitely seemed to be an attraction, but was there any more to it than just that? Maybe he really did not love her at all. After all, she just discovered that he had been married before and to a mortal. There was never in all the time she knew him, the slightest hint towards any such arrangement with her. So, he was capable of falling in love, and wanting to be with someone for eternity. He wanted it with Alyssa, and not with her. How many other loves and marriages did he have over the centuries that she was unaware of? Tears began to blur her vision as she tried to subdue the hurtful feelings of Nick's lack of interest in her.

Over and over he claimed to be loving her by not condemning her to his hateful existence which he believed would damn her mortal soul. Therefore, he damned her to a different Hell. A life without him. Constant feelings and desires that never were to be expressed. A life without him was no life at all. Being trapped in her world was equally as painful as he proclaimed his darkness prison to be.

After all the years of trying, it was clear that there were only two possibilities that remained. One of them would have to enter the other's world. He could join her by becoming mortal or she could become one of the creatures of the night. All the options that would return his mortality to him had been explored except for one. They had not tried the only cure they knew to be successful. They had not tried Janette's actions that had unintentionally lead to a cure.

The night he had looked at her when they had learned of Janette's cure, it was as though he could read her mind. He must have seen the longing in her eyes when he approached her during the crime scene investigation. She told him then that she understood why he was too apprehensive to risk her in this attempt for mortality. But time had gone on, and now there seemed to be no other options. The only thing she could be sure of was that she could not go on like this. This was their only hope at sharing a life together. Either he would become mortal by taking a little blood at a time, or she would become like him and be a part of his world. A thought immediately flashed through her mind. What if he took too much? What if he killed her? Thinking about this possibility did not scare her. In a way this too would be a solution to her emptiness. A calm came over her, she was not afraid of death, only afraid of living a life without him.

Recalling how he brought Richard across, she remembered his tremendous restraint. They had held hands over Richard's almost dead body in the hospital as Nick gave in to her insistence that her brother not die. Maybe she had been wrong about Richard, but she was not wrong about them. There was no life for her to turn back to, loving him had made this so. A single tear lightly traced a path down her cheek. Looking up, she startled as she saw Nick standing in the shadows of the doorway. His eyes burning with a gleaming yellow glow.

"Nick, your eyes!"

He stumbled into the lab, and went directly to the examination table so he could lean against it without falling. He sounded weak as he spoke to her. "It's all right."

Rising rapidly, Nat quickly went to him and placed her hand against his forehead. The sensation she got from touching him was wet and cold. Removing her hand, she looked down to see that it was covered in his blood.

"Nick, what happened?"

"I saw Alyssa at the carnival after you left."


"She wanted me to come with her. I'll have to go soon, there's not much time."

"No Nick! Don't you see that you're sick? There is no Alyssa. She died a very long time ago."

Not knowing how to help him, she took his hand in hers and with concern in her voice asked, "How were you able to get here in this condition?"

"I drove. I had to get out before I was noticed, and I couldn't just leave the car. It was good that I had my dark glasses with me." Feeling weak again, he grabbed the table for support then continued. "I was supposed to meet Tracy, but I was hardly able to contain the beast. I came straight here. I'll tell Tracy that I had some evidence to give you."

Handing two tissues to her, he watched as she carefully opened the first tissue to view the blood samples. Then she uncovered the contents of the second tissue to discover an eye patch. Reaching under the table, she pulled out a fresh evidence bag and placed the new materials inside. Then she looked up into Nick's waiting eyes.

"These are good, but unless this is the killer's blood and eye patch. I'm afraid they will most likely be of no help. I do, however, have some information that may help. After analyzing the residue from around the eyes of the victims, I found that these eye patches that he uses are of a therapeutic variety. Most are just sold over the counter, but these are by prescription. Your killer may have an eye problem."

Thoughtfully, Nick responded.

"A problem that he wants to share."

Nat looked confused, "but he's using the patch to protect the eye.

"Maybe because he also has a protected eye."

Now things made a little more sense to her. "So, you're looking for a killer with an eye patch, and one hell of a psychiatric problem."

Looking away for a moment, Nick returned his gaze to Natalie and reached over to her, placing a hand on each of her shoulders.

"Nat, I want to talk with you. This is really why I came."

Although he already felt intoxicated, her scent only added to his previously distorted perception.

"I know that something has been on your mind lately, and I want to help. What's wrong, Nat?"

Suspiciously, she looked at him as ten thousand bottled up thoughts all pushed to be the first to be expressed. This was it, the opportunity that she had been waiting for. Eager to confess her deepest thoughts, she still hesitated. Was he really interested, or was this attempt no more than asking an acquaintance how they felt? Expecting only to hear that they are fine, and not really wishing a complete report on every ache and pain. Mulling over his motives, she thought how could she let this chance pass her by? It was time to let him know how she felt, and to find out what his sentiments were. There was nothing to lose. The worst that could happen would be that she would end up in the same situation that she was in now. Searching his eyes, she answered him.

"Nick, I am unhappy about our relationship. I'm not even sure we have a relationship. How do you feel about me? About us?"

"Nat you know how much I care for you. I would protect you with my life."

"That's good, I guess." Hoping for more of a commitment than that, she blinked back the tears while biting her lip. "And how do you feel about us?"

"I am my happiest when we are together."

Breaking away from his hold, she turned away as she spoke.

"But we can not really be together can we? Not like other couples in a relationship."

Feeling the pain of her withdrawal from him, he spoke with a heavy heart.

"No, we can not. I might hurt you."

Facing him once more, she tried to make him understand.

"Nick, I want a complete relationship with you."

"You know that's impossible."

Her patience turned to anger.

"Why? Because the vampire would bite me? Maybe kill me?"

"Nat please. This is something that I can not do."

"But I want you to. I want to be with you no matter what the consequences. I want you to bring me across."

"Nat, I can't......"

Interrupting him, she knew what his reasons were.

"I know,.. you can't condemn me to your horrible existence. Well you know what? It doesn't look so bad to me. What looks bad to me is my existence, but you don't see that do you? Because I am mortal, so I have a soul and I am fulfilled. Right? Well, I'm not Nick. I'm empty. I'm all used up."

Reaching out to her, he touched her hair as she twisted away.

"You are probably overtired. This will pass."

"No! This will not pass! I want to be a part of your life in every way. We tried to bring you into my world, but that didn't work. I can not go on like this." Tears began to fall as her voice broke into a sob. "Please Nick, I need you."

Pulling her closer to him than she had ever been before, he could feel the warmth and the form of her body against him. He wanted to be with her so badly that he was tempted to try, but in his present condition he would surely lose control and the beast would overtake them both. It would be so easy to let himself go, to feel her sweet tender kisses as he kissed away her tears. Summoning the strength of eight centuries, he pulled slightly away from their embrace and gently kissed her. A kiss so sweet that she smiled the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. To stop now would be too painful. He bent down and kissed her again, but this time with all the passion that he had so long denied. The beast only stirred slightly, but he knew it was there. It was waiting. Waiting to take control, and kill its prey.

So long she had waited for this she thought as she felt herself melting into his arms. Hungrily, she returned his kiss, only wishing to please him in any way, no matter what the outcome.

The beast still held back as the man proceeded to love her as the vampire knew he could not. Each kiss filled his senses as he continued to satisfy long overdue yearnings. Ravenously, his longings guided his kisses down her face and neck. Now, he could not remember the reasons that he could not make love to a mortal. The control was his, he had conquered the beast.

Her breathing turned into a pant as every nerve seemed to tingle with excitement. Blood pounded in her head as her cheeks burned red from desire. Making love in the Morgue wasn't exactly how she had pictured herself with Nick, but his touches were making it impossible to really think about their surroundings.

