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Spoiler: Last Knight

Although I firmly believe that "Last Knight" never happened, I wrote this just in case I was wrong, and out of my frustration of how Nicholas never told Natalie how he felt about her.

You could have said I love you just once

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© 1999

Do you believe what I do.

I have faith in us but still,

you could have said I love you just once.

In taking my life you have gained your mortality.

This is not the mortality I wanted for us.

This is not how I wanted us to be together.

This is death.

This is eternity.

The moment I met you I knew there was no turning back.

It was the beginning of the end.

I became as damned as you proclaim yourself to be.

There was no life with or without you.

I did not know how empty my life had been before you.

But now - we die together.

We are truly eternal.

I always knew this might happen.

I could not give back to you what you lost eight hundred years ago.

Some things can not change.

Some things should not.

For when things between us changed,

you wanted to move on. But it was too late.

You would have left an empty shell.

There would be nothing left.

I would not have recovered.

I believe that we were meant to meet,

but you could have said I love you just once.

Have I been dreaming?

Has this all been imagined?

We never shared love, yet we did love.

We really shared so much more than love.

There was hope, faith, dreams, caring, and understanding.

We knew, we just knew.

I just can not remember all that we knew.

I was drawn into your world, and I willingly left mine behind.

Is this our darkest hour? Is this the only way?

Must we travel down this path?

Your taught me to laugh, to cry, to feel.

Why did we start this? Didn’t we know where it would end?

You could have said I love you just once.

Did the world need our love? Our slow dance into the inevitable?

It was love at first sight for me.

I know our paths were meant to cross.

From out of the distant past you brought me my reason for everything.

For almost eight hundred years you lived and loved before we met.

Now you surrender, I surrender.

Did we lose?

Are we defeated?

We gave all we could give.

There are no more chances.

You still could have said I love you just once.

So much was left undone.

So many un-danced dances and unsung songs.

I am dreaming that we are dancing, almost floating

around and around.

I see only your eyes and your smile,

as we turn in dizzying circles.

But where we dance it is getting darker.

Our dance is over, it is time to leave.

Will you take my hand, and walk with me?

I can not lose you now.

I need you here with me.

And you are here as you said you would be.

You did not leave me.

I guess you never really had to say it......

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