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(1999) Lightning Always Strikes Twice takes place at the end of season three in the series. The characters of Nicholas, Natalie, Captain Reese, Tracy, and LaCroix will be featured in this novel.

In this fan fiction, all the events that led up to Nick and Nat’s fateful decision to try one last attempt for a cure, will be examined. All that contributed to Nick allowing the vampire to bite Nat, is displayed in this story.

Natalie has become increasingly depressed and is plagued with doubts of Nick’s love and by nightmares. At the same time, Nick is having his own problems. He is relapsing back to his vampire nature. He has begun to lose control, and is being bombarded by Alyssa, his dead wife from centuries ago, who is asking him to join her in the next world.

As Nick and Nat fight their individual demons, someone is killing firefighters in Toronto and Nick and Tracy are trying to follow the clues that will lead them to the "lightning murderer." As each summer electrical storm intensifies, their killer acts out his own personal delusional hell. Both Nick and Nat will have to make some life altering decisions that will lead them to the final moments in Last Knight.

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