Something was different about him. His restraint seemed stronger, and there was something else, he felt confident. Running his hands over her body, he began to remove the surgical gown that was protecting her clothes, and let it drop to the floor. Then gently he eased her down on top of the gown, and softly laid her down as he continued to kiss her. Her breathing became slower and deeper as she watched him straddle her and begin to unbutton her blouse. Closing her eyes, she felt him finish with the buttons and lay on top of her. Again he began to kiss her. First her lips. He then kissed his way down the front of her neck as he moved to her chest. Savoring each moment, he traveled back up her body with his tongue and soft kisses. Stopping suddenly, he became drawn to the throbbing vein in her neck, and his fangs dropped into place. Leaping towards the rhythm that her heart seemed to call out to him, he painfully pulled away. There were no words as she watched him rise from her and race towards the door. The coldness and the loneliness of the Morgue returned to her. Sitting up in the deserted lab, she buttoned her blouse and cried until there were no more tears and it was time to go home.


Last night had been so wonderful. Nick had been intimate with her, well it almost happened anyway. At least she knew that he was interested. They would have to talk again soon. The rain was again falling, but it really didn't matter. Working down in the Morgue made it impossible to know what was going on in the outside world. So far away from any living human contact, that she could hardly remember what it was like to go for a relaxing walk, or out to dinner. So much was on her mind lately, and there was no one she could discuss it with. It was simple to recognize that the stress of being in the mortal world and the continual interactions in Nick's world were gaining on her. Although falling asleep was easy, she still always awoke exhausted. Each night lead to a more terrifying nightmare. The importance of psychological help right now was obvious. But where could she go? Did the vampire community offer professional services? From what she had seen, they certainly could use some help. Since she was pretty sure that didn't exist, the standard remedies for treating depression popped into her head. A psychologist was needed, but what good would that do? If she went, she would not be able to talk about what plagued her. Even if she could express to a psychologist her difficulties, there was nothing that could be done to help. What a mess her world had become, and no human could help her escape from this trap.

Sitting at her computer, she leaned one elbow on the desk and stared blankly into the monitor. How much could she make known to a therapist? Maybe an anonymous letter would work. Moving closer to the keyboard, she began to type.

Dear Abby,

My problem is that no matter how much I try to help or whenever I try to accomplish anything, it always turns out wrong. For the last six years my life has been the best and the worst it has ever been. Six years ago I met the man of my dreams. Unfortunately, he was lying on a slab in my Morgue because he had been blown to pieces. But that wasn't the strange part for it didn't take him long to jump up from the table and devour a pint of nearby blood. For some reason I decided to take his quest onto myself and cure him of a condition in which he has endured for 800 years. My attempts have all proven fruitless, and I do not know what else I can do. Half the time I'm not even sure that getting back his mortality is what he really wants. Lately, he seems to be further away from his humanity than ever, and I'm not certain that he cares. I want to be with him, but I can't. Why? Because the minute he exhibits the slightest interest in me, the vampire in him wants to take over and kill me. I guess you can say that it's sort of putting a damper on our relationship. So why am I taking a chance with my life by remaining in this situation? Now that is the sixty-four thousand dollar question. There is no logical explanation. I should have run the moment I saw what he was, but I didn't and I still can not turn my back on him and his community. I love him in all ways but one, and I crave that one physical way so that I may be a part of him and have him be a part of me. I know that this does not make sense, but there is no I have become trapped in his world, but I willingly entered this snare. I need to be loved by him, and I can not continue to be uncertain about the future. Life is beginning to seem so futile, a never ending struggle. Each day I see the results of ignorance, suffering, and evil that my job presents. My suffering does not end by just watching. I have personally experienced many tragedies, and have come close to death. I watched as my only sibling died before me, twice. Once as a mortal and once as a vampire. My beautiful god daughter was abused and murdered by a psychopath. My only attempt at dating almost resulted in my death at the hands of a serial killer. I go in for minor knee surgery, and the doctor has designs on my heart for transplantation into her own dying child's body.

I always seem to be on call to the vampire community. From saving them from having their existence discovered to finding the solution for an anti AIDS epidemic that was obliterating them. All the while not knowing whether it would be LaCroix, the master vampire, or the enforcers who wished to destroy me first. Things only seem to be getting worse. Recently, I have been dealing with the fact that my vampire boyfriend wants to follow his dead wife of 450 years into what he believes is his salvation. His afterlife of eternity. An eternity that he promised her on their wedding night. A night that he fears he will repeat with me if we ever become too close.

If all this were not bad enough, the darkness in him seems to be coming stronger lately. I have pulled him from the devil's clutches when he became possessed, and I had to explain how a cop who was shot in the head is not dead even though he was found to have no life signs. Of all the trials and tribulations that I have endured, the most traumatic was when his sister and lover of 800 years re-entered his life as a mortal. I don't know if I have ever recovered from the cruel inequitableness of her transformation. My life is kind of hectic, and I'm starting to feel as if I'm falling apart. So you see, I am becoming a bit disillusioned with this life. Any suggestions?


Worn out mortal

Just as she finished typing the last words of her sham of a letter, she heard the sound of the coroner's van unloading. A body was being brought in, and she reached over and tapped the delete key. Standing in anticipation of the crash of the gurney through the metal doors, she secretly wished she could have sent that letter that she just erased from the monitor. The doors swung open with that well known sound of metal hitting metal. Looking down at the zipped up body bag, she sighed.

"What is it Eddie?"

"Don't really know. Heard it was some freak accident. A guy with a wooden stake through his heart."

Her attention was fixed on the body as an incredulous half laugh escaped.

"What? I thought you said a stake through the heart, Eddie. What did you...."

Quickly turning back to face Eddie, she saw that he had left. Bringing her attention back to the bag, she shook her head as she approached the bag. Quietly she murmured to herself,

"A stake through the heart. Great, now I'm hearing things too. You know Lambert, you have too much vampire on the brain."

Starting to unzip the bag, she stopped suddenly and became apprehensive. Quickly she dismissed her fear as irrational, and allowed her curiosity to take over. Grabbing at the zipper, she pulled it until it was all the way down. Easing her way to the top again, she placed one hand on each side of the bag and pulled it apart. Although she tried to stop herself, she couldn't. She screamed and starting gasping for air. Nick was in the bag with a big hole where his heart would be. Pulling the bag wide open, she rapidly became hysterical.

"No Nick! Don't die! I'll get you some blood!"

Rushing to the Morgue's refrigerator, she tore open the door. It was empty.

"What happened! Eddie! Grace! Where is the blood?"

Racing back to Nick's body, she started CPR as she called out."

"Eddie! Eddie! We need blood!"

The door burst open, and in his hand she saw the bag of blood, and raced for it. Pulling hard at the bag did nothing, he was holding it too tightly.

"Give it to me Eddie."

A calm low voice answered her.

"Sorry Natalie, but Eddie is indisposed."

Nat looked up to the face that was not relinquishing the bag, and jumped back.

"Oh my G-d! Richard! I thought you were.........."

"Dead Nat. That is what you were going to say wasn't it?"

Backing further away, she stared at Richard as he walked towards her with blood covered fangs. Holding the bag of blood at her eye level, he dangled it before her on his outstretched arm.

"Do you need this blood for your boyfriend, Nat? The one who destroyed me?"

"Please Richard, give me the bag."

"I was your brother, Nat. How could you let him destroy me? I was trying to do the right thing."

Abruptly she realized that she could not go back any further, her back was against the gurney which held Nick's body. Both fear and anguish fought for her attention.

"You were wrong Richard, you would have destroyed me. You would have destroyed your own wife."

His voice rose, as he pointed to Nick's body.

"I was wrong? And this is what you judge me by?"

"Please, can I have the blood?"

Smiling, Richard tore open the bag with his fangs, and allowed it to drop to the floor.

"No, my darling sister. I'm afraid that you have just run out."

Trying to catch the bag as it plummeted to the floor, was useless. It hit the floor hard, as she also dropped to the floor in despair. Watching his sister on the floor surrounded by the spilled blood caused Richard to laugh as he spoke.

"Now he's dead too."

Sitting on the floor, surrounded by blood, she cried.

