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Andrew Ference Pictures

Close up
Playing defense
Simple shot
Fixin' his shirt
Complain' about a penalty called on him
Nice action type shot
Looks upset
Before game
Pregame skate
Before game II
Hard to describe shot of Andrew and Aleksey
Nice shot after game outside arena
Another nice shot outside arena
Walkin' to his car
Head shot
Leanin' over the bench
Simple bad shot of him
Nice shot, if flash was on. (came out to dark, so i lightened it up on the computer)
Tried to get action type shot, but didnt work
Streching before practice (a tad dark)
Taken a break
An okay shot
Drink some water

Ok action shot
Side shot
Pre game
Nice shot of him smiling
Alright shot
Nice shot during break
Jumpin over bench
Ready for the face off
GREAT shot with him all dressed up
Nice close up
Another nice shot
Lookin' down
Signing autographs
Side shot
Close up during practice
Nice shot at practice
Slightly blurred shot(but you still get the idea)
Mad at ref for not making a call
*Nice clear shot
*Before game skate
*Blurry shot with his cut
*Ok shot

Andrew in Leather

*Dressed in black
*Nice side shot
*Close up
*Another side shot
*Nice shot
*Gotta love that bandana
*Him and his bike
*Lookin down at a kid
*Posing with the kid
*SWEET close up
*Profile type shot
*Mr. Joe Cool
*Nice shades
*Gettin ready to ride
*Getting ready to ride II
*Almost ready
*Starts the engine
*Rides off