"No. Please, I need the blood. No."

Sitting up startled, she began to shed endless tears. Another nightmare. They were becoming more disturbing. Wishing that she would never sleep again, she began to shake with fear. How much more of this could her body take?

"Oh Richard, I'm so sorry."

Tears began to burn her eyes as she thought of Nick.

"I couldn't save you in the dream, Nick. Will there be a day when we will not be together? Will you die? Will I?"

Glancing around the room, she watched the shadows from the trees dance on the wall. She hardly dared to breathe.


Every ounce of her strength was used to get dressed and go to work. Between the evening encounters with Nick and the non- stop nightmares all day, it seemed doubtful that she would ever recover. The pain from the thought of losing Nick was so deep and prolonged, that she was certain that only those who had experienced such despair could understand. The hopelessness was like nothing else she had ever experienced. Her only longing was for a life with him. How much pain can a person bear? When will there no longer be this glimmer of hope? What will become of the two of them? Did anything exist that could save her from being consumed by anguish?

The feeling was like that of drowning as she silently pleaded for someone to throw her a lifeline. Except for her pain of loss and feeling, everything felt dead inside.

It was too early for her shift to begin, but she had to get out of the apartment before being condemned to another nightmare. The lab room where she always worked looked as if it had not been used all day. The lights were out, and everything looked as if it had been cleaned. It was so damn quiet. Maybe she had made a mistake by coming in early. Well, at least, there were no windows. Watching the rain seemed to make everything worse, if that somehow were possible. Never realizing how alone she could feel at work, she listened as each of her steps echoed on the tile floor as she moved to her desk. Some reports had been left for her, and she began rifling through them. Everything was back, but the one she was the most interested in.

Picking up the phone, she touched the button that held one of her often used numbers.

"Hi Jason, it's Natalie Lambert. I came in early and I was looking for a report on that sample that I brought in yesterday, but I don't see it. Okay. Will you bring it to me as soon as it's done? I really appreciate it. Thanks."

Replacing the receiver, she sat down in the darkened room, and laid her head heavily against the cool surface of the desk. Even though she felt so alone, she still liked the quiet and the knowledge that she would not be bothered by too much activity. Closing her eyes, she tried to wipe away all the disturbing images of the past couple of weeks. The hum from the vent above her seemed almost intolerable. Funny how she never noticed it in all the years she had been there. It was still better to be hearing the noise from the vent then hearing all the rain pour down on the city. There was nothing to do but wait for that report or for some poor soul to be wheeled in. Taking in a deep breath, she hoped that she could take a short nap without the reoccurring terrors that had lately been filling her subconscious.


The evening was perfect for a pleasant drive with the top down in the Caddy. It was a great suggestion of Nick's to have the refreshing air help clear her mind. This was even more relaxing than a long hot bath. How beautiful everything looked in the evening. All the street lights and the lights emanating from the homes sparkled as much as the stars above them while they drove. The Caddy rode so smoothly that she felt as if she were floating on air, until it came to a sudden stop. Before them were dozens of police cars blocking the road. Without a word, Nick jumped out of the car, and she decided to follow. Walking towards one of the officers, Nick pulled out his badge.

"What's wrong? Can I help?"

The officer's response was subdued.

"Sorry detective, but I don't think there's anything that can be done to save them."

"Are you sure? May I have a look?"

"Go ahead, but it's a waste of time."

Nick began to walk beyond the blockade, and as she tried to follow him the officer put out his hand to stop her. Startled by his response, she stepped back as the officer spoke to her.

"Sorry, but you really don't want to see this."

"I'm a doctor. I could help."

"Are you sure?"

Concerned by what lay ahead, she still insisted on being granted access.

"Yes, I told you, I'm a doctor. Please let me by so that I can assist."

"Okay, but remember, I warned you."

Giving him a confused glance, she urgently ran to find Nick. It did not take long, she was guided by the screams of the family stuck in the burning car. They were on fire before her very eyes, and they were imprisoned by the force of the accident. As her worst fear gripped her, she turned to observe Nick casually watching as the fire grew. Running to his side, she shook him to break him of his trance. "Nick, they are still alive. Help them get out!"

There was no response as the smell of burning flesh reached them.

"Please Nick, you have to do something."

Sighing deeply, he turned away from her and the fire.

"If you're not going to do something, then I will."

Rushing towards the flames and the heat, she pulled at the car's doors, but they were almost melted to the car's body. Looking all around, she spotted a large rock and used it to break the glass on the front door. Flames shot out of the new opening and allowed the fire to intensify due to the addition of the fresh air. Crawling through the window, she could hardly breathe. Something about this family was familiar, and a deep memory began to resurge. But it couldn't be, was this the same family that she had watched perish as a child during a family vacation? Turning towards them, she called out.

"I can help you now, I'm a doctor!"

The screams that had surrounded her had stopped. There was no sound, not even the cries of the children.

Turning towards the back seat, she extended her arm.

"I can help you, give me your hand."

She reached over the seat to pull out the youngest of the children, then gasped. At her touch, the child crumbled into black ash. Wrenching back her hand in horror, she turned in time to witness the others disintegrate before her eyes. Turning to escape, she found the way back blocked by flames. Coughing and gasping for breath, she moved across the front seat to the other window. Pounding on the glass, she screamed for Nick's help.


She watched in horror as Nick calmly made his way to the car, then stood silently by the window.


Bending down to the glass, he opened his glowing eyes and showed her his fangs as he slowly spoke to her.

"Better to die as a mortal."

Calmly turning, he walked away into the night. Fear seized her and she could not breathe as she tried to scream between the coughs.




Someone was tapping on her shoulder causing her to violently sit up feeling very disoriented and now hyperventilating. Placing one hand over her mouth and the other over her very rapidly beating heart, she tried to get her breathing to regulate. Terror was still in her eyes as she looked up at the young lab assistant with the folder in his hand.

"I'm sorry Dr. Lambert, but you said you wanted this report as soon as it came in. Are you all right?"

Taking a deep breath, she reached for the file with shaking hands.

" Yes, I'm fine. Just a bad dream. Thank you for bringing this to me. You were very prompt."

Smiling at the doctor's compliment, he turned to leave then looked back.

"Excuse me Dr. Lambert? It's awfully dark in here. I was wondering if you want me to turn on the light on my way out."

"Yes, thank you. I want to look over this report, and I don't think that I'll be doing anymore sleeping tonight."

Rubbing her eyes, she wondered if she had slept at all. She glanced at the clock, yes she had slept three hours. It must be after sundown by now. The horrible dream of the fire returned to her, making her feel sick. What a dream. Would he really just let her die?

With her breathing almost back to normal, she again rubbed her eyes and opened the file. Scanning the long list, her eyes immediately fell on the one standout. Checking the numbers again, she stood up.

"I can't believe it!"

Grabbing at the phone, she called Nick's loft. The answering machine picked up, and she pleaded for him to pick up the phone. Glancing back at the clock again, she knew where he had to be. His shift had started an hour ago. Pulling on her coat, she headed out the door and towards the Precinct.

Figuring that she had broken every traffic law by making it to the Precinct in record time, she raced in and began to search for Nick. There was no sign of him or Tracy. Desperately, she demanded the desk sergeant's attention as she nearly screamed.

"Where's Detective Knight?"

"There all at the special memorial service for the fire fighters that died."

"That's right, I forgot. When did they leave?"

"About an hour ago."

"Thanks," her voice trailed off as she disappeared from the desk sergeant's presence before he had a chance to respond.


Fire trucks from all over the country had lined the streets of Downtown Toronto, as the Caddy transported him to the memorial service. It was eerie to see all their flashing lights join with the lightning in the early dusk sky. The persistent searching for a place to park the large car finally paid off, as a car along side him pulled away. As he began to pull in, another driver rushed to claim the vacancy, and honked annoyingly at him. Stopping the Caddy, he got out and approached the bothersome driver. The man rolled down his window to argue over the prime location, and Nick could smell the strong odor of alcohol on his breath. The huge man fumbled to light a cigarette as he spoke.

"You ain't parking here chum, I'm meeting a few friends down the block for drinks. Find yourself another spot."

This was not the time to get into any discussions, especially with a drunk that could hardly find which end of the cigarette to light. Looking deeply into the man's eyes, he easily captured each beat of his heart. With trance-inducing words, he soothingly introduced his suggestion.

"You're not going to be joining your friends tonight. You're leaving your car, and taking a long nap on the bench over there. Oh, don't worry about your car, the police will take good care of it."

Obediently, the man opened his car door as Nicholas moved to the side. As he stumbled to the bench, Nick heard him mumbling.

"No friends. Taking long nap."

Smiling, Nick closed the car's door, and pushed it out of the parking spot and into the street. Getting back into his car, he then parked it and picked up his radio.

"81 Kilo here. Please send a tow truck to pick up a car that's blocking traffic on Norway Ave."

"Copy 81 Kilo, will do."

Still grinning, he recalled LaCroix's words once when they needed a table at a tavern. LaCroix had hypnotized the occupants into relinquishing their table to them. At that time, LaCroix had said, "that even eternity was too long to wait for a table."

Locking his car, he glanced back at the man who was now sleeping off his drunkenness. At least there would be one less drunk on the road tonight.

After a lengthy walk, he found himself at the base of a very imposing and old building. There were several broad sets of concrete steps that led to a row of monumental marble pillars that marked the front of the building. The sidewalk in front of the Memorial Hall had been simply adorned with three chairs, one for each fire fighter that had perished. Each chair had been draped in their prior owner's protective gear. In front of each chair, rested a pair of black boots and a fire fighter's hat had been laid on each seat. The chair's must have been on display all day, for Nick could see the thousands of gifts and flowers that had been deposited around the temporary monuments. Moving to the front of the crowd, he presented his badge to the security officer who removed the tape to allow him access to the building. Every fire fighter who made their way up the steps with him, wore a black ribbon around their arm signifying their unity and sorrow.

Scanning the crowd for a familiar face, and seeing the turnout of all the forces, reminded him of the vast memorial service that he had attended when Schanke, Captain Cohen, and all the other officers of Voodoo's deadly explosions had been killed.

The opened doors at the top of the steps blurred before him, as he steadied himself against the frame. He never should have consumed the cow's blood before coming here, for once he should have indulged in the human blood. There were just too many people, and too much temptation because of everything that was happening to him lately. But he had finished three bottles, shouldn't that have been sufficient to sustain him through the night? He had fed on the blood beyond the point of his hunger as a precautionary measure. As the dizziness subsided, he looked up to see Reese and Tracy directly ahead of him. Reaching over to him, Reese patted Nick on the shoulder and looked extremely concerned.

"Nick, are you all right? You look as if you were about to fall over just now."

Although he could not clearly focus on either of them, he could tell that they were concerned for him.

"I felt a little strange just now. Probably only my memories dredging up the tragic events that brought me here the last time, after Voodoo's acts of terrorism."

Reese's eyes clouded over as he relived those sad times. Patting Nick on the shoulder one last time, he indicated that he understood. Turning back towards the hall, he looked into the stately room which was rapidly becoming full. Quickly, he wiped away a tear then refocused on his two detectives.

"We should go in and locate some seats or we'll be standing."

Scanning the crowd, Nick joined Reese and Tracy as they began to walk closer to the crowd.

"Cap? I was hoping that we would stand in the back. I wanted to be in a position to easily view everyone, and be able to move if something looked suspicious."

"Sure Nick. Why don't you stand here by the entrance, and we'll find sites in different parts of the room. It's a big area to cover Nick. I wish you had told me. I would have brought more backup if I knew you suspected someone from the inside."

"I don't really. It's just that there is a common link here, and maybe our perpetrator will find this too irresistible to pass up. There is also a storm brewing, I saw lightning on the way in."

Shaking his head, Reese rubbed his throbbing head then looked back to Nick.

"Yeah, another storm. Seems like that's all we seem to have lately, and this maniac is just eating it up. This weather seems to be setting the mood for this gathering."

Some commotion at the far end of the room, caught Reese's attention. One of the high ranking fire fighters was frantically waving for Reese to come and join him and some others. Acknowledging, the man's motions with a wave, Reese muttered to both detectives.

"I've got to see what the problem is over there. I'll be back in a few moments."

Following his Captain's movements with his eyes, Nick stared at the disturbance that was unfolding at the other end of the hall. Numerous heads of departments teamed up with Reese and the other fire fighters across the room, as Nick watched their discussion become heated. Trying to filter out the other voices in the large hall with his sensitive hearing, proved fruitless. Abruptly his focus was interrupted by his partner's voice.

"Nick? What exactly are we looking for?"

Shifting his eyes from Reese and his group of dignitaries to Tracy, made her aware of just how concerned he was about the scene that was playing out across the room. His glance rapidly returned to the Captain as he spoke to her.

"I don't know yet, but something is very wrong here. I can feel it."

Seeing how her partner's eyes were not withdrawing from the Captain, now made her uncomfortable too. She looked over to were Nick had his gaze fixed, just in time to see Reese quickly heading towards them. By the time he reached the back of the hall where they stood, he was out of breath.

"Nick, Tracy. I was just speaking with the coordinators of this memorial. They are telling me that their key speaker, Robert Lacey, is not here and can not be reached. They even sent someone over there to escort him here, but the place was torn up and he was gone. Everyone's afraid that something bad has happened to him. I just found out that Lacey was good friends with the other three that died."

Thunder crashed, and could be heard even above the noisy crowd as both detectives took a moment to assimilate the new information. With an extremely concerned voice, Tracy spoke up.

"Captain? Did you say that Robert Lacey was friends with the other three?"

"Yes. He used to be a fire fighter a long time ago. Does that mean anything to you?"

"That's the name of the manager I spoke to at the Carnival, but I didn't know that he was a fire fighter."

Enthusiastically, Nicholas turned to Tracy.

"Tracy, can you get some information quickly? I have a theory about what is going on."

Picking up on Nick's excitement, Reese broke back into the conversation.

"There's an administrative office down the hall. We can probably gain access to some of their computers."

Nick turned to the Captain and spoke enthusiastically.

"I need to check one thing first, but I might have an idea where Robert Lacey might be."

Reese moved swiftly down the hall while closely followed by his two detectives. In no time they reached the necessary room, and Tracy located a computer that was still on and displaying it's screen saver. Sitting in front of the computer, she logged on as both Nick and the Captain leaned over to view the monitor. When she was finally granted access, Nick directed her.

"Tracy, see what kind of family information you can find on Robert Lacey."

Tracy energetically typed onto the keyboard, as the monitor filled with information. Page after page flowed over the screen as Nick ran his fingers over the words. After a couple of minutes, Nick pointed to a location, and asked her to stop searching.

"Look! Robert Lacey had a child, but he was taken away and put in foster care shortly after his wife's death. Tracy see what you can find out about the child."

After a brief search, Tracy smiled as the child's name flashed across the screen and she excitedly called out.

"I found his name. It's Andrew, Andrew Edwards. His foster name is Edwards."

"Okay Tracy, Does anything say why Andrew ended up in foster care?"

"I'm going to have to switch to a different set of files. Give me a moment."

A moment was all it took, and Tracy proudly spoke out.

"Here Nick. Look at this."

Straightening himself, he directly faced Reese as Tracy looked up at both of them.

"This is our killer Captain. Andrew Edwards has Robert Lacey. We need to get some units over to Andrew's residence and to the Carnival." Again, Nick bent down towards Tracy.

"One more thing, Trace. Remember the notes? He always ended them with that biblical quote about being gathered to their people. Tracy, can you find out for me where Andrew's mother is buried?"

Looking back at Nick and giving him a strange look, she asked,

"You want the Cemetery?

"Humor me."

"Okay. I'll just need another moment. Here it is. She's at St. John's Cemetery."

"Where is that?"

We're not too far from it. It's over on Kingston Rd. 256 Kingston."

Nick stood up to face the Captain again.

"They're there! Just like the note says. I'm going to try to stop him if it's not too late."

Pulling out his car keys, he handed them to Tracy.

Trace, someone's got to check the Carnival in case I'm wrong."

Turning, he dashed out the door. Trying to call after him, Reese rushed into the hall to the front door, but there was no sign of the detective anywhere. Becoming frustrated, he mumbled loudly.

"How's he planning on getting there with no transportation, all this traffic, and a storm on the way?"

Shaking his head, he pulled out his phone and called dispatch for backup. As he barked his orders into the phone, he saw Tracy running by.

"And where are you going?"

Waving Nick's key, she yelled out as she left.

"I'm off to the Carnival. I'll meet backup there."

Watching his young rookie detective vanish into the storm to locate Nick's car, he called after her knowing that she couldn't hear him.

"Isn't anyone sticking around here? Someone has to coordinate this. Damn, I have my detectives off to all parts of the city,"

Each blast of thunder was causing distortion on Reese's phone, and he slammed it against the wall just as Natalie had finished running up the steps and spotted him. Breathlessly, she grabbed at Reese's suit jacket.

"Where's Nick!?"

"Somewhere between here and St. John's Cemetery would be my best guess. But I don't know how he's getting there without his car and...... Dr. Lambert? Dr. Lambert! Damn! I think the whole world has gone crazy tonight."

Losing no time, Natalie charged down the steps towards her car which she had parked many blocks away. The rain had already begun to fall by the time she reached the bottom step near the chairs that stood in memorial to the slain fire fighters.

As she turned in the direction of her car, she caught herself as she slid on the newly dampened sidewalk. But she could not slow down. It was a matter of life and death that she get to Nick before his next encounter with Alyssa. Muscles ached in her body that she had forgotten existed as she ran as fast as humanly possible. Frustrated now that she had never found the time for that exercise program that she promised herself each New Year.

"Come on Lambert, you can't give up now." Pushing herself, she shifted from a half run to a steady jog. The blood pounded in her head as her rapid heart rate forced her breathing into short pants of air. The car was almost a mile away, and she wished that she could stop and catch her breath. Each time that her body demanded rest, the image of Nick's situation drove her to continue past reasonable endurance. Finally, her running paid off, and she arrived at her car which had become surrounded by late comers to the memorial service. Panting heavily, she looked around at all the traffic and felt defeated. How was she ever going to get to Nick in time? Unlocking her door, she jumped in behind the steering wheel and located her cell phone. Dialing in Nick's number as fast as her fingers would allow, she heard nothing but static. Starting the car, she twisted the steering wheel and merged into the traffic. Silently, she whispered.

"Please G-d, is there a prayer for vampires?"


As the lightning flashed, Robert Lacey caught a glimpse of his now grown son on his way towards him with a rolled up newspaper and a lighter. Desperately struggling to move, he could feel the already tightened ropes tear at the flesh around his wrists.

"Don't be afraid Father. It will only hurt for a little while. Not like me. I have had to live with the pain of what you and your friends did to me my whole life." His bitterness poured out.

As sweat dripped into Robert Lacey's eyes, he then understood that it was Andy who had killed the other fire fighters.

"Did you kill the others Andy? Did you do that to their faces?" His words were filled with repulsion.

"I saved them, just like I'm going to save your miserable excuse for a soul."

"No Andy, don't you see you killed them? It was wrong."

His son's words exploded throughout the Cemetery.

"WRONG!? WRONG!? How dare you tell me what is wrong! Do you have any idea what my life has been like? DO YOU?" Andy continued, his voice roaring above the thunder.

"You made me into a freak! You have no idea what I went through!" Suddenly, he stopped, and calmed himself as he began to grin.

"But I forgive you because G-d forgives you and will redeem you through my work. I am going to save your soul, but we must wait for the lightning to tell me when. Did you know that Mommy has been helping me? She tells me who is next, and she's always right. She told me one night through the lightning."

Andy hid his face in his hands, and began to sob.

"I miss her so much."

Wiping his unpatched eye, he suddenly stopped crying and pulled a gun from his jacket pocket. Aiming the gun towards his father, he walked towards him and smiled as he pushed the barrel deep into the center of his intended victim's forehead.

"I have an idea of something we can do while we're waiting for Mommy. I'm going to untie your hands and you are going to save me some time by starting to dig right over there."

Going behind his father, he cut the rope and pointed to the shovel.

"Pick it up and dig! Dig next to Mommy's stone. I bought the plot. You know, it took most of my salary for three months, but it was worth it. It's yours now. That's right it's a gift from me to my Dad. Don't look at me like that. It's not as if you won't be needing it soon. Now dig!"

The broken-down fire fighter lifted the shovel, and swung out at his son's arm that held out the gun. Missing in the darkness, he twisted and fell to the ground as Andy jumped back angrily.

"Don't try that again! YOU HEAR!"

Andy held his head from the pain of the unexpected stress. He would have to act soon before the pain incapacitated him. Lighting the newspaper, he ran towards his father in a blind rage and struck at his face with the flames. The old man's screams echoed throughout the cemetery as he tried to protect his face with his hands. Andy held his head harder as he yelled out.

"It wasn't time yet!" He slammed his fist against his forehead.

"This is all wrong!"

Not knowing what to do, Andy became frustrated and reached into his pocket for more rope. Pulling his father's hands behind him again, he tied them so tightly that they bled. His anger with himself made his brain throb until he was sure that his skull would burst.

"LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO! I never put the patch over your eye, and now it's burnt. Both eyes are burnt! Why did you have to ruin it?"

Robert Lacy, did not hear his son, he rolled on the wet dirt writhing in pain. Pacing around, Andy looked up at the lightning filled sky.

"Mommy? What do I do now? I'm so sorry Mommy." Then suddenly he paused and smiled. "Thank you Mommy for your help. You always know how to fix everything. I can make everything all right again by not letting this be my last redemption. That way I will be able to help so many others. I was thinking so selfishly. There is no reason why I shouldn't be helping the rest of their families. You are so right Mommy, they can all be together. I'll redeem the children and the wives. They will be a family again, just as we will be when I am done."

Lightning struck near the ground nearby, and Andy closed his eyes as he allowed the joyous feeling of peace to wash over him.

"Thank you Mommy. Daddy will be with you soon."

Calmly turning, Andy watched as his father screamed out a piercing cry of pain.

"Help me I'm blind! I'm blind!"

"Don't worry about your eyes Daddy. Mommy is ready for you to be with her now."

Raising his gun, Andy stood over Robert Lacey. Aiming with a steady hand, he leaned towards his father and slowly squeezed the trigger. Lacey's moans guided Nicholas to the location he was searching for. Nick landed between Andy and his father and began to growl and bear his fangs. Reflexively, Andy raised his gun and began shooting at Nicholas as he walked closer. In a moment, the gun was empty. Dropping it, he ran to pick up the shovel that lay towards his Mother's tombstone. Holding the shovel high above his head, Andy screamed at Nick. "GO AWAY! I HAVE TO FINISH THIS!"

Trying to gain control over the situation, Nick showed his empty hands to Andy, and spoke authoritatively to him.

"Put the shovel down Andrew, it's over!"

Frozen in place, Andy stared past Nicholas in awe.

"Mommy, you've come to help. Mommy you're here!"

Nicholas looked back, and could see the blonde woman several meters behind him. She was dressed in white, but her face was veiled with her hood. It was Alyssa.

"Andrew, what do you see?"

"Mommy, Mommy is here for me."

"Do you see her too?"

Ignoring Nicholas, Andy spoke to the apparition that he believed to be his Mother.

"Yes Mommy, I will send him to you. I can't shoot him like the others, but I'll kill him, I promise. I'll use this shovel."

Raising the shovel even higher over his head than before as Nicholas called out to him.

"Put it down Andrew, Now!"

Tears of happiness streaked Andy's face as he held the shovel high above his father's head, and prepared to strike. Nicholas yelled "NO!" as one of the multiple lightning bolts that were illuminating the graveyard became attracted to the shovel. As the force of the energy tracked a path through Andy, his body trembled then fell lifelessly over his Mother's tombstone. There was no heart beat, nothing could be done for him. Slowly, Nicholas rotated to see the ghostly figure reach out for him.

"Come Nicholas, my love. Take my hand and we will be together."

"You're real, he saw you."

"Of course I am real, and so is your redemption. Take my hand, there is but little time."

Curving back to look at Andy, Nicholas pointed to the limp body that hung over the stone.

"That is not the type of redemption I seek Alyssa. Have you come only to watch me die?"

"Come my Nicholas. The heavens have heard your cries. You have been granted your deepest desire."

"What of all those I have destroyed?"

"They have forgiven you."

"How could they?"

She walked closer through the lightning and thunder with her arm extended.

"They can rest now, and so can you. Come with me."

Taking a step towards her, he stretched out his arm even though the lightning strikes were almost blinding him. Any strength he had was gone, he longed to be in her protective embrace again just as they were on their wedding night.

"I'm so tired Alyssa. It's been so long."

"I know my love. Once you take my hand your pain will be all over. The guilt will be gone."

At peace, he walked until their hands were within inches of each other, and he spoke to her once again.

"You are certain of my redemption?"

"Yes, of this I am certain."

Their hands made contact, and she fiercely seized him around the wrist and pulled him towards her with great strength. Then suddenly, she startled and gasped and looked into Nicholas's eyes with shock. Slowly, she released his hand, and looked down towards her chest. A large wooden stake had pierced her heart, its sharp point emerging several inches beyond her body. Nicholas's attention fell to her side when a large wooden stake that she was carrying dropped from her grasp. Collapsing onto Nicholas, he caught her as she slid down his body. Gently, he laid her on the ground as blood flowed out of the corners of her mouth. Brushing away the veil from the top part of her face, as he easily recognized Alexandria laboring for her final breaths.

"I should have killed you while I had the chance."

"Why like this Alexandria? Why?"

"I knew of your love and your guilt over your wife 100 years before you murdered me. I knew it all from your blood that night. I wanted to repay you for all the suffering I have done. Then I wanted you to die."

Nicholas looked up at Natalie who was still in shock that she was actually capable of pushing a wooded stake through any creature. She had saved him. If she had not staked Alexandria from behind, he would have been dead by now. Without thinking he would have walked into Alexandria's trap. Ensnared by her, she would have staked him. But because of Natalie, it was Alexandria who now lay dying on the ground. Blood gushed from her chest wound as she gasped and coughed.

"How is it possible for you to be so lucky?" Her eyes froze wide open and she disappeared in swirling smoke before their eyes. The stake that had destroyed her fell flat to the ground. It was all that remained.

Everything that had happened was taking a toll on Natalie, and she began to tremble. Rising, Nick tightly pulled her close and embraced her as she cried.

"She was right. I am lucky. Lucky to have you."

In the distance, Nick watched the flashing lights of the approaching squad cars. Within a short span of time, several police officers raced towards them. Nick briefly withdrew from Nat as he produced his badge, and spoke to the first officer.

We need the paramedics here. This man has been burned, he may be blind."

One officer walked towards Andy's body, but Nick stopped him.

"We will need the coroner's van for this one. He was the killer we were looking for. There is no help for him now."

Placing his arm around Natalie's shoulders, he began to walk with her towards the cemeteries wrought iron gates. It was becoming hectic there with all the newly arriving cars as each one parked. As they drew near the road, he could see Nat's car and he moved her closer to it as the paramedics raced by with its lights and sirens. Leaning her against the car, he clung to her closely.

"Nat? How did you know?"

Pulling away, she wiped away her tears and sniffed.

"Last night, before I left the loft, I took one of your bottles with me. It was only a hunch, but all the problems we had began after you drank the blood. I left a sample to be analyzed this morning, and when I got in I found out that it had extremely high concentrations of S. Toxifera. That's curare, and it's lethal. You should be dead, but I guess since that can't happen that it still caused you other problems. Anyway, I knew that someone was trying to poison you, and it had to be someone who knew you drank blood. I knew it was another vampire, not a ghost. From what you told me, they were trying to destroy you. Why did she want you dead?"

"It's a long story Nat, and if it wasn't for you, I would be dead now. I guess I wanted salvation so much I was blinded from the truth. Alexandria found my weakness and used it against me. But you know Natalie, for a moment I almost felt like I could be redeemed."

"You will be Nick, I have no doubts."

Nick pulled her close to him again as Reese pulled up and got out of his car. They separated as Reese walked towards them to talk.

"Nick, I heard on the radio that you found our killer. Sounds like you put an end to this lunatic's reign of terror. There's going to be an awful lot of grateful fire fighters. Good work Nick. Oh, Dr. Lambert, I'm glad you're here. Hope this is not too soon for the two of you, but we just got a call from across town. Looks like a suicide, but I need the two of you to check it out. And Doctor, I hate to be the one bearing bad news, but it looks like the victim knew you. She left her diary addressed to you. I think her name was Dr. Laura Haynes. I already spoke to Tracy, and she's on her way there."

Natalie looked up at Nick too stunned to breathe.


Thankfully, Nick had taken her away from the horrible sight of her friend's suicide. It was so painful to accept that Laura had ended such a promising life, and even worse was the realization that she could understand her motivations. Every time that she tried to explain to Nick how she related to Laura's pain, he either dismissed it or had to leave. The moment when she finally had him discussing the necessity of bringing her over, he had received an urgent call from the Precinct. A prisoner, by the name of Dawkins, had taken possession of an officer's gun and was irrationally out of control. Later, she had heard that Tracy had been in the line of fire as Nick had unsuccessfully tried to reason, and then hypnotize the gunman into putting down the weapon. Now came the grievous news of Tracy's death as she prepared to confront Nicholas.

Nat slowly replaced the receiver with great emotional pain as she repeated Captain Reese's words to herself. Tracy Vetter had just died of the gun shot wounds she had received at the Precinct while she and Nick tried to stop an out of control criminal. The Captain had called her in hopes of finding his detective there, everyone had been desperately trying to locate Nick regarding his partner's death. The Captain requested her to let Nick know about Tracy if she sees him.

Yes, she was planning on seeing him. Not only was she on her way to see him, but she was packed. Recent events mixed with the never ending longing to be with Nick, had made this life unbearable. A single tear slid down her face. Laura considered her to be her best friend, and that was true, at least it used to be. But the years and their career choices lead them not only from each other, but from pursuing their own personal lives. If she had known of her friend's distress, could she have stopped her from taking her own life? What could she have said to Laura that as a psychiatrist she had not already said to her own patients hundreds of times. Laura had so much to give, but she most likely grew tired of the giving and tried to regain something salvageable from herself. The problem was that when she stopped to look for her reasons for living, all she saw was emptiness. Fear gripped Natalie as she thought of how easily she could relate to her friend. After reading the diary she had left for her, she realized that the only difference between herself and Laura was that Nick was in her life. Nothing meant anything except for him, not even life itself.

Glancing around the darkened Morgue, she thought about what she was about to do. It was late, and the graveyard shift had all left to return to their families and homes. Even the janitorial staff was gone, she stood there alone as she spoke softly to herself.

" This may not be right, but I just can not live without you Nick. Now, as I sit here and wonder about what is right and what is wrong, all the lines begin to blur. Do the ends justify the means? Do I even know what the end is, or where it will lead me? Am I really that much in love? Am I that sure? I am about to risk it all. To possibly never walk in the sun again. I ran the race for the cure, and I lost. There was no cure, at least not a medical one. No matter how fast I ran or what I did, I could not compete with the vampire. Somewhere along the way to trying to find this cure for this condition, I fell in love. So before I leave my lab for the last time as a mortal or possibly forever, I am going to make a decision that will affect us both Nick. I have to tell you the news of Tracy's death, and you are going to blame yourself as you always do. You will over react, and the result will be that you will destroy us both. Either by moving on and leaving my world, or by attempting to bring me into your world. There is only one thing that we have not tried. Something that we have observed to work for another vampire, Janette. I know that I love you as much as Janette loved Robert. If this method works, we must give it a try. Why do we go on pursuing new untested methods, when we know of a method that has worked? We have to try because it hurts too much to go on like this. I only hope that you will understand what I am about to do. I know that it will seem selfish to you, and it is to a large extent. But please consider my motivation. If you can not stop, and you bring me to the point where I can be brought across, then I know that you will be forced to make a decision that you really can not handle. You can not think beyond your own emotional state, and I fear that you will make a decision that will condemn us both. I know that I am making this choice for the both of us, for I know that you can not! I do not want you to be put into the position of making a decision for the two of us, that may be regretted. By taking this out of your hands, you can not have the guilt that you undoubtedly will have. What I am about to do now, will make the decision mine, and will allow us a life together if it comes to that.

I know that I do not comprehend your world, but you do not understand my life either. You believe that because I am mortal that I have everything. Nothing could be further from the truth. I would gladly give away my mortality to be able to love you. This is something that you do not seem to fathom. Mortality is not the wonderful place that you think you remember it to be. Not only are we subjected to death and disease, but to all the pain of every emotion. By associating with you, I have taken on the pain of your world too. Knowing you has made me aware of a suffering that I never knew existed before. I can not exist in my world any longer. I do not propose to understand your world. I know I can not, but you can not understand all that compels me as well. You see mortality as the answer to all your obstacles, well it is not. Our difficulties are the same as yours except we have precious little time to solve them. Living forever does not make you cursed, it makes you blessed. You have forever to learn, to understand, to correct the problems that plague humanity.

I stand on the side of mortality, and I see emptiness here for me. My mortality is only an obstacle that keeps me from being with you. My only reason to continue living has been because of you, and if you move on without me you will have killed me as surely as if you drained every last drop of my blood. Do not agonize over my desire to join you in eternity. I do not enter your world without tremendous forethought. Unlike you when you made your decision, I fully accept this as a gift and I will treasure it and not abuse it. Forgive me Nicholas for taking this out of your hands."

Walking to the refrigerator, she opened the door and reached into the back to retrieve a narrow metal box that was always kept locked. Tears were making it difficult to see as she prepared the syringe and wiped the alcohol filled cotton against her arm. Plunging the needle into the sample bottle filled with the dark red fluid, she slowly pulled back on the plunger. Then she repeated the process until several tubes were filled. Taking a short piece of rubber tubing, she placed it around her upper arm as she guided the needle into her vein and emptied the first of several tubes into her bloodstream. After depleting all the tubes, she gathered the spent materials and threw them into the hazardous waste basket. Now came the time she had waited for. It was time to talk with Nick about his faith. Destiny was about to arrive, it was time for Nick to make love to her.


Things had happened so much faster than she could have ever imagined. Within only a few minutes, Nick had returned to the loft to hear her news of Tracy's death, and had finally consented to make love to her. Now, as unconstrained visions of Nick's past lives penetrated into every area of her mind and body, she struggled to regain consciousness. Even though she knew that Nick was only a short distance from where she lay, he sounded to her as if he were speaking through a pillow. Although she could barely figure out where she was in time and space, she knew that Nicholas had taken more than a little blood, and that she was dying. As Nick's invasive thoughts began to fade, the words that she had just spoken to him filled her head.

"Make love to me Nick. Take just a little at a time."

She could still recall the look in his eyes as he struggled with this dilemma. He was so pained as he spoke to her.

"I'm afraid for what might happen."

Trying to calm his fear, she gently stroked his cheeks almost cupping his face between her hands. With each of her tender caresses, his resolve seemed to melt away as she softly spoke.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not afraid of death or of an eternity in darkness as long as I can spend it with you. All I have is faith and love. All I'm asking is for you to make love to me. I trust you."

Those were the words that convinced him to make love to her. The words that granted permission for the beast to bite her, and pursue the only way they had not tried. Reaching up, he clasped his hands around hers while both man and beast united. With no power left to resist her, he looked down and closed his eyes. Then slowly, he looked up and revealed to her the fiery eyes of the vampire. With so much devotion for her he said.

"I won't leave you. Whatever happens, we'll be together."

"Forever," her whispered word trailed off.

So gently he had kissed her on the lips. So hungrily he then nipped at her wrist as she closed her eyes in anticipation of their togetherness. All parts of her quivered while she watched his sharp fangs descend, and felt his hand push back her long curls from her neck. His bite was rapid and accurate as both pain and pleasure collided. Then 800 years of his sensations poured into her at tremendous speed as her life was being drained from her. Now she could hear LaCroix's voice reminding Nicholas of why he clung so tenaciously to his life. Reminding his son how precious life was. LaCroix was trying to talk Nicholas out of joining her in death. He was planning on dying with her.

Kneeling next to her, he picked up her hand. His only wish was to spend his last few seconds touching her and gazing at her before LaCroix would help him by plunging the wooden stake through his heart thereby ending his painful existence. Maybe in death he could now be with her, something in life that he failed to accomplish. Just as she could not go on living in a world without him, he could not go on without her. The only way now was to follow her into death. These precious remaining seconds would have to last them both throughout eternity. All he could see was her, as he waited for LaCroix's final blow. A gift from his father that would not only give him peace, but the chance to be in the next world with his love. He could not keep her in this world of darkness, he had to let her go as he longed to join her in the next world. How beautiful she was he thought, as he heard LaCroix's frustration and pain as his father lifted the stake over his son's back preparing to strike.

"Damn you Nicholas!"

LaCroix's angry words caused the beauty before him to stir, and Nicholas threw his arm behind him to block the descending sharp stick.

"Wait LaCroix!"

The stake went flying towards the fire place, and broke in two. Nicholas reached under Nat's head and pulled her into his arms. With a weak smile, she reached up towards his face and brushed away his tears.

"Nick, no more tears."

Looking at her in disbelief his voice was shaking as he spoke.

"Nat? What have you done?"

"I'm sorry Nick, but I took the decision out of your hands."

"I don't understand Nat. You're a vampire now. I didn't want that for you."

"I know, I wanted it for me and for you if that is the only way it can be."

Distress permeated Nicholas's face as he helped Natalie to her feet, and spoke softly to her.

"Things will be different for us now."

"In some ways, but different doesn't have to mean bad."

LaCroix, who had been silent suddenly broke in.

"My dear Doctor or shall I say grand daughter. Let me congratulate you. I believe you to be the first of our kind to have brought themselves across, yet still have a master. Nicholas is your master, is he not? I can feel the family bond myself."

"I'm sorry Nick, but I used your blood to inject myself before I arrived tonight."

LaCroix smiled at the irony. The very reason she had his blood was to return him to mortality, yet she turned it around and instead used his samples to make herself into a vampire. Her new grand father took her hand.

"How very resourceful of you. Although, I have never underestimated you my dear, but your timing was quite precarious wouldn't you say?"

"I didn't expect Nick to try and kill himself. I guess as Nick, I hadn't thought it through. LaCroix, were you really going to.......? Would you have.......? If I hadn't come to in time?"

Calmly, LaCroix took in a breath and released her hand.

"You see Natalie, after you have lived for 2,000 years, there is very little in the world that affects you. As the centuries pass, you realize how little purpose there is in anything, and how fleeting the most passionate of feelings actually is. Soon all emotions and feelings become meaningless as you realize that even the most pervasive of feelings will fade and disappear. Then something like what happened just now, touches you. It causes you to hurt like you never thought possible. It gnaws at the empty bottomless hole that lives with you daily. That's when you realize that a place has opened up that you were sure had died or may have never existed at all. In this allusive place, you see something greater than all the other things that the centuries had laid witness before you. And, although to be in this position, there is no greater pain. You will not leave, you do not wish to leave. The only way to remain is to act in a way that you would never think possible. Would I have granted Nicholas his request? Let us just say that I would not have departed from that place."

Shuddering, Natalie realized the implication of his words.

"I understand. I'm glad it didn't come to that." A sharp pain ripped through her body almost causing her to collapse. "I am so hungry."

With her words, Nicholas raced towards the refrigerator to bring her some of his cow's blood, but Natalie called after him.

" No, Nick. In my bag. I brought four pints of blood. I was expecting this. Will that be enough?"

Shock and disappointment overcame him as he spoke.

"It will be enough to start Nat." He looked at her as if he didn't know her. "I am going to need a few minutes to clear my mind. So much has happened, so fast."

As Natalie's first tears of blood streamed down her face, she now knew that vampires had souls for hers was being torn apart by Nick's reaction. As LaCroix watched his son's response, he became frustrated.

"Don't be a fool Nicholas. She saved you from making a decision from which you could not live with and from which you were willing to throw away your eternity."

Nick walked to Natalie's bag in silence, and obediently followed her instructions. Opening the bag, he half wished that it did not contain the blood she proclaimed it to have. Cautiously, he looked in and saw the neatly packed blood placed one over the other. So much of his life had been made with emotional decisions. So many of his biggest problems came about from not thinking things through. Yet Natalie had calculated this moment down to the detail of bringing her own blood supply for the anticipated first hunger.

He loved her so much, so why did he feel so betrayed? Shouldn't he be feeling happy now? A new turn of events. Why was he so confused? Reaching into her bag, he emerged with the four pints of human blood, and brought them to his new daughter. Her smile for him quickly disappeared as he approached, and she saw the expression on his face. Holding the first of the four bags out to her, he whispered to her with no emotion.

"You should eat now."

Sadly, she looked deeply into his eyes, as another pain ripped through her. His pain, more powerful than the unyielding hunger. With a pleading voice, she spoke to him.

"Nick, please try to understand."

Opening the plastic bag, he moved closer to her and calmly encouraged her. Again, he whispered to her, barely audible even with her newfound enhanced hearing.

"Eat now."

The smell of the blood from the opened bag beckoned her to taste it. She could see and smell aspects from it that she had never noticed before. Back in her mind somewhere she knew it was blood. Blood from a corpse she had recently autopsied, but that thought seemed so meaningless so foreign. Now it looked like the most magical serum she had ever seen. Removing the miraculous liquid from Nick's grasp, she took her first sip of the fascinating solution. Pleasure erupted throughout her body. The sensual delight consumed her, as she consumed it. Finishing the first pint, she realized that gratification was still very far off. She needed more. Carefully opening the second bag, she raised it to her mouth to find each swallow filled with beauty and rapture as it's spirit replaced her hunger pains. She felt a willing captive, enchanted by the ecstasy it brought. Longing to taste another bag, she ravenously devoured the third bag. The pains were almost gone, yet she went on to the final bag. This time feeling the comfort it brought as she felt transported to a place in her mind where everything was at peace. Was there ever a time in her life when there was so much harmony?

Looking back towards Nick, she could see his heartache at her metamorphosis. The evening had been a huge ordeal for the both of them. He had still not recovered from the shock. With her first hunger quenched, her attention turned towards a sullen Nicholas. After she had taken the last bag from his hands, he had gone to wearily sit in the corner of the sofa. LaCroix came close, and placed his hands on her shoulders as she watched Nick grieve for her mortal soul. It was the beginning of a new day, and LaCroix turned to pick up the remote and close the blinds. How many times had she'd done that same simple act for Nick? Now she would never be in the sun again without fatal consequences. She watched as LaCroix turned back towards her when he finished closing the blinds.

"I will stay the day. I suggest we all get some rest now. Natalie, I believe you know the rules?"

She nodded her head. The rules. Yes, the rules of survival. The code, the unwritten law by which every vampire must regulate themselves. After six years with Nick, she understood what LaCroix was telling her. By closing the blinds, he was reminding her of her newly chosen lifestyle out of the light.

Watching LaCroix lift off the ground and land near Nick's bedroom, caused her to smile in anticipation of her own visions of flight. Could she already fly? The desire was overwhelming, but she went to sit down next to Nick. As she got close, he never turned to look at her or even blink as the bond between them almost hummed from the vibration. A sudden thump interrupted her thoughts. It was her heartbeat. So strange to feel it only once. So many new experiences were assaulting her body. All kinds of sights and smells that had never revealed themselves before, were now pounding at every part of her body. It was frightening. How she wished that Nick would help her now. Looking back at him she inwardly pleaded for him to understand what she did. Placing her hand over his hand, she tried to break him of his trance.


He stood up causing her hand to slip off him as he stared at her with vacant eyes. Softly he spoke.

"You will need to sleep now."

"Please Nick, you are hurting me! Please talk to me!"

"Natalie, I do not pretend to know what motivated you to desire this. After all the struggles you have witnessed since we met, you condemn yourself." Angrily, she moved towards him.

"Condemn myself? To what? To have a chance for a life with you?"

"This is not a life, Nat. This is a phantom of a life."

"I don't believe that, and even if that were true it is still a place that we can be together."

"You have been infested with evil, my evil. The wish to do harm will overcome you without warning. You will live with the abomination of your own depravity daily, and you will accept it as a part of yourself as you restrain it. I trusted you Nat. You said that you trusted me."

"I know, I know you see what I did as a betrayal of your trust, but it was not my intent to mislead. I only wanted to be with you. I was hoping that if you took a little at a time, then we could be together as mortals. But I feared that the temptation would be too great, and that if I survived you could never justify making me into all that you despise about yourself. I didn't know what to say to convince you that my love for you out weighed my love for my mortality. It is a concept that you can not understand. That I would give up so easily the gift you so strongly desire,"

"You have damned your soul along with giving away your mortality."

"Do not mourn for my soul Nicholas, or for my heart for I lost them both to you the night we met. It is only now that my body is in harmony with my soul. Don't you see that I have been like this for six years. The only difference now is that the process is complete."

"Natalie, I was going to let you die. I wanted to die with you."

"I know, but now we can be together in this world. We don't have to die to be together."

Nicholas pulled his child and lover close to him and held her firmly. Hesitant to let go, fearful of how close he came to losing her.

"This is the right decision, Nick."

His control over his emotions weakened as he allowed his love for her to replace his anguish.

"I'm glad you are here with me, so many years were wasted. We have so much lost time to make up."

Natalie smiled in his arms, "And an eternity to do it in."

After a few minutes, he reluctantly pulled away and wiped away her tears as he spoke lovingly to her.

"We have to sleep now, especially you. I will stay by you until you fall asleep."

Leading her to the sofa, he sat on the floor as she lied down. He patted her hair as she drifted into the first deep sleep of a new vampire.

"Sleep for now my child, my love."

Nick watched as she slept. Her beauty enhanced by her conversion. Maybe this was for the best, only time would tell. Tonight after feeding, they could finally be together as lovers should. She had done the only thing that she could, he could never fault her for that. She had given everything, her very essence just to be with him. Picking up her hand, he felt his love for her flow and he kissed it gently then placed it over his heart.

"Whatever there is left inside of me belongs to you, and I will prove it every night that we exist. You are the proof that I am not damned. You are my redemption for I have never felt more blessed."

Leaning against the sofa, his hand still tightly clutched around hers, he closed his eyes. Envisioning them as lovers, he tenderly smiled. She had once said that she would help in his quest to see the sun. She had not disappointed him. For here in the dark he sat basking in her glow. There could not be a brighter star, and she had just given that special light to him. So many years he had searched for the light with his eyes, while he only had to close them to feel her gift of light. He had been chasing after a sun that he had all along.

The End

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